plant genus

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Ginsenosides are a class of steroid glycosides found exclusively in the plant genus Panax (ginseng).
Among the 24 species included by Kumata (1998) in the subfamily Oecophyllembiinae 20 have hostplant records published: 15 are restricted to one hostplant; three have more than one hostplant, but are restricted to one plant genus; and two have more than one hostplant in more than one plant genus, but are restricted to one plant family.
Which fruit of the plant genus Cassia is used as a natural laxative?
Pameridea (Hemiptera: Miridae): predaceous bugs specific to the highly viscid plant genus Roridula.
The authors cover the fundamentals of disease diagnosis and management before listing the general types of diseases and host plant genus classifications.
Pointsettia is part of the plant genus Euphorbia, many of which are indeed poisonous--but pointsettia isn't one of them.
Thus, if summer phlox, roses or any other plant genus is chosen that is resistant to mildewing, the disease will not be able to develop.
The plant genus Rhodiola is predominantly Asian, but three species are native to North America: Rhodiola integrifolia, Rhodiola rosea, and Rhodiola rhodantha.
And surprisingly, the plant genus Solanum, which gives us such favorites as the potato and tomato, is also the source of many nuisance weeds.
Forrest also added to the established plant genus of Roscoea,named after the great Liverpool polymath and amateur botanist William Roscoe.'' Dr McLean's interest in botany started as a schoolgirl when her mother taught her how to press flowers.
Wright from the University of Bradford, West Yorkshire (UK), is dedicated to Artemisia, a plant genus which has received great attention since the discovery of the anti-malarial drug artemisinin from Artemisia annua.
Usually, the plant genus can be determined from the leaves.
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