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Rook & Rose #2

The Liar's Knot

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Trust is the thread that binds us . . . and the rope that hangs us.

In Nadezra, peace is as tenuous as a single thread. The ruthless House Indestor has been destroyed, but darkness still weaves through the city’s filthy back alleys and jewel-bright gardens, seen by those who know where to look.

Derossi Vargo has always known. He has sacrificed more than anyone imagines to carve himself a position of power among the nobility, hiding a will of steel behind a velvet smile. He'll be damned if he lets anyone threaten what he's built.

Grey Serrado knows all too well. Bent under the yoke of too many burdens, he fights to protect the city’s most vulnerable. Sooner or later, that fight will demand more than he can give.

And Ren, daughter of no clan, knows best of all. Caught in a knot of lies, torn between her heritage and her aristocratic masquerade, she relies on her gift for reading pattern to survive. And it shows her the web of corruption that traps her city.

But all three have yet to discover just how far that web stretches. And in the end, it will take more than knives to cut themselves free...

688 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 9, 2021

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About the author

M.A. Carrick

6 books718 followers
M.A. Carrick is the joint pen name of Marie Brennan(author of the Memoirs of Lady Trent) and Alyc Helms (author of the Adventures of Mr. Mystic). The two met in 2000 on an archaeological dig in Wales and Ireland — including a stint in the town of Carrickmacross — and have built their friendship through two decades of anthropology, writing, and gaming. They live in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 779 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,587 reviews44.7k followers
December 4, 2021
this book (and, by extension, series) is the holy grail of world-building and characterisation. the nuance, the intricacy, the intention behind everything is so well thought-out and expertly crafted.

and while i do appreciate good world-building and characters, im definitely much more of a plot kind of girl. and i think thats why i didnt enjoy this quite as much as the first book. the main two plot points - the long con ren is trying to pull and the secret identity of the rook - have already been completed and found out, so there really isnt much of a plot other than the secret societies within the city nobility. which is what this installment focuses on, and i just found it to be a bit slow, a bit drawn out. but thats because it never really feels like there is a specific end goal, some sort of conclusion to look forward to, like the first book. its just kind of an ongoing thing that the characters deal with.

but i do think its the perfect set-up to facilitate the detailed world-building and complex character development, which is the highlight of this book, without a doubt. the narrative value is so high and worth reading alone. so even though this isnt quite as plot-driven as the first book, its still a great lead up to what i think will be an excellent conclusion to the trilogy.

a massive thanks to orbit books for the ARC!!

3.5 stars
Profile Image for EmmaSkies.
223 reviews6,364 followers
September 5, 2023
What’s great about the second book in a series - especially in a fantasy series - is that the groundwork of the intense worldbuilding has been laid and now it’s just a big playground for the characters. AND THAT’S WHAT THIS WAS. THE CHARACTER WORK IN THIS IS IMPECCABLE.

This series has some of my favorite characters ever to read about, including Ren who is easily one of my new favorite main characters of all time. This second book went in a few directions I wasn’t expecting and every time it was played out beautifully. This world, the complementary magic systems, these characters…The Liar’s Knot increased the love I had for The Mask of Mirrors in every way.

I think I liked the climax more in book 1 but I can feel the build up for where we’re going in book 3 and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out in the end.

5 stars.
Profile Image for a foray in fantasy.
291 reviews327 followers
January 21, 2022
So so so good— my favorite slow burn finally paid off! Vargo is better than ever! Alsius (SOCKS) is so adorable! The found family is just mmmmmmmm! Ren is finally getting in touch with her heritage!

Just a little slower paced than last time, but still completely engrossing story.

How am I supposed to wait until December?? I can’t do it. I just can’t.
Profile Image for Aoife - Bookish_Babbling.
371 reviews384 followers
April 14, 2022
I NEED more people to read this series pretty please 🥺

First off, this book opens with a character list, pronunciation guide and a handy book1 recap...now admittedly I did not have a long wait between books - but please can more authors do this? It's so awesome 🤩
Second, y'all know I'm a ho for a gorgeous cover...have you seen the covers available so far for this series? 🥰 I for one cannot wait to see book3 🤞

The prologue of this book is a flashback to one of the most intriguing characters from book1 which made me super excited and there's a hint as to who this is with the cover & I have a theory I hope pays off for book3's prologue 🤐😎
If found fam vibes rock your boat, this is a series I wholeheartedly recommend. The way they show up for one another and despite the "siblings" perhaps having considerably less page time together in this instalment the love and support they unquestionably give one another is unshakable and to see how the FF expands with such a sweet slowburn on one side and adorably awks interactions on another as the multi-PoV grows in an organic way making for interesting match ups of character cross overs - I lowkey wish we had more 🤗

So much of this series is based on secrets and hidden identities, which on the one hand is a super fun element cos for the most part the reader knows who the main players are. On the other hand I felt the pacing of when these reveals happen drug out a little. One party knew longer than the other and following the mental gymnastics as they reckon with what to share and with whom got a little repetitive imho...but I think that is my only gripe as I devoured the setting, characters + magic systems & have to admit that altho I was a smidge peeved at the dragging out of these identity reveals - gotta admit I did really enjoy how they were handled in their moments 😈

The reveals at the end of this book has me super excited to see how the magic systems intertwine and I cannot wait to learn so much more about both. They truly intrigue me, one is similar to tarot card reading and the other relies on geometric patterns to channel enhancements/magic into other objects (similar to Foundryside in a way) and the sneaky peek at the next book throws the cat amongst the pigeons to add an extra spicy layer to stir everything up deliciously and I cannot wait to see the threads unravel 😇

Extra selling points:
- Secret societies & interesting entrance rituals 🙃
- Prison break
- 🕷🧤🤭
- foul'mouthed bad ass street urchin leader

Profile Image for Samantha.
320 reviews1,562 followers
September 30, 2023
What an amazing sequel! The character work in this book was phenomenal!
Profile Image for Maddie Fisher.
201 reviews3,139 followers
April 19, 2024
4.5 ⭐️ rounded up

The Liar's Knot was a significant improvement on the solid start of the series, The Mask of Mirrors. This story has a robust setting that is thorough and believably complex—complete with a fully developed political scape, secretive and competitive nobility, and a melting pot of cultures featuring diverse languages, physical appearances, religious practices, clothing, and other customs. The setting is the strength of the series for me so far. It's clear that the writing duo (M.A. Carrick) have a passion for the world they've created, and are experienced at developing the diversity and detail necessary to make a magical historic Venetian metropolis feel real and vibrantly alive.

Where this installment trumps the previous book is in plot and pacing. While the Mask of Mirrors felt more convoluted and less earned in the payoff, Liar's Knot pulls on the threads of book one and weaves them into a tidy and clear plot structure, so the character work can really shine. Vargo, Ren, and Grey each move toward purpose and the reader has time to feel invested in their dynamic.

This story feels so original. The con artists, political schemes, and secret societies are such a vibe. And don't get me started on the spider sidekick. I love him.

Thematically, the story delves into identity, trust, authenticity, fate vs. free will, and features characters who strive to be the masters of their own destinies. My only criticism with this book is that plot-wise, it still ends up feeling a bit fever-dream/dungeons & dragons campaign-esq. It's a little meandering and constantly snowballing for my taste, but the setting, style, and characters really make up for it here, and it's much tighter than book one. I'm in for the third book, but it's going to be hard to top this one.
Profile Image for Angela.
438 reviews1,109 followers
December 27, 2021
What an amazing sequel to one of my favorite new series of 2021. The characters are really the highlight of this work. My favorites still continue to steal my heart and somehow more so in this installment and the inter personal relationships are always top notch. I love learning about this world and some of the magical reasons why it is the way it is and how this ended in a good place but still with the thread of "but what are we going to do now?" its rare to have a book handle a cliff hanger while also giving me closure. I also think this book is so tight and accomplished because it is written by two authors who have to convince each other the plot is working so nothing is ever forgotten, dropped or hand waved and I really really appreciate that. I cannot wait to re-read this in anticipation of the last installment in 2023!
Profile Image for Mike.
467 reviews117 followers
October 14, 2021
I’ve been enjoying making my fellow /r/Fantasy mods jealous by my ARC of *The Liar’s Knot* more than I should. But it’s been so easy to do, and so much fun, that I couldn’t resist. *The Mask of Mirrors* was one of the better books to come out last year, and pretty much everyone who has read it is eager for the sequel. Happily, I can report that I consider *The Liar’s Knot* even better than *The Mask of Mirrors*, and I loved *The Mask of Mirrors*. Full credit to M. A. Carrick (better known as Marie Brennan of *The Memoirs of Lady Trent* and Alyc Helms of *The Adventures of Mr. Mystic*) for avoiding Middle Book Syndrome.

This book is every bit as full of intrigue, fashion, flirtation, and swashbuckling as the first book was. And it is exceptionally well titled. Character A has secret identities B and C. Character D has secret identity E. D knows that A is also B and C. A knows both D *and* E, but doesn’t know that they’re the same person. A knows that E knows they are also B and C, but as far as A knows D knows none of this, and D/E wants to keep things that way to protect D’s secret identity as E. A (in their identities as A, B, *and* C) is allied with E, but while A is at least civil towards D, A is also (in their public persona) at least mildly antagonistic towards E.

And that’s just two of the characters. I *think* I got all that right. Observant readers of *The Mask of Mirrors* can probably parse it out if they want to put in the effort.

You’d think this would be horrible to read, but it isn’t. What makes this bearable, and even delightful, to read is that poor Ren, Grey, Vargo, and all the rest are even more confused and frustrated by this tangle (a liar’s knot, one might say) than the reader could possibly be.

The fact that D/E is crushing on A/B/C, and that A/B/C is crushing on *both* D and E separately (remember, A/B/C doesn’t know D and E are the same person), is just extra spice.

One of the most frustrating things as a reader is when characters that could trust each other don’t. We readers have an advantage here: we’re often in the heads of everyone in the story, so we know their motivations and their secrets. The people in the story do not have that advantage, and so we readers are often left fuming at how quickly problems could be worked out if the characters would just *talk* to each other. (My fellow Wheel of Time lovers are all nodding right now.) That kind of thing works (as far as it does) with Rand and Elayne because they’re generally hundreds of miles away from each other; it’s not sustainable when they’re in the same room. And since this book takes place in a single city, with characters that are intimately involved in each other’s lives whether they like it or not, this is simply unsustainable.

Happily, Brennan & Helms don’t try to sustain it. When the knot unravels, they don’t force it to hold together. But when circumstances force characters to talk to each other, or when someone decides to roll the dice and actually *trust* someone, it happens. Not with everybody, and not with everything. Everyone still has secrets. But the whole thing is ***so goddamn SATISFYING*** to read.

All that is the character side of things. The plot itself also proceeds well. We learn much more about the Rook: the reason they exist, how they’ve been around for centuries, and what they are actually trying to do (the Rook has a much deeper purpose than simply tweaking the noses of the nobility). We learn much more about Vargo and his mysterious helper spirit voice. And we learn much more about the oft-mentioned Tyrant and the history of Nadezra.

The book doesn’t end with a cliffhanger (which is good, because I hate cliffhangers), but it does end in such a way that leaves me even more eager for book 3 than I was for book 2. Hopefully the good folks at Orbit will bless me with an ARC of that one as well.

Comes out on December 9th. Mark your calendars; this is a good one.
Profile Image for Aleena.
261 reviews40 followers
November 26, 2021

As my most anticipated book of the year, The Liar's Knot certainly delivered.

We ease into the story as the city of Nadežra collectively recovers from where we left off after the corruption of the house Indestor in the Mask of Mirrors. The Cinquerat itself, the nobles, the Vigil, the Stadnum Anduske, the Knots of the lower bank-- everyone is picking up the pieces, figuring out how to move on, or even realizing that new problems may arise from solving old ones.

Once this section is bypassed, the plot gains its momentum to roll along at a pace just as quick as The Mask of Mirrors (which apparently some people think is slow? But to me, both times through, felt incredibly fast-paced in the best of ways).

I was blown away by the worldbuilding in the first book. It's just as impressive in the second installation as it expounds upon history-- of Nadežra, of Vraszan, of the magic systems (numinatria and pattern), of the Rook, of Vargo-- and most importantly-- of Master Peabody.
Speaking of Vargo and Master Peabody, I'm going to need a spinoff. #bestfriendgoals

In this book, we are blessed with the most eclectic, rag-tag Scooby gang since Buffy. At one point or another, everyone is teaming up with everyone, not even knowing the identities or motives of half of the teammates. Could it be possible that they're all.... working towards the same goal?! Sometimes the reader is just as in the dark as the characters, but other times we know what they don't know and it's so fun to watch them figure it out. BUT we also get some heartbreakingly sweet moments of truth-- which is a brand new experience for most of the characters.

All of the characters are skillfully written, and thrown into brand new, bigger challenges. Ren delves into the world of a secret numinatria cult to see what she can learn about the curse that was on the Traementis family, while dodging her new frenemy Vargo, running missions as the Black Rose to help the wounded leader of the Stadnam Anduske, teaming up with the Rook (who she's developing a crush on) and Grey (who she's developing a crush on) all while maintaining her masquerade as Alta Renata. And Arenza. And the Black Rose.
Grey juggles the Rook and his Vigil duties-- duties which begin to go against his morals-- and struggles keeping clear boundaries between himself and the Rook.
Tess and Sedge try to support Ren but find that they have to compete for her attention as she's spread so thin... and that they have struggles of their own.
And Vargo..... needs a hug. Vargo is just trying to put out everyone else's fires and just continually keeps having a bad day.

There's flirting, fighting, rescue missions, masks, almost dying, confessions, disguises, patterns, and Vargo saving lots of people's butts. And Alsius is my new favorite character. Well, that's a lie, Vargo still is my favorite, but Alsius is a close second.

All in all, just as good as the first. Better, even? Maybe! No middle book syndrome here. And no cliffhanger, either, which was nice of M.A. Carrick. BUT I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS THAT NEED ANSWERED. So here I am, very IMpatiently waiting for the third installment before the second is even out.
Profile Image for Amy Imogene Reads.
1,133 reviews1,058 followers
Want to read
October 14, 2021
I have an ARC!!!! What!!!! So excited!!!

Original notes: We're highlighting Vargo in this one??? YES. Can't wait.

Thank you to Orbit Books for my copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for vish.
133 reviews27 followers
June 9, 2024
5 shining stars ⭐️

happy to report that The Liar’s Knot survived the second book curse, in fact, i liked it a lot more than it’s predecessor because just when i thought it couldn’t get any better IT DID!!! book 1 had so much setup of the characters, world, stakes, and relationships but this sequel was heavy on plot developments, depth and complexity. i had a great time reading about vargo’s endless schemes and ren playing politics with her 4 different personas. there is a lot more focus on political machinations, and investigation of possible enemies and allies as ren tries to figure out whom she can trust.

i love how this trilogy is lush and intricately detailed in its world building. it provides a fantastic backdrop for the characters and story to move around in. the plot twists and revelations kept things going and had me guessing non-stop what would happen next. i had no idea what to expect from this book which is what made it one of the best reading experiences i’ve had this year.

the characters, as before, were incredibly realistic and multidimensional. i wasn’t expecting any hint of a romance but i’m a huge fan of the slow burn that was introduced between the rook & rose which eventually paid off in the second half of the book. that slow burn also gave me a major BRAINROT and i’m still not over some of the scenes.

ren’s chapters were a joy to read as always. her interactions with all the other characters flowed naturally and she carried it off really well. they helped to develop those characters and their relationships, which in turn helped to create the intertwined story that drew them together so tightly. her resilience and courage to pursue her goals really resonated with me. it was amazing to see her continuously use her wit and intelligence to outsmart her rivals both politically and as the Black Rose.

vargo is my favourite character and i can’t help but admire how he so neatly balanced the two sides of himself. what can i say? i just love morally grey characters. he has a tough exterior where he appears cold and uncaring to the public eye but he has a soft spot for ren, his knot, and of course, his pet spider alsius. their constant lighthearted banter was both refreshing and funny to read. vargo’s personality felt like it kept shifting, but deep down, he’s an anti-hero who cares about the people close to him even though he has done some questionable things. i was expecting to read more about his past and upbringing but sadly, i only got crumbs from the prologue. here’s hoping that book 3 will do his background story some justice and give us an idea of what his childhood looked like. hell, i’d even be down for a prequel novel focusing on vargo and his unique connection with alsius from the moment they met and how alsius moulded him into the crime boss he is today. TAKE MY MONEY💰.

i loved grey even more than i did in the first book because his struggles were sometimes just so painful to read that i really felt for him and his character definitely upped on the “interesting” radar. he maintained the core of himself while striking a balance between both roles (iykyk). it was also nice to see him slowly warming up to vargo even though there’s clearly still some animosity in his heart for him. i look forward to reading more interactions between them in the next book. i desperately NEED ren, vargo and grey to end up as a throuple in book 3…pretty please 🥺. i was kinda disappointed that we weren’t really shown what grey’s relationship with his brother kolya was like. there was hardly any mention of their dynamic before kolya’s death or any flashback scenes for that matter. because of this, it was a little hard for me to imagine what their bond looked like other than the fact that they were blood brothers. nonetheless, grey’s last chapter left me feeling bittersweet and a little heartbroken. i’m curious to see where his story will lead but whatever it is, he will always be a very memorable character for me 🧡.

one side character who really came into her own from the shy and timid girl that she was in book 1 is giuna and i absolutely enjoyed reading her chapters. her character was OKAY in the first book but in this one she really GREW a tough spine and it was fantastic to see her shine. without spoiling anything, there was one scene where i was cheering on her because she surprised me with her courage and confidence.

overall, The Liar’s Knot is a layered story with rich world building and fully fleshed out characters that made reading this book an immersive experience. the world is beautifully constructed and a delight to read. there is such an intensity and intricacy to this series that you cannot help but love every turn the story makes. i only wish the book was longer because even after reading almost 700 pages it left me wanting for more!! i’m thrilled to see where book 3 takes us on ren, grey, and vargo’s story. CAN IT PLEASE BE AUGUST ALREADY?!!!!
Profile Image for Alex (The Scribe Owl).
387 reviews115 followers
June 10, 2022
5/5 stars

Oh my gosh I just really really love this series.









I see so much Vargo in this synopsis 😱
Profile Image for Emma.
2,622 reviews1,031 followers
September 4, 2023
Wow! I loved this! And also I’m so happy that there’s going to be a third book when I believed this to be a duology. The cultural context of this book is absolutely superb and the characters have developed and changed through the two books. This book did have a satisfying conclusion so I’m very intrigued to see where the authors take us next.
Profile Image for renee ♡.
110 reviews138 followers
May 29, 2023
Thank you to NetGalley and Orbit books for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

➼ five stars

As the second book in “The Rook and Rose” trilogy “The Liar’s Knot” raised the bar to a whole new level. I absolutely loved reading this book and it’s easy to say I will be mentioning it non stop to everyone I know.

The Liar’s Knot picks up soon after the ending of the first book and the shocking events that took place. Not only do we see the people of Nedežra try and rebuild their society after the fall of house Indestor but we also come to know about many new secrets and mysteries.

The world-building in this book was just as great as in the first book and that’s one of the strong points of this series. But, compared to The Mask of Mirrors, I think that it was a bit less pronounced which is a good thing. We learned a lot about the city and world in which the series takes place already and it’s not necessary to go in depth about it anymore.

In my opinion the bigger focus of this book was on the action and the relationships between characters. I loved reading about the new hidden identities that we encounter in this book as well as the schemes that Ren, Vargo and Grey all participate in. The romance is also more frequently mentioned in this book and even though I find Grey so very boring I liked that aspect too. Vargo is of course the highlight of this book for me and i’m so happy that we got to find out more about him and his struggles, and his past. I was always so excited to read his chapters because they are the most fun. The dynamic between him and Alsius was so hilarious too. I adore them and their unusual friendship beyond explanation.

There was so much drama in this book and I live for that! I’m recommending this book to you if you’re like me and love reading about hidden identities, secret cults, found family, friendship and just the right amount of romance.
Profile Image for Lila.
880 reviews9 followers
Want to read
March 14, 2021
This entire blurb is Vargo.


(that gets me 3842308 times more hyped).
Profile Image for lookmairead.
640 reviews
July 28, 2023
2023 REREAD:
Me to Ren, “Girlfriend, you are so screwed.”
Why am I drawn to books were the MFC has to rely heavily on her luck, smarts and wit to barely survive the entire plot? IDK, but this complicated, rich world building keeps me on my toes.

Will (learn how to) duel to protect Vargo at all costs.

I’m so ready for book 3.

PS - I would be curious what my Robin Hobb fans think of this series.
PPS - Please, illustrators on booksta, I desperately need more fan art on this. 🥺🥺🥺🥺

2021 REVIEW:
3 Reasons to start this series:

1. When you start Book 2, the authors wrote a Book 1 recap. This was so helpful because it’s a pretty intricate world with really unique world building. TBH, I wish all high-fantasy books did this so I don’t have to Google or reread book 1 again.

2. Sibling love + found families + slow burn romance. (These are a few of my favorites things!) Side note, I feel like if you liked Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett, you would like this too.

3. This truly felt like worthwhile escapism during the busy holidays/pandemic/>>>insert your stressful thing here<<<.

Helms and Brennan are really an intriguing creative duo. I don’t know when book 3 will get here but I can assure you I’ll be rearranging my TBR pile once it��s here. (Can we talk about that book 3 teaser at the end? 😮)

Book 3 wishlist: Please add some illustrations from this world. Or for these kinds of magic systems! I think it would help get our heads around them easier.
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,133 reviews1,739 followers
December 19, 2022
This is the second instalment in the Rook & Rose series.

Ren returned to Nadezra under false pretences and almost got caught out. Some of her lies are fraying at the edges and those surrounding her are clutching at them and hoping to see her unravel altogether. Who will emerge when they do? The young street rat fighting for scraps? Or the poised and precise young woman she has schooled herself to become, fighting with half-truths and clever words rather than closed fists and stabs in the back?

I liked this second series instalment slightly less than the first. Despite reading it straight after completing The Mask of Mirrors it took me a few chapters to reinsert myself within this world. I did like every perspective that featured here but sometimes found that they all hid their true identities and desires behind so many different masks that I sometimes became confused on who the real villain was and which individual I should be rooting for.

That being said, the richly textured world that was built in book one, once again received the same focus here. I loved exploring the city, both with the elite in social settings and with the poor in more criminal past times. I also do applaud this author for crafting every character with so many layers to them and with backstories that took just as long to unpack. This was a riveting novel, in both construction of its world and the individuals who roamed there, and one I tore through once I had plunged in far deep enough.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, M. A. Carrick, and the publisher, Orbit, for this opportunity.
Profile Image for takeeveryshot .
351 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2021
i am HOOTING, i am HOLLERING, i am VIBRATING OUT OF MY SKIN. if there were any justice in the world this series would be MASSIVELY popular
Profile Image for Lata.
4,248 reviews237 followers
December 6, 2021
4.5 stars.
Alta Renata and Donaia Traementis are busy strengthening House Traementis, now on the rise thanks to many of Ren’s efforts, and Tess’ dressmaking skills are yet another tool in Ren’s pocket to change perceptions of this damaged noble family. Ren, though, is swiftly being run off her feet
-dealing with the family business interests
-vetting new possible members for the House
-dealing with the Vraszenian side of events from book one (the thwarted bombing and the people involved)
-working with Tanaquis to determine the origins of the curse on the Traementis, and
-running around the city at night as the Rose, working with the Rook on occasion while trying to figure out what Vargo’s up to.
So, sleep is optional, and thank goodness for those imbuing cosmetics Ren takes to carrying around with her.
Meanwhile, the authors delve into a magical secret society amongst the Nadezhran nobility and what the aims of this group might be, through Ren’s work with Tanaquis. And how this secret society ties into the origins of a long ago former ruler of Nadezhra, known as the Tyrant, and how the society’s schemes have been affecting the populace and infrastructure of the city. The more Ren, Grey and Vargo and the Rook uncover, the more dangerous the situation becomes for them and for Nadezhra. We also learn some of the Rook's history, origin and motives, through conversations between the shadowy figure and the Rose. Much magic and danger occurs while all this happens, till we arrive at the satisfying ending of this book.

Let’s just get this out of the way first about this story: I loved it. The mix of cultures and consequent problems between them, the corruption at the heart of the city of Nadezhra, the various cons and their emotional impact on Ren and the people she cares for, Tess and Sedge, and the constant political wrangling and posturing amongst the nobility with often lethal consequences: this is my kind of story.

The complicated plot and focus on character are handled so well by this pair of authors. Like book one, this is not a short book, so to find myself turning pages swiftly and wishing I could put everything around me on hold so I could find out what would happen next speaks to the skill of the authors and my engagement with the characters. I fell in love with Ren, Tess, Grey, Vargo and Sedge in book one, and my love is only deeper looking back over book two's events and twists.

Also, the title of this second installment is so appropriate. We have Ren lying to everyone around her (except for Tess and Sedge, of course), Grey lying to Ren/Renata/Arenza, Vargo lying to pretty much everyone around him, while Tess and Sedge have to lie, also, to protect Ren's secrets and ongoing con. Though that con is getting the better of her, and Ren's finding it harder and harder to keep on top of playing Alta and szorsa, and barely finding any time to just be herself with Tess. Grey is lying to his superiors about the Vraszenian Stadnem Anduske situation, while also hiding what he knows about Ren/Renata from Ren, and Vargo's motives for any number of the plots he's got in motion are murky at best, so there are misunderstandings galore between characters, and relationships at risk. But it's all handled so well by authors Alyc Helms and Marie Brennan so that when some of the emotional barriers finally come down between characters it was so utterly satisfying. This group of "liars" may not formally be a knot, but they're clearly so much stronger when truly relying and working together, rather than at cross purposes.

I so wish I could read book three now (I know the author's are hard at work on it now) and I am so eager to find out where things go next.

Thank you to Netgalley and to Orbit Books for this ARC in exchange for my review.
Profile Image for Grace Dionne.
342 reviews285 followers
January 7, 2023
I am absolutely loving this series, and The Liar's Knot was every bit as amazing as The Mask of Mirrors

The characters, magic system and plot continued to be so intricate and interesting, but we got to explore each of them more deeply and uncover so many cool things since the groundwork had been laid in the first book! I loved watching some of the characters form relationships, or continue to build on existing ones, especially between such interesting people like Ren, Vargo and Grey. The side characters always shine as well, and I could pretty much mention everyone. I think it speaks to this writing duo's skill at character voice that there can be so many names to remember, but they each become memorable once you meet them! I also can't get enough of the political maneuvering going on in this series, especially because there are such interesting sociopolitical dynamics between factions, and cultural divides play a very important role in the fabric of the world. The identities (and identity crises) of characters when they straddle their roles between two worlds play such an important role in the plot and magic system, and I love watching that all unfold together.

Everything aspect of this series just ties together so well and makes the things around it better, and I'm so excited for the concluding book in the trilogy!
Profile Image for Lauren.
321 reviews199 followers
June 19, 2024
And just like that, this claims the title for my favorite book I've read so far this year. I loved this so much that it almost makes me want to retroactively give The Mask of Mirrors a higher rating just because of how much the setup of that book paved the way for this one to come out swinging.

I don't think I realized just how attached I already was to these characters until starting this book because I was so utterly delighted at every moment we got to spend watching them live their lives. There were so many reveals set up in book one that we watched play out in this one that had me legitimately screaming and cheering when they happened. This book also had a heavy dose of Ren using clever manipulation and maneuvers to bend people to her will, and the way she manages to be so conniving while still being a character you love and empathize with is a true testament to her development.

I was told that this was the book where the series peaks (and having now finished the final book, I think I'd agree), but I didn't realize it would peak quite this hard. If there was ever any doubt that I would be considering this one of my new all-time favorite series, this book absolutely solidified it. I loved every moment I got to spend reading this, and it managed to take over my brain so thoroughly that it put me into something of a reading slump where I was unable to make myself excited about any book that wasn't in this world with these characters.

For some reason it is always so much harder to write a review for a book you loved compared to one you hated, so let it be known that the (comparative) brevity of this review is only because I lack the words to explain how much I was completely and utterly captivated by this book, and how much I look forward to one day rereading it.
Profile Image for Sarah - kindofinsanity.
268 reviews128 followers
August 4, 2023
[2nd read - 2023] wow bis. No seriously, this book is honestly a masterpiece. Everything I loved about The Mask of Mirrors was still there and was even better.

I won't go into details for those who hasn't read book 1 yet, but what I loved the most about The Liar's Knot was the atmospheric and beautiful Venitian-like setting, the incredible and complex morally-grey characters, the beautiful and moving relationships, the found family trope, the 3 different magic systems that were better explained in this sequel, the multiple layers of complex plot, the fast-paced intrigue, because YES, this book was full of political intrigue, manipulation, action and everything was moving pretty quickly. There are so many things I love about this book. In fact, it'll be easier to say that there isn't one thing that I didn't like in this book.

And the best part about this book was definitely the main characters. They were so well developed, with so much depth, understanding about their past and inner thoughts, it was impossible to not root for them even more in this sequel. The relationships between the characters moved perfectly, some scenes were breathtaking and had me screaming in joy and relief.

This trilogy is worth a million stars and is definitely on my top 3 favorite series of ALL TIME.

I beg you, read these books PLEASE, because they're so underrated. They deserve all the love they can get honestly.

[1st read - 2022] wow
Profile Image for Jennifer.
502 reviews252 followers
February 14, 2022
3.5 stars. Twisty, intricate, and fun, but also about a hundred pages longer than it needed to be. Characters, alter egos, old secrets, and dreamworlds all collide in this one. I'll finish the trilogy, but am not sure I need to own it.
Profile Image for literaryelise.
407 reviews127 followers
March 29, 2023
Profile Image for Kitty G Books.
1,622 reviews2,977 followers
August 1, 2022
This second instalment did not disappoint and I found myself once more sucked into the dark and conniving secretive world of Ren and her many masks. The world appears to be getting darker and many of the allies she has don't really know her so she has to keep secrets from all, and the balancing act soon becomes a big struggle. I loved seeing her reconnect and newly introduce herself to old and new allies, and the story of twisted dreams, magic, patterns and more kept me reading and hooked.
In this one I really enjoyed learning more about the Rook and also the human behind the mask.
Vargo remained a staunchly intriguing character and his involvement always promised more action and secrets.
Tess and Sedge remained loyal faves for me and particularly the love they had as friends for Ren was great to see. I think the dependability they have for her was vital to the plot and her survival.
The magic and the ominous gods/being which twist the events and the currents of the world are only just starting to be unravelled and I am excited to read more about this.
Overall, a super solid one and I am excited for the next one which is due next year. 4*s
Profile Image for Amanda.
506 reviews126 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
November 20, 2022
I loved The Mask of Mirrors, so I was so honored when I was able to get the arc of The Liar's Knot last year. I pushed off reading this for so long because I often have an issue with sequels losing whatever it is that I loved in book one. I am so bummed to say this book did just that...

While the book wasn't bad, there was a general lack of plot, lack of understandable motivation, and too many characters and disguises to keep track of. I was never having a bad time, but I also was never understanding what was happening. After about 60% of this book, I decided to DNF simply because I saw no reason to finish.

Thanks for Orbit and Netgalley for giving me a copy of this book for an honest review,
Profile Image for Crissie Jay.
18 reviews
December 25, 2021
Basically this book is about The Good, The (slightly) Bad and The Pretty 😂 and they’re all amazing and will make you fall in love with them!

I’m really REALLY hoping we’ll get Vargo/Ren/Grey in a POLY relationship in the next book.

Pleaseee authors give us this THROUPLE 🙏
Profile Image for Aly.
2,966 reviews
November 29, 2021
This book made me work for it, two weeks of reading was like a lifetime, but I'm so glad I pushed through. This was really good and had so much going on. The pacing is slow but I can't imagine anything getting cut out, everything is important and contributes to the story. Ren's journey just gets crazier and things in Nedezra are heating up!

Ren is now playing three roles, Renata the noblewoman, Arenza the Vraszenian fortune teller, and the Black Rose, a masked vigilante. I don't know how she keeps up with her identities and all the secrets going on. She's also inducted into a secret society that may be a cover for nefarious plots. I admire how well she keeps track of everything and was happy that she opened up to a couple people and gained some allies.

Grey also has a secret identity, the Rook. During the day, Grey is trying to be a good captain of the guard but struggles when a new task force starts hurting the Vraszenians and abusing their power. At night, the Rook hunts down those who hurt others and tries to find mysterious medallions that might be the cause of problems around the city.

I really changed my mind about Vargo as we saw into his past more. He's less of a bad guy and more a man trying to make his way in the world after being treated like filth as a child. He's a good secret keeper and helps Ren even when it doesn't benefit himself. His relationship with Alsius is sweet at times and I think he was happy to gain a real friend in Ren.

This is an entertaining book and I really enjoyed reading it. Just be aware that it's a long ride, but definitely worth it!

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Orbit Books and NetGalley for the copy.
Profile Image for Esmay Rosalyne.
1,155 reviews
July 12, 2023
Second read 2023: 5 glowing stars yet again

I don't know why I said in my initial review that 'this is not a perfect book', because fuck that, it totally is. THIS is everything I want from fantasy, I adore it. And I'll say it again: Just do yourself a favour and go read this series, you can thank me later ;)

First read 2021: 5 stars

That feeling when your most anticipated book of the year does not disappoint... it's perfection.

I was so scared that I was going into this with too high expectations, but this one was even better than The Mask of Mirrors imo. I won't say this is a perfect book, but for me it was all I wanted and it delivered! The worldbuilding and the plot are definitely strong aspects of the book, but the characters are absolutely the best. I am in love with their messy personalities and complicated relationships. Also, the romantic tension in this book was top-notch. I just felt so happy reading this book and that is honestly all I could ask for. Don't get me wrong, there were high stakes and scenes that left me feeling super anxious and scared for these characters, but overall this book was just an absolute delight to read.

More people need to read this series, it is SO good. The plot is engaging, the worldbuilding is super intricate and cool, the writing just flows super well for this story and the characters are incredibly complex, mostly morally grey and just SO interesting to follow. Do yourself a favour and read this series, you won't regret it ;)
Profile Image for Kara Babcock.
2,020 reviews1,481 followers
February 26, 2022
Duo M.A. Carrick’s The Mask of Mirrors was far-and-away one of my favourite books of 2021. It was such an original, interesting fantasy novel! So I pre-ordered The Liar’s Knot with much anticipation, though as usual I didn’t actually get to reading it until now! That delay did not dampen my excitement, nor did Carrick disappoint me. There is no second book syndrome here, folx.

The Liar’s Knot picks up shortly after the end of the first book. Even so, the book provides a “the story so far” synopsis, and can I say that I want to see this more in fantasy series?? Bradley P. Beaulieu’s A Song of Shattered Sands series had a similar feature in its later books, and it is so helpful for forgetful readers like myself.

Spoilers for the first book but not this one.

We return to the cosmopolitan city of Nadežra. Ren, aka Renata, aka a couple of other aliases because she is a scammer (shock, gasp), has officially been adopted into House Traementis. Her nobility secured, Ren’s original plan to swindle the House has been sidetracked by inconvenient things like feelings and that whole “accidentally saving the city from devastation” that happened in the first book. At odds with recently-elevated noble and longtime crook Derossi Vargo, Ren finds herself growing uncomfortable close—in multiple personae—to Captain Grey Serrado. As much as she would like to reveal her true self to him and take comfort in another ethnically Vraszenian struggling to walk the line between loyalty to his people and preserving the peace of the city, Ren has other needs. For instance, she needs to understand why Azeraïs has apparently granted her the identity of the Black Rose in the form of the mask that she emerged with from Azeraïs’s Dream. She also knows that the enemies of House Traementis are still out there: a sickness suffuses Nadežra, and some will stop at nothing to seize power.

So much of my praise for The Mask of Mirrors stands for this book as well. The characters are so rich, diverse in their identities and attitudes but also so well developed. I love how much change the main characters undergo in this book. In particular, Ren has to walk a fine line in how she presents her various personae to people like Grey, who himself has his own secrets. Carrick makes a very smart choice in this book by choosing to reveal some of Ren’s secrets sooner rather than later (but I won’t say to whom or how!). I say this is smart because I think the easier but less interesting choice would be to try to have Ren walk that tightrope far too long, at which point the reveal becomes anticlimactic. The way that Ren’s relationships with Vargo, Grey, Giuna, and Tanaquis evolve as events unfold is so dynamic. Carrick keeps the reader guessing but also delivers the drama we want and deserve.

Likewise, the plot thickens. The Mask of Mirrors felt very much like a political fantasy novel. While The Liar’s Knot has elements of that, this story is more about personal connections to magic and to the city and its history. Unimportant events and remarks from the first book are revealed to be careful foreshadowing for the payoff in this book, once more confirming Carrick’s consummate skill. I also enjoy how all of the protagonists of the book ultimately want similar things, but their motivations are of course very different, and their methods are often at odds. This creates an excellent amount of conflict (and no small amount of humour as well) without throwing Ren into direct opposition with an antagonist too often.

If I had to make any criticism—and I am loath to do so, I loved this book so much—it would be that the antagonists are ill-defined and vague for most of the book. Oh, their motives are clear enough, albeit a little pedestrian. The magical nature of the mystery is a lot of fun, but the desire for power and political gain isn’t much of a surprise. In the end, the bad guys are not what makes this book.

Where The Liar’s Knot truly comes into its own, however, is the nature of Ren’s split identities. We see this through her own chapters but also through commentary from Grey, Vargo, and even Tess. Ren is no longer the street thief she grew up as. She has inhabited the persona of Renata so thoroughly that this is her life now—and unlike the first book, where that felt tenuous and short term, neither she nor Tess sees an endgame now. Is she going to be a noblewoman of House Traementis for the rest of her life, wearing imbued makeups to disguise her ethnicity, talking with an assumed accent, her sister forever her maid? Truly it’s a moving and moral dilemma that consumes Ren as much as the magical mystery of the plot consumes her, and it’s what kept me turning the page.

The end of my edition contains a tantalizing sample from the next book. I usually don’t bother, but I snuck a peek and wow can I not wait!

Kara love. Kara love a lot.

Originally posted on Kara.Reviews, where you can easily browse all my reviews and subscribe to my newsletter.

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