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Snooze: A Story of Awakening

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This is an alternate Cover Edition for ISBN10: 0982598343/ ISBN13: 9780982598344.

From acclaimed author Sol Luckman comes SNOOZE, the riveting, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams, Winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award for New Age Fiction.

Join Max Diver, aka “Snooze,” along the razor’s edge of a quest to rescue his astronaut father from a fate stranger than death in the exotic, perilous Otherworld of sleep.

An insightful look at a plethora of paranormal subjects, from Bigfoot and lucid dreaming to time travel via the Bermuda Triangle, SNOOZE also shines as a work of literature featuring iconic characters, intense drama and breathless pacing to stir you wide awake!

Written with young adult and young-at-heart readers in mind, SNOOZE further proved its literary merit by being selected as a 2016 Readers’ Favorite Finalist in the Young Adult-Coming of Age category and receiving an Honorable Mention in the 2014 Beach Book Festival Prize competition in the General Fiction category.

“SNOOZE is a book for readers ready to awaken from our mass cultural illusion before we self-destruct.” —Merry Hall, Co-Host of ENVISION THIS

SNOOZE is “a moving story ... a multi-dimensional, many-faceted gem of a read. From mysteries to metaphysics, entering the dream world, Bigfoot, high magic and daring feats of courage, this book has it all ... I highly recommend [SNOOZE] for all ages. It’s an exciting journey within.” —Lance White, author of TALES OF A ZANY MYSTIC

“Luckman’s dazzling abilities as a novelist abound with lyrical prose ... Although [SNOOZE] chronicles a boy’s transition into manhood, I would not consider it young adult. The provocative subject matter of science and spirituality is very mature ... If you enjoy colorful characters, a fast-paced plot and stories that tug at your heart, this novel in eighty-four chapters is anything but a yawn.” —Suzanne Cowles for Readers’ Favorite

“SNOOZE is without doubt one of the best coming of age, awakening books that I have ever read, and it had me entranced from the beginning to the end.” —Ingrid Hall, Author & Freelance Editor

“This was the first novel I had ever read by Sol Luckman but I will certainly be reading more of his work now. I would recommend this to all readers as the story truly holds a lot. It was deep, it was humorous and it left nothing to be desired.” —OnlineBookClub.org

“SNOOZE is a captivating coming-of-age tale about a gifted boy traveling to a fantastical realm to save his father ... Thanks to author Sol Luckman’s writing ability, SNOOZE can be enjoyed by readers of all ages, despite being aimed at young adults. Right off the bat, the writing is engaging and captures the attention.” —Indiereader.com

SNOOZE is “a magnificent act of power, a novel brought forth for the Second Renaissance, the Return of Wisdom ... [G]et ready for the ride of a lifetime. You won’t want to stop.” —OracleReport.com

486 pages, Paperback

First published April 20, 2014

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About the author

Sol Luckman

9 books145 followers
🔥 A longtime researcher of shamanism and spirituality, Sol Luckman is an iconoclastic psychonaut devoted to exploring and exposing the truth about human history and potential—wherever that might lead.

🏅 His new novel, CALI THE DESTROYER—a page-turner of a sci-fi tale set in an Orwellian future seeded in the dystopian present that radically rewrites Gnosticism as well as the origins of the earth and humanity—was selected as Winner of the 2022 NYC Big Book Award and 2022 National Indie Excellence Award for Visionary Fiction, Silver Medalist for Visionary Fiction in the 2022 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Contest, Finalist in both the New Age and Visionary Fiction categories of the 2021 International Book Awards, Finalist in both the Paranormal/Supernatural and Fantasy categories of the 2022 IAN Book of the Year Awards, and Distinguished Favorite for Audio Fiction in the 2022 NYC Big Book Awards.

👁 His previous novel, the multi-award-winning SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, was a deep dive into Hindu mysticism, lucid dreaming, parallel universes, and cryptozoology described by INDIE SHAMAN Magazine as “superlative fiction.”

🧬 In his two international bestselling nonfiction books on the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS Magazine) of his own unique form of sound healing, the Regenetics Method, Luckman examined the critical role played by DNA and consciousness in healing, transformation, and evolution.

🤣 On the lighter side, Luckman is also an acclaimed humorist. Of his multi-award-winning satirical lexicon, THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY, Readers’ Favorite remarked that he “picked up where writers like Mark Twain and Ambrose Bierce had left off.”

🎨 More recently, Amazon #1 Best Seller artist memoir MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND combines fascinating autobiography, hilarious comedy and inspirational philosophy in a stunningly self-illustrated coffee table book any Lowcountry lover or contemporary art aficionado would be proud to display. “It was a joy reading the musings of Sol Luckman,” wrote artist Nancy Tobin for Readers’ Favorite. “So joyous, I’ll reread it. I may even buy one of his paintings.”

🙏 To learn more about Sol Luckman’s writing and artwork, subscribe to his newsletter and enjoy his new exclusive ebook, THE WORLD CULT & YOU: YOUR PLACE IN IT & YOUR WAY OUT OF IT, visit https://solluckman.substack.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Briana.
450 reviews
March 7, 2015
I finished this book earlier this year and never got around to reviewing it. I think I was having a difficult time putting my thoughts together. And, of course, passing time has not helped the matter any. Now I'm further removed from the story and will not be able to offer as much detail as I might have been able to do then.

What I remember most is being disappointed with the ending. I wanted there to be more. I didn't want to feel like I was left hanging. When I'm reading a book, I like the author to take me on a complete journey...beginning to end. I don't want to put the pieces together, necessarily. I want to know what the author had in mind. After all, it is their piece of art. I feel the same way about movies that end poorly. I do enough fantasizing on my own. I want my books to take me OUT of my own experience.

I feel this book is more young adult than adult material. I expect most adults to be familiar with this subject matter, even if that is not the case. For young adults, this would probably be mind blowing for many of them. Many topics include time travel, magic, lucid dreaming, new age philosophies, etc. Most, if not all, I was already familiar with.

I certainly applaud the author for approaching these important subject matters and infusing them into an easy-to-read format.

Profile Image for Andrew.
28 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2014
Gotta love a book that you cannot put down - and mourn the end of.

I came across a review of Snooze posted on Facebook last Thursday, and, having nothing else in the queue, bought the e-version and started reading. 3 late nights later (sorry kids for being somewhat absent for Labor Day weekend) I am transformed.

One of the greatest parts of fiction in my world is when an author seamlessly blends the science and the story together into a new and Amazing world that I would love to enter myself. And for all of us "pseudo-scientists" for whom noetics is old hat, to see our theories brought to life warms the heart and the soul.

As a story-teller, I am so glad to meet you Sol Luckman. Your use of character dialog to explain the complexities of time-space succeeds where the academic descriptions lose 99% of the audience. What was it that Einstein said? "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Anyone for suggestions for my next read?
Profile Image for Iona  Stewart.
834 reviews267 followers
November 3, 2015
I was fortunate to receive the book free for purposes of review.

I found it highly enjoyable and an easy read. In fact it is as easy to read as a children´s book, and I understand it is intended for young adults. I don´t really fall into that category, ha, ha, but this only goes to show that it is suitable for all age groups.

We follow the life and heroic adventures of Max Andrew Diver, who from an early age has had amazing lucid dreams in which he flies to various destinations throughout the world, and probably further. He sometimes finds himself at the edge of a different world. At one stage he begins to collect physical objects in his dreams and bring them back home, for example, he brings back a magical bracelet he found in the Giant´s Causeway.

Max´s father, Captain Thomas Diver, is a renowned pilot and astronaut, while his mother Cynthia, who died when giving birth to Max, was an anthropologist who specialized in cryptozoology – the study of such creatures as the Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.

Max was born with “the caul”, that is, a “removable membrane like a rubbery bubble of skin attached to his newborn head”. It has special powers of protection and perhaps it is it that gives Max such exceptional powers as regards dream travelling.

The nickname “Snooze” was given to Max by his father because he could fall asleep anywhere, anytime.

Max has a good friend, of the female persuasion, with the unusual name of Tuesday Monday, who is extremely knowledgeable in paranormal matters, and whose mother, a (good) witch, explains to him that he has a double aura and two life lines on his hand, showing that he lives in two worlds and has “literally” become two people.

Captain Diver is lost at sea, and Max experiences in one of his realistic/real dreams that he disappears into a vortex.

The list of characters includes: Professor Andrew Icarus, a likeable and friendly anthropologist, and former lover of Max´s mother (before she married Thomas Diver, of course); Dr. Morrow, a mysterious character who seems to want to exploit Max´s superpowers; Raul, Max´s college roommate; Zana, a friendly Sasquatch (Bigfoot), with whom Max communicates telepathically; and Maxwallah, Max´s twin.

The book is full of “alternative” science. We learn about space-time and time-space, traveling with the dreambody and reciprocal theory.

The other day I synchronistically and serendipitously caught an interview with the author, Sol Luckman, in which he talks about these concepts and reveals that they are not by any means his own invention but actual science, and refers to the books of Dewy Larson, which he also refers to in “Snooze”; here we can learn more about the above-mentioned concepts.

Max takes off (in the dream world) in search of his lost father, who is apparently alive but in trouble. There he meets not only with his own twin, but those of others (and the author explains in the interview that this matter of our having twins in other universes, or whatever, is also science (as far as I understand).

I absolutely recommend that you read this original and fascinating book, which contributes to expanding our world and consciousness. I now look forward to reading the author´s other books, both fiction and non-fiction,
Profile Image for Ingrid Hall.
Author 18 books32 followers
June 4, 2014
The aptly named Snooze is without doubt one of the best coming of age, awakening books that I have ever read, and it had me entranced from the beginning to the end. Unlike a lot of books in the YA genre, which while perfectly enjoyable, are nonetheless superficial, Snooze takes the reader on a magical mystery tour of astral projection, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, levitation, telepathy...the list goes on, and all of this is interwoven with themes of bullying, isolation, grief, friendship and characters, that you cannot fail to love.

Max Diver, nick-named Snooze by his astronaut father because of his love of sleep, was born with a caul. (A membrane that sometimes covers a new-born's head, and which is supposed to be a sign of enhanced psychic ability) Tragically his mother died as a result of complications and he was brought up by his father, with the help of his slightly batty Aunt Nadine. Prone to lucid dreaming and out of body experiences from a very early age, Snooze is not your typical kid and the first part of the book deals with him trying to fit in at school, all the while coming to terms with his extraordinary spiritual awakening. His relationship with his father is genuinely moving, likewise his friendship with the adorable Tuesday; a kindred spirit, if not his soul-mate.

Even though, Snooze's mother died without him ever knowing her, her presence is very much still felt in the Driver household, and Snooze's dad hasn't so much as looked at another woman since her death, until he meets Tuesday's mother...Sadly, it would seem like romance is not to be, because within a day or two of them getting together, Snooze's dad disappears while out on a secret mission and is presumed dead. It is only years later that Snooze discovers that the area that his dad was flying in at the time of his disappearance was the notorious Bermuda Triangle.

Having now lost both parents, and living with his kindly but closed-minded aunt, Snooze plunges into grief and blocks out his psychic abilities...and the blue man; his spiritual/subconscious twin. Fast forward several years and both Snooze and Tuesday are at University and following a complete nervous breakdown, Tuesday and his room-mate, help him realise that maybe his father isn't dead after all, maybe he is trapped somewhere in the "otherworld" Throw in a bad secret nazi professor, a good professor who also happened to sleep with Snooze's mother before she chose his father, and before long Snooze is Maxing out (Pardon, the dreadful pun!) his psychic abilities and heading off into this alternate world in search of his father.

It would be impossible to do justice to this wonderful book in just one review, suffice to say that I highly recommend it and love the notion that the Loch Ness Monster might really exist...
Profile Image for Merry Hall.
Author 1 book2 followers
May 23, 2014
Snooze is a book for readers ready to awaken from our mass cultural illusion before we self-destruct. Snooze calls out for readers who are up to the challenging adventure of opening their minds. It illustrates, in intriguing story form, the possibilities that imagination, dreams, visions, paranormal experiences, and lucid dreaming may hold the keys to resolving the ecological, economic, social, and political deadlocks we are currently experiencing.

The characters have names that point to their archetypal significance, but also have decidedly unique adventures that reveal their individuality as fully developing human (and more-than-human) beings. Snooze introduces us to a diversified yet uncannily unified set of characters headed up by:

Maxwell Andrew Diver, an uncommon boy not only in his supernatural capabilities, such as ESP or the ability to heal with touch, but also in his intelligence and courage
Captain Thomas Diver, Max’s father, Navy pilot and celebrated NASA astronaut, “the proverbial insider, a folk hero, a golden boy who could do no wrong”
Dr. Cynthia Holden Diver, Max’s mother, a maverick anthropologist specializing in cryptozoology—a fancy word for the study of mysterious, officially unacknowledged creatures, who died in childbirth with Max but, nonetheless, forms with him “a dynamic duo…of quintessential outsiders…with eccentric notions”
Tuesday Monday, Max’s best friend, whom teachers were unanimous in thinking “some kind of prodigy” but who “paid the price for her precociousness by being ostracized as the resident nerd”
Dr. Morrow, Navy doctor considered an expert in sleep disorders, who wants to “study” Max as a subject in his experiments
And these are only some of the fascinating people in Max’s “real” or waking world of space-time. Wait until you meet their counterparts in Max’s dream world of time-space, a world that he maintains is equally “real”!
If you love a not-so-classic tale of Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey”, travel along with Max on his very adventurous flight into parts of reality we seldom dare to explore. You will be richly rewarded with hidden treasures that could awaken you to the hero and the mission buried within you. You may, incidentally, also discover a new and paradoxical relationship between science and fiction—normally considered incompatible routes in the quest for truth.
1 review
July 6, 2014
A coming of age story about Max, the main character, as we see him in his twelfth year and then in college after having lost both parents. This is also a coming of age story, on larger scale, as our world is entering a time of Awakening, and Luckman provides some details on this process based on science, even if not mainstream science.

This story reminds us of the importance of love and our connection with family. With love and a willingess to trust in the order of universe, we lose fear. We watch as the character learns to join the flow of life rather than fight natural instincts and intuition. In addition to this message of love and importance of others, which is a common message done in a unique way, there is a second one of accepting that there is more to the world than this physicality, that there is another reality.

The story asks us to open or awaken to possibilities that we might know on some level but are reluctant to accept, because they might force us to alter our current lives. Each reader will find a personal connection.

When reading, I want learning, not just a well-written and action-packed story. Luckman provides both. His characters experience parallel lives, astral travel on steroids and the importance of dreams. Lucid dreaming, another reality to assimilate into our lives.

I personally found the story significant as I am experimenting with out of body experiences. Books come to us at the right time in life. Snooze: A Story of Awakening provides an incentive on many levels and is a must read for anyone opening to the new concepts confronting us all.
May 22, 2014
Utterly engrossing!! This is truly a riveting “becoming awake” adventure. With an undercurrent of Max’s acceptance of who he is, this wonderfully spun tale touches so many topics that benefit us all to have in our consciousnesses. While the story is presented as fiction, there is so much to learn here. Google was my constant companion as I read, discovering so many ideas new to me, presented in this story, that actually have their basis in this reality, as well as learning of intriguing people I’d never heard of before.
Discussing this book will be an easy way to begin conversations on many interesting topics that otherwise might be difficult to initiate.
Presented as a “coming of age” story; this book is more than sophisticated enough (not to mention well written) to keep even the most discerning “adult” reader highly engaged.
1 review
June 23, 2014
I loved this book! It was so interesting that I could hardly put it down! It combined all of my interests, as well as showing the beauty of a Native American path, in which we know that we are all in this together, that everything has consciousness, and that we humans need to find better ways to live or we will destroy our home planet. I would recommend Snooze to anyone who enjoys fantasy, science fiction, spirituality, and Native American studies, as it combines all four of these aspects.
1 review1 follower
September 18, 2014
"Snooze" is a brilliant, loving adventure, of the heart and soul, into the quantum reciprocal realms of time-space. Sol Luckman has succeeded in transporting the reader directly into such an experience. To the wise and open-hearted, this is a journey into magic, beauty, and wonder not to be missed!!!
1 review1 follower
November 22, 2019
Wow would be an understatement here! Balancing incredible intellect with impressively unfettered imagination, Luckman has somehow managed to draw from eclectic and thought provoking subject matter and bring it all together in a fascinating and deeply meaningful story. If you don’t think you will identifying with a story which includes such things as Sasquatch, espionage, and flying dinosaurs, think again. This story has something for all of us and serves to remind us about the importance of believing in possibility.

The supporting characters are intriguing, believable, and richly developed. They are all heros in their own ways. In spite of varying backgrounds and strongly differing opinions, the love and respect they have for one another is palpable and refreshing.

I love the chapter structure of the book. There is a sense of accomplishment, as one savors each of 84 short chapters. It is also great for sharing the book aloud which, after reading the entire book myself, is what I am now doing with my spouse. He is loving it as much as I do.

Can’t wait to gift a copy to our 13 year old friend, (who happens to be named Max) and his family.
1 review2 followers
January 15, 2020
Awesome reading adventure!
If you want to be put on exhilarating, fascinating journey from the comfort of your own living room (or whatever place you choose), you must get this book. Make sure you have plentiful food and water near you, because you will not be able to set this book aside, until you have finished reading it.
Sol Luckman will masterfully lead you through the real and not so real worlds of reality and fantasy, which are hardly distinguishable. Deep knowledge of the subjects described in the book makes it that more enjoyable.
And no, you will not be able to snooze while you read the “Snooze “.
Happy reading.
October 12, 2017
Snooze is a book you will have a hard time forgetting. Full of the dusty magic that makes novels legendary, it tackles everything it touches head-on, but with a dreaminess that is truly captivating and inspiring.

The story is amazing, traveling through space and time to tell a tale that is extremely simple but very unique. The characters are extremely well developed; Max and his father have a relationship that truly expresses raw familial love, and Max's loss at his father's disappearance is definitely visible. Tuesday is, in a way, the character who awakens Max.

We have very little actual knowledge about the characters in their daily lives, but there is some. The information the longer parts convey is crucial and central to the story, and informs and updates the reader on the current situation.

Snooze is a very deep novel. It is like a fine fabric with the story delicately laced into its gentle folds. The story is sad, and delicate, like a vase to keep on your kitchen table, but it sparkles with magic that goes beyond pixies and rainbows.

This is a fantastic book, and one that will surely haunt your memory for a long time after you read it; a sweeping tale that covers many areas and many subjects.
1 review1 follower
October 30, 2018
Snooze is a highly enjoyable coming of age book set in the very real contemporary setting of young adults realizing their innate multi-sensory abilities. Using easy-to-digest symbolism, Sol Luckman weaves a wonderful story through parallel timelines and takes the reader on a voyage of discovery. Similar to Richard Bach in style, Sol writes from the heart and touches the core essence of what makes us human: the journey of the hero.

Snooze comes highly recommended to anyone enjoying topics on paranormal, astral travel or lucid dreaming.
Profile Image for Hanna Kudla.
1 review7 followers
January 16, 2020
I really enjoyed reading “Snooze: a story of Awakening”. It is classified as fiction. Characters are fictional but this book content for me is so real, that I feel as I was traveling with main character between various realities. Definitely it’s a story of Awakening, and might help awaken all conscious or longing to become conscious readers! Great book, great read!!!
May 23, 2022
I was given a review copy of this book and I really loved reading this! I first read his Cali book and loved it. This book reminded me of my inner tone and so much more! I loved the story line and insightful eye openers. I'm hoping Sol is writing a part 2 of this book, to continue where the story left off.
Profile Image for Korianne Haas.
1 review1 follower
July 18, 2014
Heartwarming, satisfying and highly enjoyable read. I am a big fan of Sol Luckman's work in DNA Potentiation (see my reviews for Potentiate your DNA and Conscious Healing) and enjoyed the first book of his Beginner's Luke series, though I haven't yet read the others in that series. Snooze reveals a new facet of Luckman's genius and completely exceeded my expectations. I really enjoyed the characters, the plot, the conclusion and all of the "radical" ideas thrown in. It was pure fun sprinkled with inspiration to see references to urban permaculture gardens growing exotic things like white cabbages (for healing poultices), pineal detoxification, vortices, spirit animals, non-petroleum based energy, the "good" side of shamanistic coming-of-age rituals and of course the gentle, possession-shunning "bigfoots." The thing that stuck with me the most was the simple phrase "I see myself in you," a simple greeting between old friends and new acquaintances accompanied by meaningful eye contact and each person placing a hand on each others shoulder. If everyone would adopt this mentality, the world would be a completely different place. A much better one. Please read and share.
7 reviews1 follower
June 23, 2014
If you have any interest in lucid dreaming, astral travel, or paranormal phenomena, you'll love reading this book.

It's very well written, and grabs you so much that its hard to put down, not just for the action & adventure, but for the questions it raises about some things labelled "so far unexplained".

The story centres on Max as he comes of age at college & university, taking advantage of his gift of lucid dreaming & astral projection to propel him into a quest which also becomes an initiation into a path to enlightenment. There's pain & loss, but also love, laughter & tears, as he meets amazing people & prehistoric creatures in a parallel world which is seemingly thousands of years behind ours but so advanced in some ways.

You don't need to be young to enjoy this story, just "young at heart".
1 review3 followers
June 21, 2014
Traveling along with Snooze/Maxwell was a wonderful adventure in the supernatural realm, as well as in the ‘real’ world. The continuous connections throughout the story and in his young adult life, allowed me to go back in ‘time’ to experience their moment of conception, drawing me further into the story.
I was happy to see that this novel was more than a young adult book, as older adults will love it too (I am 48yrs old). There are layers to this story, allowing each reader to enjoy the same story but take away a different meaning. Sol Luckman’s memorable characters are wise and witty, filled with compassion and ready to change the world. I want to know what happens next! Sequel?

Profile Image for Lisa La rosa.
3 reviews
April 5, 2015
I absolutely loved this book. Liking a book is so personal and for me, at this juncture of my life, it fit in perfectly. It was a great adventure with lots of lessons about awareness and consciousness not to mention the notion of possibilities. I was literally swept away by it and felt a loss when I was done. I'm hoping I will get to read a few more chapters at least, of how the next months of their lives go. I can only assume the ending was like falling off a cliff because there will be a sequel Sol? :) I hope so because your writing has the ability to move people. I have not liked a book like this in many years.
July 9, 2014
i received this book in the mail a couple of days ago. i had already begun reading another book so i thought i would wait to start Snooze after finishing that one. but i decided to read the first chapter. and the second, and the third... i am enjoying it SO much. it's pulled me in and is touching my heart in a wonderful way. i look forward to spending time in it and will post a 'real' review when i have finished. thank you, Sol Luckman!!!
3 reviews
June 11, 2014
Mr. Luckman has blessed us with an absolutely enlightening, heart warming story filled with inspiration, adventure, and love. I believe most readers will readily relate to or identify with Max or some of his experiences. Snooze is a beautiful and fascinating depiction of the awakening process that will touch your heart. Enjoy Mr. Luckman's precious gift!
December 14, 2015
Only a master like Sol Luckman can take complex, abstract concepts and make them effortlessly understood and enjoyed by many! I thoroughly delighted in the smooth, fluid flow of this story jam-packed with symbolism and spiritual insights. Full of suspense, intrigue and humor, I was completely captivated from beginning to end!
Profile Image for James.
4 reviews
January 26, 2015
Here is why the book works for me:

descriptive playful writing that draws you in

hooks that trigger deeper questions

cultural references that captivate

a comparative dialectic of the road well travelled of health vs. habit
Profile Image for Nancy.
12 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2015
This story was entertaining and inspirational. It is one of those books that is hard to put down once you begin. Be prepared for the expected and unexpected.
Profile Image for Ellen.
555 reviews11 followers
May 1, 2021
I won this in a Goodreads First Reads Giveaway...thank you! I didn’t read it, but I passed it over to my hubby and he really enjoyed this book. He thought it was fun, imaginative, and a great read!
Profile Image for Sol Luckman.
Author 9 books145 followers
January 22, 2018
Reviewed by June Kent in the Upcoming Issue of INDIE SHAMAN Magazine

Superlative fiction! SNOOZE tells the captivating “coming-of-age” tale of Max Diver (aka “Snooze”) as he accepts and explores his ability to travel in his dreams and ventures on a quest to rescue his astronaut father.

Engrossing, entertaining and occasionally humorous, SNOOZE also takes a look at a wide range of subjects including levitation, telepathy, lucid dreaming, spirit animals, parallel universes and shamanic-like journeying, giving a wide range of information effortlessly absorbed as you enjoy the story as well as much food for thought should you want it. Fortunately it’s a fair size book, larger than the average paperback at 486 pages—although time certainly “flew by” for me when reading it.

Author Sol Luckman says that (like me) his earliest dreams were lucid ones of flying and these exhilarating dreams still occur for him today. The writing in SNOOZE is equally animated and I enjoyed every minute of Max’s adventure as, with the support of friends, he “awakens” to the life-changing reality of his dreams and accepts who he is.

The book says it’s aimed at “Teen and up” agewise but I’m 58 and enjoyed every minute of it—it’s written in a highly accessible style but sufficiently articulate to keep the most discriminating reader engrossed.

Highly original fiction with more than a dash of the otherworld; well-developed characters, both male and female; excellent adventures; heartwarming conclusion and lots of wonderful ideas—what is there not to like? Highly recommended, a must-read. I’m definitely going to look out for more from this author!
October 10, 2019
A captivating story of the discovery of a young man of his own power, of the structure of reality, and a lot of things inbetween. Sol likes to lay down a lot of "fringe" knowledge through the chapters and expose the readers to surprising truths they might not be aware of, and as much as it may feel a bit eye-rolling sometimes, they're well-woven into the plot, and always welcome, either as a reminder or a novel explanation/discovery.

The plot is a rollercoaster of well-shaped characters and gripping events, and there's lots in it to enjoy, and to learn with along the way.
1 review
January 29, 2019
Non-stop page turner

Sol Luckman has written an incredible book in Snooze. This is a non-stop page turner. The book continued to move faster and faster while giving me the feeling of not wanting it end. Sol masterfully blends science and spirituality with fable and myth. No matter your age, nor your depth of spiritualness, this is a must read.
2 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2024
This is one of the most amazing story.
Open your mind with this story and it will take you for a beautiful ride .
Profile Image for Laura of Lurking.
244 reviews40 followers
June 4, 2014
Originally reviewed on LauraofLurking

Strong language: None
Drugs: None
Violence: Some, mild
Sexual content: None

I received a free copy of this book from the author in return for an unbiased review

Many of the reviews I have seen have treated this as a spiritual, or awakening guidebook. Personally, while I am interested in theories in what we call supernatural (for example I find it hard to believe that civilisation thousands of years ago who'd never met all developed myths of creatures such as vampires, as can be seen from their paintings), have primarily treated this as a fiction novel with some thought provoking themes. As there were many changes in pace and theme, I will review it in the four parts the author divided it into.

Part 1: Dreams – 5 stars
The story started with a misfit of a boy, son of an astronaut, and military pilot. Max is twelve and has an unusual ability: he has real life dreams! This means that he has been able to not only control his dreams, but bring items back.

This part was a fun adventure, learning what Max could do, seeing him get into trouble as he tried to prove what he claimed was true, then finally making a friend who understood and guided him.

This section was written in simple language, suitable for somebody his age, but didn't talk down to the reader.

Part 2: Reality – 3 stars
At first this section threw me. There had been a large time jump to when Max was at university. Not only that, but he had changed beyond recognition in is personality and beliefs. This was understandable given an event in the story, but it disconnected me from the reading. With no adventures during dreams, or other breaks from his new attitude I was unsure where the story was going.

Finally, Max broke down and started to get on the road to his previous self. I felt this was the reconnection I needed. However, upon this rediscovery it stepped into territory of looking at both scientific and mythic theory as to why he could do what he could. I didn't mind short sections of this, but at times it felt like page after page of theoretical discussion.

How many times must one feel one has learned everything, Max wondered, only to find out later one has hardly learned anything?

I felt like this many times. Had the theory been broken up more I probably would have been able to take more in, but for me, with limited knowledge or history in such matters, a lot of it went over my head.

Part 3: Otherworld – 4 stars
I think this was my favourite section. Max travels into the alternate world to our where everything works differently (think taking a step forward means you go backward etc). In this section you really saw Max struggle and have to pull himself together to keep going in this world. There were mythical and historical creatures to deal with, patterns to learn and all round fun. Despite Max being the same age as the previous section he seemed to have been set free to be his younger self inside.

Once again here there were many theories covered and rehashed, but this time, split with adventure and danger, not to mention more straight forward examples a lot more of it sunk in. I felt the spiritual talk was written very well, I felt more at ease reading it.

Part 4: Reunions – 3.5 stars
This section was a switch up of genres yet again, to a certain extent. Max meets the mirror images of many people he knows in his world, this becomes an emotional journey for him, having to deal with seeing lost loved ones, while preparing for the main reason he came to this world.

Again, there was a lot of adventure, but I felt the story had hit its high in part 3 and left no room to go up. It largely streamed along on the one level when in adventure, and pulling at your guts when dealing with emotional issues. Eventually he managed to complete is mission and return home.

I would have liked to have seen an epilogue, or maybe a novella set several years in the future showing if what Max had learnt had been applied and set the wheels in motion for change.

I feel the primary audience for this book may have been people already looking at spirituality, lucid dreaming and many other pseudo science subjects, but overall as an adventure novel I enjoyed it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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