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The EDGE #2

Edge of the Stars

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“I’ve been tortured by a crazy woman and sparred with Von Radach. There’s nothing you can do to me that even comes close.”

• Mars invites scientists to participate in terraforming experiments which brings the MAVREK team all the way from Terra. But minutes after landing on the space station, Dr. Mark Warren is accused of murder.
• The warm welcome continues with an attack on his spaceship, then three Terrans are found dead, and killer cyborgs are spotted. Authorities immediately conduct a massive hunt throughout Martian space and terrible new enemies surface with a direct link to Warren’s old nemesis.
• On the planet, the same fugitives hunting Warren also threaten the downfall of Mars itself. The high-octane x-military MAVREK crew battles arms dealers, mercenaries, an infamous hacker, clone trafficking, and an insidious female enemy who will kill to avoid capture. Perhaps they'll save Mars…if they don't die first.
• Edge of the Stars is an action-packed Science Fiction thriller, with everything sci-fi fans love – starships, space colonies, cyborgs, secret military and medical technology and even a badass villain.

272 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 24, 2017

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Andria Stone

6 books45 followers

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Megan.
Author 4 books405 followers
August 14, 2018
Edge of the Stars by Andria Stone picks right up where Edge of the Future left off. This is a futuristic world complete with advanced technology, galactic space travel, Lunar colonies, and evil cyborgs. Just like Edge of the Future, I am really impressed with how Andria Stone portrays our futuristic world. You can tell she put a lot of research into creating a setting that is extremely plausible! I envy her creativity! The events of this book move at a very fast pace, which for me was a positive and negative thing. The pacing kept the plot interesting, however there were some scenes that I would've liked to see fleshed out more, and slowing down the action sequences would've allowed me to become more invested in what was happening. The characters were fun to read about. I quite enjoyed their camaraderie. And poor Mark Warren! He just can't catch a break! I would definitely recommend for readers who enjoy fast-paced space operas with believable technology. This book won't disappoint!!!
Profile Image for C.A. King.
Author 116 books2,670 followers
July 31, 2018
Clones, cyborgs, spaceships and Mars, but they still drink coffee - I love it! This is one heck of a sci-fi ride!
It's the 22nd century! This is what happens when scientific experiments go wrong! An amazing thriller from start to finish!
51 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2018
Avid reader one of the best story lines

Very entertaining I read this book almost non stop Beginning with the first chapter to the suspenseful and it is a must read
Profile Image for K.G. Petrone.
Author 7 books16 followers
July 13, 2018
A refreshing Techno Thriller that finally has it all…A roller coaster ride packed with action, suspense, and a thrilling storyline littered with unique characters that will keep your attention and propel you forward turning pages to learn more. This is book 2 in the series and I thought I would be lost in the storyline, but the Author placed enough detail and backstory from book 1 to quickly catch me up and allow me to enjoy the exhilarating plot of the story. The theory of a villain trying to take over the word is a bit redundant, but the Author successfully wrote in some intriguing original twists combined with some colorful characters including cyborgs that turned the hum drum into an exciting and captivating read. Looking forward to the next installment of the series.
Profile Image for Mike Haxton.
181 reviews
June 16, 2018
Better effort

I gave the first book in this series 3 stars. On my scale that is the lowest rating that will get me back for Book Two. Well, Book Two was a much hoped for improvement. The writing is better, no rereading a page to decipher what was going on. The ‘story’ has always been good. And with this edition the author has turned a corner in her technique. I am heading over to Amazon for Nook Three right now.
Profile Image for Kazan Clark.
3 reviews
June 14, 2018
Great read!

This series has wonderful characters and a really great story line. You won't be disappointed. I can't wait for the next one.
Profile Image for AudioBookReviewer.
949 reviews165 followers
March 6, 2018
My original Edge Of The Stars audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

“Edge of the Stars” is book two of “The Edge” series.  This book is a fast-paced romantic space-based thriller with many plot twists and turns keeping the listener engaged at all times.  It has nearly all the elements one can ask for in a science fiction book including cyborgs, distant colonies, clandestine military, intense action sequences, futuristic medical technology, and much more.  The book is written by Andria Stone and the audiobook edition is well narrated by Nicholas Barta.  The story picks up close to where the first one left off.  This book contains many of the same characters from the first in the series but, there are a few new and more sinister characters found in this one.  If you enjoyed the first book of this series, I think you will enjoy the second even though it is less a technology thriller than a suspense novel.

I was quite pleased the author included a prologue chapter allowing the listener the ability to get caught up with the events and activities that concluded from the first book.  There are times that the next book in a series is not published for months or years after the first, so it is always nice to have a short chapter getting one caught up.  This book takes place about six months after the first and the events occur mostly on mars.  For me, I found the second book in the series to be less technology focused as it was concentrated on being a suspense thriller.  I would have preferred more technology woven into the story as it was a critical component of the first book in the series, yet this one seemed to be more action and suspense then techno-thriller.  There are still aspects of cloning along with medical technology using nanites, but I would have enjoyed having more technology based on the colony, weapons, etc.; yet it seemed to be lacking in this book.

I also enjoyed the author’s use of various small events that seems to run the length of the story such as one character’s drive to complete the task in hopes of receiving a tattoo when all was accomplished.  There were also a few other instances where characters had well-defined personalities that remained consistent throughout the story; I like this aspect of consistent characters along with their actions.  I found it refreshing that both book one and book two stories were mainly completed without leaving many open-ended aspects; each book could be read as a stand-alone story, yet you get much more when reading them as a series.  I enjoyed most of the character’s dialogue between each other, but I would have liked to have had less bantering amongst them.  For their level of education and expertise, it seemed at times out of place or forced when they interacted this way or fluently used foul language.  I enjoy authors who can paint a picture for me, but not too detailed that it takes away from my own imagination.  In some way, I thought the author focused too much attention on descriptive detail such as clothing and less on the more technical aspects.  Not a bad things, but more a preference in my part.

Mr. Barta did a decent job with the book’s audio narration.  Being a newcomer in the narration space with eight books (at the time of this review) on Audible, I felt he did a good job overall.  There were a few slight inconsistencies with volume in spots, but these were minor.  I also felt that Mr. Barta at times put dramatic emphasis in places where it just did not seem to fit.  Overall, the recording was professionally done and I’m sure his reading will become better as he grows in experience.

For parents or younger listeners, be aware that this book does contain a fair amount of vulgar language along with some mature subject matter.  There is discussion involving sex or sexual topics which may not be appropriate for younger listeners.  If this type of content is offensive to you, I would recommend locating a different series to listen too.

In summary, the book is a good book, but I enjoyed the first one more due to its emphasis on technology.  Even though this book seems to focus more on character development, it still contains a fair amount of action and suspense.  If you enjoyed the first book, I would recommend you pick up a copy of the second.  If you have not yet listened to the first, I recommend you pick up that one and enjoy a new audiobook series.

Audiobook was provided for review by the author.
Profile Image for Jim.
1,105 reviews44 followers
August 23, 2019
This is a really well written science fiction book. I was kind of skeptical about all the previous characters who were military, now becoming private citizens, yet still being involved in some highly military-type activities. But, Andria Stone has managed to pull it off very well.

Dr. Mark Warren has formed a private corporation called MAVREK Enterprises. They are working with the TMD as consultants and specifically still following leads from the Beth Coulter incident. The know of two twins who seem to be trying to carry out Coulter’s insane scheme of taking over Mars so they can build a clone and cyborg army of their own. Mark gets directly involved in this when he’s targeted for death, but they wind up killing the wrong man. Mark showed up late to a bakery while a Mars Police investigator who just happened to look like Mark was killed and lay dead in the bakery.

So now, Mark and his team are going after two twins known as Victor and Valerie Parker. While Victor proves to be the dumber of the two and gets captured pretty quickly, Valerie is just the opposite. She’s very intelligent and also very blood thirsty. She’s behind a lot of activities on Mars and leaving a lot of dead bodies in her wake. Unfortunately, Colonel Maeve Sorayne of the TMD, turns out to be one of those bodies. In the previous book, while Sergeant Axel Von Radch and Colonel Sorayne were both on active duty, they were prohibited by regulation from having any kind of involvement other than professional. Now that Axel was a civilian and out of the TMD, he found that Colonel Sorayne and he were very much sole mates and meant for each other. They were living a life of bliss and immensely enjoying each others company. That is until she was murdered!

Needless to say Axel is now on the warpath. He’s so filled with anger that both Mark and Kamryn are worried that he might do something that he’ll regret in the long run and it won’t help in their capture of the actual guilty party. They have to keep a close watch on him, try to keep him focused along with the rest of the team and make sure he doesn’t go rogue on them. That’s going to be a tough job which only partially succeeds.

So, now the team is after the Parker twins. Little by little they learn more about the twins and their operations on Mars. Yes, this action takes place on Mars which is completely outside the jurisdiction of the Terran Military Department (TMD). With the number of cyborgs that they thing the Parkers have on Mars, it’s going to take some serious firepower to control the situation and find out what the Parker twins are up to. They do know that she seems to be paying off her criminal partners in cloned girls who can be used for whatever purpose the client chooses. This doesn’t turn out to be a pretty story.

Still, the book is well written and keeps you in suspense. When it seems that things are about to end, something alwasy comes up and they are off on another lead. The entirety of Mars is depending on the Mavrek Team stopping the Parkers and especially, Valerie.

Obviously, since this is a trilogy, there has to be a third book. I’ll be reading it for sure!
Profile Image for A.A. Bavar.
Author 4 books19 followers
June 25, 2018
A deadly super villain, cyborgs, clones, and a futuristic A-Team. What else could you ask for?

In Edge of the Stars, Ms. Stone picks up a little after where she left off in book 1, and we are immediately thrown into an intense situation where Dr. Mark Warren - the main character - is arrested for murder on Mars. Initially, I was afraid I would get lost in the story since this is book 2 in the series, but Ms. Stone does a good job unraveling the characters and introducing us to their backstories and their new adventure. Unfortunately, the attention grabbing, adrenaline infused first scene is completely lost by a lot of procedural dialogue and tough to follow action, followed by too many casual and meeting-like conversations.

Edge of the Stars has all the elements for a successful sci-fi suspense/thriller, but for that to happen Ms. Stones needs to go back and tighten the narrative and work on the dialogue. There are many places where the dialogue is too long and woody, sounding almost like a narrative. The action scenes also need reviewing since I spent a lot of time trying to decipher what was happening. As for the main arc, the premise of a super villain trying to destroy worlds (Mars in this case) for personal gain is not new, but there are unique elements in the narrative arc that can make this story standout. However, for that to happen, Ms. Stone needs to tighten the story-line and show us - not tell us - how terrifying the villain (Beth Coulter) really is despite being dead.

Is the story original? There are snippets of originality, but no real twists. A second round of editing and subplot development can take Edge of the Stars to another level of tension and suspense.

Are the characters well developed? Yes and no. Each character is well defined physically with unique personal traits. However, a lot of the dialogue sounds the same and could be anyone talking.

Does the story move at a good pace and keep you wanting more? Unfortunately, no. I found the first half of the book very slow despite the initial chapter. There's way too much talking, meeting, going over plans, and setting things up. The story needs more in-your-face action.

Is the manuscript well edited? It's borderline and will definitely improve a lot with another round of editing, especially the dialogue and action sequences.

Any recommendations? Same as above.

Do you recommend this book? Only to die-hard fans of the series.
Profile Image for Rae Stoltenkamp.
Author 25 books12 followers
June 26, 2018
Too much dialogue and back story as well as explaining. Felt more like a script than a novel.
Profile Image for G.B..
Author 6 books18 followers
April 27, 2020
Another great read with interesting characters.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

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