voltage drop

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a decrease in voltage along a conductor through which current is flowing

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References in periodicals archive ?
* The single track from U4 to the FPGA voltage ring is the largest source of voltage drop.
where [z.sub.g]--the grid impedance, [Z.sub.gm] = [square root of [R.sup.2.sub.g] + [x.sup.2.sub.g]]--the magnitude of the grid impedance, [[phi].sub.dg] = [[phi].sub.gi] + [[phi].sub.zg]--the phase of the voltage drop in the grid impedance, [[phi].sub.zg] = arctan([x.sub.g]/[R.sub.g])--the phase angle generated by the grid impedance.
On-potential of-850 mV with consideration of voltage drops other than across the structure-electrolyte boundary
This current is measured as a voltage drop that is generated as it passes through a resistance calibrated against the quantum Hall resistance.
This provides a significant advantage, the company said, since most components have connectors and sockets with little, if any, room for checking a voltage drop with the component installed.
Typical forward voltage drop is between 0.33 and 0.41 V, while the use of nickel silicide junctions reportedly eliminates switching losses and enhances the devices' suitability for use in small-sized, high frequency magnetic components.
They obtained a DC potential voltage drop (which is proportional to current) of 0.072 [plus-or-minus]0.050 millivolts per kilometer.
The rectifiers have a low forward voltage drop, low power losses and high efficiency operation.
As shown by the modeling results: increasing the load-switching source, the transition process brings override (voltage drop) is not greater than 10%, but the system is stabilized, if a sufficient source of power.
Both convert a 12 to 24 VDC power source to a 24-VDC, 0.75-amp regulated output, compensating for the voltage drop that occurs with long cable runs.
Features include a capacitance test capability from 1,000 pF to 10,000 mF, diode polarity and voltage drop measurement, and programmable high-voltage ramp time.