sounding board

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Synonyms for sounding board

a person whose reactions to something serve as an indication of its acceptability

(music) resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
He added: "I'd appeal to opposition councillors, MPs and MSPs not to indulge in political posturing but to come to the table and influence the direction of all services - my plea to the SNP group is that they join us on the sounding board."
The creation of the Sounding Board comes in the wake of a report by the Law Society, which showed that adoption of technology remains limited across the legal sector.
I hope the interactions between the members of our Editorial Board and our Sounding Board will help show how to keep our democracy strong.
"This was a prime opportunity for the largest opposition group to represent their constituents by taking part in Budget Sounding Board.
To learn more about the poll and see previous Sounding Board polls, go to sounding-board.
With their years of experience in giving you the greatest in all your home theater needs, Sounding Board Home Theater Plus would like to promote this alfresco lifestyle.
Looking into a suggestion from The Sounding Board that trees' leaves should be left where they fall, the team found that in accordance with the Department's landscaping contract, managed by the General Services Administration, leaf-blower use is limited to weekends and early morning hours in the fall, and that leaf debris is ground, composted and reused in landscaping--a Sounding Board suggestion for embassies overseas that is being applied right here at home.
It's about having a sounding board because if you hold in all your thoughts, dreams, anger and anxiety than you're only hurting yourself," she added.
He will have a big role in advising and being a sounding board."
"Alex will be the key - he will have a big role in advising and as a sounding board.
Virgin Atlantic's statement read: "There is a time and a place for Facebook but there is no justification for it to be used as a sounding board for staff to criticise the passengers who ultimately pay their salaries."
A Residents' Charter for Gresham and Middlehaven has been drawn up in conjunction with the Community Sounding Board, which includes representatives of residents living in the area where 1,500 homes have been earmarked for demolition.