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Words related to qoph

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The omission of textual cross-references is puzzling, and its system of transliteration of Hebrew can be frustrating (k represents both kaph and qoph, for example), but, for the rest, as a scholarly achievement that offers the fruits of modern biblical scholarship, the JSB can be warmly recommended.
This is the case in both GENMODEL and QSI as well as in several other systems, including MISQ (Richards, Kraan, and Kuipers 1992) and QOPH (Coghill, Garrett, and King 2002).
The fact is that the two first letters are not there at all, the third is dubious (a hells or a qoph look more plausible than a taw), and the end of the word may be read either [LANGUAGE NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] or [LANGUAGE NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].
When scored by this dictionary, my solution loses an additional five words (byre, crwth, dight, qoph and qursh), whereas Jerry's solution surprises again by losing only one word (qoph).