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In Spiritu Et Veritate #1

In Spirit and Truth

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Werewolves are disappearing all over the country, and nobody's quite sure why.

Kyla was forced to leave behind everything she cared about when her parents' ranch went bankrupt. With all of her friends and her boyfriend so far away, she isn't sure she'll ever feel as comfortable in this new life as she did in the old. Unaware of the danger, reclusive werewolf, Camille, couldn't be happier to make the new girl feel right at home in the small farm-town of Tranquility, California. By the time Kyla realizes there's something hiding out in the dark, watching her, she's unwittingly stepped into the crosshairs of a dangerous werewolf. Original target? Camille.

Can the girls take down the threat before they become the latest victims of his deadly game?

454 pages, Paperback

First published October 18, 2012

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Zoe Reed

13 books963 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for lov2laf.
714 reviews1,082 followers
January 20, 2017
This is a great story and worth the read. It's unique in that it's a YA paranormal lesbian romance and that's a combination I haven't read before. I loved all of the characters and the world that Reed built. The author did a fantastic job.

Warning: There is a rape trigger in this book.
Profile Image for Val.
412 reviews14 followers
September 10, 2017
I so loved this book. For whatever reason, I'm always attracted to these werewolf books and this one is well written. The main characters are young but they certainly have to deal with some serious adult issues. In any case, I came to love these two characters and I'm excited a sequel is already written. Whoop! I'm just going to go read that now....
Profile Image for Dide.
1,416 reviews52 followers
September 19, 2021
3.5 star rating
YA werewolf story. It took me a little while into the book for me to get adjusted but it ended up being quite entertaining.
I'd see what's next in the series.
Profile Image for Megzz.
173 reviews133 followers
January 29, 2015
Well this is a cliché YA story despite the fantasy setting. I found most of the typical elements those stories often have: new girl coming to town, meets gay girl in town, at the high school lockers, immediate connection, the girls being partnered for school projects, etc. It was all very familiar. Maybe too familiar for my liking.

I really enjoyed the werewolf part, I think it's exciting to read about how different emotions and reactions are between wolves and humans. I liked the dynamics between Camille and Kyla.
But a lot of the time I felt like I was reading Twilight (this is not a compliment), as the dialogues or the story bordered on cheesy. Despite loving the werewolf part, I couldn't help but be bothered by Camille's instant devotion to Kyla. I understand it's an animal thing, but because of that, it's hard to relate.

I really liked Camille though, I think she's charming and mysterious and we can easily understand what draws Kyla to her. It's the latter I struggled with. I found Kyla pretty dull, and I wish Reed would have made her more ..attractive? not necessarily in a physical way, just in a general way. It's like the writer didn't spend much time building her personality and as a result we're left with a sweet but boring high school student falling for a sexy wolf. Pretty obvious. Who wouldn't? The question is, why Kyla?

Some things in the writing bothered me a bit as well. I'm not a fan of changing POVs, it can be confusing at times, and very repetitive (for instance, if something happens in one chapter, then we have to read about that thing in the following one just to get to see how the other character feels about it). If the writer wants us to be in both characters' heads, I'd rather she wrote in 3rd person.

But, well... honestly I gave it 3 stars because despite all of these imperfections, some scenes are still delightful to read and made me smile big. Zoe Reed has the ability to write about affection in a really realistic way. There's a lot of "physical moments".. touches, looks, hugs, kisses, that make the love that much more real to the reader. A lot of writers often skip these seemingly useless things, when to me they are absolutely essential in romantic stories.

The last part of the story was my favorite, especially the very last chapter which got me very excited. I'm about to start reading the sequel and I'm hoping Kyla gets to be a bit more interesting this time...

Conclusion: flawed inconsistent story but a quick enjoyable read nonetheless.
Profile Image for Starsandsun18.
258 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2016
The first half of the book is really slow.. you have to be really patient. If you're easily bored I wouldn't be surprise if you'll skip a few pages.

There are a lot of awkward moments between the two of them, Cami's really shy and kind of withdrawn.
She doesn't have friends but she's close with her siblings.
She's a total opposite of Kyla.
Kyla's more of a friendly and out going type. She speaks her mind.
The pacing of the story is really slow for my taste but it's totally understandable.
Camille doesn't trust easily but when it comes to Kyla she can't say no. They've developed their friendship and of course their feelings.
I like how Kyla dealt with Camille being a werewolf.

Overall, 3.75-4.
And I'll start the sequel next.
Profile Image for Ted.
560 reviews79 followers
June 14, 2017
So book 3 in this series came out recently. So I *have* to go back and do a re read of the preceding books. Supernatural YA isn't everyone's bag, but I love love love Zoe Reed's books and I don't mind it at all. For the life of me I don't know why I two starred book 2 but I'll find out in a bit. Anyway I loved this one even though the ending wasn't exactly how I wanted it to go.
Profile Image for susan.
416 reviews3 followers
February 10, 2017
Light hearted

This is the first book of this author's I have read. This was a light hearted story that had me at page one. I love wolf's so that what drew me to the story. The characters were believable. And the storyline was great. I would definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Alealea.
647 reviews8 followers
April 9, 2018
I was a bit surprised because I didn't remember it was YA and I don't usually read them.

It was like watching an american teenage movies with my step-daughter : teenage girl moving into a new small town and mysterious girl struck instantaneous friendship that quickly evolves to something else. A bit too Twilight for my taste in way.

The story pick up in the second part with known antagonists getting out of hands. Enough for making go read the next book but not enough to be convinced it's worth the time.
39 reviews
September 14, 2021
TLDR; A good, albeit childish, introduction to the Paranormal Fiction genre. I guess I was expecting too much maturity for a YA. Camille and Luna were great characters; Kyla was not. The plot was dumb. They could've solved everything earlier if they went straight for the kill. Camille's and Kyla's relationship was good. The author always delivers when his characters finally get together. Tons of clichés, but I don't particularly care. Clichés exist for a reason. The ending could be good if it wasn't for the meaningless rape and breakup.

I liked Camille (and Luna) from the start, but Kyla didn't grow on me as much (Spoiler alert: That didn't change throughout the series, it only got worse). Camille and her twin, Luna, were my favorite characters by far. However, I have to say that Camille simping for Kyla the entire book/series didn't suit my tastes. I wanted Camille to be more ruthless and determined. But she was just too soft and shy, which is not a bad thing, just not what I was expecting the cool/tall/strong werewolf girl to be.

Luna was fun. Her teasing and bickering with Camille was extremely enjoyable to read. Interesting how Luna's wolf was white and Camille's wolf was dark-brown when they are twins (and both blondes). At least things like height were taken into consideration when shifting.

Kyla was bland. There is not much to say about her. Her personality in Book 1 is bland, but is better than what the rest of the series showed us.

What I really liked about this book was the writing details when they were in wolf form. The author did a great job at showing us the wolf part of being a werewolf. Their instincts, their senses, their playfulness. For once, it seems like they didn't shift just to fight. They shifted because they needed to. They enjoyed it; they felt free in their form. Reading about their occasional runs was extremely enjoyable. Also, I liked the fact the werewolves weren't humanoid when they shifted. They were literally gigantic wolves who could reason.
18 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2021
Okay this book is exactly like Twilight except for minor differences like if Bella left her hometown with friends or a boyfriend behind and maybe if she was a bit more social. Anyway I like the plot to this story. Stuff that bugs me first is about one of the MCs (Kyla) is that she gets dumped and immediately the next day she tries to date her friend. Then also said friend (girlfriend now) tells her that she is a werewolf and she does not reflect on much and is ready to continue that relationship. But she freaks when said girlfriend tells her that she loves her and radio silence for a brief period. Like I mean that should be the least shocking revelation out of all that happened in a short span of time since her move from Texas. Also another thing that bugged me is that if the MC says she does not want to be a werewolf anytime soon please respect her wishes even Stephanie wrote Edward Cullen with more respect for Bella in that aspect. You chose to write a near death scene for a MC that is human in a world full of supernaturals (yourself into a corner) and used "The Bite" to save MC (write yourself out of that corner). Do better.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Willow.
29 reviews4 followers
January 15, 2019
[TW: Sexual Assault] I'm a huge fan of the author's other works but this one didn't do it for me. Too much gendered/sexualized violence that felt really tonally weird for what the book was not to mention it didn't actually play into the story beyond making the villain a rapist (Honestly I'd be super happy if I never had to read a woman in fiction begging not to be raped and killed ever again). Given how well Reye has explored trauma and how it effects relationships in his other books I'm hoping later editions in this series do a better job. Also we didn't even really get to see the fallout from the climax or if the villain was defeated or not?
Profile Image for XR.
1,837 reviews101 followers
June 25, 2019
Wolves are such beautiful creatures. I've always had a fascination with them growing up and so naturally, the myth of werewolves appealed to me too. This was a version I can appreciate. I thought the Zade family are a cool bunch but the one thing I love about the myth was how a pack protects pack. The fact that the Zade family were in danger from their own and had to be away from their pack was really an uncomfortable thought to me. Anyway, time for the next book!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 26, 2024
I liked the story a lot but the ending was a bit rushed and missing a rather important conversation. I hope it happens in its sequel...
Also I'm a bit sad that the evil guy in this story was just evil to be evil. I like it when the bad guys have a personality and a good reason why they are the way they are.
Otherwise the love story is very beautiful. So I give it a 3.5 rating and I can't wait to continue the story!
Profile Image for Thais Matoso.
4 reviews
July 22, 2020
really disappointing to be honest. I hate it when the story has everything to be good but the author can’t quite get it right. I even started the second book because i’m very stubborn but it turned out to be the worst experience in my entire life. the sequence was so dumb and pointless. nothing happened the whole book. I’m only giving 3 stars because it was a nice try tho.
Profile Image for Ewok.
150 reviews3 followers
November 4, 2021
Eh. Beginning the book I was in love with how light hearted and non toxic this sweet love story was.

Reading it to the end it had me confused with seemingly forgotten story lines and an awkward way to deal with various turn points in the story.

Im sure I will eventually get back to this series to read more of it, but right now Im happy to have finished this book.
Profile Image for Grace.
716 reviews6 followers
February 27, 2023

camille and kyla are truly wonderful characters. i love them with my whole heart and i feel like we spend a lot of this book exploring them and their relationship so nothing really much happens til the last 3 chapters. but these are some strong foundations to build on so i’m looking forward to books 2-4
Profile Image for Heather Henkel.
1,404 reviews23 followers
January 24, 2017
Great story

I really enjoyed this story. I normally don't read anything that had high school aged characters, especially with werewolves but this was a really good story.
Profile Image for Erin.
77 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2018
Werewolves and girls dating! Fun story!
Profile Image for Yvi K..
31 reviews3 followers
July 5, 2020
4.5 stars.. liked it a lot.. although this book is very PG.. which usually is not my cup of tea.. but the chemistry between the 2 main is real. .
Profile Image for Amy Louise.
76 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2021
Throughly loved this ive yet to find a book by this author that I haven’t not loved or enjoyed thoroughly I have now ordered the sequel and can’t wait to sink my teeth into it.
2 reviews
September 25, 2013
I bought this book on a whim while I was browsing for new things to read on Amazon (it was only $0.99) and I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's not perfect - I'd probably give it more a 4.5 than a 5 if we had the option - but I absolutely love these characters.

The story is a fairly straight forward YA romance (if you ignore the werewolves) with a bit of mystery thrown in, and it's one I think works very well. Telling the story from alternating perspectives was a nice touch, as you don't always get to see a romance from both sides. It also allows the author to start fleshing out her version of the werewolf theme and get some world building in before Kyla is fully aware of Camille's secret.

I think I would have liked to see a little more of Kyla's family, especially interacting with Camille, but on the whole I can't really think of anything about this novel I'd like to see changed. Kyla and Camille are excellent characters and I loved watching their relationship develop. I bought this book's sequel before I was even done reading it, and I can only hope there will be more.
Profile Image for moxieBK.
1,708 reviews4 followers
November 16, 2021
In Spirit and Truth (In Spirit Et Veritate Series Book 1) -- Zoe Reed

Date read: Unknown/Rated: Five star
Ed. Note: According to my Book Review Notes, I read this sometime in May 5, 2015. I am going to say this finished on May 2015. Evidently I never entered it in to review; it stayed on my book shelf as unread. Perhaps I read another ebook version than the one in Kindle.

Have I told you lately how much I LOVE Zoe Reed? Fantastic author that really speaks to me, no matter the subject. I'm reading genres I'd never even glance at and it's because of this author. Her stories are complex and beautifully written. (Even through grammatical errors, like waste when she means waist.)

I'm willing to let the errors slide though, because her writing is intoxicating. Even when I'm like: OK, BTDT, I find myself reading on because I want to know more about these characters. She dangles the carrot enough that I keep reaching for it, never satisfied until the last sentence has been read.

This is an absolutely solid book. Not perfect, mind you. But Ms. Reed has some moxie. Very rarely do I give five stars. This is one.

Five stars.
127 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2017
Kinda average. Standard instant mutual love stuff (well there is a boyfriend here but he never is a real threat to them getting together) + some werewolf stuff. But if you are just in the mood for some fluffy romance with supernatural elements it will do the job.

Though (significant spoilers):
Profile Image for Charlee.
71 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2020
3.5 Stars

1st Person POV. New girl in town. Pretty. Femme. Friendly. Curious. Brunette. Age: Teens.

1st Person POV. Reserved. Werewolf. Tomboy(ish). Protective. Loyal. Blonde. Age: Teens.

Moderately explicit. First love.

Profile Image for Pat.
19 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2023
I was really surprised to find that, after finally reading a shifter novel, I wonder what took me so long to get I go the genre. If you've put off this genre because you just didn't think it would be something you would be interested in, these books will be a good place to start.

In Spirit and Truth has me hooked now. Before I finished reading it, I bought the other 3 in the series.

Told from two points of view, it's the story of two young women who are drawn to each other, with one struggling with the want and also fear of telling her her secret and what happens after
218 reviews4 followers
January 9, 2017
Very well written

I don't read books about teenagers or werewolves. This one had both. I read this book because it was written by Zoe Reed and that was the only reason. It was very good and I would have expected no less from her. Her characters are terrific, and the story is a good one. She has a talent for creating memorable characters that are for from perfect but completely likable. I am pretty sure I would read a cookbook if Zoe Reed wrote it. On to part two.
Profile Image for Shaunette.
163 reviews15 followers
May 13, 2020
My favourite thing about reading is that there will always be books that will take the least amount of energy to get into because all you need to do is read the first chapter and you’ll want to swallow it whole. In Spirit and Truth was that to me—a good fucking story! It kept me super engaged! I would highly recommend to anyone looking for cute f/f werewolf story.
Profile Image for Root and The Machine.
81 reviews1 follower
October 7, 2021
This was a great book,atleast until the end.I expected more than the usual girl gets raped and murdered and so is "reborn".Plus Iam guessing it will never be addressed.I will read the next book of course,just that Zoe Reed has just moved several levels down for me.A pity,I loved interference.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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