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Amish of Seymour County #3

Promised To Another

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Annie Beiler is a spunky, spirited schoolteacher, but she's struggled ever since the man she was promised to "jumped the fence" and left the Amish of Seymour. She needs a man who is committed to his Amish beliefs. And now, she's struggling to regain the trust of the school board members and the parents of her pupils for taking her class on an unauthorized field trip to a nearby Civil War battlefield. She's put on probation, and one wrong step could cost her the position permanently.

Joshua Esh of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, moved to Missouri ostensibly as part of the man swap meant to bring new blood into the community. Annie Beiler caught his attention the moment he arrived in Seymour, but he's disheartened to discover that she is promised to another man Luke, who left the Amish but vowed to return one day and claim "his" Annie. So, Josh fills his social calendar with singings and frolics, taking a different girl home from every event with the exception of Annie, since she is already committed to someone.

When Luke comes home, Annie pushes him away, and Josh Esh comes to her rescue. But the situation becomes awkward, since Josh is staying with Luke's family. An awareness of each other's attraction to Annie causes the awkwardness to escalate, and Annie's father soon invites Josh to stay with his family. But not all of the Beilers are happy about this new arrangement

272 pages, Paperback

First published February 7, 2012

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About the author

Laura V. Hilton

39 books644 followers
Award winning author, Laura Hilton, her husband, Steve, and their five children make their home in Arkansas. She is a pastor’s wife, a stay-at-home mom and home-schools. Laura is also a breast cancer survivor.

Her publishing credits include three books in the Amish of Seymour series from Whitaker House: Patchwork Dreams, A Harvest of Hearts (winner of the 2012 Clash of the Titles Award in two categories), and Promised to Another. The Amish of Webster County series, Healing Love (finalist for the 2013 Christian Retail Awards). Surrendered Love and Awakened Love followed by her first Christmas novel, A White Christmas in Webster County, as well as the Amish of Jamesport series, The Snow Globe, The Postcard, and The Birdhouse. Other credits include Swept Away from Abingdon Press’ Quilts of Love series. Laura is contracted for another three book Amish series set in the Jamesport area, with the first book, The Amish Firefighter, planned for April 2016.

She has self-published a Christmas novella, Christmas Mittens.

Laura is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and a professional book reviewer and blogs for Putting on the New and Seriously Write.

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Profile Image for Judy.
278 reviews12 followers
January 19, 2012
Annie Beiler captured my heart from page one in this book. She doesn’t seem to be very sure of herself at times and I most certainly can relate to her character. Annie is a school teacher and is a natural at it. She loves her students and they love her. Annie is very fond of History. So much so that she took her students on a field trip to A Civil War Battlefield without the permission of the school board and her students parents. Will she lose her job over this?

Annie is attracted to Joshua and hopes he asks to take her home from the singings, but on the other hand she has heard that he is nothing more than a player. Would she really want to be seen with the likes of him?

Joshua Esh is from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He came to Seymour, Missouri participating in the swap. He never intended to find a young lady to marry and settle down like the other young men. Joshua came along for the adventure. He fully intends to return to Lancaster County when it is time to harvest the maple syrup on his Dad’s farm.

Joshua has been intrigued with Annie since he saw her reading a story to some of her students. He saw how much she enjoyed it and how the children responded to her. He would really like to ask Annie if he could take her home from the singings but he is hesitant because he thinks that Annie is promised to Luke.

Luke Schwartz Annie’s previous boyfriend jumped the fence but has returned to Seymour. He is determined to win Annie back even though Annie wants nothing to do with him. She doesn’t trust him and she doesn’t believe he is home for good.

After a series of pranks being played on Joshua, a buggy accident, Luke's threats, a quick marriage, and the arrival of Joshua's parents, will Joshua and Annie find the love they have for each other? Will Joshua’s lies and secrets come out?

I must admit at the end of this book I was shedding tears. Why the tears? Let me just say I was caught off guard by the emotion. It touched my very soul.

Patchwork Dreams, A Harvest of Hearts, and Promised to Another was a fantastic series. Author Laura V. Hilton knows how to write great Amish fiction. I can’t wait to see what this Author publishes next!

Thank you Laura for providing me with this advanced copy of Promised to Another to read and review. The opinions expressed are mine alone.
Profile Image for Cindy.
Author 3 books17 followers
January 5, 2012
Annie Beiler just wanted order in her life, but mostly she wanted to be loved and to love. But it seems it is not to be, she was set to marry Luke Schwartz, but he jumped fence and left Amish, in the middle of his classes to join the church. Even though he was back, she knew that marrying Luke would be settling, and she wanted true love. She wondered why no one was asking to take her home after singings, how would she ever find love, if she could not even get a bu to take her home after singing?
Joshua Esh, just wanted to see the world. He had come to Seymour with the man swap arranged by the Amish communities in Missouri and Pennsylvania, but he had no intention of staying, but he was keeping that to himself. He knew that as an only child, he was expected to take over his family's farm. What he didn't count on was loosing his heart to a certain girl named Annie. However it was made plain from the other bu in the neighborhood that Annie was not available. He just could not accept that and set out to win her heart.
Having been a long time fan of Ms. Hilton's, I just was blown away at this book, there are twists and turns that will keep you coming back until you finish this story. I laughed and cried, over and over. Each book Ms. Hilton writes keep getting better! This book is definitely a book to put on the top of your must read list for Spring 2012! 5 stars, 304 pages, US $10.99
Profile Image for Trinity Rose.
434 reviews17 followers
February 14, 2012
Promised to Another by Laura V. Hilton is the three and last book in the series The Amish of Seymour. Another excellent book and I especially liked the ending fourth of Promised to Another.
I like the description of characters and of the countryside. Annie is a favorite of mine. She is very special because of her looks and also the way she loves children and is an excellent teacher, but she doesn’t believe she is worthy to have a special man in her life.
The buggy accident and shotgun wedding are especially interesting as are the secrets that come up. I couldn’t wait to finish this book and find out how it would all end. I’m quite happy with this wonderful book and the series. It’s a book that will be a great addition to your Amish collection. I really like Laura V. Hilton’s style of writing. She knows how to tell a story and keep you interested. Look forward to more of Laura’s work. I recommend this book and it will keep you reading until the last page.

Thank you to Whitaker House for providing this book for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255
Profile Image for Ausjenny.
327 reviews
July 20, 2016
Firstly Thanks to Whitaker House for my review copy

I really enjoyed this book. I had been getting a little disheartened with amish books but this book I didn't want to put down. The book deals with Annie who wonders why no one is asking to take her home from singings. Joshua one of the boys who came from Pennsylvania in a swap and Luke who wanted to marry Annie then left the community for awhile and has returned to reclaim Annie. This leads to some interesting scenes. I love Annie she is feisty and knows her mind but at the same time she is caring and loving especially to her school students. Joshua has a reputation of being a player which he cant understand at first. Ever since he arrived he's had eyes only for Annie but was told she was off limits. I have enjoyed all 3 books in this series. Each book has been different but all have been good. I think this one is the best of the 3. I enjoy the interaction between the different characters and the way the story played out. Good read.
Profile Image for Kay Garrett.
500 reviews83 followers
May 8, 2019
PROMISED TO ANOTHER by Laura V. Hilton is the third book in the Amish of Seymour County series. It’s the heartwarming story of Annie Beiler & Joshua Esh.

Annie Beiler is a school teacher in the Amish community of Seymour, MO. She loves her job & working with the children, but seems to always be under scrutiny from the school board for some infraction of the rules. The latest was taking the children on a field trip to see a battlefield without gaining permission first which landed her on probation. After her intendant jumped the fence, she is determined to keep the job she loves having given up on the notion of a family of her own.

Joshua Esh came to Seymour in the man swap from Pennsylvania. Only 2 men he came with, friends from back home, know that he’s really just on an adventure to see other parts of the country & has no intentions of settling permanently in Seymour. He will be going home in time to help with the maple harvest on the family farm.

Smitten the first time he laid eyes on Annie, Joshua hated tofind out that the man that jumped the fence is back in town telling everyone that the marriage is still on with Annie. To make matters worse, the man happens to be the son of the Schwartz’s who took him in when he moved to town.

Annie would rather remain an old maid than to marry Luke. Although she hated that he had jumped the fence once, she figures he did her a favor since he’s prone to drink to excess & while in their relationship was abusive. No one else has even asked to take her home after a singing, because they still consider her Luke’s girl. Although she feels an immediate attraction to Joshua, she guards her heart because he’s known to be a player having taken just about every girl home from a singing at one time of other.

When they finally give in to their feelings and dare to dream about a future, how will Joshua tell her that he’s not staying in Seymour? He knows she wants to never leave. Annie’s happy that her Dad and Joshua have bonded & that Joshua has an interest in her Dad’s beekeeping business. Can she dare to dream that she has a future with a home of her own & a family?

Emotions erupt when they are involved in a buggy accident & end up in the hospital. When Annie goes to check on Joshua, she’s caught giving him a kiss in his room only to be caught by the Bishop who insists they must marry immediately.

Will Joshua marry Annie or dishonor her by refusing? What will Annie say when she finds out he’s not staying in Seymour? Will Cathy quit with the ‘lets get rid of Joshua’ campaign? Will Joshua be able to mend his relationship with Isaac after deceiving him? What was the Bishops real motive to have them forego the usually wedding announcement & to marry right away? Can Annie & Joshua have a good marriage? Where?

PROMISED TO ANOTHER is a well written Christian story that shows that we are all human capable of making mistakes, that doing the right thing isn’t easy sometimes but it’s a lot easier than trying to put up a front & keeping folks fooled, and that love can withstand a lot of pressure & still find a way to fill our hearts if we just give it (and God) a chance.

Love the way Laura V. Hilton weaves a story with a thread of the gospel ran through. She has a way of telling a story that makes you feel like you are a member of the community and your reading about her friends opening you up to the emotions of the story as they unfold.

PROMISED TO ANOTHER can definitely be read as a standalone, but once you read this one you will be finding books one and two as well as other books by this amazing author.
Profile Image for Brenda.
1,149 reviews15 followers
March 1, 2012
I have been fortunate enough to read all three books in the Amish of Seymour series and have become a Laura V. Hilton fan. She has the writing skills to easily transport the reader right into the heart of the stories that she is telling, allowing me to envision the characters, setting and drama so vividly it makes me feel as if I have been transported to another place.

In "Promised To Another" we get the story of Annie Beiler and Joshua Esh. Annie is the local Amish schoolteacher, she is always excited about history and learning which often gets her in trouble and puts her teaching job in jeopardy, something she can't afford to lose. You see her steady beau Luke Schwartz jumped the fence to become English and no one else has even noticed her, or at least that's what she thinks. When Luke makes an unexpected appearance after a singing and offers to take her home she turns him down flat but her refuses to listen, that is until Joshua Esh steps in and offers her a ride home, a rider home with the other girl he is already taking home. While the men who came to Seymour from Pennsylvania came looking for wives Joshua didn't instead he came to see a different part of the world but has plans to return to PA. He has earned the reputation of a player because he is always taking a different Amish girl home after singings, but that doesn't stop Annie from noticing him.Thing is Luke has decided to join the church and marry Annie and doesn't want to take no for an answer. Is Josh really a player or does Annie have the wrong idea about him? Will Annie give in and do what Luke wants or will she realize that there just might be someone else for her after all.

The beginning of this story started out a bit predictable but then the author started throwing in several different plot twists that had me changing my mind. I thought the characters in the story seemed very realistic, especially Annie. I could totally understand her love of history and wanting to share it with her pupils. I enjoyed getting to know the different sides of Annie, there was the Annie who stood strong when her beau left her, but we also got a glimpse of an insecure Annie wondering if she would ever have someone of her own, we also saw someone who had a zest for teaching and wanted to share her love of learning with her pupils even though the board members didn't always see things her way. I thought Josh was a good male lead, and while he kept a secret from Annie I still liked him. I liked the unconventional twist the relationship took toward the end of the story.

If your a fan of Amish fiction then your going to want to read this story. Even though it's the third book in The Amish of Seymour series it can easily be read as a stand alone work although this series is so good that your going to want to read all three books. On a scale of one to five I would easily give this whole series a six because it's just that good!

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
14 reviews
January 31, 2012
"Promised to Another" is the third book in The Amish of Seymour series by Laura V. Hilton. Each book explores the story of one young man sent from an Amish community in Pennsylvania to the Amish community in Seymour, Missouri, as part of swap of young men between the communities.

Joshua Esh arrives in Seymour but does not intend to stay. Then his eye is drawn to Annie Beiler, the community's schoolteacher, but when he inquires about her, he finds that another Amishman has staked a claim for her. Annie is equally attracted to Joshua but doesn't understand why he won't pay any attention to her, unaware of the claim Luke Schwartz has voiced to the other men.

A series of conflicts results in Joshua residing in Annie's home where his attraction to Annie is noticed by her father yet Annie seems to remain distant due to wrong impressions she has of him. Annie has not only caught Joshua's eye, but the bishop of the Amish community is keeping a close eye on her as a result of some complaints by parents of her students. After a tragedy occurs, the bishop makes a pivotal decision that changes the course of Joshua and Annie's lives.

This book was an entertaining tale to read. Both Joshua and Annie are likable characters and you quickly want to know their stories. At one point, I felt like I wanted to shake some sense into both of them and tell them to quit thinking so much. Annie's father is a wise man that loves and protects his daughter and wants the very best in life for her. He isn't beyond manipulating situations to Annie's advantage when possible.

Of the three books in this series, this is the one that left me wanting to know the next chapter in the lives of the main characters. I am hoping the author will consider another book to continue the tale of Joshua and Annie.
Profile Image for Sarah .
548 reviews
March 3, 2012
I’ve had the pleasure of reading the first two books and again the pleasure was all mine – I got involved from the start of the first page. This third book picks up where the second leaves off, sort of, and while I couldn’t quite remember what I read in the last two – it all came back easily with the way Laura Hilton weaves the past into the present of this story. At first I didn’t know quite how to feel about Annie, she seemed to always be down about herself, but after awhile I began to see what she might feel like that, but I’ll have to let you read it so I don’t spoil it.

If you’ve read the other two then by all means make sure you grab this one, but if you haven’t then read this one first and then go back and read the first two. Laura Hilton is a great writer and really makes you feel as if you’re sitting on a Amish farm or in this book’s case, a working bee farm. You almost feel as if you’re sitting with the family and enjoying a leisurely day with an Amish family, complete with all their goings-on. There is romance involved including kissing and hand holding by unmarried people – so just a warning if your prefer to avoid that but it was so minimal that it was a deterrent for me.

**Special thanks to Cathy Hickling of Whitaker House for sending me a review copy.***
Profile Image for Maureen Timerman.
3,026 reviews487 followers
February 7, 2012
This is the third and final book in the Amish of Seymour Series, and I for one wish there were more.
Love that their are updates of the people we learned to love in the first two books!
Annie Beiler wants to be an Amish Frau and Mother, she loves being a teacher to the Children of her Community. She is also starting to live again since being jilted by her fence jumping boyfriend Luke Schwartz. Now that he has returned, he is adamant that she is his and they are getting married. Kind of freaky! She has her eye on Joshua Esh, one of the transplants from Lancaster Pa.
Joshua, is know as a "player" in this Amish Community, he actually cares for Annie, but has been told she is Lukes! Some odd and some terrifying things take place in this story, and you will wonder who is going to end up with whom, and if everyone will live!
It will keep you on your toes, and become a real page turner. You don't have to have read the other two books to enjoy this one, but don't miss them either!

I received this book from the Publisher Whitaker House, and was not required to give a positive review.
604 reviews18 followers
July 26, 2013
I loved this book!! Promised To Another is Book #3 in Laura V. Hilton's Amish of Seymour series. I have now read all three books in this series and loved all of them. I will be looking forward to more from this author.

Profile Image for Lisa Nelson.
61 reviews1 follower
February 26, 2012
Promised to Another
by Laura Hilton

I enjoyed reading this book and i wasn't ready for the story to end. The characters were described so well you felt you knew them, and some felt like your friends.

One lesson the book shares is about honesty. By hiding things from others we can hurt those whom we love.

I recommend this book and look forward to reading more from Mrs. Hilton.
Profile Image for Roseanna White.
Author 44 books3,247 followers
December 17, 2012
I don't often read Amish books so can't really compare this to others, but I'm enjoying the lighthearted, charming way Laura Hilton tells this story.
Profile Image for Di Schlenk.
558 reviews2 followers
March 30, 2018
The first book in the Amish of Seymour series.

Deals with Annie, wounded in love, torn between returning love baby boy Luke and loyal traditional Joshua.

A few twists and turns in the plot make for interesting reading.
719 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2019
This is the third book in this series by Laura V. Hilton. The story has a different setting in story by discussing the way a promised wedding can change in the Amish family. The author hooks the reader and sets the ground work for more books to follow in this series. copy right 2012
100 reviews
January 23, 2019
This final book of the series was great. The struggles the character's went through are realistic and show both humor and love.

Can't wait to see if more characters from Seymour are introduced in New books.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
1,132 reviews
July 19, 2016
Promised to Another was sensational! Book 3 was the best one in The Amish of Seymour series, by Laura V. Hilton. This entire series has been out of this world.

Annie Beiler, the Amish school teacher who loved history, is a feisty young lady whose job was on the line. Annie had taken her scholars on a field trip to A Civil War Battlefield without proper consent from the parents and school board. Annie’s former boyfriend, Luke Scwhartz, had jumped the fence and became an Englisher. But guess who reappeared in Promised to Another? Luke, the prodigal returned to Seymour with the assumption he would still be marrying Annie after he joined the church.

Joshua Esh was attracted to Annie when he met her earlier in the series. However, Joshua had come to Missouri in the men swap but had no intentions of staying. He would be given his family farm in Pennsylvania and he loved the season of making maple syrup and planned to return at that time. Luke had seen Joshua and Annie together and informed Joshua no transplant would be getting his girl or working in his family’s leather shop business even though he was staying with the Schwartz’ family, since his arrival in Seymour. Thankfully Annie’s father offered Joshua a place to stay as he had been interested in the bee business Isaac Beiler had. The Beiler’s and Schwartz’s farms were right beside each other. Joshua had ventured over to the bee hives one day while picking up rocks in a field that Levi Schwartz had instructed him to do.

There are so many twists and turns in Promised to Another. Who was causing so many pranks on Joshua while he was at the Beiler’s home? An accident involving Annie, Joshua, Cathy, Annie’s sister, and David, another young man from Pennsylvania. What happens when Bishop Sol overhears threats from a group of young men and then observed some unacceptable behavior at the hospital? Who will be forced to marry Annie Beiler? Will it be Luke Schwartz or Joshua Esh? Grab a copy of Promised to Another along with Patchwork Dreams and A Harvest of Heart. It’s best to read the entire series in order, as characters reappear in the other books.

Readers who enjoy Amish genre books will fall in love with Laura Hilton’s writing. I’m going back to read her earlier books after discovering Laura’s more recent books, The Amish of Jamesport and The Amish Firefighter. Ms. Hilton pen in depth stories filled with unusual plots and characters that are well developed. Characters that are put to the test but know their source of strength, faith and love for God will see them through, with prayers and scriptures woven into each challenge they faced.
Profile Image for DJ.
Author 1 book34 followers
November 8, 2014

I am sad to see this series end…

I can’t help it. Laura Hilton did an amazing job with these three novels, but if I thought I enjoyed reading her books before… that was before I read this one – it is truly awesome!

… and definitely my favorite one of the series!

I’ve enjoyed reading about Annie Beiler since Patchwork Dreams, when she discovered her sister Cathy was taking Becky Troyer’s mail, trying to sabotage Becky’s relationship with Jacob Miller.

Thankfully, Annie found out in time and things worked out just fine for Becky and Jacob.

Then things got considerably worse when Joshua Esh, one of the Amish men who moved to the Seymour community to find a wife, is attracted to Annie; when Luke finds out, his dat forces Joshua to leave their home.

I guess had they known he’d be moving into Annie’s house, they’d have reconsidered their actions!

Laura V. Hilton is such an amazing writer… the more of her novels I read, the more I enjoy them. My family says I’m really fun to watch when I’m reading – I laugh, I cry, I get angry – I’m lost in the story, roaming around Seymour, wanting to kick someone part of the time, sneaking a peek at some very hopeful kisses. I LOVE her characters!!!

… all but Cathy.

Cathy is one of those characters you either love or hate.

I don’t like her; I can’t figure out why she does the things she does – but the story wouldn’t be as funny, nor as interesting, without Cathy.

Okay, that’s it! I don’t mind using things revealed in the synopsis in my review, but I try to not write any *spoilers* so this goes no further.

If you enjoy reading Amish novels, you’ll love Patchwork Dreams… and A Harvest of Hearts… and Promised to Another! If you enjoy reading good Christian romance novels, you’ll really love this series!

Psst. It’s almost December… if you don’t have them, be sure to put them on your Christmas list!
Profile Image for Kate.
1,694 reviews56 followers
February 24, 2013
This is the last book in the 'Amish of Seymour County' series by Laura Hilton. I enjoyed the first 2 books and was looking forward to reading about what happens to Annie, who was a character in the other 2 novels as well.
Annie is attracted to newcomer, Joshua, but disappointed when he seems to be interested in every other eligible girl in the church district besides her. Joshua is interested in getting to know Annie better, but keeps his distance because he has been told that she is promised to Luke, who 'jumped the fence' and joined the English during his rumschpringe, but vows to one day return for his Annie.
When Luke returns, Annie, who is no longer interested in him, rebuffs him, but Luke is bound and determined to make her his. Once Joshua realises that Luke and Annie are NOT engaged, as he was lead to believe, he, too, makes a play for Annie's affections.
This book is full of twists and turns, and just when I thought I had it all figured out, the author threw me for a loop! I really enjoyed this book ~ probably my favourite of the series.
Profile Image for Linda.
417 reviews20 followers
March 6, 2016
Promised to Another, Book 3 in The Amish of Seymour series, is a wonderful story of learning to trust God, hope, finding the truth, and forgiveness. Annie Beiler is a school teacher who likes to be adventurous such as taking her students on unauthorized field trips which can get her in trouble with the school board. She had always thought she would marry Luke Schwartz, but he jumped the fence into the English world only to return to stake his claim on Annie. Joshua Esh has recently moved to Seymour, Missouri, as part of the Pennsylvania men swap, and he has his eye on Annie even though he’s heard she has been promised to Luke. Will Joshua be able to convince Annie he’s not a ‘player’? Will Luke’s true colors be exposed before Annie gets hurt and make a big mistake? When Joshua’s secret is revealed will Annie get hurt anyway? All of the books in this series are stand-alone. Author Laura V. Hilton writes Amish fiction at its best!
Profile Image for Kathleen Friesen.
Author 7 books39 followers
August 13, 2015
I enjoyed reading this third book in Ms. Hilton’s Amish of Seymour series. In Book 2, Annie was a rather unsympathetic character, so I appreciated getting to know her and understand her insecurities. She doesn’t know that Luke has claimed her as his own, so when Joshua seems to be attracted but then pulls away, Annie assumes he really is a “player,” as she’s heard.
The relationship between these two is full of stops and starts as neither wants to admit the attraction that flares every time they get near one another.
I admired Annie’s spunk and struggles, and Joshua appealed in spite of secrets. Promised to Another is a well-written, sweet tale of romance in an Amish setting, and it earns four and a half stars.
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book by the author in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Penny Zeller.
Author 32 books756 followers
August 11, 2016
Author Laura Hilton again effectively takes us inside the world of the Amish people in her latest release "Promised to Another."

In this third installment, will the rebellious Luke win Annie’s hand in marriage, as he intends, or will newcomer Joshua make his true feelings for Annie known before it is too late? There are many twists and turns in this well-written book that will leave the reader turning the pages in anticipation of what will happen next.

"Promised to Another" is my favorite book in the Amish of Seymor Series. Hilton does a fantastic job of evoking feelings in the reader because of her excellent characterization. If you are looking for a good Amish read, I would highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Jane.
339 reviews9 followers
November 5, 2012
Annie Beiler is promised to Luke. But Luke decides to leave and see what the English have to offer. He returns expecting to pick up where he left off with Annie.
Joshua Esh is afraid to ask Annie if he can court her. He knows she was promised to Luke. Annie no longer desires Luke. She has a crush on Joshua. But she thinks he is a player.
Fate changes a lot of things. There is a lot of forgiveness. The Bishop makes a ruling that forces Annie and Joshua to marry overnight.
A story of misjudging others, mistakes, forgiveness and healing.
One thing different was Joshua being transplanted in from Pennslvania Amish to Missouri Amish.
Good read.
Profile Image for Tina Watson.
313 reviews
April 9, 2012
I absolutely LOVED this book. The whole series is GREAT. But, this book was my absolute favorite.

Laura V. Hilton had me on the edge of my seat; I could not put down Promised To Another, and the ending just blew me away.
As always, I wanted more book to read; not wanting the book to end at all, but all good books must come to an end sometime.
Profile Image for Judith.
121 reviews
October 4, 2012
The 3rd book in Hilton's The Amish of Seymour is the best of them all. Annie Beiler is a spunky schoolteacher whose boyfriend Luke has jumped the fence. Since he drank and had a temper I quickly thought she was better off without him. Along comes Joshua Esh who secretly loves Annie but everyone tells him she is promised to another. This story has quite a few twists and turns that I could not have predicted. Well worth reading.
Profile Image for Janet.
930 reviews21 followers
July 26, 2012
Third (and I guess final) book in this series.

Really enjoyed them all.

This was Annie's story. Annie is the school teacher and wears brown.
One of the men who came in the men swap has his eye on her but told
she is Luke's Annie and to stay away.

A few unexpected surprises in this one.
Profile Image for Tessie.
9 reviews
January 25, 2014
yesterday afternoon I started to read, got halfway done, last night before bed at around 1am I picked it back up. I finally put it down around 5 am, and just spend the last 30 mins finishing it. All I can say is wow. I didn't expect some twists and turns!! I loved that it continues a bit of the story from Becky and Jacob!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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