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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Imbalance #1

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Imbalance, Part 1

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When Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph return to Earthen Fire Industries--the factory owned by Toph's father--Team Avatar finds that the once small town is now booming. Expecting a warm welcome, Aang is surprised when their arrival is met with unimpressed, cold-shouldered spectators. As soon as the team is asked for help at a business council meeting, the reason for the slight becomes clear--a massive bender versus non-bender conflict has gripped the town and is threatening to turn violent.

80 pages, Paperback

First published October 23, 2018

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About the author

Faith Erin Hicks

88 books1,572 followers
Born in the wilds of British Columbia, the young Faith frolicked among the Sasquatch native to the province before moving to Ontario at age five. There she was homeschooled with her three brothers, and developed an unnatural passion for galloping around on horseback, though never without a proper helmet (because you only get one skull). After twenty years of suffering through Ontario’s obscenely hot summers, she migrated east, and now lives beside the other ocean in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She worked in animation for a bit, and now draws comics full time. She’s not sure how that happened either.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 308 reviews
Profile Image for Alexandra Elend Wolf.
631 reviews313 followers
April 4, 2019
"And I’m the guy who’s gonna take you down!
No, I don’t think you are. But I respect your ambition! It’s good to have goals."

It's so interesting to continue seeing how things evolved and how it came to be as we know it.

Following a minor detour, Team Avatar encounters a web of deceit and lies under a lot of tension generated from personal differences and they must find a way to make balance.

I continue to be astounded as to how trouble follows the gang. They really just wanted to get to Yu Dao and now they're mixed in the chaos that's rising in this rapidly growing city.

At least the prospect of seeing Suki is strong and a ray of sunshine.

As I was fearing this new art style was throwing me a curve and making me uncomfortable, but, I believe, after having read 80 pages like this, that I can actually get accustomed to it. Yes, I don't think I'll ever like it as much as I did the previous one, but it's not the worst we could get.

Small victories people. It's all about the small victories.

This is my last catch-up read in this series, since Imbalance Part 1 is the last issue out, right now anyway.

We have a change in illustrator and writer I believe and I don't know how I feel about that because the art of the previous ones has always been one of my favorite styles.

All in all, it shouldn't be that bad, the cover certainly doesn't look terrible. I mean, I'm not in love with it, but I don't hate it either.

I suppose the only way to actually find out how I like it is by reading it.

So, here I go.
Profile Image for Sophia.
2,273 reviews349 followers
October 4, 2021
A quick trip turned into helping a new city with inner conflict!

Aang and company find the once small town of Cranefish has turned into a new and bustling city! However, with a growing city means new troubles and the Business Council(?) has asked for the Avatar’s help.

But of course, there are people who have their own agendas and will NOT allow the Avatar to get in their way!

I enjoyed how Aang and Sokka sounded more like their show selves.
The art was so different! I’m kinda glad it took me a little while to pick this up so it wasn’t too disorientating. I did like that the characters were drawn (inked?) in a way that made them stand out from the background.
Profile Image for Chad.
9,112 reviews994 followers
January 15, 2019
Faith Erin Hicks does a wonderful job continuing the series. The art looks like the next season you haven't watched yet. If you're a fan of the cartoon, you'll dig this.

Received a review copy from Dark Horse and Edelweiss. All thoughts are my own and in no way influenced by the aforementioned.
Profile Image for m i l o u ✨ (Grumpy Hobbit).
464 reviews35 followers
January 22, 2019
First off I want to say that I still think that the illustrations are absolutely breathtaking, even though the art style has changed. It still has that same familiar feel to it, one that I love to return to.

Italian Trulli

I have read all of the Avatar related graphic novels that have been released so far and I honestly cannot remember how many of them that have been. That's why I'm going to continue reading every new graphic novel that will be released, just like I did with this one. It's just that after having read that many of them the plot of them doesn't exactly surprise me anymore. It's very easy for me to pinpoint what's going to happen very early on.

That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy reading them.

In fact I love to find out about this world, the nations and all of its citizens as I possibly can and to see how much the world is developing after the war has ended. Technology is making huge progress. But of course with each development chaos is not far away, as we all know by now.

↠ 3,25 stars

Imbalance, Part One ★★★
Imbalance, Part Two To be released

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Profile Image for Manisha.
514 reviews97 followers
August 18, 2019
As a fan of the original animation, I’m glad to see the comics continuing with a maturing tone.

The artwork is lovely and the story is doing well in bridging the gab between The Last Airbender and Korra.

It is especially fascinating how the story focuses on benders vs. non-benders. How will Aang be able to solve this problem? I look forward to the next edition.
Profile Image for Sarah.
251 reviews87 followers
September 4, 2019
I loved Avatar: The Last Airbender series, and loved this artwork. The characters grew up, it seems like just yesterday I was watching them Penguin Sledding now they are off fighting crooked earthbenders.

ATLA Readathon: AirNomads
-AANG- read a happy or hopeful book.
Profile Image for iyreads.
44 reviews14 followers
July 17, 2019

Das Cover ist sehr schön gestaltet. Man erkennt direkt auf den ersten Blick, dass sich der Zeichenstil geändert hat. Die Farben gefallen mir besonders gut und passen einfach perfekt in die Avatar Welt. Das Papier ist qualititativ hochwertig und auch die Zeichnungen sehen toll aus.

Bevor ich zu der eigentlichen Rezension komme, möchte ich kurz erklären worum es ungefähr in Avatar: Der Herr der Elemente geht. Vielleicht kennen einige unter euch die Nickelodeon Serie, die die Geschichte eines Jungen namens Aang erzählt. Er ist der Avatar und hat die Aufgabedie Harmonie zwischen allen vier Nation zu wahren. Doch durch ein Vorfall ist er hunderte Jahre verschwunden und die Welt befindet sich nach seiner Wiederkehr schon im Krieg. Mit seinen Freunden begibt er sich auf die lange Reise, um einerseits alle vier Elemente perfekt zu beherrschen und andererseits dem Krieg ein Ende zu setzen.
Kommen wir nun zu den Comics: Mittlerweile sind schon 17 Bände erschienen, die die Nachkriegszeit erzählen rund um Aaang, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, Toph und einige andere tolle Charaktere. Diese bauen auch auf die Serie „ Avatar Korra“ auf.
Eigentlich sollte nach „Nord und Südpol“ keine weiteren Comics mehr erscheinen. Doch die Nachfrage war wie zu erwarten sehr hoch - ich schließe mich natürlich dazu, weil ich schon lange in diesem Fandom bin.

Für Band 17 ,Ungleichgewicht 1, ist teilweise ein neues Team zusammengekommen, sodass man auch schon im Zeichenstil merkt, dass andere Leute daran gearbeitet haben.
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich mich auch erst mal an den neuen Zeichstil gewöhnen musste, weil die anderen Bände, sehr nah an die Serie gelegt waren. Doch zu meiner Überraschung habe ich mich sehr schnell an den Zeichenstil gewöhnt und festgestellt, das mir die warmen Farben und detailgetreuen Bilder sehr gut gefallen. Ich finde, dass der Zeichenstil etwas Asiatisches hat und das finde ich wirklich sehr sehr schön.

Die Geschichte thematisiert die Konflikte zwischen Bändigern und Nicht - Bändigern in der Kranichfisch-Stadt wegen der fortgeschritten Technologie. Eins hatte die Stadt für Aang und den Luftbändigern eine sehr wichtige Bedeutung und die Natur wurde immer geschützt, aber mittlerweile befindet sich dort eine große und immer wachsende Stadt. Aang steht wieder vor der Aufgabe die Harmonie zu wahren und muss dabei beide Seiten gleich behandeln, doch natürlich haben die Probleme schon dicke Wurzeln geschlagen…
Alles in Allem hat mir die Fortsetzung sehr gut gefallen und ich habe mich gefreut wieder in die Kranichfisch-Stadt einzutauchen und wieder einige Bekannte Gesichter zu sehen. Avatar spricht einfach sehr wichtige Themen an die nicht nur für Kinder gedacht sind sondern auch für Erwachsene. Aus Avatar kann man wirklich immer etwas lernen. Ein inspirierendes Zitat war dieses hier, was Sokka zu Aang sagt „Du weißt doch: Fortschritte ist wie eine Löwen-Schildkröte. Du kannst sie einfach nicht stoppen, weil sie gigantisch ist und dich zerquetschen wird“ ( S.43)
Zuerst klingt es wie ein typischer Sokka Spruch, doch desto länger man darüber nachdenkt, desto wichtiger empfindet man seinen Satz und versteht die wichtige Message und die Intention dahinter. Fortschritte sind unaufhaltsam, doch man kann aus diesen auch etwas lernen und genau das möchten uns Aang und seine Freunde vermitteln.

Mein Fazit:

Ich bin wieder einmal komplett begeistert von Avatar! Wegen des Clifhangers am Ende bin ich schon ganz verrückt und fiebere Band 2 entgegen! Sehr empfehlenswert für die die vielleicht Avatar: Der Herr der Elemente aus ihrer Kindheit kennen. Die Comics verlieren nicht den Seriencharm und bereichern uns weiterhin mit wunderschönen, lehrenden Geschichten.

March 13, 2021

I definitely find it really interesting that this volume, as well as dealing with change in the world, is acknowledging the imbalance between benders and non-benders. This is something that LoK didn't fully deal with. I just feel like the character moments in here are off - Sokka's just careless and goofy the whole time, and the only real bonding moments between anyone are just Aang and Katara. There could be more there. 3.75/5 stars.
Profile Image for Jayda &#x1f349;.
655 reviews54 followers
March 15, 2024
I really enjoyed this, I loved the Kataang moments, and I loved seeing all of the characters in this town. I’m really interested in this story, and I can’t wait to read the other parts of the imbalance story. I love the art style of this comic series, it’s amazing. (4.5 stars ⭐️)
Profile Image for Maisie.
6 reviews2 followers
July 19, 2020
I’m enjoying seeing things evolve with these books !
756 reviews2,554 followers
July 23, 2022
i know this is the making of republic city. the conflict of benders v. non benders is being seen here which ties into the first season of TLOK.
Profile Image for Katrina.
1,128 reviews39 followers
February 4, 2019
This is the first ATLA book with the new writer/illustrator team. It's hard for me to tell how I feel about the new creators, since the storyline returned to what was my least favorite of the series thus far - Earthen Fire Industries.

Let's start with what I liked. Aang looks older in Wartman's style, or perhaps it's a conscious attempt to start aging the characters up to show the passage of time. Hicks, as the new writer, thankfully tosses out the sickening "sweetie" interactions between Aang and Katara. (Perhaps she was as irritated by this dynamic as I was.) They have a few genuinely nice moments together that focus more on their friendship and actual conversations, which makes the romance element far more natural and believable.

Unfortunately, there was a lot more that I didn't like, starting with the kind of confusing (and boring) storyline, with too much text per panel. Hicks is a graphic novelist, which makes it odd that she's attempting to cram too much story into too few pages...but I actually had the same issue with her The Nameless City series as I do with this. She's not good at big plotty political writing. While I think she's got a good overall grasp of the characters and I'd like to see more of what she does with them, I'm not sure she was the right person to helm the shift from the ATLA world to the more modern, cluttered, machine-focused, politically complex setting that had taken over by the time Korra became the Avatar.

Then again, maybe I just don't like that setting as much, and I'd find fault with anyone struggling to write within those constraints. (While I like Korra as a series and books, I do find them much less interesting and well-written than ATLA.)

At one point, Aang says, "What's happening here doesn't feel like progress, it feels like chaos." He means the city's rapid growth, leading to bender and non-bender fighting, increased crime rates, rampant unemployment, housing crises, and a number of other issues that accompany unplanned urbanization. It's also how I felt about the plot. There's a lot thrown on the page, but nothing much actually happens by the end. I know these are always three-part series, so there's going to be some sort of big dramatic showdown in the third volume, but honestly...I'm not that invested in finding out what it is.

It makes me want to rewatch the show instead, honestly. I miss the story being about the characters. They largely feel like props here; the story's not really about them, and no one other than Aang has much to do. I guess that's what happens when you expand your world and find out there's a lot left to do after you save it. But maybe some of those stories just. Aren't as interesting to tell.

Profile Image for jessica ☾.
742 reviews99 followers
December 28, 2018
I feel like we keep seeing this same pattern of events happen in all of them mini comics, but it was a nice lead into some of the main conflicts we see in the Legend of Korea series.

Also I’m seeing a ton of hate on the new art style, but I honestly kinda like it.
Profile Image for Paula.
151 reviews12 followers
June 12, 2020
Technically the second time I read this comic in the past month, but shh.
The art is gorgeous in this one. I love seeing the older Gaang, but also the fact that they’re still themselves despite having grown up warms my heart even more.
Profile Image for Sarah Spence.
257 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2020
The series is leaning toward world development and linking ATLA and LOK instead of character-driven story. It may be to other folk's taste, but I don't think these are for me anymore.
Profile Image for Paoblckrose.
372 reviews3 followers
August 8, 2019
Es tan triste ver en un cómic la realidad del planeta actualmente, el final de esta primera parte me hizo reflexionar sobre los límites ¿dónde está el límite entre el desarrollo del humano y el caos que se genera en la naturaleza?

Espero que la siguiente parte me traiga un poco de claridad.
Profile Image for Gretal.
819 reviews77 followers
July 3, 2020
An absence of "sweetie" and Aang doing his trick with the marbles? Super here for it.
Profile Image for Khadeejah.
44 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2022
Def loved Aang and Katara, but I would’ve loved to see Zuko. Also, what’s Aang and Katara’s ship name?
Profile Image for Ryan.
62 reviews
October 31, 2021
Não sei o que aconteceu com os personagens que alguns estão.. sei lá, mais frios ou secos nos dialógos.
Algo curioso que venho notado nessas últimas HQ's desde Smoke and Shadow, é que, eles sempre fazem alguma alusão histórica muito boa, nessa foi a reunião dos dobradores e não-dobradores, eles se dividirem em lados esquerdo e direito me remete à revolução francesa quando houve a assembleia legislativa dos Jacobinos e Girondinos.
Não foi tão animador a história além da falsidade de alguns personagens ao apoiar o avatar e por trás, querer jogar todos os objetivos dele no lixo.
Observação.: a Toph se protegendo do fogo e explosão foi o maior ato dessa HQ em questão de dobras.
Profile Image for Dana.
468 reviews8 followers
December 5, 2019
DNF at p 40

I guess it was just too weird going to this right after binging the rest of the graphic novel series, which, up until now, was drawn by Gurihiru (aka in the original Avatar art style). The difference in art style really took me out of this story. I thought as I read that I'd be able to get over it but eugh... Also the moment Aang suggested the use of c*ps, I didn't feel interested in the story anymore 😬
Profile Image for Paul Decker.
753 reviews17 followers
November 26, 2018
*I received this book as an eARC from Dark Horse Books in exchange for an honest review*

I love that the world of the Avatar has continued via comic. This is the first part of the newest story of Aang and his friends. The bender vs non-bender conflict appears in this graphic novel. Toph's father's company's city is booming. It's a city full of industry. It has the vibes of Republic City from The Legend of Korra. One of the topics of this story is how progress can leave some individuals behind.

This is a good start to this arc in Aang's continuing story. I give this volume a 4/5. Definitely a must-read for Avatar friends.
June 17, 2022
A fun read to be sure, but this conflict (at least right now) seems pretty small and disconnected from anything I know about the main story (I’ve only ever watched the animated series).

The humor is just how I remember it, and it’s refreshing to see what Team Avatar is up to post-war. I just hope that there’s a little more novelty to this conflict than what’s already been covered in TLoK season 1.
Profile Image for Bilbo-Maggins.
178 reviews29 followers
December 27, 2020
3.6 Stars rounded up to 4.

I'm kind of bummed that the artist changed for this set of Avatar comics. Not that this art isn't impressive or anything, I just liked the art from the previous artists more (especially the attention to detail).

In any case, this new set of comics has had a very interesting start and I'm curious to see where it leads.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 308 reviews

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