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Kai Gracen #2

Mad Lizard Mambo

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8 hrs 49 mins

Kai Gracen has no intention of being anyone’s pawn. A pity Fate and SoCalGov have a different opinion on the matter.

Licensed Stalkers make their living hunting down monsters and dangerous criminals… and their lives are usually brief, brutal, and thankless. Despite being elfin and cursed with a nearly immortal lifespan, Kai didn’t expect to be any different. Then Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court, arrived in San Diego, Kai’s not-so-mundane life went from mild mayhem to full-throttle chaos.

Now an official liaison between the growing Sidhe Court and the human populace, Kai is at Ryder’s beck and call for anything a High Lord might need a Stalker to do. Unfortunately for Kai, this means chasing down a flimsy rumor about an ancient lost Court somewhere in the Nevada desert—a court with powerful magics that might save Ryder—and Kai’s—people from becoming a bloody memory in their Merged world’s violent history.

The race for the elfin people’s salvation opens unwelcome windows into Kai’s murky past, and it could also slam the door on any future he might have with his own kind and Ryder.

240 pages, ebook

First published September 13, 2016

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About the author

Rhys Ford

71 books1,875 followers
Rhys Ford is an award-winning author with several long-running LGBT+ mystery, thriller, paranormal, and urban fantasy series and is a two-time LAMBDA finalist and a multiple Gold and Silver Medalist by the Florida Authors and Publishers President’s Book Awards. She is published by Dreamspinner Press, DSP Publications and Rogue Firebird Press.

She shares the house with Harley, a gray tuxedo with a flower on her face, Badger, a disgruntled former alley cat, and Gojira, a mercurial Tabico as well as a ginger cairn terrorist named Gus. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep of a 1979 Pontiac Firebird named Tengu and enjoys murdering make-believe people.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews
July 12, 2019
Audio - 5 ++ stars!!
Story - 5 stars!!

Damn! Poor Kai can't catch a break, but he is resilient and surrounded by people who care about him. Unfortunately there are just as many, if not, more who don't because of his unique make up. Sheesh! What's a guy to do when he doesn't seem to fit anywhere?? Keep kicking ass!!!

Profile Image for Vivian.
2,892 reviews473 followers
August 14, 2016
I’d come so damned far from the battered, mewling meat puppet he’d made me into, and I wasn’t going to let his monsters drag me back down into that existence.

Indiana Jones of the Fae with a decidedly post-apocalyptic flavor.

Technically, it's post Merger. Wherein Underhill, the Fae homeworld, collided with the Human one. The battle to redraw lines resulted in enormous losses on both sides and now they live side by side, but not without incidents. Postwar, life is about recovering and new species wander the changed landscape while animals roam where they didn't before.

Kai Gracen is a chimera, born of blood magic, and a literal creation of his father Tanic, a Hunt Master, a flesh-shaper. More secrets of his origin are revealed and the ties between Kai and Ryder tighten. Kai is a Stalker, which is somewhere between a bounty and treasure hunter. Stalkers aren't known for their long lifespans, of course being not human has advantages that his sometimes partners don't.
“You tell them I went out kicking ass, and you get drunk with them,” she murmured, patting my hand. “Because that’s what’s Stalkers do. Even if you’ve watched them grow up, Kai, it’s what we do when one of us falls. You bring me home, let Mama dress me in something pretty, and drink yourself sick while what’s left of me is on the pyre. Just like I would do for you.”

Ryder, sidhe lord and all-around albatross Kai deals with. Of course he's ridiculously hot--he's fae--and well-mannered, cultured, educated, and optimally not suited to Stalker life or the tasks they undertake. Guess who's nose is stuck right up in Kai's business?

This is the second book in the series, and there's some previous history between Ryder and Kai, but not having read the first wasn't a problem. The details of what occurred are relayed enough that one has no problem understanding the issues and feeling the growing UST.

This is an action adventure story with a small slice of romance that's more snark than kisses and sighs, that said, it was fun. Between the mystery, archeological element, the vicious fauna encountered, and an antagonist who has no boundaries when it comes to winning--there's some decent violence.


Not a main character in this story, but there's a few here that add that certain flair. Two thumbs up for the dragons. Danger is everywhere as a cynic and an idealist go in search of fae secrets.

Overall, adventure with blood, sass, and a sprinkle of heart.

~Copy provided by NetGalley~
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
July 11, 2019
Audiobook: ***5 Stars***
Story: ***4 Stars***

The story in a nutshell:
Bildergebnis für dragon egg gif

In my review for Black Dog Blues I said that Kai Gracen has more lives that his damned cat. Okay, scratch that. He has more lives than his damned cat with all its ancestors combined!!!

Overprotective momma-dragons with a penchant for hickeys, delusional half-siblings with Frankenstein ambitions, pesky humans with a tendency to be attacked left, right and center and whose gratitude for salvation left a lot to be desired, winged dogs with slobber issues and a Sidhe-Lord with an aversion to everything that could help defend them. Nothing can stop him and yet I'm in full blown growly protective momma-bear mode myself whenever someone tries to harm him.

The romance between Kai and Ryder is still in an I-hate-your-guts-but-I-want-you phase most of the time, at least on Kai's part since Ryder skipped the hate-part altogether, although everyone but Kai knows that they are meant to be. I liked where they stand toward the end of the book, though, and that gives me hope that we are slowly getting where I want them to be.

My only niggle is a bit too much inner monologue sometimes on Kai's part, but so long as I got to listen more to Greg Tremblay's voice, I can live with that. ;-) On to the next!
Profile Image for Jenni Lea.
801 reviews293 followers
September 17, 2016

Fricking fabulous!

When I finished this book, the latest in the Kai Gracen series, I sat down to write a thoughtful review, letting everyone know in a clear and concise manner just how much I loved it. It was going to be The Best Review Ever! It would explain in detail - with bullet points even! - why everyone who hasn’t picked up this series should purchase it now. I imagined myself looking somewhat like this:

But, in reality, I looked more like this:

When it comes to Kai Gracen, and any of Rhys Ford’s books, I can’t help but squee and do a happy dance. I haven’t come across a single story she’s written that I haven’t absolutely loved. Yes, some I’ve loved more than others. The Kai Gracen series is one of them. I’ll try my best, between all the squees and fangirling, to explain to you exactly why.

Kai Gracen is back and he’s snarkier than ever. He’s been contracted by Ryder, the object of his reluctant desires - and the bane of his existence - to find what just may be the answer to the infertility problem that plagues the elfin people. It will be a harrowing journey, fraught with danger at every turn. It’s a race to get there before those who wish to see the elfin vanish from existence do.

Road trip!

And what a road trip it is. Adventure and excitement abound as we travel alongside Kai and his crew to the ruins of Old Vegas and beyond. Kai faces some seriously terrifying monsters on the road. The trail is rife with Black Dogs, Nightmares, dragons and murderous humans. But the most frightening thing he faces, the one that horrifies him out of all, is the monster that lives inside his own soul.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, Rhys Ford writes some of the most descriptive and engaging stories I’ve ever read. She has a knack for pulling you so far into a story that you can actually see and hear and even feel what is going on at every second.

Booms shook the hills a few heartbeats after every flash, the rumbles coming fast and faster as the thunderstorm began to hit its stride. The strikes grew furious, bleaching the sky with each pass and growing stronger until the clouds were spangled with forks. Water rose up from the sides, swamping the transport’s heavy tires, but its weight kept it pressed down into the road. I hit a patch of deep water, a dip in the road filled past its curves, and the truck shimmied back and forth. Fighting the swerve, I battled the rear end, swearing as I threw my weight into turning the steering wheel to bring all eight wheels back onto the asphalt.

“Kai, watch out!” Ryder clutched the dashboard.
“I see it,” I growled, my hands clenched on the shaking steering wheel. “Hold on.”

There was no missing the house-sized boulder crashing down the mountainside and headed straight for the road. It left craters in the ground as it bounced, a nearly impossible feat for something larger and heavier than a full-grown kraken, but the storm apparently suspended physics because it jumped and dove as if it were made out of rubber. Gushes of water followed it, a slurry of dirt, smaller boulders, and trees.

Her words just speak to me in a way other authors don’t. It’s a bit disarming how well it syncs with me. It’s like she can reach into my brain to find what will resonate with me the most. Certain passages will jump out at me and I end up shouting “Yes! That’s it exactly!”

The words became sentences and then turned into stories, whispers of someone’s imagination reaching out to touch mine, hanging stars in the darkness of my mind until I possessed a milky universe of worlds where there’d only been a void before.

I’ve been on a bit of an urban fantasy kick lately so Mad Lizard Mambo fit right in. And this is a true urban fantasy, folks. There’s no romance. Well, that’s a lie. There’s the hint of the start of a romance, maybe, but there’s no sex, no making out and there’s definitely no I love you’s here. As if Kai would ever stoop to being so vulnerable! What there is, though, is action and adventure and shenanigans. And lots of awesome come-backs and one liners. And guns and gore, but when have you ever read a Rhys Ford book that didn’t have guns and gore?

The most important thing, though, is that this book was fun and a joy to read. I highly, highly recommend you pick this up. Even if you don’t typically prefer UF I would be remiss if I didn’t urge you to read this for the descriptive words alone. I had a blast visiting Kai’s world and I think you would too.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,429 reviews503 followers
May 18, 2017
4 Stars

Like the first book, I wouldn’t necessarily characterize this as an M/M, or really as a romance. It truly stands out as a great urban fantasy novel with rich world building, nonstop action, and plenty of twists and turns. And like most similar series out there in this genre, the protagonist has his own inner turmoil and sad, murky past - which by all means should’ve turned him into an evil, selfish asshat, but like all anti-heroes, Kai has a hidden heart of gold (well maybe brass) which guides him to do the right thing. It is that central core goodness that Ryder sees beneath all the bluster, and he’s determined to make Kai realize it as well.

Admittedly, a little more is revealed regarding the undeniable attraction between Kai and Ryder. Kai surely doesn’t think much of himself, but Ryder more than makes up for it in his unwavering support. Their budding relationship (which is still pretty much undefined) is all the more intriguing and something to root for. Kai might not want to get involved with the mysterious, irresistible Sidhe lord, but I think I’m safe to say their getting together is just an inevitability. There’s great things up ahead for these two, and I believe, for us readers as well.

So take this for what it is - urban fantasy at its best - and forget that it was written by the M/M romance writer - she of the purple prose - and embrace the adventure. Don’t despair, for this still has plenty of lush description and explanation, as Ford weaves a tale about a man who’s forever trying to redeem himself for an existence that he’s obviously not responsible for, and how he rises above his horrific origins to find a sense of honor and purpose that aligns perfectly with his own warped code. Luckily for us, he’s one of the good guys.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,868 reviews271 followers
August 16, 2016
4.5 Stars

Mad Lizard Mambo is the second book in Rhys Ford's Kai Gracen series. Just as good as Black Dog Blues, Mad Lizard Mambo takes us deeper into what makes Kai Gracen tick. And brings him closer to accepting Ryder. Like the first book, there is no romance here, but there are hints of a possible romance to come between Kai and Ryder, which I greatly loved, and I dearly hope that gets explored as the series progresses. And there is no steam. But the adventure! Dragons and Black Dogs and Blood Mages, oh, my! Again, the world building is vivid and rich, and wow, just wow.

Kai Gracen hides his caring soul behind grit and a prickly disposition. That really is subterfuge, though. Kai cares. Oh he says he doesn't and he threatens violence on all and sundry, but his actions speak differently. He goes to great lengths to help others. He puts nearly everyone before him (unless they are trying to kill him or someone he cares about, then all bets are off). And he tells himself that he doesn't want Ryder and that being bound to him is nothing but trouble. The truth, though? Kai is afraid of letting himself get too close. Because he thinks of himself as the monster his father created.

Ryder, Clan Sebac, Third in the House of Devon, High Lord of the Southern Rise Court (sounds rather ostentatious, doesn't it?!) wants Kai, anyway he can have him. To Ryder, Kai is beautiful and right. Kai is like that feral cat you have to slowly coax so it will let you near, and Ryder is nothing, if not patient. He knows that eventually, he will wear Kai down. Meanwhile, Ryder will do everything he can to help Kai and those he cares about. But there are other pressing matters that Ryder is concerned with. The elfin race is faced with negative growth. They are a dying race. Ryder is a deeply caring man with no small amount of responsibility. He knows that the elfin race needs to change with the times or they will never survive. And there are rumors of a lost Court that may hold the answers.

And this is where that adventure comes in. And if you're thinking that nothing ever goes to plan, well, you'd be right. It's a Black Dog eat everything kind of world and their journey is filled with peril and no small amount of blood and swearing. And I loved every moment of it.

Does Ryder find what he was looking for? Maybe, maybe not. But he and Kai do get to know each other better and by the end of the book Kai seems to even be softening where Ryder is concerned, and that makes me all kinds of happy. I dearly hope we don't have to wait too terribly long for book 3. And not because of any cliffhangers, because there wasn't one. I just want to see where Kai and Ryder go next and if Kai finally lets his guard down around Ryder.


ARC of Mad Lizard Mambo was generously provided by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
February 7, 2019
I am really sorry to say this, but this story was not my cup of tea. I tried. God how I tried. I was lulled by the high ratings. It sounded SO interestind and I really wanted to love this but I can't. I just liked some parts of it.

I am not a fan of paranormal stories, but I still love some, from time to time. I enjoy stories that keep me on the edge. This series is full of action and it has also suspense BUT it left me wanting more. Much more... I just couldn't with all the descriptions and the fights and the shootings and the awful unsidhe. The backstabbing people. The dragons. The lizards. The blood and the pain and everything.

I really hoped we'd get more romance. I am really sorry to admit this is just some action packed story with almost NO sweet moments. And absolutely NO hot scenes. It happened to me before to really love a story without any sex,but here any interaction would have made a difference! Any!

Kai is attracted to Ryder from the start. He needs him in his bones. He loves his smell. BUT he never sleeps with someone he knows and even if Ryder is doing everything in his power to make Kai understand he wants him... Kai isn't admitting he wants him too. Until the end. Barely. And NOTHING happens between them!!!

So I will give this 3 stars for the action and world building but I don't think I will read the third and last book in the series because I really don't think we'll get more. I lost my faith in this series and anything happening between the MC's. Too bad I have no hope this will become better.

There are SO many high ratings and 5 stars reviews, so I am in the minority here.
Profile Image for BWT.
2,215 reviews243 followers
November 8, 2016
Belens Audio Book Review

Seriously, Rhys Ford does some really excellent and damn interesting world building with this series. But it's Greg Tremblay that elevates this to auditory art.

This story was like listening to a graphic novel come to life. Greg Tremblay perfectly captures the action and excitement of the story and brings it to life. The story and the narration is an experience.


This isn't a romance. While it has hints of possible romance to happen in the series, it's first and foremost a fantasy story.

In this installment elfin outcast and Stalker Kai Gracen is once again importuned to help Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court.

The action in this start heavy and doesn't stop until the very end. It's a roller coaster ride that all I can say is hold on to your seat, 'cause it gets bumpy on this ride!


I had such a great time listening to this and that has everything to do with Greg Tremblay's wonderful narration. His accents, pacing and timing are all absolutely perfect for this story (and series). Kai is one of my favorite Rhys Ford characters, the prickly bastard, and I can hardly wait for more from his world.

For fans of fantasy and audio this is definitely recommended!

Audio copy of Mad Lizard Mambo provided by DSP Publications in exchange of an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for M'rella.
1,397 reviews176 followers
March 7, 2017
What a wild ride! Still picking leaves, twigs and bone fragments out of my hair! lol

There is still a matter of Kai's father... i really hope there is going to be book three. then I can re-read the first two and feast on the third =)~
Just as good as the first installment and even better, considering the editing didn't suck :p

4.5 stars, rounding up
Profile Image for Alisa.
1,835 reviews198 followers
September 13, 2016
Urban Fantasy is my all time favorite genre and so I was really happy when I came across the first book in this series awhile back. I've been anxiously awaiting this follow up book and I can say I was not disappointed. This was super good.

This picks up a few months down the road and Kai is still doing his Stalker runs. He and Ryder have seen each other a bit but haven't worked together since their first time. Kai is doing his best to avoid Ryder because he's still struggling with his feelings. Ryder needs to go on a dangerous mission and asks Kai to help him. Against his better judgment Kai agrees and the plot takes off from there. This book was fast paced and read like an action movie. There were a bunch of side characters that provided plot twists and a bit of comedy.

In addition to the fun plot, I love the world building in this series. Love it!! I live in the area the book is set in and I think that makes it all the more awesome for me. I totally know all the places the author is talking about and I love how she's twisted and changed it. (I am thankful though that I can pass Pendleton without the dragons trying to eat me). Even if you don't know the area first hand I think that the images are so well done that you'll be caught up in it too.

The best part of the book though for me is Kai. He's so grumpy and cynical yet underneath he holds on to a bit of hope and a great deal of love (although he'll never admit to either of those things). Ryder is a great compliment for Kai. I liked Ryder in book one but wasn't sold on the relationship. After this one though I totally am. Ryder is so patient with Kai. Watching him slowly get Kai to open up was beautiful. The love story is a slow burn and there aren't any smexy scenes. It works really well for this couple though. Anything more wouldn't seem realistic after the things Kai has been through. For me there were some really tender and moving moments between the two men in this. One in particular, at the end, that was swoon worthy.

I guess you could read this as a standalone but I wouldn't recommend it. I think you need to start with the first book to get a feel for the world and the two main characters, Kai and Ryder.

**As of the writing of this Sept, 2016, the first book is on sale for 99 cents at DSP**
Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
August 19, 2017
4.5 stars. Just as kickass as the first and then some. The more I get to know Kai, the more I like him. Yes, he's harsh and abrasive (though not as much as he tries to be) but I find his being as "human" and sympathetic as he is to be an incredible act of will on his part. Considering how he came to being and what he lived and endured, it would be so easy for him to say "my life sucked *true* and everybody owes me, fuck you all". But he never, ever does.

This story is full of interesting side characters and baddies, as well as some pretty great secondaries. Still no romance going on but it feels like Kai is saying goodbye to his resistance to Ryder, the sidhe lord who's already decided they are inevitable, as well as resistance to everything else elfin. There seems to truly be no more escaping it, much as he'd like to. Feels like change is coming for Kai, and of course not all of it will be good.

The world continues to be amazing and the plot is still fast-paced, exciting and ever more complicated and I absolutely cannot wait for more!!
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,055 reviews85 followers
October 27, 2016
*giddy bounce* There was lots of squees and manic giggling going on as soon as I saw this book was out and I could get my greedy little hands on it. Adored the first book in this series and this was no exception. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS BOOK! Did I mention that I loved this book???

First of all Kai Gracen you are one badass mofo in the best possible way. I absolutely adore Kai in large part because for all his physical abilities and his ease at taking down any big bad monster that comes his way, he's still so shattered inside. Kai has so many insecurities due to his parentage and torturous upbringing that leave him all kinds of prickly. He's so much fun to watch. I just keep waiting for Ryder to reach out, wrap him up in his arms and say "Shush you. I've got you." Of course Kai would scrap and claw but eventually Ryder will get through to him.

So in this story we've got Kai continuing in his Stalker ways, and out on a run to steal a dragon egg for a museum in the city. Of course there are a rules and particulars when one steals a dragon egg if one wants to survive, and Kai knows them all. He still barely manages to come out of this one alive. Imagine his surprise when he goes to sell the egg and the contracts been voided, due to non other than his nemesis and the fae who often has the ability to pull his chain Ryder, the High Lord of the Southern Rise Court. Suffice to say Kai is not in a good mood when Ryder comes calling with a job for him. Unfortunately if Kai wants to keep his license he knows there's nothing he can do to avoid the job Ryder wants him to take. But Ryder is desperate. The fae are struggling to conceive and if they can't find a solution to their fertility issues they could be dying as a race. The potential fertility find in an old ruin is just too necessary to pass up.

I absolutely adore Kai and Ryder's cranky relationship. Kai's so cantankerous with Ryder, and yet Ryder keeps coming back for more. You can just feel him slowly breaking down Kai's mile high walls. But of course any job Ryder wants him to go on is never going to be a simple one and as usual the danger and craziness factor sky rockets in this story. It's non-stop action packed in the best possible way.

Rhys Ford has such a command of story. She really sucks you into her books and pulls you along for the ride of your life. And with this urban fantasy series I really feel like she's at her best. I've enjoyed all of her books in the past, but I am awaiting more books in this series with tingling, bouncing, anticipation. It's a fascinating world she's created with the idea of a Merged world. It was not a smooth or peaceful process when the fae world and the human world were forced together in an awkward mismatch of lands and places. Somethings are right where they are expected to be for both worlds and others have been lost to time never to be seen again. The forced intercession of magic and tech has lead to advances for all three races, the sidhe, the unsidhe, and the humans, but it's also created a lot of tension. The monsters are bigger, badder, and more deadly than most can handle. With dragons, black dogs, nightmares, and of course the murderous human or two along the way this world is always rife with another opportunity to keep things tense and interesting.

I'm enjoying this series so much more than I thought possible. I love it to pieces and devoured this book whole. It reads so quickly and smoothly as you're pulled along an action packed ride replete with enough sexual tension to drown a house. Kai may not want to want Ryder, but he's swimming in it. It certainly keeps things interesting between these two as Kai is determined to not get too wrapped up into Court life. Yet ever so slowly he's being dragged further and further into the world Ryder wants him to be a part of inspire of his mixed heritage. Kai may think he's an abomination, but Ryder certainly doesn't share his beliefs.

Definitely a new favorite and I can't believe I don't have more books to instantly devour. Cannot wait to get more in this series!
Profile Image for Tamika♥RBF MOOD♥.
1,224 reviews144 followers
September 13, 2016
I think everyone knows, I'd read a pamphlet and gush about it if it was written by Rhys Ford. That's how I feel about this story. It was good, I might have been semi-emotional at certain points, but Kai will make you do that. This book he had to deal with family big time! Whether it was the nutty bunch or the surrogate family that sculpted him into who he is today. We also got to see Kai's feelings for Ryder progress. This was super packed with adventure. I mean from page 1 up until the very end. Loved seeing Kai in all his sassy glory, and the twisty turns that the story produced.

One reason why, I'm so enamored with Rhys writing is because she is always able to drawn that emotion out of her characters. Even in a story like this, I found myself misty eyed a time or two. We get to see Kai in all his protective glory this round. Yeah it's nice to know that he'd go all out his way to protect Dempsey, Jonas, Dali, Sparky and now Ryder. Kai has such a vulnerability about himself, it's my favorite attribute of his outside of his witty come backs of course.

I don't miss the romance or the sexual aspect of the relationship. I definitely can see it heading that way, and boy when it hits Kai is going to be super snarky. It's a slow burn on anything physical between the two. Ryder wants to own Kai. Not in the possession sense, more of showing him how great love can be. I do think Ryder has slowly but surely broke some of Kai's defenses down, and book 3 is going to give me all the feels when this happens. I'm putting it out in the universe!

I'm not one for world building, but with this story it was all about the descriptions. I loved reading how things were to Kai. The sight, smell, the taste and all of the abstracts that goes into San Diego. I love how Kai fights for his humanity, even when humanity is a giant pile of sh** to him at times. The secondary characters were a great add-in to this adventure. I don't feel let down at all. I wish Rhys could write a book every 3 months just so I can read her words. I liked this, but I'm not surprised. The woman is bloody talented!!! I definitely recommend this book to everyone, and get book 1 first.
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,514 reviews144 followers
August 24, 2019
Once you know Kai Gracen, you can't help but love him. There is something about him that cultivates respect and at the same time brings my instinct to hug and comfort him. The more I get to know him, the more I see why he shuns everything elfin, and I don't blame him. But like with everything else, there comes a time when one can't outrun one's nature or past, and that's when a person needs courage and solid group of friends to stand by him, and Kai, despite at times being churlish and very difficult, has them in spades.

The tension between Ryder and Kai is escalating, but Kai avoids personal entanglements like the plague. I liked that Ryder took a different approach to Kai - he decided to become a friend, a person to be trusted and relied on. I enjoyed their musings under the stars and small but cherished moments they shared while traveling to fulfill Ryder's quest. Their mutual attraction will imminently lead to a satisfying result for both of them so long as Kai let it happen and Ryder shows him how much he means to him. But for now, it's firmly on the back burner because as always where Kai is, trouble and mayhem follow.

War between elfin and humans continues, and the victims fall on both sides. So many times they escape by the skin of their teeth but with constant betrayal and attacks dodging their steps, it's harder than ever. I loved Ms Rhys's flair for striking descriptions of the structures of old Unseelie city, the dark spaces made more dangerous by creatures of blood magic and evil spirits, the taste of victory and the sorrow of death that was inevitable and sometimes a mercy. When Ryder finds what he is looking for, the answer definitely is not what he expected. Will the elfin race survive or will Ryder stop pursuing his dreams? Will Kai let Ryder in or will he continue stand alone? Who knows? But I know that there is a third book with my name on it that's calling me, and it's going to be fantastic! Loved it so much! I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Toni FGMAMTC.
2,050 reviews24 followers
November 28, 2016

It's super easy to get wrapped up in the mythology of Kai's world. Everything takes place in a dystopian version of Earth. There are elves, dragons and different types of monsters. Kai is a stalker. It's his job to hunt and find objects and creatures in this new world. He's an elfin hybrid who identifies more with humans but doesn't quite fit in with any group.
This book is full of fighting and activity. It starts by jumping right in. The excitement is broken up with funny dialogue between Kai and others. Often the other is Ryder who has become a working and possible romantic connection. They don't agree regularly. Kai is the grump everyone loves. He bristles easily and protects fiercely. Kai, Ryder and company are on a mission to procure something important to the lives of elves. Near the end the suspense gets thick. The horrors of Kai's past and his natural instincts to do good pull my heartstrings.
I really liked the previous book, but I loved this one. It has everything: action, adventure, humor, suspense, romance and more. I very much recommend to science fiction and fantasy readers.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

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Profile Image for Christina.
633 reviews24 followers
August 25, 2016
3 Stars - 1 Flame

Once again I'm thrust into the world that is Kai Gracen. Since I've read the first one and got used to the world, it didn't take too long to get back in to the different lingo and language differences. I mean, it's pretty easy to get back in to a series where Kai is concerned. I think I fell for this one a little more with each chapter.

DRAGONS!!!! Did I mention how much I like dragons? No? Well I do. Although I got to experience one in the first book (very briefly I might add), I get a little more in this one. Oh yeah, and of course those damn Black Dogs are back. Geez, those things are vicious. But I digress. We're sent on another journey with Kai to find a lost Court in Nevada and of course Ryder is along for the ride. As with the first one, the journey is brutal and graphic. But we get more Kai and more understanding and more...sigh...

I was REALLY hoping that the romance level would kick up a notch in this one, but alas, no such luck. Although we're still teased with the promise of a blooming friendship/relationship between Kai and Ryder, I just wish we got a little more than...eh. Considering this story was jam packed with action, adventure and self reflection, the romance wasn't missed too much. Except now I'm wondering, "did they finally enjoy each other?". ARGH. Sigh....

All in all, I enjoyed this book. I think that you SHOULD read the first one before venturing into this one, but the author did a good job recapping and filling us in, that it's not "necessary". Now I wonder...will there be another one??? Hmmmmm....

*I received this book from the Jeep Diva in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,264 reviews481 followers
September 17, 2016
A Joyfully Jay review.

5 stars

Well, really I am at a loss as to where to begin. I have once again fallen in love with a character created by that diabolical writing genius, the delightful Rhys Ford. She makes it look so easy—her stories full of endless action, peopled with fascinating creatures, both human and non and, of course, a world so exactingly described you are certain you have lived there in a past life. Kai Gracen is back and he is the same spitfire he was in Black Dog Blues. In this latest installment, Mad Lizard Mambo (honestly, I love these book titles), we get to burrow just a bit further under Kai’s prickly exterior to once again see the scared, lonely young man who hides inside. I wanted to take him home with me in the last novel—this time I want to wrap him up and keep him safe for always—much like Lord Ryder does. And the gods know he needs to be kept safe—mainly from himself, for if Kai can get into what would be for any normal person a life threatening situation he would—and so often does.

Read Sammy’s review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for ReviewerLarissa.
692 reviews32 followers
June 21, 2020
Review for BookWinked

Mad Lizard Mambo by Rhys Ford is the long awaited sequel to Black Dog Blues. People – me among them – long hoped for a continuation of Kai’s adventures. With Mad Lizard Mambo the author sure doesn’t disappoint. As a side note, it’s handy to read Black Dog Blues before you start this book.

What is Mad Lizard Mambo about?
The story is a mix of Indiana Jones meets Lord of the Rings meets Supernatural in a way. It a story high on adventure and low on romance, although the last is certainly there. With Elves (Sidhe) of both courts literally merged with this world with all the troubles that comes along with it, including dragons. Kai is a stalker – someone who hunts the bumps in the night – on loan to the newly formed San Diego court. Which means when Ryder, head honcho elf, asks Kai for something, it’s very hard for Kai to refuse. Although Kai is not sure if he wants to.

Can you tell us about the plot for Mad Lizard Mambo?
The plot is predominantly focussed on the task set upon Kai by Ryder. Ryder comes along for the ride and there is mayhem all around. Along the way Kai and Ryder deepen their friendship and are maybe onto the road for something more. It’s slow going because of Kai’s past. Speaking of the past. Kai’s rear his very ugly head a few times.

What I can tell about the plot without giving anything away, is that there are a few twists and turns that you do not see coming!

So do Kai and Ryder finally get together?
For that you have to read the book. I can tell you that it’s very slow going for the both for them. Their romance is not the main focus of the story, rather a sub plot. I love how it’s blossoming slowly and with each story Kai is learning more about himself. For Ryder, it’s a done deal even if Kai hasn’t reached that point and I love how how his slowly growing court feels the same.

Are the characters of this story dynamic, rounded?
As always, characters are crafted well by this author. They are characters that have seen hardship and pain and overcame them and have made a life for themselves, how unlikely it may seem. Especially Kai remain a character you can’t help but want to hug and care for I’m sure Ryder thinks the same. The characters of Mad Lizard Mambo are dynamic and mysterious, never an open book and you always learn something new about them. I love that they have have their flaws but can still be a role model or learn from their mistakes.

How is the writing in this book?
As always the writing by this author is descriptive, flowing and clean with chatty and witty dialogue, without being overly flowery or descriptive to the point of being boring. The world building is strong and a good strong setting that is believable.

Is there something you didn’t like about this book?
Well…no…not really. I really loved Kai’s story! The one little niggle I did have was about the Black Dogs in this story. Compared to the previous books they play a larger (literally) role in this story. We learn more about them but they also seem a lot harder to kill. The fighting scenes with the Black Dogs are more extensive and it seemed a little overdone as to how hard they were to kill. I know this has to do with whoever creates them, but it took a little away for Kai’s fighting skill compared to Black Dog Blues.

How do you rate this book?
With 5 stars and it is definitely recommended!

*crosses fingers and hopes there will be more Kai stories*
Profile Image for Sarina.
766 reviews1 follower
September 7, 2016
Review written for Love Bytes Reviews.

Its been years since I was first introduced to the sheer badassery that is Kai Gracen and I just don’t have the words to express how excited and thrilled I was to be able to finally continue his story. I’d never really read much in the way of Urban Fantasy before but with one book, Black Dog Blues, Ms. Ford opened my eyes to just how amazing it could be. In Mad Lizard Mambo, Kai’s story continues and I was just as glued to the pages with this book as I was with the first.

Continuing not too long after the previous book ended, Kai is continuing his work as a Stalker, someone who makes their living off of hunting down, and for, various creatures. After the events from a few months ago, all he really wants is to do his job, work on fixing his car and to avoid Ryder as much as possible. Those plans go out the window when Ryder shows up with a job to hunt down an abandoned and forgotten Sidhe city in search of a way to help the elfin people’s declining birth rates.

Let me just start by saying that this story was awesome and totally worth the wait! I was sucked right back into this world and with these characters so quickly it felt as if there had been no time at all between when I read the first book and this sequel. I love Kai! He is most definitely one of my absolute favorite characters of all time and I’m not sure I’ll ever really get enough of him. The creativity that went into him and his backstory just can’t be adequately put into words. Seriously guys. All of the characters are unique and interesting but Kai will always be my favorite. :D The world building is also practically a work of art; I’ve never found another series of books that has enthralled me quite this much.

From start to finish this book was completely amazing; I loved everything about it! After the previous book I didn’t think I could be surprised by anything more in regards to Kai and Ryder but I was totally wrong and I couldn’t be happier about that. I really just can’t rave about this book enough, lol. If you’ve read Rhys Ford before but haven’t picked up the Kai Gracen books I have to ask, what are you waiting for? They’re flat out amazing and if you like Ms. Ford or are a fan of Urban Fantasy, I urge you to go out and get this book right now! This isn’t a standalone book, however, so make sure you read Black Dog Blues first; I promise you, you won’t regret that one either!

Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
May 18, 2018
Loved this, gobbled it up but been lazy with reviews.

Best read in sequence to better appreciate the world.

The road trip sets off with whirlwind speed and as a reader all I could do was grip my kindle tight and hold on for the ride. With Kai in the mix you know things are going to heat up and get wild. Somehow despite that there's still a strong emotional impact along the way.

Kai is a great character and in this book we saw more layers to him and to Ryder, who went from an interesting interference to viable love interest here, though if you're looking for romance be warned these two still have a way to go. This is action packed fantasy, romance a slow teasing process, but I enjoyed seeing the different ideologies, what formed them and compromise.
Colourful side characters add to the flavour.

Really liked how the world and characters developed, action sequences exploded off the page enlisting all the senses. And there were Dragons. Lets not forget the Dragons. Dragons be here!

Left me wanting the next book. More Kai please Ms Ford.
Profile Image for Cat.
379 reviews3 followers
September 10, 2016
***Evocative Urban Fantasy!***

I must admit that when I read Mad Lizard Mambo, I had not yet read the first in the series, Black Dog Blues. Having since read it, I can state unequivocally that this one can be read as a stand alone. However, why would you want it to be? There’s so much fun in the first, and it parlays into a richer experience with this next in the series.

Kai is a Stalker. He’s also a chimera, created from blood magic and therefore sharing qualities of both the Sidhe and Unsidhe fae. These are not exactly the most compatible of titles to share. His primary job is bounty hunting nightmare creatures that have no business being on the mortal plain, but because the human and fae worlds merged into a violent mess, they are here, and they are dangerous. Dragons, nightmare stallions, black dogs, and more haunt the cities and rural areas. Eating humans is sort of frowned upon, so Stalkers go take out the problem creatures.

Unfortunately, Kai also has another issue - a sidhe named Ryder, the high lord of the new Southern Rise Court in San Diego. Ryder causes as many problems as an unruly child, yet Kai is drawn to him like a moth to a flame. With Kai’s new position as liaison between the humans and the Sidhe court, Ryder has Kai at his fingertips for any and all jobs that a Stalker might handle. In this case, it’s a rumor, and Kai has human help - sort of. When everyone’s life is on the line, can Kai pull off a miracle, or will this be his last venture?

Told from Kai’s point of view, Mad Lizard Mambo is a captivating trip through the verdant mind of its author, Rhys Ford. All of her books start with an action situation that has you laughing out loud, and this one is no different. She sucks you in and you’re compelled to find out what other nuggets have been laid within her words. In this case, it involves dragons, dragon eggs, Kai, and darkness.

The plot is chock full of action on multiple levels, and then there’s this yearning that Ryder holds for Kai, and which Kai returns but won’t really allow himself to feel. There are no intimate encounters, but the sexual tension is still downright palpable! Oh, and the sheer enormity of expressions in multiple languages that add humor or seriousness to the dialogue are such that the book starts with a glossary of terms. I recommend you both read and then bookmark that page so that you can pop back and forth as needed (unless you don’t care, but really, why read it if you don’t?).

Ms. Ford is stupendous at writing feral, irascible characters, and there are many in this book. Head of the list, though, is Kai himself, to the point that he's even skeptical about a cup of coffee Ryder hands to him.

It’s not drugged. If I was going to drug you, I would just have Alexa press against your jaw and we would pill you like a cat.

The peripheral characters are many, the situations unique and the worldbuilding so vibrant that I could feel the danger, hear the dragons, and smell the Black Dogs (I could have lived without that one, I must admit). With the fae world having so many issues with creation of progeny, Kai, Ryder, and one bumbling human who calls himself “Crickets” Malone set off to find this lost Court and the potential answers it may hold. Unfortunately, in Kai’s world, if it *can* go wrong, it will, and they are beset by issue after issue, yet perseverance is strong, and it creates a remarkable character in Kai Gracen. The constant upheaval is summed up brilliantly in one sentence:

Karma had parked its fat ass on my shoulder and was laughing so hard, tears were coming out of its skin…

That about sums up Kai’s life, and gives you a glimpse of what kind of year he’s having. I thoroughly enjoyed every single page of this book. I highly recommend this novel and anxiously await the next in the series! If you like fantasy novels, you will adore Mad Lizard Mambo!

Review copy of Mad Lizard Mambo provided by the publisher, DSP Publications, for an honest review.
description description
Profile Image for Christy.
3,992 reviews118 followers
January 15, 2022
Rhys Ford starts this second book in Kai's world with a bang. Well, it's more like Kai running from a dragon because he just stole her egg, but in the urban fantasy world the author has created, along with her inimitable writing, it's a definite BANG. The description is so vivid I almost felt like I was watching this unfold on a movie screen. It packs a punch let me tell you. Plus, I was very glad to be back in this world and seeing what trouble could be stirred up. I strongly recommend that you read the first book in this series before this one, however, or you will be very lost.

It's reassuring to know that Ryder and Kai will always disagree on a number of things and the arguments are always entertaining. Since Kai is the liaison between Ryder's Dawn Court and the SoCalGov, or as Kai says "his leash", Kai is who Ryder comes to when a professor discovers a place where the elfin used to perform magic rites for fertility. For you see, the elfin are dying and she, along with several colleagues, are determined to not let that happen. Of course it's up to Kai to lead Ryder to this very dangerous place within a Merge-tangled zone, and gather the information.

What Marshall unloaded was insane, and the damned thorn in my side wanted to pay me to go look for what was going to turn out to be a crazy woman’s rainbow dodo.

I believe the author has outdone herself with this crazy trip that Kai and Ryder find themselves on, along with the professor's insanely inept assistant who claims he was a Stalker. *rolls eyes* I am not going to go into mass detail regarding the trip as so much is going on and it would be very spoiler-y. There is a lot of politics going on between the sidhe and unsidhe, and between Ryder and his grandmother. Now that the sidhe are aware that Kai is a chimera created by his unsidhe father, there are even more individuals who want him dead or returned to his father.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but 'Mad Lizard Mambo' is even more action-packed than its predecessor. That's saying a lot, believe me. There are so many things that I loved about this book. All the travails they run into along the way, the beasts that came from Underhill during the Merge and now stalk the countryside, just added to the excitement. But, being a romantic at heart, watching Ryder and Kai growing closer despite Kai's efforts to never let that happen, is one of the best parts of this book for me. Don't misunderstand me, this is not a romance, it is pure urban fantasy of the ass-kicking type… but the friendship/potential relationship between Kai and Ryder is growing. The way Rhys ended this installment has me salivating for the next. No joke.

NOTE: This book was provided by DSP Publications for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews
Profile Image for Calila.
1,167 reviews96 followers
September 15, 2016
*Received ARC via NetGalley*

I really just love the writing in this series. It's so wonderfully descriptive and verbose, without seeming pompous or unnecessarily wordy. If that makes any sense at all. I enjoy how prickly Kai is, given his past I do not blame him one bit. I also love how "there" Ryder is, he's unwavering in his want and love for Kai but he respects, even if grudgingly, that Kai needs to get to the same place in his own time. But he'll be there, solid and steadfast while Kai makes that journey. And I love how Kai is working on accepting Ryder's love, it's just easy for him but he's getting there slowly but surely. It's sighworthy. I really want to romance to happen soon but I am enjoying the ride. There was A LOT of action, Kai spends a lot of time battling bison, dragons, black dogs etc. I'm very intrigued by the action of the dragon at the end, and what it means for Kai. I really can't wait for the next in the series. I wish I had it now!

(Note: The fact that it took me four days to read this has no bearing on the book, it's because I was reading it on my phone and clearly that doesn't work for me.)
Profile Image for Mary.
Author 123 books4,869 followers
March 19, 2017
I like journey books and mysteries and because this book is the perfect blending of both, I loved it even more than the first one. This book is Kai having to go on an adventure to find out the truth and what happens along the way. That's it boiled down. But what you get on the way are amazing descriptions and a deeper and deeper connection between Kai and Ryder and introspection and action. So many things happen that you feel like a member of the team, like you should be riding shotgun helping Kai keep an eye out for dragons. It's like getting on a roller coaster and you lower the bars down across your chest and can't wait for the ride to begin. I read it again as soon as I was done so I could go again. I can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Lara.
1,596 reviews
October 17, 2016
This is a sequel that benefits from being read in order. There are many references to material from the previous book, but not much in the way of spoilers. However, it starts up assuming context that was developed previously, and I expect someone would feel the lack if starting here. In this book Kai is dealing with the conflict he feels being between Ryder and his sidhe influence of San Diego and his previous lifestyle. At the start of the book we see that Kai is still up to his old Stalker activities, and yet finds that Ryder's presence is starting to have a negative effect on his livelihood. That is, except for when Ryder hires him for a job that Kai doesn't really want to take.

This is a job related to sidhe history, and the simmering conflict between humans and fae is more prevalent in this book. Kai is surprisingly accepting of some of the events that occur--willing to fight back for survival, but not holding a grudge. Ryder presses him into a job that requires travel and a new set of dangers. At the same time, it appears that there are people out to get Kai, Ryder, or the same thing Ryder is after. It isn't clear until the end, but does lead to a lot of additional danger.

The value of the site they are searching for was something I figured out early on in the book. While there are one or two revelations that occur that were surprising, they weren't very surprising. The main aspect of this book that is enjoyable is spending time with the self-deprecating and full-of-buried-secrets Kai to see how he pulls off the job. There are some strong supporting characters who are consistent and play meaningful roles, but Kai remains the focus.

This book ends with additional revelations about Kai's history, much like the previous one did. I'm looking forward to a book in the series that is more about the ramifications of that information and what it means for Kai's abilities. So far he is able to take an amazing amount of damage and survive. I'm wondering if there is more to be seen, and expect that Kai will fight it every step of the way.

I received a free copy for review through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Katie.
325 reviews26 followers
September 7, 2016
Advance Review Copy generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Stars

It’s no secret that I just adore Rhys Ford. Even when she skeeves me out and scares my pants off. Even when she describes scents so odiferous they affix themselves to the back of my throat and make me gag. Even when she blithely tosses dragons and other horrifying creatures in my path.

One of my most favoritest things that I recently realized is that I get the biggest kick out of the beginnings of her books. Seriously. The hooks are sublime. A lot of her adventurous/high action stories start with a hilarious chase situation the likes of which give me a stitch in my side from all the laughter. I’m sure there are more…but these are just a few of the most memorable off the top of my head.

* A BDSM-leather clad granny chasing the hero through the yard with a shotgun. (Dirty Kiss — Cole McGinnis, book 1)
* A chase across a fairground by a psycho clown ending in with someone landing in llama poo. (Dirty Heart — Cole McGinnis, book 2)
* A hungry gator lurching after a ghost hunter through the darkness of a flooded basement. (Duck Duck Ghost — Hellsinger, book 2)

This story was no different in its comically precarious beginning. I don’t want to give it away, so I’m just gonna say DRAGON, DRAGON EGGS, DRAGON TEETH, and DRAGON SLOBBER. And Holy Cow, I almost peed myself with the laughing.

That’s just the launching point into the fantastical misadventures involving the elfin-hybrid/Stalker Kai Gracen and Ryder, High Lord of the Southern Rise Court, as they seek out a lost elfin civilization that may or may not hold the ancient answers to elfin procreation.

Their quest carries them over the dangerous merged terrain where the cities of humans and elves collided, mashing and rearranging the landscape into something barely navigable. Dragons, Black Dogs, and a thing called a Wyrm threaten to make a meal of them.
Every bit of information was spun slowly—and much like a spider, out of his ass—but his web was never clear until I stepped away. And only then did I see I’d been trapped.

It’s a world where neither the humans or elves are at the top of the food chain. And every time I got comfy in this world of danger and mayhem something would happen to shift the axis and give it a sadistic spin for good measure. More problems, baddies out to get them, creatures that shouldn’t exist wreaking havoc, and the past rearing its ugly head.
Karma had parked its fat ass on my shoulder and was laughing so hard, tears were coming out of its skin, but there I was, hoping the lizard would grab the egg and go.

This isn’t precisely romance…more like a growing, mostly undeniable interest between Kai and Ryder. I knew that going in, though of course, I held out a little hope that the romance would crank up a few more notches. Well, the interest did become a touch more undeniable so…
He was growing on me, this sidhe, Useless as hell, but still, growing on me.

It’s a slow-burn romance. Really slow. Like…the heat is on but don’t expect steady simmering bubbles and steam just yet. But, that ended up being quite all right. There was plenty of other action that held my rapt attention and kept me on the edge of my seat along with the belief down to my bones that they’ll get there eventually.

I adore Kai, though. He won my heart in book one. He’s full of attitude, mistrust, and snark — my kind of character through and through. Because underneath that cranky veneer is a heart of gold. Kindness and care that reaches out when called upon to do the right thing.

Side characters offer comic relief, humanity, and nefarious twists that round out the story in magnificent ways along with craggy landscapes and descriptions that tickle all the senses — everything in which Rhys excels.

This series, even though just a few steps out of my comfort zone, has been a ton of disgusting fun. It’s not to be missed. Actually, none of Rhys Ford’s books are to be missed. There’s something for everyone in all of them.

Also posted on BackPorchReader.com.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 187 reviews

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