48 Recent and Upcoming SFF Retellings to Read in 2023

Posted by Sharon on January 16, 2023

Some stories are so good that they cycle back into the culture over and over, in different eras and guises. These can be folktales and legends from the distant past, or more recent stories in the literary canon that are so well-known, they qualify as modern myths. We often refer to the books that pick up and rework these stories as retellings, and there are a million variations on the theme.
We’ve gathered here a compilation of recent and upcoming retellings that have a connection to the adventurous literary tradition known as speculative fiction—science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other related genres. Sometimes the source story itself is speculative in spirit, as with The Daughter of Doctor Moreau, Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s riff on the classic H.G. Wells tale. Sometimes the new book adds a spec fic twist to classic literature, as with The Chosen and the Beautiful, Nghi Vo’s fantasy remix of The Great Gatsby.
Several of the selections below veer into historical fiction or horror, and some defy categorization altogether, which is always fun. The recent titles here were published in or after 2017, and the upcoming books are slated to drop in 2023. Among the incoming titles, you’ll find some intriguing options: Medea retold in 18th-century Calcutta. A queer sci-fi Hamlet. Pinocchio as an android. These SFF authors—whatever will they come up with next?!
Scroll over the book cover images for more details, and add any interesting variations to your Want to Read shelf.


Available Now

Coming in 2023

Do you like speculative fiction retellings? Share your recommendations in the comments below, and let us know which 2023 retellings you're eager to discover!

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Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Jellybean70 (new)

Jellybean70 The Bear and the Nightingale is perfection!!

message 2: by Ethan (new)

Ethan Marissa Meyer has a lot of these kinds of books, with some of the most popular princess stories in a far future, Star Wars-esque world, and two books about Rumpelstiltskin and a storyteller

message 3: by Mery (new)

Mery Krejčíková oh! I should not have seen this list.. +32 on my to read list

message 4: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy I want to read them all..............

Love this kind of fiction.

message 5: by Pat (new)

Pat Bryan Unfortunately..or fortunately if it prevents me spending too much,CIRCE broke the mould for retellings.Ibtend to compare "all the rest"with that gorgeous tale.Inown,Elektra,Stone Blind,Song of Achilles ,the Pat Barker duo but as Sinnead said,nothing compares....

message 6: by Camille (new)

Camille I added even more 📚 to my tbr list!

message 7: by Molly (new)

Molly This list is missing the Daughter of Sparta trilogy by Claire Andrews!Daughter of Sparta

message 8: by Betty (last edited Jan 24, 2023 08:31AM) (new)

Betty Sullivan Witch's Heart - the best ending!!!!!!

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