Safety comes first at George & Lynch

A major part of the George & Lynch daily business theory is the practice of good safety procedures.

We reflect our commitment to safety in the continuous improvement of our experience modification ratings (EMR). More important, we recognize and honor the moral obligation to provide a safe work environment for everyone on site.

A low accident rate is never an accident. Safety is everyone’s personal responsibility, from the crew members pouring concrete footers up to the roofing subcontractor and back down to the management team supporting the accomplishments of our field and office workforce. No work situation justifies the compromise of George & Lynch’s commitment to the highest level of safety practices.

Recipient of the Governor’s Safety Award

George & Lynch has received this award every year since 2003.

George & Lynch, Inc. safety policy

The safety of employees and of the general public is of vital concern to the management of George & Lynch, Inc. It is our intent to conduct all operations of the company in a safe manner for the protection of our employees and of the general public.

Each employee shall be assured of a safe and healthful working environment. It is, therefore, the policy of the company to follow operating practices and procedures that will result in safe and efficient operations.

The superintendent and the foreman are the key people in our safety effort because they are in constant touch with all employees and are aware of changing conditions. They are charged with conducting a safe, efficient operation at all times. Safety is an operating leadership responsibility and cannot be delegated to a subordinate or to a staff function. Every individual who supervises, directs or controls the work or actions of others is responsible for the safety of each person under their supervision, direction or control. In addition, all such individuals are responsible for the safety of equipment and property within the area of their responsibility.

Each employee has a responsibility to themselves, for their own safety and health and that of others with whom they come in contact. In carrying out their assigned work, each employee must observe all safety and health standards related to their work. They will immediately report any unsafe working conditions or practices to their foreman. All work will be conducted in a safe, efficient, workman-like manner and in full accordance with the accepted safety standards of the trade and Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

George & Lynch Risk Manager is Ken Heinsch (302-342-3122 or [email protected]).