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Red mirrored scales race up my arms as the haze of pain blurs my vision. My bones crack, breaking to realign. I scream. It is then that the realization of my unavoidable fate sinks in; I am of a dying race. I am dragon.

Aurora Megalos, orphaned and teetering on the edge of adulthood, thought finding her past would curb the sting of being an outcast. Having no memories of the time before she awoke on her foster mother’s doorstep, she yearns for the emptiness inside her to be filled. With her fellow orphaned best friend, Fenn, by her side, she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. But something powerful stirred within her that she couldn’t explain. Something wanted out.

In the dark of night, a crazed Seer, dubbed Mr.Creepy, erases everything she’s ever known with an impending prophecy. She now faces two paths. Return to her true home to protect a dying race against a growing evil, or stay hidden in the safety of our realm with a shot at a true love. With a vengeful Arch Enemy stopping at nothing to see her dead, she’s running out of time; a decision must be made. What would you choose?

259 pages, ebook

First published September 1, 2012

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About the author

Candace Knoebel

25 books833 followers
Candace Knoebel is a hopeless romantic with an affinity for whiskey and good music. Her love of words began when she met the boy who lived in the cupboard under the stairs. She's a self-proclaimed Lost Girl. Words are her mirror.

With two completed series, her work ranges from paranormal to contemporary, all centered heavily around romance.

Currently she lives in Florida with her husband and two children, and has just completed her thirteenth novel, The Taste of Her Words.





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5 stars
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52 (6%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 149 reviews
Profile Image for Kathryn.
663 reviews
September 14, 2012
WOW!! I am so excited about being able to read this and be a part of this tour. Meeting Candace Knoebel has been fantastic and her debut novel, Born in Flames, is SMOKIN!! Thank you Andie Kozari for bringing this fabulous author and book to my attention!!
With that said, this book is packed full of action, intrigue, suspense, well developed characters, and an overall great storyline.
Candace has created such a unique and enthralling world that I immediately fell in love with...One filled with magic and mythical creatures, where you are instantly transported from this world of normalcy to the enchanted one filled with the fantastic cast that Candace has introduced us to...
From beginning to finish, you are held captive by our heroine Aurora. She is a spunky fiery young lady and even though you know her little secret, it is soooo much fun taking the journey she is on to find herself. Along her journey, she has her best friend, loyal confidant, Fenn. Does he stay her best friend? You are going to have to read Born in Flames to find out...But, I will tell you this...The relationships that Aurora develops in this book are heart warming and substantial. I like finding those type of stories every once in a while, especially when so many seem to rely on the dark sadness of a teen's life.
With Born in Flames finished, I am eagerly awaiting the next book to find out what happens with this great cast of characters! With so much weighing on Aurora's shoulders, will she be able to fulfill her prophecy?
Biting my nails with anticipation!!!
Profile Image for Shambhawi P..
Author 1 book64 followers
October 30, 2012
Dear book,
You suck.
Sincerely, Me.

Oh? It’s not enough? Reasons needed? How about I give you five:

1.Aurora – She sucked. She was selfish. She was whiny. She was worse, worse, hell lot worse than even the worst characters I have met (Yes. Bella, Nora, Luce, Ever and Clary are included. *gasp*)

2.Fenn – The big, bad protector forgot his balls somewhere. Maybe the same place he left behind his brains.

3.The writing – Boring, repetitive, occasional grammatical errors and needed to be thoroughly edited.

4.The story – Fucked over completely by the writing. COMPLETELY.

5.Aurora – Yes, I know I already mentioned her but I need to say this again – she sucked. Completely. Enough to warrant being mentioned twice. Being inside her head for the length of time I spent reading the book made me feel like my intellect was slowly seeping out of my head. WORST WAY TO SPEND FIVE HOURS OF MY LIFE. EVER.

Let’s say this if I was given an option to whether reread this book or attend a Justin Bieber concert, I would try to use some kick-ass moves I don’t know and try to save myself because that would have the highest probability of me coming out of it alive and all my senses intact.

I’m sorry if I sound like a bitch here, but NO, I just couldn’t.

Less than 1 stars, if I could.

This ebook was provided to me by the author in exchange of an honest review
Profile Image for Beth.
3,136 reviews287 followers
January 7, 2013
Secreted away to an alternate dimension for her own safety, Aurora Megalos has no recollection of her past. Her earliest memory is the day her and Fenn, her foster brother, arrived at their foster home. Always a little different from those around them, Fenn and Rory have stuck together and even chose to become roommates in adult hood.

Both coming from mysterious pasts, Fenn and Rory are working to save enough money to discover their histories. But their pasts are about to confront them whether they are ready or not. A seer, a fortune teller, a strange pendant and tales of wondrous dragons all bring new revelations to the magical existence of their previous life. Some will do anything to keep them away from their destiny and others will do anything to help, but how can they know who to trust when they don't even remember who they are.

When their final destinies are revealed...When you discover you are the savior to an entire world you have long forgotten...do you or keep the life you know and the love you have found or become what the prophecies have foretold and face an ultimate evil?

I really enjoyed Born in Flames. The bond between Aurora and Fenn is genuine. When faced with the revelations of their pasts they faced them together. When separated by unforeseen circumstances, you hurt for them. This was a slow building story that snuck up on me and stealthy drew me in. A fantastic young adult read! I am anxious for the continuation of this very original series. 5 Stars.

This copy of Born in Flames was given to me by Candace Knoebel in exchange for an honest review.

Come Visit Tome Tender between January 13, 2013 and January 20, 2013 for an interview with Candace Knoebel and a chance to win a free e-book copy of Born in Flames.
Profile Image for Paranormal Reads.
137 reviews131 followers
September 10, 2012
I loved this book so much. Not only is the cover gorgeous but I was pulled in from page one and I loved every minute of this book.

Aurora is thrown out of her world and into ours for protection. She is a dragon which is a dying race and the fates want to kill her. She doesn’t remember anything before the age of ten when she was thrown into our world. Where she gets adopted and meets a boy Fenn who doesn’t remember anything also. One day on their way to work Aurora is bothered by Mr. Creepy has they call him. He starts telling her a prophecy and it freaks her out. But in the process she starts to realize things are coming true. Aurora and Fenn set off to find Mr. Creepy to decide if they want the answers to what and who they are. But time is running out and they need to make the choice to either cross back into the world they were thrown from for protection and learn their destiny or stay in our world and try to be normal.

I loved Aurora she is strong, stubborn, and so real that I was able to connect to her easily. Even though she is so confused about everything she fights to learn the truth which made me love her even more. Fenn is just a great guy who loves Aurora and will do anything to keep her safe. Plus I love his blue eyes. Even when he made mistakes he was quick to apologize and find ways to fix them. They are everything you want in a heroine and hero.

This ended up being one of those books where I kept saying one more chapter and that turned into me staying up until four a.m. to finish. And I am not sorry I got no sleep. I loved this whole book and I can’t wait to read more by Candace. 5/5 Bats

Profile Image for Cassandra Giovanni.
Author 17 books629 followers
September 9, 2012
First, the cover of this novel is totally awesome. It really depicts the main character as I see her. As for the book, I also thought the main characters of Fenn and Aurora were totally awesome. YA novels seem to currently be plagued by female protagonists who are, well, for lack of a better word, soppy. They whine a lot, and it gets horribly annoying. I never once felt this about Aurora. She was a strong person, who even when confused about what was going on, was determined to rise above it. She was stubborn at times, and you might find yourself telling her to just stop and think. This was actually amusing for me. She was so realistic. This says a lot for a fantasy novel. Onto the wonderful Fenn. He was realistic, perfect in Aurora's eyes, but you were able to see that he wasn't perfect. He made some bad decisions, but he admitted when he was wrong. That made him a strong character, plus his blue eyes reminded me of someone special!So, without putting spoilers in, the story line was excellent. It flowed nicely, for it wasn't rushed, and it wasn't too slow. At times it was confusing, but in a good way. I enjoyed this confusion because it allowed you to feel as Aurora did. I try to be honest with my reviews, so here is the reason it wasn't five stars for me: I did spot a few times where the novel went from present tense to past tense in the narrative, and there were some descriptions that I wasn't fond of. It wasn't that they weren't well written. I am just not one for lots of descriptions, but this is completely a personal preference and should not hinder your choice to read this novel. I recommend you do. This is a series that I fully intend to complete reading, and believe me, that says a lot, for I am not a fan of many serialized books!
Profile Image for Hixxup.
504 reviews213 followers
September 24, 2012
Ok I just loved this book; it started out with a quiet scene that turned into a chaotic one, which instantly got my attention. Then POOF you’re in another world some odd years later. Then is goes on about two teenagers who are living in a run-down motel room, and both working in a diner just to survive. Aurora & Finn, had shown up at the foster home they lived at, at the same exact time, and both of them had no recollection of their past before then. They became best friends, but both of them eventually turned into loving each other like “in love” loving each. But Aurora has something weird about her, she doesn’t quite know what it is, and she thinks she just might be crazy. Until one day a stranger walks into their lives, and tells them about a prophecy, and she’s the key to it. Of course they didn’t believe her and Fenn wanted nothing but to get her away from this unkown man. But one day something that the old man had said, had happened, and shook both Rory and Fenn up enough to start believing what the old man had said. Come to find out Rory has powers. From then on it’s a search to find the keys to get her home. Fenn, has to leave her to protect her, and leaves her alone lost and confused. Then she meets Lexi, a quirky girl from the other realm, who is there to help and protect Rory, she’s cute. So now Rory and Lexi go on the adventure to find these keys, meanwhile constantly fighting and escaping the grasp of Kordon’s grasp, on Rory. This book was filled with adventure, action, and some romance, and definitely some humor. It left things with a smile, but you know that more is to come. And as for me, I cannot wait for the next book, I’m highly intrigued to see how things pan out.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
540 reviews25 followers
September 10, 2012
I loved this book so much. Not only is the cover gorgeous but I was pulled in from page one and I loved every minute of this book.

Aurora is thrown out of her world and into ours for protection. She is a dragon which is a dying race and the fates want to kill her. She doesn’t remember anything before the age of ten when she was thrown into our world. Where she gets adopted and meets a boy Fenn who doesn’t remember anything also. One day on their way to work Aurora is bothered by Mr. Creepy has they call him. He starts telling her a prophecy and it freaks her out. But in the process she starts to realize things are coming true. Aurora and Fenn set off to find Mr. Creepy to decide if they want the answers to what and who they are. But time is running out and they need to make the choice to either cross back into the world they were thrown from for protection and learn their destiny or stay in our world and try to be normal.

I loved Aurora she is strong, stubborn, and so real that I was able to connect to her easily. Even though she is so confused about everything she fights to learn the truth which made me love her even more. Fenn is just a great guy who loves Aurora and will do anything to keep her safe. Plus I love his blue eyes. Even when he made mistakes he was quick to apologize and find ways to fix them. They are everything you want in a heroine and hero.

This ended up being one of those books where I kept saying one more chapter and that turned into me staying up until four a.m. to finish. And I am not sorry I got no sleep. I loved this whole book and I can’t wait to read more by Candace. 5/5 Bats
Profile Image for Bella.
297 reviews37 followers
September 14, 2012
First I want to say thank you to our good friend, Andrea (Andie) Kozári for discovering Candace and asking us to be part of the tour to help introduce her to the rest of the world. Thank you, Candace Knoebel, for this magickal tale. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Anyone and everyone that knows me, knows how much I love anything to do with high fantasy. Magick in all it's forms is fascinating to me, colors my world, drives my imagination and completely fills my senses. Weave dragons (they are magickal creatures, after all), in to a story with Mages and ancient prophecies...well, I am all aboard and ready to fly!
Candace has created such a world. Plumb full of magick, intrigue, lots action and many surprises. Her characters are fun and fresh, and I found myself immediately connected. From the very first page she has you engaged and eager to learn about Aurora and her destiny. The picture she paints of Aurora's beginning is beautiful and intense...a bit frightening. And then...BAM! We are thrust into a modern world, where Aurora knows nothing of her past and finds herself and her best friend for life, Fenn, in a race against time and all odds to quickly discover what has been hidden from the both of them in order to fulfill a prophecy neither of them was even aware of.
Wow, right?! It doesn't happen all that quickly. We do get to meet Aurora and Fenn and spend a short time with them in their every day life. It seems fairly ordinary. Aurora is content and feels safe with Fenn. He's been an amazing friend and they have a connection that cannot be broken. But, she's never felt like she belonged. Not knowing her parents or what has happened to them, she feels something is missing. A piece of her that makes her feel lost and unfulfilled.
All that changes on a mundane day at work and we're sent on a wild ride, as the pair are forced to accept and follow a path they no nothing about. They discover a world they had no idea existed and as they begin this difficult journey, they find they have to make choices that may not only separate them, but also end their lives. Nothing is simple. Everything is a riddle, and everyone they encounter can either help or hinder their progress. Aurora has no idea what to believe or who she should trust.
And so here we are...moving swiftly through two very different worlds filled with amazing and complex characters, both fascinating and dangerous, where nothing is as it seems...it's so much more. And time is running out!
Candace weaves an emotional, action packed tale that keeps you on the edge of your seat, holding your breath, clutching your heart, trying to guess what happens next...and rooting for Aurora every step of the way.
So much happens in this first book. It's hard to believe there could be more to come...but, of course, there is much, much more. Much to learn, much to embrace and much to conquer.
I was completely enthralled, thoroughly entertained and thrilled with the ending. And yet, I was sad to see, The End, on the last page. I am so invested in Aurora and her new world, I can hardly wait to get my hands on the second book to see what her next move will be. Guaranteed it will involve more magick, more danger and maybe...a little romance? We can hope. But only the Fates (and Candace), know for sure.
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
April 15, 2013
LOVED this book!

First of all, I'd like to thank Jean for asking me to review this book. Then to Candace for providing me with a copy to review. All I gotta say is, LOOK AT THAT COVER! Gah, I'm such a cover whore. I have cover lust when it comes to books. If they grab me or catch my eye(s), I'll read the blurb and decide if I want to read it or not.

Don't judge a book its cover, they say. But in this case, you can judge all you want. It's totally fine because not only is the cover amazingly beautiful but so is the story.

Well, when I was first asked to review this book, I was excited about it. I've never read a book about dragons. Sure there were books *with* dragons in them but not solely about them as in dragon-shifters. So it was pretty exciting. I've been meaning to read the Firelight series by Sophie Jordan. I've had my eyes on that series forever now. But alas, I haven't had the time yet. However, I was really glad I read this book.

Aurora, a dragon-shifter is thrown into an unknown world where she must learn of her destiny. Her and her best friend, Fenn find that nothing in their lives are as it seems even as they're both adopted at age 10. That's not all and it gets more interesting. They need to find some answers on what their destiny is. But with the help of Fenn, Aurora is determined to protect everything she cares about all the while trying to learn who and what she is.

The characters were amazing. I enjoyed them immensely. I really like Fenn. He's a sweetheart, fierce and protective of Aurora and I can see a relationship of some sort brewing between these characters, which makes me happy. I think they're an adorable pair.

I love the action, mystery, magic and romance in this story. The writing was great and easy to follow. I'm on edge for the next book in this installment! I can't wait to see what happens next and be thrown back into the world of dragons, Fenn and Aurora. I definitely recommend it! 4/5 stars from me!
Profile Image for Bayli.
Author 9 books404 followers
November 1, 2012
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book. I love dragons and i loved picturing Aurora with the steam coming out of her nose and fire soaking into her skin. So when i read this was about dragons- I was all for giving this book a shot. I'm glad I did.

Even though I all around enjoyed this book (i liked the plot, the relationship, etc) I didnt like Aurora's character. I really tried to like her! I tried to understand why she acted the way she did... But really- she drove me nuts. I thought she was whiny, always complaining and being a big baby about everything. Which isnt how i picture someone that is suppose to be a dragon and the chosen progeny. The way she acted with Fenn made me want to reach into the book and slap her on the back of her head...

I loved Fenn! He is my absolute favorite character in this book. Somehow he understood or at least tried to understand Aurora even when she was acting like a complete nut case. He has to be in love if he's willing to deal with that crazy girl.

I actually really enjoyed when Aurora went into her "dreams" or whatever. I dont really know why, but it was cool.

I thought some of the conversation were strange... Like people dont actually talk like that kind of strange...

But overall i did enjoy this book and I will read the next installments :)
Profile Image for Sonya Loveday.
Author 19 books428 followers
August 9, 2012
I anxiously await the day I can purchase this book. Author Candace Knoebel has inspired me on all levels as reader, blogger and writer and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next! Until the book is released check out her blog on www.wordPress.com to see the fun and witty Candace Knoebel that is soon to take ebook by storm! Way to go Mrs. Knoebel......you should be so very proud of yourself right now :)
Profile Image for Taylor Loveday.
1 review1 follower
September 5, 2012

I am very excited about this book and so is my bestie Grace. We are anxious to see how many people are pumped to read this book.
Profile Image for Bakshree Mishra.
126 reviews12 followers
November 1, 2012
One word. C.R.E.E.P.Y.

I covered 27% of the book, but I couldn't go on. I tried. Honest.

I don't know what the author was thinking about when she framed plots. First she tells us that 10 yr old Aurora is a dragon. Apparently she's in some danger so she's transported to some other place as is a boy. 8 yrs later the story picks up and we learn that a boy and Aurora turned up in a foster home with no memory whatsoever. Coincidence? Na na. Na na. Naaaaaa Na.
(And I don't consider that a spoiler because it happens IMMEDIATELY when the book starts).

So what displeased me is that it smacked so much of incest. Actually, even a book with incestuous plot line wouldn't offend me as much. It's as if Aurora's changing her definition of her relationship with Fenn according to her wish. And let me tell you, this Fenn guy is creepy too. These two siblings/friends/whatever are already adults and are cohabiting. They are apparently friends. So tell me why does Fenn have roving hands. Do friends keep kissing whatever wounds a girl acquires? Seriously?

The two persons should be sharing 8 yrs of common history - which should have given them a comfort level. If the author did want to insert a romantic element, at least she should have dedicated quite a few pages showing us their compatibility and then progressed into the romantic zone. Kind of justifying them being together. But nope. Almost immediately Fenn invades personal space (Rory darling doesn't mind/care) and head butts her (or something - I'm so weary of this book I've forgotten the details) and la! Rory blushes! No explanation as to why she had an 8-yr-delayed response. Dragons seem to have magnificently slow reflexes. Another proof of inconsistency in their history AND bad writing?? They decide to

And the writing style wasn't impressive at all. Neither was the content, to-be-honest. The protagonists weren't convincing (like I told y'all earlier) and then the story (as much as I read). There's this place where we were

Bad read, really. Sorry for the harsh review but I'm really disappointed! The book cover and the blurb were so exciting :(
Profile Image for Inna.
127 reviews46 followers
January 6, 2013
The review also appears on my blog
A copy of this book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Okay, so let's face it who doesn't love a good fantasy with dragons and Mages and Fates and a prophesy that may or may not foretell a certain doom? This book basically has the whole package throw in a girl who is determined to survive to make it to the guy she loves and you have a pretty amazing book.
Aurora "Rory" was an average girl who was just trying to find out who her real parents are and also save enough money to get a car so she can stop taking the bus and dealing with a driver who loves to hate her... no idea why but if there was a list of drivers from hell this guy would top it without a doubt. So when Mr. Creepy foretells a prophesy that she is the center of well Rory is a bit more than shocked. She was a decent heroine who I'll admit I want to shake a little or a lot at times. I understand why she acted the way she did but she was difficult at times. However, I liked how she progressed toward the end of the novel.
Fenn, the best friend or maybe possibly something more? (I'm not telling I was literally on pins and needles trying to figure out how that relationship would end so you can suffer too) When we first met him I thought he was gay. I mean there are so many YA novels out there where the best friend is gay that I almost expected it and being honest I kind of love that but my jaw almost hit the floor when I realized he was straight... and HOT... and pretty charming. So I liked Fenn, once we got to know him better. He was a good friend and well I just wish there was more of him.
Knoebel managed to create an amazing fantasy world that you couldn't help but be pulled in to. Even though the plot was a little slow picking up in the beginning I enjoyed where it went and how everything summed up.
Check out this book if you enjoy a story that has kick-ass dragons and a cool heroine.
February 21, 2013
I loved this book! It was the second book that I have read about with Dragons in it with the first being the Firelight series by Sophie Jordan! When I heard that there were Dragons in this book I really hoped that it was different to the Firelight series as even though I loved the Firelight series I did want this book to stand on its own and have a different approach to dragons and I was so relieved when I discovered very early on that it was completely different to the Firelight series! I did think that this book started quite abruptly which left me a bit confused! I was only confused for a couple of chapters though and then I was able to figure out what was going on and who certain characters were! Born in Flames was also written quite formally and I think that it is few books that I have read that is written like this so I liked that it was different! The plot was very original and it is the first time that I have ever read anything like it! The plot had quite a bit of action and I also really enjoyed the sort of flashback scenes as well as they helped me understand more about the people that Aurora was up against! The character were amazing and written very well! Aurora was the main character of Born in Flames and I really enjoyed her character! She was strong and watching her grow and learn about herself was amazing! Fenn was sort of the love interest of Aurora but their relationship didn't really develop in this book which disappointed me a little bit as I was expecting some romance in this book but I hope in the next book that there are a lot more scenes between the two of them and their relationship develops more! There were quite a lot of other characters in this book as well and each one brought so much to the story! The ending was so sweet! It was completely satisfying and I loved it! I am really looking forward to seeing where the next book in this series goes as so much could happen in it! I also love the cover and I think that it really suits the story! Big thank you to Candace for a copy of Born in Flames!
Profile Image for Ioana.
173 reviews42 followers
October 4, 2012
I loved this book! Born in Flames was an easy, fun read, spellbinding and full of action. Aurora, the main character, is a great, independent and on her own two feet character. I liked how she took control of things and started doing, rather than have things happen on their own.

Her personality and sense of humour made the book fun to read even when she wasn’t as confident as I wanted her to be. The central relationship of the book, between Aurora and her childhood friend, currently best friend, Fenn, is probably one of my favorite ever. A sweet, very believable, very natural connection.

The mythology and lore the author used were particularly interesting, a novelty if you will. Add that to the consistent, beautiful world-building and you have an engaging, riveting read, from page one until the end.

I’ll say this, Knoebel has a knack for storytelling! Dropping hints here and there of what’s going on, then thrusting the reader into a whole different world; letting us in on half the secret, then making us witnesses to Aurora’s journey of discovery. All of this made Born in Flames a page-turner.

There were small inconsistencies throughout the story, nothing major to detract from the greatness of it, however.

Also, I loved the writing. It’s beautiful, without being too flowery or turning into purple prose, easy to follow and evocative.

For me, Born in Flames was reminiscent of Rowling’s writing talent, from the world, to the atmosphere and the characters. And that’s high praise. If you’re a fan of fantasy, then you won’t want to miss this one!
Profile Image for Mary.
Author 68 books210 followers
January 9, 2013
WOW! What a great story?!?!

Best part of the book: This is such an awesome story! I never thought I would like a story so much about dragons. When I read the blurb about this book I was a little unsure, but I was struck by the beautiful cover. I know, I know, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I did! Plus, I read some of the reviews =)

The question is where to begin for this review without spoiling....hhhhhmmmm......

Aurora (aka Rory) is awesome! How can I explain how great she is?? She is orphan as a young child with her dear friend, Fenn . (He is my new fictional boyfriend). She knows there is something different about herself but cannot quite explain it. Then everything is turned upside down. One event leads to another and Aurora and Fenn's life are my entwined then just being orphan kids that grew up together.

I loved this journey. It was fast paced and I enjoyed all the characters.

Not so great about book: I was hoping for more of "cliffhanger". I was on the edge thinking it was going to end at any second, but it ended nicely.

I will read book 2!!
Profile Image for Jade.
44 reviews
November 29, 2012
Read from September 11 to November 28, 2012

Ebook received and (almost)read book for an honest review.

Now I admit. I have yet to finish the book. Reason being: I just. can't. do it (and at 70%, that's saying something).

This book fell short on just about every level.

I kept waiting for Aurora to buck up and show some spine. I kept waiting for Fenn to grow a pair and be a man! I kept waiting for the bad guy to show up and kick their ass because they needed it. I kept waiting for some crazy adventurous thing to happen to spice the story up.

The book is so ridiculously bad. It's amateurish at best. It felt unrefined and empty. It was filled to brimming with pointless details yet I felt like it needed more details!

Where was the plot? What was the purpose of the keys, other than to help Rory find her past? All Rory did for 70% of the book was drive around with Fenn, meet a palm reader, whine, and moan. And be indecisive about her romance or friendship with her roommate/foster-bro/protector/bestfriend. At 60% of the book is when a bad guy finally shows up to make a pitiful fight happen.

The characters could have saved it for me. Low and behold, they didn't.

Rory - what a big NO. She moaned. She took Fenn for granted. She couldn't find the keys without him. She couldn't do anything without anyone's help for that matter. 'I want Fenn. I don't want Fenn. He's my friend. But we could be more.' She had a temper, which was not justifiable. Getting angry at the people who are trying to help you, will get you nothing. She acted like a fourteen year old. I did not like her. And when I don't like the heroine, I don't like the book.

Fenn - what a waste of space. He cooed over Rory, coddled her and did whatever she wanted. When half the time, SHE DIDN'T DESERVE IT! I waited, and waited, and WAITED for that boy to show some muscle and take control of the damn situation. No. What does he do? He runs. Like a puppy with its tail between its legs.

Mr. Creepy - Besides his name being stupid and childish, he was ridiculously inconsistent. Was he bad? Was he good? What was his freaking purpose? I still don't know! And really, I don't care.

The Writing - Could have used a thorough editing. It was reused, repetitive, and frankly, boring. It's why I couldn't finish it. There was nothing to draw me in. You know that first sentence, to describe the book, about Aurora transforming into a dragon? I never saw that. Once. Not a once, through 70% of the book. Kind of misleading if you ask me.

The story - Could have gone to so many places! Dragons, and magic, and two worlds, and a boy she could love! And the only thing I saw from that was magic! At this point, I don't care, because the writing was poor, and the story was too slow.

The End All - I was so disappointed by this book. I wanted to finish it, and I hope to eventually. But I promised a review for it and it has been long enough. I can't hold onto this book any longer, waiting for it to go somewhere. The characters could not be related to, the plot was full of nothing, and the writing needs to be better.

I wish I had something better to say about it, because that cover is really beautiful.

Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,527 reviews1 follower
October 2, 2012

Aurora, aka Rory and Fenn are foster siblings. At ten years old, they arrive at the same house with no memories of a single thought before that moment. Aurora always knew she was different, but never understood why. Her life's goal is to find her and Fenn's biological parents to find out why they were each in the same situation. And Fenn just wants to stay by her side and protect her. AND THEN some crazy things happen. Things literally are thrown out the window. Forget normal. Forget work. Forget the only life they've ever known. This is gunna be the craziest thrill ride of a lifetime. And it comes down to life and death. But not just for them, a whole lot of people. As things unfold, memories reveal themselves. Secrets are discovered. And lives are hanging in the balance. It's hard to say much without giving spoilers. I'm struggling not to give spoilers to you, as I can't wait to discuss this with my fellow readers!

I can't believe how crazy this story made me. I was completely engrossed in this story. I should learn not to start reading stories at night before bed, because this one DEFINITELY had me up WAY TOO LATE! There's so many things happening, that time has no constraints. And the writing... Breathtaking. I forgot who I was, where I was, and was taken to a different place an time. Aurora makes a reference about not believing things, and if it's the Matrix. Well this was the closest to the Matrix for me :) It's descriptive without being an information dump, or so descriptive you forget what's going on. There's a lot of mysteries unfolding, so you learn things as Aurora is learning things. I love this. It makes me feel like I'm part of the story :) IM DYING FOR MORE!!!

I have just a few words for the author... PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME MORE!!! I'm addicted. I'm ready for my next thrill ride! I'm a dragon fan, but I'm also picky. Because I like dragons so much, not many stories keep my interest. Or they just disappoint me..... I saw a reference to Sophie Jordan's Fans. Well as a fan of Ms. Jordan's books, I will second that statement! YOU'VE WON ME! Forever! Please please hurry hahahaha and to Ms. Roxy- girl, I'll slave for you in thanks of giving me this phenomenal story! I'm so proud to say- BIG 5 PAWS FROM ME!
Profile Image for Book Pusher.
74 reviews24 followers
October 18, 2012
Okay, for starters…just look at the cover! I love this cover!! I was fortunate to be given a copy of Born in Flames by the author for review. As soon as I saw the cover, my interest was piqued..and once I read the synopsis…well, this book got booted right to the top of my TO READ list! I mean, a story about a dragon shifter..I was completely intrigued. Vampires and werewolves are everywhere…but dragon shifters…not so much!

I absolutely Loved the relationship between Aurora (Rory) and her best friend Fenn. They were friends who just complimented each other and everything about them was just so natural…well except for the supernatural bits of course . But seriously, they meshed so well and I just loved the potential for this hopefully evolving friendship/relationship. I have to say though that I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t more of Fenn…there is an instance in the book where he leaves the book for a bit, and I was seriously disappointed by this. I felt like he was such an integral part of the story that once he was absent…it was like a piece was missing for me. I kept anxiously awaiting for his reappearance. Something about his character…just LOVED and wanted more! So I’m hoping there will be MUCH more of him in the next book

The suspense and questioning in the book is great. It’s almost like a treasure hunt, in a sense, as Aurora tries to piece together her past in order to figure out her future. I really enjoyed this story, it was so fresh and original. There is suspense, mystery, magic, paranormal, romance…I think this series is definitely bound for greatness and cannot wait to read more from Candace Knoebel.

Profile Image for witchyreader13,.
188 reviews9 followers
November 7, 2012
I was given this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.
All in all, this book was fairly good, I thought. It was very descriptive, sometimes distractingly so, but mostly it was written well. I enjoyed the story line, it moved at a good pace. I guess one complaint that I have is that the author didn't give us time to really know Fenn & Aurora as friends before thrusting into them realizing that they were in love with each other. Other than that, I thought it was well thought out and was a unique story line. Most urban fantasy doesn't delve into the realm of dragons. I loved the flames flicking along Aurora's skin and her scales & control of fire. It was great. She was a little flighty, but then again, so was I as a teenage girl. Fenn was also a fun character, though he was only in half the book. I look forward to the next in the series where we'll get to see more of him. My rating for this book is four stars.
Profile Image for Tammy ~Witching Hour Reads~.
165 reviews8 followers
February 8, 2013
I really loved Born in Flames, it grabs your attention from the very beginning, and does not let go! Candace Knoebel has spun a wonderful tale, it has it all, adventure, danger, mystery and love. There is magic, Fates, warriors, dragons and a prophesy, her characters are beautifully written, it was such an enjoyable pleasure to read. My only complaint is that I have to wait for the next book. I'm impatient, I need to know what happens to Aurora and Fenn now!

I finished Born in Flames a day or 2 ago. I wanted to wait to write a review, to let it set in, to see if I loved it as much as i did when I finished it, and I do, I love it. I want to write a longer review, but this is the third one I have written, I deleted the other two, because I kept giving it all away (I'm one of those all or nothing people) I hate spoiling a story for someone. I will keep working at it, but for now this is all I've got.
I received this book from the author for an honest review.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
Author 36 books354 followers
September 11, 2012
Born in Flames is the first part of a trilogy which I am looking forward to finishing since I love dragons and loved the concept of the book, however, I always feel a bit disappointed in first books, because I want to know what else happens in the story, but my impatience is hardly Knoebel's fault... I WANT MORE!

So that being said, I enjoyed this book, Knoebel's narration style and The Born in Flame's storyline feels fresh.

The protagonist Aurora is strong, stubborn and a bit hot headed but her counterpart Fenn is level headed and only wants to keep her safe. Due to this, I liked him better, but Aurora holds the book up due to her strength. They were both real enough that I was able to connect to them easily.

Great story and highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Skyye Breeze.
350 reviews
September 17, 2012
Everything about this book drew me in.. from the book description and the cover.. and the author didn't disappoint either.. the story is absolutely incredible from start to finish its one magical ride full of adrenaline! It's absolutely Amazing!!!
The main character Aurora learns that she is a dragon and that "The Fates" are out to destroy her before she can come into her power and save her people.. she has hard choices to make along the way and not a lot of time to do it.. she has to find three keys that will help her get back home before the full moon!
Profile Image for D-rod.
1 review1 follower
September 4, 2012
Very catching and awesome cover art. Love everything I've seen so far.
Profile Image for Dan Thompson.
253 reviews107 followers
March 1, 2015
I recently had the opportunity to interview American author Candace Knoebel, which some of you may already know after having read it. Well as a kind gesture, Candace sent me a complementary copy of ‘Born in Flames’, which I have finally got around to reading and as debut novels go, this one is a special gem.

For those of you who have not heard of this, ‘Born in Flames’ is YA Urban Fantasy novel whose lead characters Aurora and Fenn, soon realise that they are unlike everybody else in their small Hawaiian town. Aurora has always know she is that little bit different, yet she cannot put her finger on it, but all she does know is that her weird ability to withstand fire is part of it. Despite not knowing her early life, Aurora had ploughed through life with her foster mother and now has her own little place and is beginning to live life on her own two feet.

Imagine her surprise when she discovers a prophecy that tells of her lineage with dragons and how she must go on a quest of personal discovery to realise her true destiny. Aurora is unique, one of a kind, half dragon half mage and for some that is a dangerous thing. Danger is after her, ready to kill in order to rid their realm of this girl who is destined to return the balance and win the war that is looming on the horizon. Alongside her is Fenn, who naturally takes a step backwards to the feisty, confident Aurora, but soon discovers himself that he is very much a part of this prophecy and must live up to expectations set on him from a past life back in the realm hidden in the caves.

‘Born in Flames’ is perhaps the first Urban Fantasy I have read and I was pleasantly surprised with how realistic the novel was despite the obvious expectation a fantasy genre presents. The whole story has a nice balance of what we know is real and what we perceive as myth and the whole pressing issue of Aurora’s lineage keeps you hooked until the end, because Candace Knoebel does a wonderful job with not letting many secrets slip right at the beginning.

Aurora is wonderfully crafted with a spunky personality yet with the first person perspective in which the book is written as the reader, we get to see more of the internal Aurora; raw feelings on show for all of us to digest. We will her to succeed and we go on a journey with, discovering everything along the way as she does. It is a brilliant connection. She isn’t without her faults though, sometimes she comes a bit whiney and a little bit stubborn, so much so to hinder a situation, but she readily admits this to us along the way.

I actually had the most fun with Fenn. I long to find out more about him and yet the little tit bits of information just doesn’t seem to satisfy his awesome character. I really hope we find more about him in the next book. I almost became dismayed when Fenn leaves and there is a good chunk of the book without him. A romance does start between the two and although it becomes obvious very early on, it isn’t done so in an awfully cheesy way. Aurora knows she must focus on other things and shuts Fenn’s advances down on more than one occasion.

Sometimes with novels such as this, I find it can always be the smallest of characters that actually have the biggest personalities that make you think about them long after you have put the story down. For me in ‘Born in Flames’ it was the old librarian that helps Aurora and Fenn with the tales of Dragons and of the ancient ruins on the island. His inclusive may have not been very original, but his chapter in the book for me was one of my favourites.

As with debut novels, there has to be lot of time spent on characterisation and building up relationships. This is integral in building up the book and the history, but sometimes can slow down the progression. Candace counters this with small interesting action scenes, where Aurora somehow phases into the other realm and faces her rival head on. It is all exciting stuff! I particularly enjoyed the magical action scenes towards the end of the novel where everything starts to come to a head. It is full of wonderfully creative, imaginative and magical jaunts of spell casting and realistic and necessary violence.

It can be hard to review a book without giving too much away, yet Born in Flames comes across as a quite simple book. Girl discovers prophecy, must complete quest, must return home. It isn’t until you start to sit back and really think about everything going on together than you realise and appreciate just how complex this book is and especially the worlds that Candace creates. Everything has there own set of rules and laws and I for one, will be looking forward to finding much much more about this other realm in the subsequent books that follow.

If I were to pick out a criticism about ‘Born in Flames’ then I’m afraid it must be the ending. It leaves us with so many questions, which is good because it grabs a hold of your imagination, forcing you to ponder what comes next for Aurora until the book is out, but it does so with an almost happy ending. I would have loved for it to be left with a much more compulsive addictive cliff-hangar. Perhaps I am being a bit too picky, but perhaps not. I feel it is a fair comment.

If you love fantasy and YA fiction then you will simply fall in love with Candace Knoebel’s ‘Born in Flames’. It offers magic, myth, love, action and is done so in a tightly knit mysterious plot that doesn’t answer all of its questions, but leaves you wanting to find out more and for me that is the very essence of a trilogy or series. ‘Born in Flames’ is part of something much bigger and reading the various interviews on her blog tour, I am very excited about what is to come next. Let’s just hope we see a bit more of Fenn next time around *cheeky face*.
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,676 reviews17 followers
April 20, 2013

Born in Flames
(Born in Flames Trilogy #1)
by Candace Knoebel

5 stars
Reviewed by: Angels
Published: 48fourteen
Source:author copy Genre:Paranormal Romance


About Book

Red mirrored scales race up my arms as the haze of pain blurs my vision. My bones crack, breaking to realign. I scream. It is then that the realization of my unavoidable fate sinks in; I am of a dying race. I am dragon.

Aurora Megalos, orphaned and teetering on the edge of adulthood, thought finding her past would curb the sting of being an outcast. Having no memories of the time before she awoke on her foster mother’s doorstep, she yearns for the emptiness inside her to be filled. With her fellow orphaned best friend, Fenn, by her side, she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. But something powerful stirred within her that she couldn’t explain. Something wanted out.

In the dark of night, a crazed Seer, dubbed Mr.Creepy, erases everything she’s ever known with an impending prophecy. She now faces two paths. Return to her true home to protect a dying race against a growing evil, or stay hidden in the safety of our realm with a shot at a true love. With a vengeful Arch Enemy stopping at nothing to see her dead, she’s running out of time; a decision must be made. What would you choose.

My Thoughts

First off let me say this is a new author for me and this is the first time reading her stories and I have to say that this was a fantastic read.

All the characters in this story were engaging and easy to relate to.All the characters had a story of the own and bits of there past blended with Aurora Megalos future.

At times Aurora did seem a little whiny but, considering the burden she was carrying I will let it pass.Aurora came here from alternate dimension.Her guardian sent her here to protect her from her fate knowing that when the time came those in power would want to kill her off.Aurora was born to a couple who were of a different race one who was a dragon and the other a human making her a mixed bred and a forbidden bred.

Aurora was placed in foster care and shifted around a lot and was not treated kindly.She has now grown up and gone on her own with her long time pal Finn and things are starting to change.

Now that Aurora has almost reached adulthood things start happening to her strange things are happening around her and a lot of unexplainable things are happening.She is in danger. Her past is coming to light.She never felt she belonged she knew that she was different and could not explain why she felt that way she just did.

Aurora meets a seer who gives her strange warnings of things to come.Hints at her past and what she must do to fulfill her destiny.Aurora's destiny is to rule the Dragons and to become the most powerful leader there kind has ever seen.She must go through trials in order to prove she would be the one to lead them.

Aurora and Finns destinies are enter twined. They have been friends for so long things are changing and they both start to have feeling for one another but,Aurora is afraid to act on these feeling not wanting to complicate her friendship.Finn on the other hand wants to pursue it.But,she needs Finn in her life and loves him she just needs time to figure out how they can be together.They make such a cute couple I am rooting for them to find a way to be together Finn is such a cute and sexy protector. Who wouldn't root for him ?

The story unfolds and danger lurked at every corner.Secrets come to light for all those characters involved.We journeyed with Aurora to explore her past and we were with her when she learned about he abilities and that she was part Dragon and how to shape shift.When she forged new friendships.We saw Aurora blossom into a Fearless women and not the women who cowered to her past.

This story had tons of intrigue that always is keeping you on your toes and turning the pages.The story was captivating.It was about healing ones past. Forging new friendships.Becoming the women you new you could be.Finding out who your lost parents were.Learning they let you go to protect you so that you could also have a hand in choosing your own destiny.Learning of your past and being reunited with your love ones.Healing from past hurts. And last but not least dealing with the person you were born to be. Learning to embrace your Dragon side an become whole once again.

This story never had a dull moment .A young adult read not to be missed. A recommended read to all. As a reader I would like to see Aurora in future books and be part of her and Finn's latest adventure.
Profile Image for Jagged.
865 reviews30 followers
January 27, 2013
I hated this book. I didn't want to finish it. I skimmed the majority of the end. And I am glad I did, because nothing worthwhile took place in this book.
The preface had absolutely nothing to offer, and I am confused as to what purpose it was supposed to fulfill. It wouldn't have been missed had it just been left out. Seriously, it was like a bunch of lettuce on a sandwich. Filler. In fact, the first chapter of this book would have served better as the preface.

The Prophecy

It was very simple. Easy to piece together, and left little to hunger after. It was referred to many times after tricking you into thinking you were going to learn something new. That really annoyed the shit out of me.


"Freckles danced on my cheeks."---I didn't care for that description. Spattered...sprinkled....smattering....decorated....but danced? no.

What kind of character was she supposed to be? She didn't fit into any mold besides annoying. She wasn't entirely clueless, she was an imbecile, she was not strong, she was a whiner, and she was extremely self absorbed. I kept waiting for her to do something that would give me reason to like her. She did no such thing.
She didn't like to figure things out for herself, or make her own decisions. Which I found ironic, considering she was supposedly put in the Earthly realm so she could have a choice.
I read her as being about 13, even though she was supposed to be 18. I think that was due to poor writing though. There was nothing about it that was mature.
I think I rolled my eyes more than she did.

"Pretend it never happened and focus on finding my parents." I thought they were looking for both of their parents? And why would he focus on hers and not on his own? A great example of Aurora having her head up her ass.


There was no real character development for Fenn. All I understood was that he was controlling. He thought he owned Aurora, and hated when things didn't go his way.
He didn't look at Aurora when he was uncomfortable or when he lied...Yeah I know, crucial information. But that's pretty much all that stuck about him.
He disappeared for a good potion of the book.

The Romance

First of all. EW. They may as well be brother and sister. I'm completely put off.
Not to mention there was no real chemistry between them. I couldn't really picture them together. Aurora's personality didn't blend well with Fenn's. She was too impulsive, and negative.
It did not feel natural, and what attempts were made were extremely cheesy. I also saw no reason for Aurora to blow him off. It didn't induce anxiousness, it was just like "uh huh..."
It really doesn't get much worse than initiating a kiss and then back peddling but thinking you still deserve that person. I was not happy with their relationship.

The Story
Extremely boring. It was not a page turner. I forced myself to read this book. I hated every character in the book. None of them kept my attention.
Everything was too easy and conveniently available to Aurora.
The action was terrible. There was no real excitement, and the descriptions were boring.
I was confused as to why a child was sent to protect Aurora, and a child was sent to kill or impede her. It didn't make any sense. And it was unlikely that that would be the course of action taken, ever.
It's also very obvious who Alexi and Eve are.

I won't be reading further into this series.
Profile Image for Jamie.
166 reviews34 followers
September 14, 2012
Red mirrored scales race up my arms as the haze of pain blurs my vision. My bones crack, breaking to realign. I scream. It is then that the realization of my unavoidable fate sinks in; I am of a dying race. I am dragon.

Aurora Megalos, orphaned and teetering on the edge of adulthood, thought finding her past would curb the sting of being an outcast. Having no memories of the time before she awoke on her foster mother’s doorstep, she yearns for the emptiness inside her to be filled. With her fellow orphaned best friend, Fenn, by her side, she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. But something powerful stirred within her that she couldn’t explain. Something wanted out.

In the dark of night, a crazed Seer, dubbed Mr.Creepy, erases everything she’s ever known with an impending prophecy. She now faces two paths. Return to her true home to protect a dying race against a growing evil, or stay hidden in the safety of our realm with a shot at a true love. With a vengeful Arch Enemy stopping at nothing to see her dead, she’s running out of time; a decision must be made. What would you choose?

My Thoughts:
I felt that 'Born in Flames' was…okay. I think the problem I had with this book was that I had to continuously stop reading it to finish homework or go to school. Then, I would go a day or two without reading it, losing interest. This book helped me discover that I like to finish a book in one to two days. Three if it's really long and I re-read my favorite parts. I didn't start this book when I finally added it to my currently-reading shelf. I started it on Saturday or Sunday, I think.

I liked the romance, even if it was only at the beginning and end of the book. Yes, Rory had thoughts about Fenn while she was looking for the keys, but the core parts of the relationship were--of course--when they were together. I like the idea that she's always loved him, and she grew up with him. So, they had history, and it wasn't an instantaneous love.

The mere mention of dragons raised the bar high for me. I wanted to actually read about other dragons or learn more about their lifestyle. Since the book didn't mention a lot of those kind of details, I was disappointed. If Rory decided she would go to her Mom and live with the dragons for a while to fight against her enemy, I would probably try and read the next one, but since the author ended it on a happy note and her issues didn't seem all that urgent, I probably won't.

However, I enjoyed the concept of the story. I liked how she had an allotted time to find the keys, and I liked how she had to try and discover things out on her own. I was happy that she was reunited with her father, Gabe, and Astral. I honestly think that I would have rated it four stars if it had hooked me more or if I didn't delay reading it so much.

I liked it, but I probably won't read the next installment in the series.
Profile Image for Tarra.
185 reviews25 followers
November 13, 2012
1 star

Argh! I am so tired of books like this!

I truly do not understand how this is rated so highly. The protagonist was so....weak, like all the time... I don't know what about her gives anyone the impression that she's strong. She's just like all the rest of them.

Reasons I disliked Aurora:

1) She couldn't do a thing on her own. She was given ALL the tools she needed to reach her goal, yet she was never written to go off and be successful on her own. When she lost her first "helper" I thought "Oh good now she has to be self sufficient". I was wrong. She got angry (which she seemed to do quite a bit, but let's not get ahead of ourselves) and she demanded this other dude help her but it was like when a child asks a parent to help her find well placed Easter Eggs. He gave her an obvious hint: It's next to something that's tall and green and while the majority of us would say "It's probably by a tree", she got pissy like he was being a jerk and tried to stomp off and pout somehwere so he said "It's by that tree" and all but pointed to it... she was then supposed to use her brains to find the other missing pieces or some shit but after she went and picked up said Easter egg she went back to dude and was expecting him to point to the next egg.... wth? Go find the shits on your own lazy, stupid girl.

She also had a time limit. She spent one whole day sobbing and jacking off. She only had like 4 or 5 days. Didn't seem like a wise use of time.

2) She got angry alot. I don't understand why writers mistake anger for strength. It is not the same. It also makes me angry when a weak character has a hair trigger temper. Said individual is dependent on others to stand up straight on flat surfaces for tens of pages but when it suits them they can tell off whomever they want, up to and including: love interests, family, friends, that creepy guy following them around. Authors everywhere: that shit is annoying. Don't have your heroine come off as an ass to the people you are making us love. Seriously.

3) She kept doing that kiss a boy then aggressively push him away garbage. Stop it. It's gross.

4) She couldn't make up her damned mind. You have a destiny that you can choose to follow or not, it's simple really. And she kept saying she needed to know more about herself yet every time the moment arose for her to do just that she placed her finger up her arse and bullshitted the entire time. She asked the stupidest questions and was soooooooooo disbelieving.... Yet she would think to herself that everything they said rang true, right after they effing said it! *Eyeroll*

The story itself drug on like you would not believe. For a book that was only 183 pgs it took me entirely too long to read it.

All in all: Did not care for this book at all. It was stupid heroine all over again. Someone give me something good to read! Please!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 149 reviews

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