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The Sectors #4

Star Cruise: Outbreak

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She saved countless soldiers in the wars … but does she have the weapons to fight an outbreak?

Dr. Emily Shane, veteran of the Sector Wars, is known as “The Angel of Fantalar” for her bravery under fire as a medic. However, the doctor has her own war wounds–severe PTSD and guilt over those she failed to save.

Persuaded to fill a seemingly frivolous berth as ship’s doctor on the huge and luxurious interstellar cruise liner Nebula Zephyr, she finds the job brings unexpected perks–a luxe beach deck with water imported from Tahumaroa II, and Security Officer Jake Dilon, a fellow veteran who heats her up like a tropical sun.

However, Emily soon learns she and Jake didn’t leave all peril behind in the war. A mysterious ailment aboard the Zephyr begins to claim victim after victim … and they must race against time and space to find the cause and a cure! Trapped on a ship no spaceport will allow to dock, their efforts are complicated by a temperamental princess and a terrorist–one who won’t hesitate to take down any being in the way of his target. If anyone’s left when the disease is through with them …

259 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 8, 2016

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About the author

Veronica Scott

79 books234 followers
USA Today Best Selling Science Fiction & Paranormal Romance author.

Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.

Seven time winner ~ SFR Galaxy Award

Proud recipient ~ NASA Exceptional Service Medal but must hasten to add the honor was not for her romantic fiction!

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – I’ll improve your process (mwahahahaa)!

Elvis Presley’s best friend once serenaded Veronica on a local TV telethon…now that could be a novel…

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Mandapanda.
834 reviews293 followers
April 17, 2017
3.5 stars. Adventure story is good but the romance lacks. This is the second book I've read from this author and I'm not a fan of her female characterisation.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
May 14, 2022
Returning to the far future sci-fi world of The Sectors, the latest adventure tackles a space cruise ship beset by a mysterious plague and highlights a former military doctor never quite over her time in war, but needing to step up during the crisis. Each The Sectors book has a unique situation and couple and highlights various future far-flung bits of the galaxy so that readers come to anticipate another intriguing sci-fi adventure each time.

Star Cruise Outbreak is the fourth book and a standalone story though it becomes the first of the books and novellas set on the Nebula Zephyr and does have a few references to previous standalone books.

Jake’s life was saved by Dr. Shane and he is half-way in love with her because of her work in the field, but the reality of this version of his ‘Angel of Fandolar’ is a tough pill to swallow. She doesn’t want to remember back, she doesn’t want to socialize and get to know the rest of the crew officers and she most especially is salty about Maeve the ship’s brilliant and nearly sentient AI. His understanding of PTSD and having been in the forward theater of battle as well as his patient efforts to keep trying spark something between them right as a mysterious illness overtakes many passengers and he has a volatile political situation going on with some of the passengers from the same race. Love in the time of outbreak, indeed.

I appreciate how the author introduces the tough part of post war for the medical staff as well as the soldiers and integrates that into this latest Sectors story. Emily is trying to tough it out without getting help and Jake shows her that it is perfectly okay to open up about her troubles with others and get help from available sources. Their romance came on quickly, but it was a desperate time and they were in close proximity with a great deal in common so I was onboard from the beginning and loved seeing them become a team against the disease threat and a romantic team.

The outbreak on the ship and the way they had to work to contain it, figure out what it is and how to fight it all felt a bit on the nose with what has been our world this past few years. It was fascinating and familiar in ways, but I appreciated the tension and the mystery that was constantly up against the ticking clock, the short-handedness of qualified staff and passenger volunteers, and of course the way passengers and crew reacted to the threat. I flew through this book because of the level of suspense and excitement.

These books just keep bringing the good stuff and I am anticipating each further entry in the series. Those who love their sci-fi romances packed with action and intrigue should definitely give this series a go.
Profile Image for AudioBookReviewer.
949 reviews164 followers
February 12, 2018
My original Star Cruise: Outbreak audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

Star Cruise: Outbreak by Veronica Scott is the fifth book in a series called A Sectors SF Romance. Dr. Emily Shane reluctantly joins the crew of a luxury spaceship cruise liner as their doctor. Emily, a hero of galactic wars, struggles to overcome the flashbacks of trauma in her past that turned her into a reluctant hero as well as manage her growing feelings for the handsome security officer, Jake Dillon. However, before long Emily is no longer dealing with the overblown ailments of the rich and entitled passengers, but instead attempting to contain an outbreak of an unknown origin before it can take the lives of the passengers aboard.

This is a romance story wrapped up in a futuristic war where people take space cruises for vacation. I think the story is well done and keeps the reader engaged in the mystery of what the outbreak is and where it came from. The world that is hinted at through the dialogue and character's lives seems interesting. The characters work together well and the dialogue is engaging, but only the main character of Emily has depth. She struggles with the complexities of fame and post-traumatic stress disorder prior to even entering the cruise ship. This story is a romance wrapped up in a science fiction outbreak thriller. Scientific evaluation and journey in discovering the origin, cause, and potential cures for the outbreak were interesting to follow along with, but the solution seemed too neat. The romance aspect almost seems inevitable but is wrapped up in Emily’s feelings toward her experiences during the war. Despite its heavy subjects, the story was fast-paced and luckily didn’t get mired in the heaviness.  Ultimately, it was a satisfying and quick read

The narration by Michael Riffle is well done as well. He captures the voices of the characters well, especially Emily’s. The production quality is good as well. I would recommend this novel to anyone who is interested in a fast-paced story set in a technological future that is mixed with science, repercussions of trauma, and romance.

Audiobook was provided for review by the author.
Profile Image for Marlene.
3,156 reviews223 followers
July 8, 2016
Originally published at Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly

Four years ago, I reviewed Wreck of the Nebula Dream here at Reading Reality. And I loved it. The story is an action-adventure/science fiction romance re-telling of the wreck of the Titanic, released for the 100th anniversary of that real-life disaster.

The disaster on the Nebula Dream was every bit as crazed as the sinking of the Titanic – but only fictional lives were lost in the making of this story.

The author Veronica Scott has continued her exploration into the universe she created for Nebula Dream in her Sectors SF series. Book 3 in the series, Mission to Mahjundar was reviewed by Jo Jones over at Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly back a bit closer to when it first came out.

I haven’t read any of the books between Nebula Dream and Star Cruise: Outbreak I don’t think it matters. I enjoyed Star Cruise: Outbreak so much that I immediately purchased the previous and the next books in the series. It did help that I had read Wreck of the Nebula Dream before Outbreak. It’s not that the characters continue, but as both Nebula Dream and Outbreak are set on cruise ships, the disaster and the resulting changes in regulations after Wreck, have some effect on Outbreak. But not, I think, enough to keep people from jumping right into the series at this point.

On the other hand, Wreck of the Nebula Dream was just plain good. So if you love SFR, why wouldn’t you read it?

Back to Star Cruise: Outbreak…the title does give a bit away. There’s obviously going to be an outbreak of something or something on this cruise. And it’s something all right.

Our heroine is Dr. Emily Shane, decorated war veteran, PTSD sufferer, and reluctant temporary Chief Medical Officer on the Nebula Zephyr. Her dad, also a doctor, pretty much diagnoses that the cure for Emily’s PTSD is to take what should be a paid vacation as ship’s doctor on a luxury starliner. And then he strategically makes sure she can’t refuse the posting.

Dad was right, even if a bit high-handed about it, but not quite in the way he planned. Serving on this cruise is the best thing that the “Angel of Fantalar” can do to find a way to occupy her time and energy – and the ship desperately needs a well-trained medic who won’t fold under extreme pressure to figure out how to treat the epidemic that breaks out among the 3,000 passengers on board.

At first, she thinks it’s a norovirus – and yes, that they are still around feels right. But when the disease mutates into more and deadlier strains, it is up to Emily and her makeshift crew to figure out the problem before it is too late. If the Nebula Zephyr becomes a plague ship, the captain will have to fly it into a sun to eradicate the disease.

Along with everyone on board, including Emily and the man she has come to love.

Escape Rating B+: If you’ve ever read Stardoc by S.L. Viehl, there’s a resemblance if you squint a bit. In both cases, it’s the doctor who saves the day, not any of the more traditional warrior-type heroes (or even heroines). This is a story where smart wins out over brawn. And also over a few cases of idiocy.

Let’s just say that a few of the secondary/tertiary characters are not just eligible for Darwin Awards, they actually manage to receive them!

But Star Cruise: Outbreak is Emily’s story from beginning to end. She’s a marvelous character to follow. While we don’t see the military action that resulted in her unwanted moniker, the Angel of Fantalar, we do see what she did to earn it – through the eyes of Security Chief Jake Dilon, one of the Special Forces veterans who is still alive because of her heroism on that deadly beach.

Jake has had plenty of fantasies about the woman who kept him alive, but none of them live up to the reality of meeting his “angel”. She saved his life, and now he returns the favor. Among the crew of mostly military veterans, he introduces Emily to people who understand what she went through and just how difficult the recovery is. He gives her space in which to find herself again, and to eventually, slowly, carefully, fall in love.

When the outbreak occurs, it becomes instantly clear that not only does Emily need the Nebula Zephyr but it needs her. The previous (and missing) CMO just didn’t have the skill or the discipline to handle what hits them.

One of the unanswered questions in the entire story is the fate of that missing doctor. It was necessary for the story that he BE missing, but not ever learning his fate is a gaping hole. Chekhov’s gun was on the mantlepiece, but no one picked it up and fired it. Which niggles at this reader more than a bit.

The process of dealing with the outbreak is gripping from beginning to end. Because this series uses different characters and scenarios in each book, it wasn’t necessary that everyone survive – and that wouldn’t have been realistic. So the tension is always high.

There are a lot of little stories within the big story that stand out – people who do their utmost to help solve the outbreak, people who fall victim, and people who survive. It’s their stories that make the tale so fascinating, even though the eventual solution was just a bit deus ex machina.

If you like SFR, if you loved the Stardoc series, or if the episodes of Star Trek Next Gen where Dr. Beverly Crusher saved the day are your favorites, you’ll love Star Cruise: Outbreak.
Profile Image for Betsy.
596 reviews224 followers
April 22, 2017
I probably wouldn't have read this book if it hadn't been a GR group read, and I doubt I will read it again or read any of the other books by this author. It wasn't bad, it just was nothing special. I enjoyed the plot well enough to finish the book, but the characters were lackluster. Other than the fact that it was set on a spacefaring cruise ship, there was nothing of space. No real sense of the danger of being in space. The danger of a disease outbreak on a closed system was very little different than it would have been on an ocean-going cruise ship on earth. The romance was rather boring. Fortunately there was only one explicit sex scene and it was pretty tame.
Profile Image for Paraphrodite.
2,576 reviews51 followers
February 24, 2018
3 stars.

These disastrous Spaceship cruises are starting to freak me out about going on more cruises here on Earth..... :)

Another enjoyable read, even if the enemy is something microscopic. I liked the natural progression of the H/h's relationship. Let's hope the next Star Cruise isn't as disastrous as this one.

Profile Image for Coral.
776 reviews31 followers
May 18, 2017
Plot: 4/5
Characterisation: 4/5
Prose: 4/5
How much I enjoyed it: 4/5
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,309 reviews168 followers
May 24, 2016
I enjoyed this Science Fiction romance that takes place on a space cruise ship that has an outbreak of a deadly pathogen on board.

This was my first time reading this author and starting with the 5th book in an on going series didnt have me lost at all. The heroine was a Dr who had served in the Sector Wars which left her with a bad case of PTSD. Her father basically pushes her into taking a job the Nebula Zephyr, a luxurious interstellar cruise liner, as the ship's doctor. It not something she wanted to do but its not long before the passengers are coming down with what at first just looks like a stomach bug. Turns out that is just Phase 1 – the second Phase is fatal.

The ships security team is made up of retired soldiers and Jake Dilon has been assigned to Emily. She doesn't remember him but she saved his life back in one of the worst wars that left her being known as “The Angel of Fantalar” for her bravery under fire as a medic.  The two are attracted to each other but the outbreak and trying to find the source and how to stop it from spreading is the main focus.

Being a huge SyFy fan it was interesting to see the future world the author built here. Instead of a cruise ship on the water its one in space and all the entertainment on the ship being cool holograms, the ship having Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is just as much of a character in the book as the human characters were, and the cool medical instruments they had. Plenty of suspense as everyone worked to find the who, what and why of the pathogen and then having to figure out a cure on their own as they were forbidden to dock anywhere.
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
August 4, 2016
The fifth book in the A Sectors SF Romance series by Veronica Scott. Dr. Emily Shane, a veteran of the Sector Wars, is often referred to as "The Angel of Fantalar” and much admired for her dedication. Security Officer Jake Dilon is a fellow veteran and one of many lives Dr. Shane saved. Emily is suffering from PTSD and her father persuades her to accept a temporary position as Ship's Doctor on the Nebula Zephyr. Should be a breeze. But a mysterious virus strikes the passengers and crew and people are dying.

This series can mostly be read as stand-alones. The main common denominator is the Sector Wars. But there are a few that have characters that appear from other books in the series. This is one. Meg and Red from Star Cruise: Marooned are featured quite a bit in this book. Emily has a lot of issues with her PTSD and Jake is great at helping her deal with them. I am not a great fan of the whole "Outbreak" theme but I found the story enjoyable and fast paced and entertaining.

I have enjoyed this series quite a bit and highly recommend to fellow Sci-Fi Romance lovers.
Profile Image for Cara Bristol.
Author 98 books916 followers
December 4, 2016
As with all the Sectors series romances, Star Cruise: Outbreak was a quality read. Author Veronica Scott takes the time to develop the characters, the story, and the world. Everything about this book is totally believable. Great story, great writing.
Profile Image for Ingrid Banwell.
Author 3 books3 followers
November 16, 2017
Over the past five or so years, the ebook universe has become a crowded space. Veronica Scott, however, is a supernova who knows the physics of this universe and what her audience craves. Star Cruise: Outbreak is a vessel of delights very firmly parked in the world of romantic science fiction.

Set in a future where light speed has been mastered, alien civilisations discovered and new planets colonised, humankind has still held on to some of its bad habits. Capitalism, celebrity, greed and corruption for starters. So when a mysterious illness breaks out on board an interstellar luxury cruise ship filled with pampered rich people, it’s going to take a whole lot of skill, determination and intelligence to contain the unknown pathogen and pacify the prickly clientele.

As chief medical officer on board the luxury cruise Nebula Zephyr, military doctor Emily Shane, suffering PTSD, alcoholism and emerging from a long period of self-imposed social isolation, is well out of her comfort zone. War veteran and chief security officer Jake Dilon has his own messy back story as well but he’s also a classic romance hero filled with empathy and loyalty.

In the first pages, sparks, flashbacks and sexual chemistry between Emily and Jake fly. They’re both stressed and damaged souls and this is going to be a relationship with serious challenges. Stuck on board this cruise ship hurtling through space along with an assortment of pampered socialites, young families on the voyage of a lifetime, an alien princess with her prickly entourage including a sneezing pet of unknown origins, celebrities, a film crew, and finally, a virulent pathogen, they are heading towards personal and professional disaster.

I don’t think this is a plot spoiler but let’s just say it turns out the pathogen they encounter has an intriguing back story as well. With complicated alien politics, a stubborn interstellar authority and an interfering, all-seeing AI with attitude thrown in, I read on, wondering how our protagonists could possibly extricate themselves from this interstellar pickle.

Of course, being a sci fi romance, in the midst of all the crises, there has to be some good sex. And Scott is good at good sex. Without being so earth-shifting or mind-blowing it leaves the protagonists on a one-way voyage into a black hole of sexual oblivion, this is erotic sex that leaves the intelligent protagonists satisfied yet still able to think enough to wrestle with a series of incrementally increasing disasters.

If you are a lover of sci fi thrillers and romance and are in the mood for something escapist, smart, light, satisfying and pacey then this has all the ingredients of a rollicking read.
Veronica Scott knows both her audience and her genre. It’s a perfect capsule of sci-fi thrills with just the right amount of spice. And even better, I’ve just learned its part of a series.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,229 reviews203 followers
November 6, 2016
I really, really like these Sectors SF men and women. They're resourceful, mentally strong, and they're willing to take on anything that crosses their paths. Including an outbreak aboard a cruise liner.

Now, Emily isn't as well off as everyone thinks. Her time on the front lines has broken something inside her and she's twitchy around others and her guilt over those she wasn't able to save is crushing. Jake takes the time to show her she's not alone and that she has people who've been through the same situations to lean on. And, you know, if something springs up between them while he's helping her heal, so be it.

Meanwhile, the cruise ship is hit with a virus that Emily and the crew have a hard time quantifying. As they try to figure out how to combat it, they're faced with the very real possibility that there may no coming back from the illness that's spreading across the ship.

We get to see a few familiar faces and the catastrophe that was the Nebula Dream is mentioned (crossovers with previous books make me happy!). I'm still loving this world and the events that take place in it.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Christine.
270 reviews2 followers
September 9, 2018
This can be enjoyed as a stand-alone but contains referrences to events and people from previous stories. I tend to avoid stories with main characters that have big issues, in this case the heroine with PTSD. I'm glad that I decided to read it! The issue was handled with seriousness it deserved, but it didn't overpower the story or the character's personality. This story has humor, sci-fi elements, aliens, mystery, suspense, and romance. The hero and heroine get their HEA and there isn't a cliff hanger ending. I have fallen in love with this series and can't wait to read more of the books, despite them not all being directly connected stories!
Profile Image for Kara Prem.
770 reviews6 followers
August 30, 2019
I've read the Star Cruise books out of order, so I already knew that Dr. Emily Shane and scecurity officer Jake Dilon would end up together, and I think that is good, because Emily is a difficult character to like, she's very stand offish and just not fun to read at first. She does grow on you. Jake remembers Emily's role in saving his life in battle and is infatuated before she even temporarily signs on as the ship's doctor. They grow closer during the journey and work together to stop, treat and figure out a mysterious disease that has broken out on the ship. The disease is unknown and has the potential to kill everyone on board.
990 reviews11 followers
February 20, 2021
Dream cruise or nightmare?

Did you ever dream of being on a ship out in space? Well this book took you out on the Nebula Zephyr, for the cruise of a lifetime in total luxury. Perfect. Until there’s an outbreak that starts killing people. Poor Meg and Jake have to fight the outbreak, save people and find out what they’re dealing with. Oh and cure it. All whilst falling in love. And protect the princess. After all that I’d still go on that cruise! This was a perfectly balanced sci fi mystery romance that kept me totally entertained.
Profile Image for Dani Harper.
Author 14 books793 followers
December 5, 2017
Action and adventure meets romance and sci-fi. This fast-paced novel doesn’t stint on character development, and the world-building is top-notch. I haven't read this series in order -- in fact, I've only read Escape from Zulaire -- but I wasn't lost for a minute. I didn't want the book to end, and as soon as I finished the story, I hurried to download Wreck of the Nebula Dream. I want to continue hanging out in Ms. Scott's fascinating world!
Profile Image for Janis.
559 reviews5 followers
October 21, 2017
Fabulous! Its just any other luxury cruise except in SPACE! Where no one can hear you vomit. If you've ever cruised and had a ship with an outbreak the last place you want to be is cooped up inside the ship but in space there is no strolling on the deck to get some "fresh" air. No planet or port will take you because its now a plague ship - can they find a cure before more people fall ill.
Profile Image for Summer.
217 reviews3 followers
March 28, 2020
Cruise ships can be tricky places

Tricked by her own father to run the medical section of a pleasure cruiser our heroine runs headlong into a series of events she could never have imagined and, along the way, finds a good man to stand at her side! A fun read!
330 reviews
April 28, 2021

A fast read with an exciting plot among the stars. The characters are well rounded, with strong military backgrounds, establishing themselves on a cruise ship and living life after war. Easy to keep going and read through.
27 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2024
Great space mystery!

Good balance of suspense, characters and emotion. Believable plot, good romantic elements between the two main characters. Excellent second story in this series!
Profile Image for Eva Szmutko.
39 reviews2 followers
May 30, 2017
Because sometimes you just want a trashy story with a romantic happily ever after!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katrina.
711 reviews43 followers
May 23, 2018

I liked it, even if romance was a bit tepid and not overly impressive. The characters were likable and the plot realistic . A decent read.
Profile Image for Kim.
109 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2018

This as any other written by Ms Scott is fabulous and well written. I highly recommend this book as well as her other writings.
Profile Image for Connie Harris.
1,532 reviews3 followers
August 8, 2020
Awesome book!

Jake and Emily what an incredible story. I am definitely ready for more of your books.This was an edge of your seat, page turner!
Profile Image for Deborah Kehoe.
Author 1 book26 followers
July 28, 2017
I enjoyed the first book in this series, The Wreck of the Nebula Dream. The author, Veronica Scott, did a great job mixing action, adventure, science fiction and romance and I wanted to see if she was able to replicate that magical formula. Star Cruise was slightly different than the first novel, dealing with real life subjects like PTSD and alcoholism, but still had that great mix of genres I mentioned above. The cruise ship is crewed by a group of ex military vets. Our protagonist, Dr. Emily Shane, famously saved lives on an under siege beach on the planet of Fantalar. She earned the nickname the Angel of Fantalar because she refused to leave the beach during the retreat and ended up taking care of wounded soldiers while hiding from the enemy until they were rescued three months later. As with real life vets, she suffers from PTSD. Her father volunteers her services on this cruise ship as a last minute replacement for a doctor that has gone AWOL, just to get her off the couch.

Jake Dilon was one of the vets she saved on the beach at Fantalar, and her love interest in this story. He is the head of security for the ship and assigned as her liaison. He immediately notices her PTSD. That bender she went on kind of clued him in, however, he very subtly helps her overcome her fears of big crowds and loud places. By his description (tall, blonde and handsome) it wasn’t that big a hardship. Not until a virus breaks out on the ship and starts killing off people.

I did find the romance a little affected, but Emily’s reactions as a vet trying to overcome PTSD and Jake’s support of that issue balanced the cheese factor. When the virus breaks out the doctor overcomes her fears pretty quickly. I enjoyed the mystery surrounding the virus, and the way everyone worked together to minimize it. An interesting side note is that the first novel reminded me of the movie the Poseidon Adventure and this book reminded me a bit of Outbreak by Robin Cook. I’d have to read another in the series to see if this is a consistent trend with this author. Her books are very original, don’t get me wrong, but that similarity is interesting! I think I will be picking up the next book because these serial novels are pretty addicting. I hope it’s catching! Lol. ❤❤❤❣
Profile Image for Kay Hudson.
427 reviews6 followers
May 17, 2016
Star Cruise: Outbreak continues Veronica Scott’s Sector Hub series with another tale of disaster on a cruise ship. Dr. Emily Shane, retired military surgeon with PTSD, has certainly never thought of working as a cruise ship doctor; she prefers keeping as busy as possible in the emergency rooms of her home planet, Harilon. But when an old friend of her father’s needs a replacement on short notice, Emily finds herself dragooned. It doesn’t hurt that Jake Dilon, the ship’s head of security who comes to escort her to the Nebula Zephyr, is a sympathetic fellow veteran.

I’m not giving much away in saying that an unexpected, and unknown, disease strikes the ship, turning Emily’s near-vacation assignment into a struggle for survival. Emily works to solve the medical mystery with help from an assortment of passengers and crew, not the least of which is Maeve, the Ship’s Artificial Intelligence, herself a military veteran.

I enjoy Scott’s novels because she delivers solid science fiction adventure with romance. Her characters develop their bonds while working together through tough situations. Star Cruise: Outbreak can certainly be read as a stand-alone story, but it also refers to events and characters from The Wreck of the Nebula Dream and Star Cruise: Marooned. (I enjoyed a few little genre references, too, including a chief engineer named Takkei, and Emily’s remark, “I’m a doctor, not a film agent.”)

Definitely recommended for anyone who enjoys science fiction romance toward the SF end of the spectrum.
Profile Image for Rabid Readers Reviews.
546 reviews23 followers
June 2, 2016
The author, Veronica Scott, gave me a copy of this book in exchange for my review.

I love a Veronica Scott book. Whenever this author’s books appear in the inbox there’s a rush of eager anticipation knowing that something good has come my way and “Star Cruise: Outbreak” is no exception. Scott creates a world that hints at familiarity. Royalty, Celebrities and contest winners are able to experience the wonders of luxury space travel. Scott’s opulent descriptions paint a picture that would lure any traveler looking for a departure from daily life.

Dr. Emily Shane suffers from survivor’s guilt so that whenever someone acknowledges her reputation, she has a kneejerk revulsion. From the start while her experiences are given in overview, the reader knows that this is a character that suffers from the after shock of a horrible tragedy and though she saved many lives, the true horror of the day is not erased in her consciousness. Emily is an excellent medic but she is not the physician to heal herself. She struggles with the idea of being with people and lives a lot within that day in her present life.

“Star Cruise: Outbreak” is a wonderful novel. If you love romance or science fiction or just generally great writing, give Veronica Scott a shot. You will not be disappointed. “Star Cruise: Outbreak” did not unseat my Scott favorite “The Wreck of the Nebula Dream” but it is an easy second place.

Profile Image for Ann.
140 reviews2 followers
July 13, 2016
Things I loved:
* characters with believable issues, strengths, and weaknesses.
* very well described medical emergency handling on the scifi version of a cruise ship.
* snoopy, smart-alecky AI!

Things that kept me from awarding more stars:
* interstellar warfare, spaceships, and beach frontlines don't mix well. A frontline makes only sense if the enemy can't drop off troops right from orbit over your head! So the background to the background felt off.
* the conclusion of the medical emergency (and subsequently the plot) was too easy - not quite a magic wand event, but too many lucky connections in a side character that made her close to a Mary Sue, took the flavor off the plot.
Profile Image for Jo .
2,665 reviews66 followers
July 19, 2016
I love slow burn romances and the one in Star Cruise: Outbreak has just the right pace to feel real. Emily and Jake have something of a shared past and when they meet again working on the luxurious interstellar cruise liner Nebula Zephyr they find that there is an attraction. There is a medical mystery on the ship and the two have to work closely to find a solution. A very well done addition to the Sectors SF Romance series. One of the nice things about this series is the fact that each book is very different and each book is a stand alone with only faint hints about previous books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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