How to purchase GAMS

You can purchase GAMS and many integrated solvers directly from us.

We offer named single-user and machine-based licenses. We are always happy to discuss any special licensing requirements.

Please consult our-price lists below, or email us at [email protected] for more information.

To receive a quote please provide the information below:

Contact Information

  1. Name of the user *
  2. Email address *
  3. Company *
  4. Department *
  5. Full Postal address *
  6. Country *
  7. VAT ID (European countries only)
  8. Preferred currency (EUR or USD)
  9. Are you associated with a degree-granting institution (you might qualify for academic pricing).
  10. How did you hear about GAMS?

Technical Information

  1. Required Platform(s): Windows, macOS, Linux*
  2. Number of licenses: how many named user or machine-based licenses*
  3. Required solvers: A comprehensive list is included in our price list.*
  4. Any additional comments

* Required Information