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The Facts In The Case Of The Departure Of Miss Finch

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Come, come and hear of the strange and terrible tale of Miss Finch, an exacting woman befallen by mystery and abduction deep under the streets of London! New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman delivers another stunning hardcover graphic novel with longtime collaborator Michael Zulli (Creatures of the Night, The Sandman). This is the first comics adaptation of his popular story "The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch," which saw print only in the U.K. edition of Gaiman's award-winning work Smoke and Short Fictions and Illusions and was recently interpreted for his Speaking in Tongues CD. The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch is a "mostly true story" that combines the author's trademark magic realism with Zulli's sumptuous paintings, and has been newly rewritten for this hardcover. Join a group of friends, with the stern Miss Finch in tow, as they enter musty caverns for a subterranean circus spectacle called "The Theatre of Night's Dreaming." Come inside, get out of the pounding rain, and witness this strange world of vampires, ringmasters, illusions and the Cabinet of Wishes Fulfill'd.

56 pages, Hardcover

First published October 10, 2007

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Neil Gaiman

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,932 reviews17.1k followers
July 7, 2015
The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch is a graphic novel by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Michael Zulli, first published in 2008.

Gaiman’s delivery and especially Zulli’s artwork are, as usual, entertaining and fun to look at. Essentially, a group of friends go to an unusual circus like show to which a friend of a friend Miss Finch has been invited along. Miss Finch is stand offish and confrontational and does not fit in with the others in the group. Along the way, Miss Finch has a very strange encounter in the circus.

Told with Gaiman’s inimitable style and Zulli’s impressive artwork, this is a fun graphic novel.

Profile Image for Chad.
9,119 reviews994 followers
December 23, 2020
Three friends are saddled with an annoying woman during a night out. They attend a circus, The Theatre of Night's Dreaming, in the London Underground. We attend the show along with the foursome as they travel from room to room, up to and through when the title events happen. A solid short story. Like a lot of Gaiman's short stories, there is no resolution.

I'm not the largest Michael Zulli fan. His linework is often too squiggly for me. His water colors over them are quite nice though.
Profile Image for Murat Dural.
Author 16 books602 followers
December 31, 2022
"Kısacık, küçük" dediğim bir Neil Gaiman öyküsü, çizgi romanı daha "büyük" memnuniyetle tamamlandı. Şüphesiz ki zamanımızın en iyi öykü anlatan, bunu görsel sanatlara en iyi taşıyan yazarlarından biri o. Her ne kadar hayranlık duymasam da kendi çizdiği samimi yolda, benim de beğenimi kazanan biri olarak, popülerliği iyi anlama çeken bir öykücü.
Profile Image for Jenny (Reading Envy).
3,876 reviews3,572 followers
March 24, 2016
This is a graphic novel version of one of Neil Gaiman's short stories, and I felt a bit was lost in the adaptation to graphic form. It is good, but not great. It drops off near the end. Not much is explained. We don't know who the people in the story even are. If you like creepy circus people, this will be your thing. (Beware the blind date.)

Thanks to the publisher who gave me a chance to see the 2nd edition a bit early through Edelweiss.
Profile Image for Fiona MacDonald.
772 reviews184 followers
May 4, 2021
Stunning illustrations, wonderfully, insanely weird. That is all.
Profile Image for Sud666.
2,167 reviews176 followers
January 24, 2018
This was a curious tale. Originally a short story it was made into comic format. It is the story of a Miss Finch who disappeared one night at the "The Theatre of Night's Dreaming".This tale had a lot in common with the Last Temptation GN. Even the maestro looks like Alice Cooper's character in that story. It has many of the same feelings. But it just seemed very rushed and short.

Some friends meet up to go out to a theater and eat some food. They bring an annoying prat named Miss Finch along. Miss Finch has lot of opinions and shares them. They go to the Theater and go through various room where the circus performs. But it seems Miss Finch is gone! But it seems that Miss Finch has gone native. More than that I shall not say.

The artwork isn't bad at all and works well for this story. It is not a bad story. Just short. Very short. Considering the import of this story it doesn't seem like the tale got it's due. The explanations of the events leaves much to be desired. An interesting tale overall but one with the impression of being rushed and it seemed too short. I know thats a funny thing to say in a short story, but it applies. I think only Neil Gaiman fans will like this one.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
August 2, 2016
A graphic novel fantasy by Gaiman, illustrated by Michael Zulli, based on a short story by Gaiman, first released as a graphic novel in 2008, rereleased recently. Three people meet an acquaintance, Miss Finch, to see a play in the London "underground" which in this case means it takes place in the catacombs of the London subway system. Lots of bizarre, unexplainable things happen, including Miss Finch's participation (and, see title) in the various performances, tableaux. Pretty forgettable action, actually; the three others seem sort of cynical, bored. The art by Zulli is great, the story just okay, though it does have a few minor Gaiman touches.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,526 reviews1,247 followers
October 17, 2019
Very disappointing. Upon request I gave this a second chance. Nope.
The story was bland, relied heavily and narration like "He sipped his tea." Even though we see the cup placed up to his lips we are not trusted to understand this? Other times it makes a bit of sense but not much. I felt this should have just been left alone as a short story, although I have not read that either, I just do not feel this flowed well as a graphic novel. Overall bland. Rather a pointless transition.
I have mixed thoughts on the art. It is very detailed which was a nice touch, but the color choices I felt added a drab feeling to a story that was already dulling. Bad combination. It didn't flow. In the end, this just didn't work for me. It was too short to properly get into and the twists just fell flat for me.

Profile Image for Nikki in Niagara.
4,139 reviews155 followers
May 12, 2016
Very good! Neil Gaiman is always hit and miss with me so I never know with his books! This is a graphic adaptation of one of his short stories (which I hadn't read). The art is deliciously scrumptious and says so much more than words could, especially with the ending. It's a spooky creepy tale that held me enthralled from beginning to end.
Profile Image for Marina.
131 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2016
The predictability was predictable. It also lacked charm and I find story quite lackluster, dull and expressionless.
Profile Image for Gilraen.
101 reviews3 followers
June 8, 2023
Eh yine başı sonu olmayan, absürt bir fever dream modunda Neil Gaiman hikayesi. Çizimleri de benim çok sevdiğim bir tarz olmasa da güzeldi.
Profile Image for Paul.
396 reviews1 follower
November 23, 2020
It's a Neil Gaiman story. How could it be bad? Read it, already.
Profile Image for Maxine.
1,398 reviews62 followers
February 26, 2016
Two of my favourite things are Neil Gaiman stories and graphic novels. Gaiman is one of the few writers whose work I will seek out and read and reread and always find it as enjoyable, as entertaining as the first time. I originally read The Facts in The Case of the Departure of Miss Finch in Fragile Things several years ago and thought it was one very dark very creepy tale so when I saw it reproduced as a graphic novel, how could I resist?

While in London a writer is invited out for a night of fun and sushi with a couple of friends. However, their purpose for inviting him is not entirely friendship – they are saddled with Miss Finch, another acquaintance, a woman who is a bit of a killjoy and they hope the presence of the writer will prevent the evening from being entirely ruined.

After, a meal of sushi, in which Miss Finch ‘entertains’ them with tales of all of the parasites that one can get from eating raw seafood along with comments about now extinct animals, they decide to go to a underground circus to get out of the rain. But this is no ordinary circus - there are vampires and other denizens of the dark to amuse and amaze the rather small crowd. None of this, however, impresses the group until they reach the very last exhibit, the Cabinet of Wishes Fullfill’d and Miss Finch is dragged into it.

The graphic novel is published by Dark Horse and illustrated by Michael Zulli. The artwork is done in slightly muted tones and complements the tale beautifully. In fact, this may be one of the few times I would be hard pressed to say which I enjoyed more, the story or the art. This is also a very short book, just 56 pages, but what it lacks in length, it makes up for in the sheer creepy goodness of the story and the beauty of the art. Definitely a high recommendation from me for fans of Neil Gaiman and/or graphic novels.

Profile Image for Brooke.
540 reviews353 followers
July 18, 2012
This was a beautifully drawn graphic novel version of one of Gaiman's short stories. I remembered the story well from his short story collections, and it was a delight to see it brought to life visually. I wouldn't mind seeing him give more of his stories this treatment.
Profile Image for Metin Yılmaz.
1,054 reviews117 followers
July 6, 2019
Neil Gaiman diye düşünmeden almamalıyız sanırım. Yine çok havada yine çok başsız sonsuz bir hikaye. Sadece hikaye değil bu kez çizimler de etkileyemedi.
Profile Image for Berfin Kanat.
414 reviews171 followers
November 10, 2020
Kısa ama keyifli bir hikaye, yağmurlu bir akşamda yarım saatinizi ayırıp bitirebilirsiniz. Çizimleri de çok güzel.
Profile Image for Razvan Zamfirescu.
521 reviews82 followers
August 14, 2015
Spicuiri din recenzia finala care se gaseste pe blogul meu


Mi-a plăcut mult această povestire pentru că este unul dintre puținele texte ale lui Gaiman care cresc gradual, tensiunea simțindu-se cum se adună pe măsură ce înaintezi în narațiune. Personajele sunt veridice și tot ce se întâmplă are un ușor iz psihedelic care-ți lasă impresia, nu o dată, că grupul de prieteni care se duc să vadă hidosul circ subteran sunt, de fapt, drogați. Linia dintre realitate și fantastic este atât de subțire și se rupe și se leagă atât de ușor încât nu mai știi când o lume o înghite pe cealaltă. Din nou am simțit acea senzație care m-a făcut să vorbesc despre alterealitate, o construcție verbală care mi-a venit în minte după ce am citit Mr. Punch. Realitatea în cazul domnișoarei Finch nu dispare, nu este neapărat înlocuită cu o altă lume sau dimensiune ci, pur și simplu, se alterează atât de tare încât te lasă să vezi și să trăiești dincolo de vis, mit, realitate concretă și rațiune. Însă când realitatea se alterează mult prea tare, fie din dorința personajului de a se dizolva în imaginile din mintea sa, fie pentru că nu reușește să țeasă ițele rupte din matricea care este realitatea, atunci carnea se prăbușește în plasa voalului ce ascunde cu atâta râvnă toate legile naturii. Domnișoara Finch nu se pierde într-o altă dimensiune ci rămâne captivă reveriei pe care schizofrenicii, de exemplu, o trăiesc.
Profile Image for Meg Powers.
145 reviews54 followers
July 19, 2010
Uuugggghh. Everything about this "graphic novel" is insulting and annoying. I'm a long time Neil Gaiman fan,and I was drawn by the cover art (an inky, softly rendered image of a wild woman caressing a sabretooth tiger), so naturally I was pretty excited to find this at the library. Unfortunately, The Facts In the Case of Blah Blah Blah was a ten minute waste of my brain space.
Disappointingly, Gaiman seems to be cashing in on his name with this book. I wonder if it would have been a better read if he had written the comic script himself; instead,acclaimed letterer Michael Zulli fills in with an adaptation of Gaiman's "mostly true" autobiographical short story. Perhaps the smug, obnoxious dialogue of (whom I am assuming to be) Gaiman and his friends is a product of this. Zulli's crisp lettering, often with Photoshopped gradient background boxes, is glaringly sterile in contrast to the sketchy, lightweight watercolor drawings. All in all, bad.
This whole book seems like it was churned out in a week, is the length of a normal comic book, and doesn't warrant a hardcover, a binding choice I feel was made simply to instill in readers some "collectible" impulses. What a rip off.
Profile Image for Francine.
129 reviews109 followers
February 4, 2009
This was a fairly predictable story, which I found quite disappointing, considering it's a Neil Gaiman work. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good, either. At some point, I even wondered if he was going more for the shock factor, above anything else (e.g., when the characters were going through the various rooms during the show). His characters weren't well developed (and I understand that part of the story was the mystery, which is why it started in media res). Still, while I've read worse, I did expect a bit more from it.
Profile Image for Travis Duke.
1,030 reviews14 followers
May 19, 2016
4.5 only because I feel they could have given us just a little more to chew on. The writing is lovely and detailed with a good pace. The art is really well done, I loved the fine line work and the watercolor approach. As far as graphic novels go it is very well done from start to finish, both art and writing are excellent. The story is a mystery revolving around a missing woman. The ending is left somewhat open but it didn't bother me so much, I only wish it was longer.
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,618 reviews14 followers
April 25, 2015
Not my favorite of Gaiman's stories nor the best art to capture the story. Good but not great.
Profile Image for Scott.
330 reviews5 followers
October 25, 2018
The Pros: A quick entertaining read in graphic novel format. A writer (mirroring Neil Gaiman himself) and a group of friends go out for the evening to witness a ghoulish underground carnival of sorts. Many rooms are explored, freaks and oddities abound. Seems all spooky fun and games until the twist at the ending of their night.

The Cons: I didn't care for the illustration style of Michael Zulli's paintings for this story. Didn't seem to capture the atmosphere of the story well enough for me. Also, the story seemed a bit too abridged for this graphic novel format.

Profile Image for Michelle Spencer.
479 reviews15 followers
January 1, 2023
Neil Gaiman is masterful at atmospheric short-storytelling. With The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch, he takes 50 pages - short even for a graphic novel - and turns them into their own spooky little world that feels remarkably like a Ray Bradbury tale and an Alice Cooper song rolled into one.

I've read this one as a short story before, and since this features a few elements that you might enjoy more if they were left to the imagination, I suggest the text-only short story format if you want to stick closer to a PG rating.
Profile Image for Maria.
782 reviews47 followers
January 20, 2020
This was beautifully drawn which I expect coming from Zulli as he illustrated Gaiman's short story that follows a small group of friends on a night out to the circus unlike any other circus.

Gaiman weaves story full of whimsy and magic to tell the tale of Miss Finch and her unusual departure.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 321 reviews

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