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“She was ready to shed blood, ready to take back what was hers.”

The time has come to make one last stand against the forces of cursed men and monsters. But Thea’s enemies are only getting stronger. With allies divided and an outnumbered army, she must race against her own fate to secure the future of the midrealms – or die trying.

A prophecy is looming, and Thea’s life is in the balance. Does she have the power to cheat death itself?

Love and loyalty will be tested. Bonds will fracture forever. But all must fight for a better world.

In the final war for survival, will Thea and Wilder emerge victorious? Or will the shadows consume them at last?

Fans of Fourth Wing, The Witcher and The Bridge Kingdom, brace yourselves for sizzling romance, found family and heart-pounding battles in Shadow & Storms, the epic finale to The Legends of Thezmarr.

420 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 20, 2024

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About the author

Helen Scheuerer

37 books2,467 followers
Helen Scheuerer is the fantasy author of the bestselling series, The Oremere Chronicles, the Curse of the Cyren Queen quartet and The Legends of Thezmarr. Her work has been highly praised for its strong, flawed female characters and its action-packed plots.

Helen’s love of writing and books led her to pursue a creative writing degree and a Masters of Publishing. She has been a full-time author since 2018 and now lives amidst the mountains in New Zealand where she is constantly dreaming up new stories.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 924 reviews
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
171 reviews60 followers
July 24, 2024
3.5 ⭐️ ‘We are all daughters of darkness, Thea. We were born into a world of it, a place that would dictate the way in which we defend ourselves, the way we live our lives. No more. That world is no longer. And the next one will be what we make it.’ 🥹

It’s over. That empty feeling after finishing a series is no joke 😭

This was a solid series with an overall rating of 4 ⭐️. Book 1 and 4 were definitely the strongest, whilst books 2&3 dragged just a little.

Okay, so my quick review is that:

➡️ the side characters and overall family/friend scenes CARRIED this book. Literally, everyone became loveable and the dialogue was excellent (if a little cheesy at times but hey 🤷🏾‍♀️). Characters from book one returned and were given a bit more airtime that I LOVED. I’m sorry but I will always love a stressed out Esyllt - ‘Yes, yes,’ Esyllt said. ‘Everyone’s a fucking hero. Furies save me, can we please talk tactics?’ 😂😭 why is he always angry at everyone please?

➡️ it was semi predictable. I kinda had an idea who the true daughter of darkness(the real evil one) was because she was written too perfectly. There wasn’t a shock factor for me but still a good twist.

➡️ for me, the romance peaked in book 1. I’m sorry but we kept being told that Thea and Wilder were in the great love story…but there was no REASON. I’m not a fan of fated mates(too typical), but that storyline would have made sense. There’s a big attraction, and intense connection with her magic and his…but…that’s it…there’s no explanation as to WHY they feel this way. They’re just in constant lust and it loses its impact very quickly.

➡️ overall, it wrapped up WELL. Loose ends were tied and we got some good happy moments that made all the chaos worth it. We also got a Segway into the spinoff with Torj (no spoilers, but something happens with him and wren during a battle which seems pretty interesting).

The overall theme of women turning the tides and going up against a society that often blames them? LOVED THAT.

As she deflected another jab, she realised that his fury wasn’t for her alone, but for all women. That despite every ounce of evidence she’d shown him over the years that she was capable, that she was a true protector of the midrealms, he would never believe it. He didn’t want to. And that meant there was no place for him in this world, the world they were trying to defend and rebuild anew.

Full RTC but I’m recommending the read if you go into it expecting a bumpy road 🤷🏾‍♀️

The finalleeee…I just know I’m in for a massive book hangover after this series 😵‍💫
Profile Image for 1000_books_1000_lives.
337 reviews33 followers
June 20, 2024
10,000 stars!! It was absolutely phenomenal! This series has held my heart since book one and this finale did not disappoint. I gasped, cried, laughted, swore, stopped breathing, sobbed, laughed again and OMG it was everything! The most fitting finale with twists you won’t see coming and all the magic I’ve come to expect from Helen! A true masterpiece! GO READ THE WHOLE SERIES!!
Profile Image for Marianna Moore.
227 reviews5,704 followers
July 2, 2024
I feel robbed. Disappointed honestly doesn’t even begin to cut it. I absolutely LOVED the first three books in the series and rave about them CONSTANTLY, so the final book so heavily missing the mark PAINS ME to no end!! But good god was this bad.

There’s nothing I personally hate more than when a final book in a fantasy series is solely plotting and planning leading up to a final battle. And the icing on the cake…. THE FINAL BATTLE BEING SO BEYOND UNDERWHELMING! So yeah, I was bored out of my god damn mind.

Also the romance fell so flat for me. All of the chemistry I felt from Wilder and Thea throughout the series completely disappeared. POOF, gone. I love the taste of nothing. No but seriously it seemed like there wasn’t really a plan for what to do with them now that they’re together so instead of developing their story as a couple, it was just the same recycled sex scene every other chapter. When I start skipping the spice…. It’s never a good sign.

Don’t even get me started on that fact that the magic system had absolutely zero consequences or costs with regards to wielding magic. Everything was resolved so quickly and easily… like uhm I’m sorry we had four whole books worth of build up and you give me THAT???? There was one huge plot point that was followed throughout the series and how it got resolved made me want to rip every last strand of hair out of my head. By the end of the book I was PRAYING that characters would die just so I could feel something other than apathy!!!

Also lmk how Thea somehow so easily freed Wilder from the most deadly prison that nobody’s ever come out of before ??? When did she become so good at using her magic?? All of a sudden she’s this almighty powerful storm wielder when she literally just found out she had magic a few months ago? I can’t. Let’s also not ignore that Wilder was so heavily traumatized from his experience in the prison for all of 2 chapters…. Then POOF, trauma magically ✨disappears✨.

I’m truly stunned by how strongly I disliked this. The 2 stars are strictly for Wren and Torj and the fact that I loved the first 3 books.

Gonna just casually pretend like this didn’t happen.
Profile Image for Megan.
170 reviews16 followers
June 28, 2024
✨Shadows & Storms✨

Gosh, I don’t even know where to begin to fully express how GOOD this book was. I mean, every book leading up to this was fantastic but this finale just HIT differently.

Here we are finally bringing The Legend of Thezmarr to a close. The battlefield has been set and all that’s left is execution. But whose?

Our friends and chosen family are back with Wilder, Thea, Wren, Anya, Dratos, Kipp, Torj, and Cal. But there’s even more surprise appearances along the way! As usual, SAS is PACKED with action and spice and plot twists. The entirety of the prophecy is laid, revealed, and brought to fruition through these pages in such a beautiful conclusion. I’m thoroughly happy with this series. No issues at all.

Tropes you may find in this book are hidden identities, plot twists, touch him/her and 🪦, forced proximity, healing through self acceptance and love, chosen family, shadow daddies and warswords, storm wielding mamas, moderate language, spice 3/5, feminine rage, and an epic finale with the threads of another adventure with a new lead.

I’m so beyond humbled and grateful for this gifted arc from @helenscheuerer . This is definitely one of my favorite series.
Profile Image for Kerry.
54 reviews5 followers
June 19, 2024
A fitting ending to a beautiful journey. Full review to follow once I process all my emotions. Helen is a master at what she does- I am so unwell in the best possible way.


If I gave out stars, I would give this book every single one I had.

The epic conclusion to Thea & Wilder’s story is everything you want it to be, and more. I devoured this book in essentially 2 sittings- the pacing is perfect.

The Legends of Thezmarr series is a journey worth taking. Each book tells its own story to weave together one epic story. The character development of both Thea and Wilder is so intricate and beautiful. The foundation of found family makes you fall in love with each character you meet - I promise you’re gonna love them.

I know I have shouted my love for this series from the rooftops, and I’m going to continue to do it- you don’t want to miss out on reading this!

Happy Reading 🖤
Profile Image for Karly Rose.
201 reviews55 followers
June 17, 2024
(4.75/5) What a great ending to one of my new favorite romantic fantasy series!

Shadows and Storms is the fourth and final book of The Legends of Thezmarr series—an epic romantic fantasy. This book is packed with battles, plot twists, challenges, and wrapped up with a satisfying ending. I was captured from start to finish and eager to see how she was going to wrap up the numerous storylines interwoven throughout the last three books.

While I had guessed one of the plot twists, I did not guess the other which left me in tears. I love when moments in books, no matter how hard they are, aren’t overly predictable.

I cannot believe this series is over, but I love this world Helen built and the phenomenal character development (including the loveable side characters).

I can’t recommend this series enough, and I will absolutely be reading the new series she is writing within the world

For transparency, I received an eARC of this book. These opinions are my own and honest. Thank you so much to Helen and the Nerd Fam team for sending me an eARC.
Profile Image for Taylor Krasinski.
65 reviews28 followers
June 27, 2024
Arc Read: ✨Shadow & Storms✨
(Series Finale of The Legends of Thezmarr)

100 ⭐️
2.75 🌶️

I don’t think there are enough words to truly justify this book and the emotions it has brought to my life!

I started this series right after it launched in early 2023 and its had me in a chokehold ever since! This is honestly one of those series that gets better and better with every release!

🔥What to expect from this EPIC closer:
- Brutal FMC that takes no prisoners
- A sinful MMC to die for
- Emotions, all of them! I cried every time I sat down to read
- Page turning action!
- Incredible call back moments from every single book! Beautifully woven into a fantastic passage and drifted away like a special memory
- Hilarious secondary characters (as always)
- Nail biting tension (we pick up right where we left off in book 3- I was stressed to say the least)
- Deception and a fucking plot twist that SHOOK ME! 😱
- Sinful spice … just stick a fork in me, I’m done!

Thea and Wilder have come such a long way since we first met them in Thezmarr. To witness their character growth and development throughout the series has been such an epic journey! Their personal growth and triumph as a couple has been one that I’ll never forget. They are a beautiful balance of physical/ mental strength, passion, loyalty, and brutality. Their relationship is nothing short of a delicious mess! (Even with daggers and physical altercations)

I adore the fact that this final book brought back some of my favorite characters from the prequel, Slaying a Shadow Prince. Talemir and Drue have always had a special place in my heart! I was overjoyed to see them blend with this group of misfits and get a glimpse into their life beyond the chaos we left them in.

Thankfully, this journey within Thezmarr is not completely finished… Helen has left the door open for another to take center stage & I couldn’t be happier! But, this is the end to Thea and Wilder’s POV. I was truthfully very happy with their conclusion (and I’m incredibly picky)

To say I’ll miss Thea… I don’t think words will ever capture the love I have for her. Her drive, perseverance, commitment and heart- is out of this world. A woman in a man’s world… and she took the bull by the fucking horns!

This series is worth the Furies themselves! Thank you, Helen. This series was an outstanding ride! I cannot wait to see where you take us next ❤️ Thank you for the honor of receiving this ARC!
Profile Image for Virginia.
111 reviews10 followers
June 12, 2024
Holy macaroni, this was a spectacular finale ! I couldn't catch my breath, not even for a minute. It starts off strong, gets stronger, and finishes strongly. In case you didn't get it, this was far from boring ! Not a dull moment, not a filler scene. It really concludes the series nicely, and some revelations appear along the way. it hints at more by the end, and I don't want to spoil it for you, but it might be about a pair close to Thea and Wilder * wink wink *. If you like spice, you'll be glad to know it's not missing, but for someone that doesn't like too much spice, it's not the focal point so you'll be fine. I can only recommend this series !
Profile Image for Lindsey.
83 reviews9 followers
June 20, 2024
I am crying while writing this review. I am in awe of the ending of this series and how beautifully everything was wrapped up and some things not! *looks at the new series coming soon*

This book was a rollercoaster of emotions; I laughed, I cried, I blushed, I screamed, I cursed, I gasped, and I swooned. I think I felt every emotion under the sun!

The epic battle scenes were interwoven with such tended, emotional, and swoon worthy scenes that I was kept on the edge of my seat the entire time. This story perfectly wrapped up Thea and Wilder’s story with a perfect bow on top.

Each character including the side characters were given time to shine and show their true selves. Cal and Kipp you two are the best friends anyone could ask for and I desperately want to go to The Laughing Fox with you both! Save me a seat?

The growth all the characters had with all the challenges they faced was staggering and I wouldn’t change anything about this series. It will go down as one of my TOP series for life. I will leave you with this quote.

“For the longest time, women have been erased, little by little, or in the case of the Furies themselves, in one fell swoop. We have lived in the shadow of the rights and laws of men. But when the world is reborn, it will be of our own making. You’re fighting for that world, and you have the same right to armour as the rest of us. You are surrounded by women who want to see you empowered, and that is stronger than any fucking army in these realms. Don’t let the world – don’t let anyone convince you that you’re not enough. Only you define your story. You and you alone. When they tell you what you’re not, when they tell you what you can’t do, remember: you are the storm”
Profile Image for Teresa.
196 reviews21 followers
June 20, 2024
✨𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 & 𝑨𝑹𝑪 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘✨
📖: Shadow & Storms (The Legends of Thezmarr, Book 4)
⚡️: Now available!

“𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙛 𝙄 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙖 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨, 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝”
“𝙄 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚. 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜. 𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜”

On the battlefield, the stage is set. Thea and her allies are poised to face the enemy and the darkness that threatens the midrealms. Regardless of the outcome, their stories will be recorded in history and immortalized in legends.

Series tropes:
⚠️ Enemies to lovers
🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 Found family
🙇🏻‍♀️ Woman in a man's world
🐴 Only one horse
📜 Prophecy
⛰️ Epic quest
🏹 Mentor/mentee,
💀 Who did this to you?
⚔️ Training sequences
🌶️: builds throughout the series (moderate to high)

My heart vacillated between the urge to devour and the desire to savor this final installment.
And my emotions? While reading this book, they cycled between fear, excitement, heartbreak but mostly wonder. I am in awe of Helen’s mastery of her craft and ability to bring each page to life in such vivid detail. Helen expertly captures the thrill, suspense, and intensity of each battle scene.

But let’s not forget about the romance, which defies distance, time, and perhaps fate itself. I will never get over Thea and Wilder’s fiery passion and the lengths they will go for each other 😭

Thea’s journey was fraught with impossible odds and thank the Furies she’s not alone. The incredible found family shines throughout this installment- the quips, camaraderie, and sheer love they share set my heart on fire.

In Shadow & Storms, Helen delivers a stunning and triumphant conclusion to Thea and Wilder’s story. Perfect for fans of fast-paced action, feminine rage, and legendary romance, The Legends of Thezmarr is definitively one of my all-time favorite epic fantasy romance series and a 5 ⭐️ series!

Thank you Helen for the ARC! This is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for FloofyMooseReads.
287 reviews46 followers
June 1, 2024
Shadow & Storms by Helen Scheuerer is the fourth and final book in the Legends of Thezmarr series, and strap in because this is an epic conclusion. Tropes include found family, burn the world for each other, banter, feminine rage, PTSD/mental health representation, and secrets and betrayals. Please see content warnings for dark topics/events and for spicy adult scenes.

The Lovely: I don’t even know where to start because I loved everything. *This* is how a series should be concluded. I’m not sure how this is even possible but I love the main characters and their relationship even more. That relationship contains more angst and healing in this book, as well as more honesty and open communication between them. It was beautiful and painful all at the same time. Many of the relationships and events between characters we’ve all grown to love hit me right in the feels in this book.

Also Lovely: I loved how all the little threads from the prior three books come together now ti weave the plot towards an epic conclusion. So many little things you might have thought didn’t matter suddenly do as the story twists and turns, especially in the last half of the book. These are twists I absolutely didn’t see coming (I’m sorry El for the string of panicked texts).

Rating: 5/5 Stars 4/5 Flames

Recommendation: I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This book, and the whole series, has my full recommendation if you like romantasy. Strong character development, an intriguing and fleshed out world and a plot full of emotion, tension and romance. Overall, there is a HEA for most of the characters, but not all, and the ending is pretty emotional. Thank you Helen for writing this amazing series that will continue to be a part of my life.
Profile Image for Ahappyhermit.
124 reviews643 followers
July 3, 2024
A wonderful end to Thea and wilders story.

I love the way that Helen wrote the story where everyone of her victories all of her overcomings just made me bloom with so much pride. Auntie Lili over here- I was just like holding up a camera and like grinning at all of her victories saying “you’re doing great sweetie”

I just love bad ass women. And these books, just give you an all encompassing feeling of ✨women✨

This was the final book so I’m not gonna say much but if you haven’t picked up the series and you like epic battles and an equal level of smut, please read, enjoy.

I will say there is a very big prophecy that we learn from the very first book which is that thea is faded to die at 27 and I was a little worried because sometimes the faded to die trope can feel cheapened because 99% of the time and author will not kill off their main character, so I was very nervous. Going in waiting to see how this was going to wrap up I was nervous - but that conclusion ???oh boy was I 🫠🫠🫠🫠 SHHOOKKKETHHH. I think that was the final piece for me to feel very comfortable to just ride or die for Helen. the way she handled it was so good. It took me by surprise- I was trying to figure out different magical solutions for it when the answer was right there in plain sight.

Also. Can WE PLZ TALK ABOUT WREN AND TORJ??? I’m foaming at the mouth for them

My only cons for the whole series it a can lack a wee bit of the emotional depth. Like the punches that should be hitting hard feel like love taps. A character was kidnapped and saved in like 50pgs - it was lacking a sense of urgency/pain. The betrayal in book two/three was fixed so fast. I wish the author could slow down drag it out more for that angst
Profile Image for K Mart Vet.
833 reviews39 followers
June 20, 2024
This delivers an amazing and extremely satisfying conclusion to The Legends of Thezmarr series. As the final installment, it encapsulates all the elements fans of this series have come to love: epic battles, heartfelt relationships, and amazing character growth. The stakes are higher than ever, and the looming prophecy means that the tension is at its peak.

Scheuerer masterfully balances the high-stakes action with deeply emotional character moments (both sad ones and softer ones). The epic battles and strategic combat scenes are interwoven with tender interactions, making the story feel intense but heartwarming. Thea and Wilder's bond provides a strong emotional core that anchors the story and their relationships with the other characters make us love them even more. One of the standout aspects of Shadow & Storms is the found family. Each character is given space to shine, and their development throughout the series culminates beautifully in this finale. The relationships feel genuine and well-earned, contributing to the sense of a tightly-knit group fighting for a common cause. Love them SO DANG MUCH.

I miss the characters already, but I can't wait to see what Helen has in store for us next. Thanks to the author and her amazing team for the opportunity to read and review. This review is based on a complimentary pre-released copy and it is voluntary.
Profile Image for Pia.
265 reviews112 followers
June 15, 2024
Rating: 5✨
Spice: 3.5🌶

Thank you to the author for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review is voluntary & honest.

Holy WOW, I am not over being finished with Wilder’s & Thea’s story. I have held these characters close to my heart since the first book of the series, Blood & Steel, & will continue to hold them there forever. This series was also the first time I read Helen’s work & I immediately fell in love with her writing as well. This conclusion to Wilder & Thea’s story, & this series as a whole, are VERY much worth the read. I promise you; you will quickly immerse yourself in this incredible world & never want to leave it.

Thea, her growth from B&S to S&S has been tremendous & overall awe-inspiring. There wasn’t a moment where I doubted her, where my loyalty & belief in her wavered, she is truly an FMC you want to back all the way to the end. And reaching the end of her story was truly bittersweet. If her strength already reached the tallest of heights in the first book, in this final book, it shattered all glass ceilings. She truly is a formidable force to be reckoned with & proved all those wrong who doubted her in her dreams of becoming a warrior of Thezmarr, a Warsword, a beacon of strength & power to other women who were denied the possibility to bear arms & fight for their world. She will forever be one of my top favorite FMCs of all time. Her & Wilder will forever be the most powerful duo of all times & the enders of darkness.

Wilder, my man, my baby, my love. He truly deserves the happiest outcome to his story. He was a man who has closed himself off to most, who fought for his world, its people, & only allowed himself to think in a certain, closed off mindset. But the Wilder in this book? A leader who made his mentors proud, a man who had so much love to give & allowed himself to show it. A man who would never stop himself from saying “I love you” ever again. Regardless of the obstacles, of the darkness threatening to consume them all, he never backs down from the fight that could end it all. The final stand. I love how he faces it head on & inspires others to face it all alongside him & Thea, as well as the rest of their group… better yet, their family of warriors. There will never be a moment where I am not proud of him & the Wilder he became. He truly deserves all the love in the world.

So many side characters have kept me intrigued with their own stories. The Legends of Thezmarr would not be the same without Wren, Cal, Kipp, Torj, Talemir, Drue, Malik & so many others. Their own individual stories & arcs were essential to this conclusion to the series & it is bittersweet to see it come to a close. With that said, I am fully prepared to continue my journey in this world with the following series, The Asher of Thezmarr. I cannot wait to have my hands on Iron & Embers & I have a GOOD feeling who our next hero & heroine will be, AND I AM BEYOND READY to go feral over them.

This book was a roller coaster of all emotions, from determination to anxiety, to swoon worthy moments & heartbreaking ones. This book, the series as a whole, will have you feeling it all in the best of ways. I will forever champion this series, this author & these books because of how much they made me feel & how deeply it enraptured me to its world. If you haven’t already, please start the Legends of Thezmarr series. You will not regret it. And if you’re anxiously waiting for this final, fourth book, I can honestly say you are NOT ready for it. 💜
Profile Image for Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner).
781 reviews180 followers
June 11, 2024
“Don’t let the world – don’t let anyone convince you that you’re not enough. Only you define your story.
You and you alone.
When they tell you what you’re not, when they tell you what you can’t do,
Remember: you are the storm.”

A remarkable conclusion to this epic series!!
There’s not one book from this series that disappoint me; it has been a great journey following Thea and her friends, families and unexpected allies to save the Midrealms from the darkness.

Shadow & Storms started right after the ending of book 3 - the first few chapters already looks promising cause the story jumped straight right in full of action with battles, epic show of power and terrifying monsters.
The battle scenes felt intense and well written. It kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time, not knowing who'll survive and who didn't.

One character that really stood out after Thea would be Wren, she seems quiet and all but she finally showed what she’s capable of in this story and she really surprised me!

I feel satisfied with how this series ended, the prophecy we were given at the beginning was finally answered which comes as another surprise to me!!

Overall, this is a series worth reading that comes with a couple twists and turns.
Highly recommended this found family, funny, spicy and action-packed tale to any fantasy romance lovers!

I can't wait to see what the author has in store next especially with that new prophecy looming.... folks things are far from over in Thezmarr!

Thank you to Book of Matches Media and the author for giving me an e-ARC of the book and for having me on this book tour. I’m leaving this review voluntarily!

⚠️ 𝐓𝐖: Violence, gore, death, PTSD, Mature sexual content
Profile Image for Shannon | readingwithmarlow.
523 reviews137 followers
June 26, 2024

HAPPY PUB DAY TO THIS GLORIOUS BOOK 🗣️ (and most incredible thank you to @helenscheuerer & @bookofmatchesmedia for sending me an earc AND this finished copy 😍)

If you’ve been here for a single minute you may know my deep deep love of the Legends of Thezmarr series. Blood & Steel REMAINS in my head so much that I regularly think ‘maybe today I’ll start my reread.’ And now this beloved series (seriously it’s one of my top five favorite series like…ever) is COMPLETE.

Shadow & Storms is the fourth book so it’s nearly impossible to tell you about it without spoilers but just know it’s dual pov, has some great spice, wonderful found family AND a FOR HER HE’D BLEED trope 😮‍💨😮‍💨 Wilder really is that B 🤺

There’s also incredible sisterhood vibes throughout the series but they really come to a head in this one and when I tell you it made me WEEPY. These characters are part of my heart and I NEED YALL TO READ IT.

All books are on Kindle Unlimited!


no notes, no thoughts (yet). I love Thea and Wilder so much and this truly was the best wrap up for the series.
Profile Image for Amanda | bookishlaboratory.
229 reviews38 followers
June 12, 2024
Hi. I received a copy of this book from the author but every last unhinged opinion is all me, baby. No spoilers?? No spoilers.

What an absolute masterpiece.

I’m always scared of the last books in series because there aren’t many I like, but I’m so unbelievably excited to say that this series is written and finished SO WELL. Literal perfection. I wouldn’t change a thing.

I loved Thea from page 1 of Blood & Steel, and what an absolute honor it was to see how far she’s come and the woman she’s become along the way. I was blown away just thinking how far she’s come as a sister, a friend, a lover, a fighter, and so much more. We get to see her truly find her element in this one, all with Wilder at her side.

Wilder is officially cemented forever as one of my absolute favorite MMCs. I love the way he’s always building Thea up and encouraging her to be the best version of herself despite her demons, even when he’s dealing with his own demons in turn.

Thea and Wilder’s interactions in this book were everything. The way they complement each other both mentally and physically is perfect; from their small caresses and gestures, to their meaningful conversations and steamer moments, I just loved them together.

I love the way women are portrayed in this book; the way they are finally taking a stand in the rubble of a dying man’s world and forging one anew with women at the helm. I loved watching the prophecy unfold in real time with the events of the war and seeing a new prophecy take shape.

I loved the way the war played out. It wasn’t smooth, it wasn’t neat, it wasn’t just a hurdle everyone was able to jump over and move on from. Prejudices didn’t just disappear overnight with the promise of a new dawn. Evil didn’t just disappear because our heroes’ wills were stronger than it. The fights were brutal and the losses were rough.

The found family in this series is peak found family. Thea, Wilder, Kipp, Cal, Torj, Wren, Anya, Farissa, Audra, Tal, Drue, Adrienne, Esyllt, Marise. I love them all, your honor.

This book was everything I could have ever wanted to see in an end to this series, and I cannot WAIT to see what else Helen has in store for the midrealms.
Profile Image for Dru.
250 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2024
I don't know what to say, since I did like the series...but this last book really just fell flat. It felt more of a tell, not show, and lacked the depth I was hoping would continue that the previous books had. The book did have a lot of action, but at the same time very rushed.

The book does pick up just about where the last book left off (maybe a week ahead of time). The last book finished where Thea and Tal head off to the prison to rescue Wilder, and in this book, they start at the beginning super close to the Scarlet Tower.

I do think this book did a good job on developing the relationship between Thea and her sisters, as well as given them more of a part in this final book. Wren also became more of a warrior instead of just an alchemist, though she is very much still one of the brilliant minds there when it comes to alchemy.

Kipp and Cal always steal the show. If I could have just a book on them and their adventures, that would be more enjoyable than this book honestly.

The author did show how much the whole crew really came together in this, and the book does have a lot of action. Many battles were throughout, but again, I would have rather seen more strategy than all the battles. There is some, don't get me wrong, but with how OP all the sisters are together....they probably could have ended the war early.

I am glad the series has ended to be honest. I don't think I could have read another one, and this one was a struggle to get through at times. Overall good series, but lost me at the end.
Profile Image for Angela.
261 reviews13 followers
July 4, 2024
"Then the world will know that if they hurt him, I’ll burn them all to the ground."

What an epic finale! I felt all the emotions all at once: anguish, excitement, fear, shock, sadness and happiness.

Everything was wrapped up almost perfectly except of course for the casualties of the war, and the death of one person in particular.

Kipp was well, Kipp. As usual, the son of the fox carried this book with his humor and liveliness 😅

The relationship between Wilder and Thea grew stronger and we even get a new couple forming! 👀
Seriously, Torj and Wren need their own book! The tension between these too was 🤌🏻😩

Literally can’t wait for Iron & Embers!
Profile Image for BookedWithSel.
149 reviews20 followers
June 23, 2024
This is not a goodbye just a see you later!! I could not be more in love with them or this story.

"And if I tell you I love you a thousand times a day for the rest of our lives, it will not have been enough"

"I always said you'd be the end of me. But I was wrong. You're the beginning"

The Legends of Thezmarr and Helen has my entire heart 😭💜

I am actually getting emo all over again and I hope this will do it justice but who am I kidding, no words will ever explain fully the rush of feelings I have when it comes to them.

So instead this is my public declaration of appreciation for them. I would gladly lay my sword down for Thea, Wilder, Cal, Kip, Drue, Talemir and basically anyone else I know I am forgetting.

It’s always a bittersweet moment hitting that last page ache in any book but when it’s a series that has burrowed and etched itself as much as TLOT has. Please for the love all of gods run and pick up this series. This entire journey was a privilege to experience.

• Touch her and bai
• Mentor / Mentee
• Wholesomest found family
• Swoony spice that has you melting
• Soft “only sometimes” for her
•”Who did this to you”
• Epic battles
• Addicting banter
•”I’ll burn the world for you”
• Plot be PLOTTING
+ So much more goodness

Wilder and Thea are such a blueprint for all things we love and yearn for when it comes to romantasy.

Even though these words aren’t enough. Thank YOU Helen for offering one of the best escapisms. I will revisit and think about them often 🥹🥰
Profile Image for Sarah Christeson.
39 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2024
What a great way to end an epic series. This series was so good. One of the best I’ve read since SJM.
Profile Image for Ashley | A Pair of Readers.
302 reviews14 followers
June 21, 2024
Helen Scheuerer's stunning conclusion to the Legends of Thezmarr has my own whole heart and half my waking thoughts.

The characters:
Helen has always has the ability to create these characters that worm their way into your heart and stay there. And the whole gang is back for the final show down. Kipp, Cal, Wren, Torj, and even our favorite Shadow Prince make appearances -- creating those perfect found family moments. I loved the interactions and dialogue between the characters. Helen does a wonder job of make their conversations sincere and powerful as she increases the tension and draws us closer to that final battle.

The plot:
The larger story that Helen has been weaving since the beginning when the reader discovers that Thea is fated to die comes to a swift conclusion -- with some unforgettable moments and challenges for all the characters. Shadow and Storms has some amazing moments from its battle scenes, to gut-wrenching moments, to the loss and grief of characters. It's plot will make you ache, but it will also leave with you a sense of happiness and resolution by the end (with the hint of more to come from some new characters).

Absolutely on of my favorite series and one that I will always recommend.
Profile Image for Andy˚✩。˚.
63 reviews
June 22, 2024
I missed them and I didn't want to end it but it was so well concluded that I am not disappointed ! Usually I have trouble with politics, plotting and war plans but everything was peppered with banter/slices of life and it made it so much easier to read and register somehow. Some things were predictable but it didn't affect my enjoyment I was rather proud to be right so yaaaay I can't wait for Wren and Torj story 🥹
Profile Image for readwithacapricorn.
162 reviews98 followers
June 12, 2024
I’m truly never prepared when one of my favourite series ends, and I absolutely was not prepared for this finale. I fell in love with this series just a few months ago but already has it left a gaping hole in my heart.

I’ll say it here folks: Helen is a true mastermind and her writing, world-building and ability to wield epic plots twists is a GIFT

Thea and Wilder are truly my OTP and they will live in my head rent free for the rest of my life

Shadow & Storms was the perfect finale and everything was wrapped up so neatly, but also gut-wrenching, whilst also leaving open for the next series 👀

If you want the vibes of Throne of Glass and The Witcher, with all the makings of an epic fantasy romance, PLEASE read The Legends of Thezmarr. I honestly cannot rave enough about it.

Thank you Helen for my eARC! Prepare yourselves, Warswords, for this is an epic journey.
Profile Image for theromantasybookcorner._.
233 reviews34 followers
June 18, 2024


💜𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ || 𝟻


✨✨𝑀𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠✨✨
Thank you so much to Helen Scheuerer & Book of Matches Media for my Advanced Reader Copy of 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐒 & 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒! This review is comprised entirely of my own thoughts & opinions, & is based on the copy I received.

Y’all I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this review! This book was a perfect ending to a perfect series. My heart is feeling all the emotions right now as I try to figure out how to express myself! This book is just phenomenal, flawless, beautiful, and just absolutely wonderful and amazing in every single way imaginable. It starts off in the action and literally doesn’t ever slow down - I DEVOURED it! Couldn’t put it down! It’s one of those reads where you just lose yourself in the story and don’t even realize that hours have passed and you’re still lost in this world.

Thea is absolutely amazing. I’ve said it before and I’ll scream it from the mountaintops, she is SO inspiring and such an amazingly written FMC. She’s complex and her journey throughout the whole series has been such an honor to see. She has come a long way since the beginning and I’ve loved seeing her growth and how far she’s come! Wilder was just as swoon-worthy as ever and I’ve always loved him as a MMC! They are probably one of my favorite book pairings ever, they just complement each other so incredibly well. And the SPICE, as always, was *chef’s kiss*!

This book also has one of the best examples of the found family tropes I’ve ever seen. Cal and Kipp are AMAZING! I think Helen did an amazing job of writing characters that you can so easily fall in love with because, even though they’re in a fantasy world, they’re still so relatable and easy to connect to. I love the friendship between Thea, Cal, and Kipp and how they’ve leaned on each other since the beginning. It’s such a beautiful camaraderie, and I love how much they’ve all grown and matured since Book 1! AND it made my heart SO happy to see some familiar faces from a certain novella set in this same world!

This was seriously such an amazing book and a perfect ending to Thea and Wilder’s story! I practically cried when Helen announced that her next series is still going to be in this world and my mind’s wheels are already turning on who it could be about! I’m definitely not ready to leave and am already so excited about what’s in store for some of my favorite characters ever!!

Profile Image for Lena.
166 reviews24 followers
June 23, 2024
It’s so bittersweet when a favorite series comes to an end, but this was such a great finale. That being said, I’m going to miss Thea and Wilder SO MUCH, but I’m so excited for Iron & Embers to come out!
This book was a roller coaster and I felt allllll the emotions. I love all the characters in this series so much, and I’m hoping we get plenty of appearances in Iron & Embers! I feel like this book wrapped up the story so well—this has easily become one of my favorite series ever and I’ll recommend to everyone.
June 12, 2024
Oh, how utterly obsessed I am with this series. If you haven't already added The Legends of Thezmarr to your tbr, do it now. You won't regret it. Another absolutely amazing book to the series! Just like with the previous three books, I was pulled right back in from the start. This was one of my highly anticipated reads for the year, and it was once again, as always so great to be back in this world with these characters. I've loved every single second of being on this journey with Thea and Wilder. The found family tropes is one of my favorites in this series! My heart is seriously just overflowing with love and happiness for these characters and the bonds they have formed with one another. I don't even know what to say. It was action packed. There were twists and revelations I was not expecting. I loved it.
I cannot contain my happiness and excitement to now know that there is more to come for this world I have so much love for! I can't wait to find out what Helen Scheuerer has in store for us next!

The Legends of Thezmarr is one of my favorite series, and I cannot recommend it enough!
Profile Image for Jenn Winning.
105 reviews
June 20, 2024
“If this is to be our final stand, let us make it worthy of legend!”

And worthy of legend it was! This was the perfect ending for our dear friends. The growth, the friendships, the found family. I could not have asked for a better conclusion to Thea & Wilder’s story. Simply put, Helen has done it again!

From the moment I picked up Shadow & Storms, I could not put it down. Who needs to adult anyway when you can submerge yourself in epic adventures across the Midrealms?! As with the other books in this series, emotions will run high! I found myself laughing, crying, screaming and raging as the journey unfolds. And, oh what a journey it was!

Thea and Wilder’s relationship evolves so much throughout the series and I absolutely love their love. They both push each other to be the best versions of themselves, knowing that they are stronger together than they ever could be individually. Their chemistry is electric, both on the battlefield and in the bedroom (or tent, library, hot spring- anywhere really!)

But their relationship is not the only one worth mentioning. The bonds of brotherhood, sisterhood, found family, and feminine empowerment are strong and ever present. Each character interaction serves a purpose (even if it’s just to make us laugh) and there are honestly no side characters here! These connections are forged in blood and steel and will stand the test of time, just as the Furies intended.

“It doesn’t matter who stands against you… What matters most is who stands with you.”

This series has definitely left it mark on me and I cannot recommend it enough. And now that it is complete, there is no excuse not to experience the perfection for yourself!

And with new adventures on the horizon, we won’t be leaving the Midrealms behind just yet! As we focus on new couple and another prophecy to unravel, I cannot wait to see what Helen has in store for us next!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 924 reviews

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