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You wake up in the morning to discover that you have been sealed into your home. The doors are locked, the windows are barred. THERE'S NO WAY OUT.

A madman is playing a deadly game with you and your family. A game with no rules, only consequences. So what do you do? Do you run? Do you hide?


374 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 5, 2013

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About the author

Michaelbrent Collings

86 books646 followers
One of the most versatile writers around, Michaelbrent Collings is an internationally bestselling novelist, produced screenwriter, and multiple Bram Stoker Award finalist. While he is best known for horror (and is one of the most successful indie horror authors in the United States), he has also written bestselling thriller, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, humor, young adult, and middle grade works, and Western Romance.

In addition to being a bestselling novelist, Michaelbrent has also received critical acclaim: he is the only person who has ever been a finalist for a Bram Stoker Award, a Dragon Award, a RONE Award, and a Whitney award: and he and his work have been reviewed and/or featured on everything from Publishers Weekly to Scream Magazine to NPR. He is also a frequent guest at comic cons and on writing podcasts like Six Figure Authors, The Creative Penn, and Writing Excuses.

Find more about him at his website, WrittenInsomnia.com, or sign up for his mailing list (and get a free book!) at http://writteninsomnia.com/michaelbre....

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 215 reviews
Profile Image for Marie.
1,034 reviews342 followers
September 8, 2022
Nail-Biting Tension!

Small backstory:

What would you do if you woke up in your home to find out that you are literally trapped inside with no way to get out?

That is what happens to this family of four in this story as a psycho breaks into their home silently without them knowing it - then while they are sleeping he drugs them so they do not wake up for awhile as he goes through their house doing stuff to windows and doors so they cannot get out.

When they wake up and find out they are sealed within their own home their panic goes into overdrive as they do everything in their power to try and get out their home while in the background somewhere the psycho plays with them like a cat and mouse game driving them all to the brink of insanity!


First time reading this author though I have a few of his books simmering on my kindle and I was pleasantly surprised by the immediate hook of the story as I was dragged into a nightmare of intense psychological horror which kept my insomnia fueled a few nights!

However, having enjoyed the story as much as I did I felt that near a 400 page book (kindle pages were 374) was a little long and drawn out with almost a play by play of the characters as they tried to get out of their home. The whole setting of the story is inside the house as the family goes into survival mode on how to escape the clutches of this psycho guy. This is the reason for a four star read instead of a five star read.

I loved the tension and crazy intense story with the family just about to have panic attacks as they try to figure out what they can do to get out of their predicament but for a long book like that I just felt it could have been a shorter story.

I have a few more books on my kindle by this author so I will be stepping into more of his work to see what else he has out there in the horror realm and also this is a series so I will be checking out the second book soon as there was sort of a cliff hanger at the end of this book. Giving this book four "Psycho Scary" stars!

Profile Image for Paul Nelson.
681 reviews156 followers
June 3, 2015
To unwittingly become a part of this deadly game, you must have secrets, things that can never be known, something that can destroy your life and there's only one chance for redemption, you must confess.
A family suffering the loss of a son, drift through life growing further apart by the day, come the anniversary they attempt some semblance of normality, a stab at family interaction, with a simple meal and some TV. It can't repair that which has crumbled over time but their tainted lives are about to take a shocking plunge into sheer panic.
Someone's watching them.
They wake in the morning, somethings not right, someone's been in their home. They can't get out, doors won't open, Windows are barred, there's no way out. The nightmare has begun.
The first chapter is a crime scene, a sickening crime scene and there's no shortage of police officers waving goodbye to their lunch. This gives a mere taste of the stories assailant and he remains very much on the periphery, orchestrating events. What makes this a truly chilling experience is what happens with our family, two adults, two teenagers and their secrets slowly revealed.
It shows that you can never really know someone, not fully, not even those closest to you, especially those closest to you, your partner and even your children. The walls we erect to hide what must never come out and an antagonist who knows it all, everyfuckingthing.
This is a totally gripping psychological horror, you just can't put it down or stop listening in my case and I've never, ever, bitten my nails before. You drill it into your kids not to talk to strangers, yet you're never that vigilant as an adult, nothing can happen in your own home, well think again.
If you fancy immersing yourself in a truly terrifying story that layers so many shocks and stunning twists then you won't go far wrong with Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings. I've had a number of this authors work waiting to be read and my thanks to those who recommended it, I'll definitely be reading more from MbC.
Highly recommended.

A 4.5* rating

Also posted at http://paulnelson.booklikes.com/post/...
Profile Image for Char.
1,805 reviews1,725 followers
May 4, 2014

Thanks to my friend and fellow Kindler, Bill, for the loan!

I read this book with my Shelfari group. We have read a few books by this author in the past and liked them. This one was no exception.

This was a brutal tale of the isolation of one family; a family that had many secrets to hide. It was a bit too far out to be completely believable, but that didn't bother me. It was extremely fast paced-so much so that I read the entire book in two days.

When I was done, I checked out some other reviews, and there seems to be some confusion as to how the prologue fit the story. I have a clear idea of what I thought happened. If anyone wants to talk about it with me, I would love to hear from you!

Overall, I think this was a fun, fast paced tale, that was hard to put down. The premise was entertaining and my interest didn't wane at all at any time. This book was just plain fun! Recommend for fans of fast paced horror, tinged with some torture and severe pain.
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,840 reviews749 followers
October 7, 2016
4 1/2 Stars

Things aren’t always what they seem.

A man returns home after a long day of work, hoping only to get through a painful anniversary by having a quiet dinner and watching a movie with his family.

But that doesn’t happen because a madman has other ideas . . .

After eating a surprisingly terrible meal from their usual take out place, dad, mom and their two teens all begin to feel sick and sleepy and head off to bed. When they awaken, a nightmare begins. And let me tell you, it does not let up until the very last page is turned.

This is a tense story that is filled with terrible secrets. I love reading books about families with soul destroying secrets so I was never once tempted to stop reading even though I didn’t overly care for any of these people. They go through hell in the course of the story but they’re also living empty lives and the more that was revealed about them, the less I sympathized with them.

It’s a rather sad look at a family in crises, basically going through the motions and finding happiness in their own destructive ways. None of that slowed down my need to keep reading though because the writing hits you right in the gut and never gives you time to recover. I did love it so.

The narration was strong and ominous and spot on for a thriller this dark. I highly recommend the audio version if you’re a fan of them because this one was so well done. It won’t leave you feeling all happy and uplifted but we need some darkness to balance things out, right? With that said, I will leave you with this cheerful quote because it doesn’t seem to want to leave my memory.

Love doesn't die all at once, or in big steps, he thought. It dies in tiny pieces, with daily decisions that nip off bits of it like the edges of a living branch until you’ve cut away to the heart of the trunk and then that, too, is gone and there’s nothing left.

Ouch! You’re welcome ;)
Profile Image for Shannon.
482 reviews62 followers
September 22, 2022
I really enjoyed this one! I read this as a group read with the author for the Horror Aficionados group, and I'm so glad I did because it was awesome!

I love how fast paced this book is. The chapters are short, and they end with you needing to turn the page to find out what happens next. I stayed up way too late on several nights so I could keep reading. It's just a really exciting read, and parts of it were genuinely creepy. It ended with me wanting more, so I'll definitely be continuing on to book 2 as soon as I can! :)
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,867 reviews6,097 followers
August 22, 2022
I wish I had liked this book, especially because I love the home invasion trope and have been looking for a book lately with that theme that would hit the spot for me... but this wasn't it. While the gore and violence were fairly intense at times, I never felt like the events playing out were "high stakes" enough because I couldn't bring myself to be bothered by anything bad happening to any of the characters (especially Jerry, the father and main character).

While some of the problems I had with Strangers revolved around the writing and the unlikable characters, the major issue I had was with each family member's big "secret" that the Killer was essentially punishing them for. The dad's secret was played out way too long for a very predictable reveal, the son's secret was not that big of a deal comparatively, and the daughter's secret was steeped in so much misogyny it made me cringe. I won't spoil it, but Jerry's reaction to his daughter's secret was honestly repulsive (even to the point of him thinking about how he doesn't love his daughter anymore due to a COMPLETELY HARMLESS secret) and made me hate his character so much. #Justice4Sheri please.

Oh, and the mom's secret and how she reacts to basically everything in that scene? Genuinely the most unrealistic, ridiculous thing I've read in a long time. I'm sorry, but I honestly don't think 99.9% of mothers would make the mistakes that she makes in that moment (IYKYK) and I wasn't able to suspend disbelief at all during any of it.

I hate to sound so negative because I've been wanting to read this author's work for a while, he seems like such a nice guy and SO many of his books' plots sound awesome, but this was just an all-around terrible reading experience. That said, Goodreads says Strangers was one of Collings' first books, so I'm absolutely going to give a newer release of his a chance in hopes that I'll enjoy his more recent work better. As far as this book goes, I sadly cannot recommend it.

Content warnings for: (SPOILERS!)

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Profile Image for Kimberly.
1,835 reviews2 followers
May 10, 2014
This book has everything a horror/dark fiction fan could want in a novel! The intense, gut-renching suspense takes off right from the beginning. You might think that at some point it would let up while the author focuses his energies in different directions, but not so! Even while the plot progresses and some things begin to come to light, the mystery and tension continue to build.

How well do we really know anyone? What about those in our own family? How many "strangers" do we willingly let into our lives each and every day? These are all questions that you'll find yourself thinking on long after you've finished this novel. The entire novel takes place in one main setting, and yet this atmosphere never needs more--I found myself actually holding my breath during several scenes!

This is the third book I've read to date by Michaelbrent Collings, and have not been disappointed in any so far. This is one author that I plan on putting on my "must buy" list for the future. Highly recommended!

*originally read July 2013: re-read May 8th, 2014. Still 5 stars!!*
Profile Image for Sherry Fundin.
2,079 reviews145 followers
May 5, 2020
I didn’t realize I had this on my Kindle from an Amazon free day, when I read the second book, Stranger Still by Michaelbrent Collings. Any questions I had from the second book were answered here, but I feel both books could stand alone.

Horror of horrors, trapped in your house, no way out, a stranger dead set on playing a deadly game of cat and mouse. Who or will anyone survive?

The bogeyman…

The punisher…

Do you run? There’s nowhere to go.

Do you hide? There’s nowhere to hide.

Strangers is a psychological thriller that ranks up there with Dean Koontz and Stephen King. The horror is nonstop, nail biting suspense that makes each person face their shortcomings…and maybe pay for them in a gruesome way.

See more at fundinmentalt
Profile Image for The Behrg.
Author 13 books148 followers
September 30, 2016
One of the most difficult things about writing in the horror genre is to simultaneously honor the books and stories and ideas that have come before, without ever retreading the same worn path. To at once utilize the tropes of the genre, without falling victim to them.

"Strangers," a nightmarish home-invasion novel, does just that.

Collings knows what you're expecting to happen, and plays against that expectation time and again. With an extremely inventive set-up -- an almost reversal of your "traditional" home invasion tale -- there are some deliciously shocking moments in this novel. While avoiding spoilers, you tie that into the overarching theme and title of the novel, and it's quite a brilliant read.

It's always fun to see an author unafraid to go where the story leads (or at least squelch that fear and keep writing through the dark places). And this is a dark place worth checking out. A solid 4.5 out of 5 stars for this highly entertaining read.
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,193 reviews198 followers
November 23, 2020
This is a someone-in-your-house-is-going-to-kill-you horror. The prologue is police finding a house (with bodies and a single insane survivor) after our crazy psychotic villain has finished with them.

The main story focuses on the villain’s next target. For some reason my brain could not figure out the link between the two; I re-read the beginning several times before the blatantly obvious explanation found me.

The villain targets families with secrets. First he messes with them psychologically, then pressures them to confess or be killed. It’s all very creative and quite creepy and sometimes gruesome.

It’s incredibly suspenseful, and the chapters are very short, so it’s very easy to keep going (“One more chapter … “one more chapter” … ) and stay up all night reading. The problem is I cannot do this without getting a massive migraine. As it was, I spent the whole weekend with migraines because I stayed up too late anyway. (And I know Michaelbrent gets killer migraines.)

A must if you enjoy horror or suspense.

Language: Some occasional uses of s---
Sexual Content: General description of a striptease
Violence: Plenty, some of it gruesome
Harm to Animals:
Harm to Children:

* Books by MbC on sale for a limited time *
Profile Image for Amber.
1,122 reviews
March 4, 2020
A family tries to do something as a family but a madman has something else in store for them. Will they be able to survive his nightmare? Read on and find out for yourself.

This was a pretty good survival horror story. If you enjoy these types of stories, be sure to check this book out wherever ebooks are sold.
Profile Image for Richard K. Wilson.
600 reviews118 followers
August 28, 2021
The Hughes Family.......The father and matriarch of the family is a very well educated and great surgeon in a very well to do neighborhood, and after a long and stressful day......he heads home. Normal right? Well, erase that word from your dictionary, this book was so intensely stressful, gory, and horrific that I did not know if i wanted to continue past page 70!

So, this father has two highschool aged kids, both a boy and a girl, and has suffered the loss of an older son. Now upon arriving home, he notices that there has been some 'jimmying and disturbance' on the entry gate to his home.....and does not think anything about it; why would he?

The family decides to order out dinner from their favorite asian restaurant, like they have done many times before. Once one of them make a comment about the food tasting 'mealy and grainy' they all fall asleep.......! Upon waking the next day, they are SEALED in their house with the family dog.

Did I say SEALED? Yes, the doors wont open, the windows wont open....they have no cell phones, they have mysteriously misplaced all of them!? What the hell is going on?

What ensues in this psychological and mind fuck of an INTENSELY gross, suspenseful and very gory thriller, will make you sleep with the lights on. It actually made me sit up in the middle of the night thinking there was someone in our house! Now, you are going to think is this just another home invasion story? HELL no!! This is a revelation of each of their secrets from one another; their fears are slapped in their face of reality in ways that made me shudder. I am so fearful of home invasions, that this book makes movies like 'The Strangers'; 'SAW' and 'Escape Room' more believable than ever !!!! Once Collings catches you in his grip of his razor blad lassoo.....you are not getting out! LITERALLY!! This is the first of 3 books in the series. I had read his 'Billy' books for a YA audience and loved them....this was something i was NOT EXPECTING!!! LOVED it!
4.5 🔪🩸🔪🩸

Trigger Warnings:
Murder scenes of a very graphic nature and descriptions, torture and murder of an animal**( this was SO hard for me to swallow and get over), gore to the limits.
Profile Image for Badseedgirl.
1,384 reviews71 followers
September 28, 2022
The writing style which consisted of short chapters (1-5 pages) and cliffhanger endings for each chapter ending made this a tense and stressful read. I can't say I enjoyed the Stranger/Killer character all that much and I really had a problem with the Killers "moral compass." Dad's reaction to his wife's secret might have been justifiable, but as someone who has had experience with raising kiddos of both sex I think the Dad's reactions to his children's secrets was....... not good. That is what kept this from being a higher rated book for me.

Please do not think the length of time it took me to read this book is a reflection of the book or the author. Life just got in my way.
Profile Image for Linda Hart.
748 reviews181 followers
November 8, 2019
My first horror story....and likely my last because the author, Michaelbrent Collings, is such a great suspense writer that I couldn't sleep until I finished it, and at its conclusion I had to employ all kinds of mind distractions to not dream about it. This is a gut wrenching, jarring, intense plot with believable twists and turns. I kept picturing actor James Spader (NBC's The Blacklist) as the stranger. I highly recommend this book to readers who love suspense filled thrillers.
Profile Image for Joy Perry.
156 reviews52 followers
January 12, 2021
Scary and tense thriller!

While it started slowly, it certainly picked up speed at the 20% mark and never slowed down! I highly recommend this taunt, heart racing, nail-biting thriller!!! This was my first book by the author but definitely not my last!
Profile Image for AudioBookReviewer.
949 reviews164 followers
August 21, 2014
ABR's full Strangers audiobook review can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

I knew when Michaelbrent Collings started the book with veteran police officers vomiting everywhere the book was going to be an experience. Michaelbrent has done what few authors have been able to do ---- he scared me half to death and kept me up most of the night thinking about my secrets and who I trust without a second thought.

This is about a family who has suffered a devastating loss of an older son and their mechanisms to deal with his death and their now fractured family. On the anniversary of their son’s death, the family once again struggles to become “normal” and fail. Although there are some glints that normalcy has returned it is but an illusion.

Waking from a solid night of sleep, a family of four (mom, dad, and 2 teenagers) finds themselves sealed in their home with no escape route. They are tormented and unmercifully tortured by an unknown stranger. Through phone messages left by schools and HR personnel over the course of a week, it becomes clear that no one is coming to help them. Although it is the 21st century their connection to the outside world is tenuous at best – twitter, facebook, texting. NO ONE has cared enough to check on them in the week they have been missing! Although as a reader, one might believe this to be absurd, Michaelbrent undeniably demonstrates otherwise.

A hidden stranger playing a deadly game and who has become judge, jury and executioner has decided that only those who confess their secrets willingly will live – moving from room to room searching for a way out, corpses are found, secrets are revealed, and more corpses are made.

In reading this horrifying book, you WILL change how you open your door to strangers, who has access to your home, family and secrets! You will no longer be passive because Michaelbrent won’t allow it as he puts the fear of strangers in you!

Audiobook provided for review by the narrator.
Profile Image for Pamellia.
228 reviews
May 4, 2014
Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings Shelfari Horror Group
Began, unknown Completed, May 4, 2014

This book was a weekly read for a book club I read with. Almost did not read this one, but glad I did. Thanks to Matthew for lending me the kindle version of this book.

The book begin with a homicide group processing a terrible scene. There are many odd things about this scene, that we do not understand until the end of the book.

Apparently the bad guy in this book is looking for the perfect family. When he finds something different, well all hell breaks loose.

The story itself is a study of surviving under horrific conditions. Horror of the mind, body and soul...how much worse could it get! I enjoyed the character development in this book. I cared what happened to the family, but I did not really like anyone in the family. For me that is a sign of good writing, which is what we receive throughout this roller-coaster ride which is this book.

I would recommend this book to lovers of horror. It's a scary one.
Profile Image for Melissa.
348 reviews25 followers
October 18, 2015
I'm undecided about this book.
I did definitely enjoy the story. It was a real page-turner, very edge of the seat feel. But, I didn't like the ending. And I'm not sure how the prologue fit in at all. I was hoping for the story to be about that family. But it seemed to be about a different family completely.
Maybe I'm too jaded from reading so much extreme horror, but I just wasn't as disturbed as all the reviews led me to believe I would be. And I also really wanted to know what happened to that family in the prologue. Because what happened to the family in the story was no where near as violent.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Scott William Taylor.
Author 7 books9 followers
March 1, 2014

I'm convinced that most people watch shows like The Jerry Springer Show and Hoarders so they can feel better about them selves. "Sometimes my house is a mess, but it's nothing like that one on Hoarders," we say. So the last thing I thought I'd question after reading Michaelbrent Collings's Strangers, is my skills as a father.

Seriously, that's what went through my mind. Collings is in the process of converting his large library of published works into an audiobook format. This is the second I've read/heard. It followed the pattern of his other book I read, The Loon, lots of gore, terrifying situations and we cannot forget the blood (heaven knows Collings doesn't...). ;)

I like Collings style. He knows how to pace a story. Sometimes the small details in the dialogue or the subtle descriptions have the most impact. The story revolves around a family trapped in what is normally their most safe environment, their house, but soon their home becomes a prison and we have no idea if anyone will leave alive. What I found interesting is the story could have been written without any of the gore, terrifying situations and the blood. The characters are deep enough--each with personal horrors in their own lives--that the revelations of those secrets could fill the pages of a novel. Of course, it wouldn't be a horror novel, but engaging, just the same.

So, how does all this make me question my skills as a father? Collings creates a family where they are basically strangers to each other. They go through the motions of a "normal" family, but that's all. I kept asking myself if I acted in a similar fashion, acting the part, going through the motions. Then all the mayhem begins and those thoughts took a back seat to the action.

I'd like to think I'm not that kind of a husband and father, but even the best husband and father can do more. So, if I wake up and my house is shut off from the outside world with a killer on the loose, I'd like to think I'll at least know more about my family as we run from room to room being scared to death.
Profile Image for Vicky Lelove.
124 reviews41 followers
October 17, 2020
Lunatic basically becomes judge, jury and executioner as he home invades the perfect but not so perfect family....
Profile Image for Deb.
765 reviews27 followers
February 24, 2020
WOW! What a rollercoaster ride this book was!! The suspense built up from the beginning. Then the creepiness set in. It increased until the very end! There were twists and surprises! Lots of action! I loved this book! Everybody needs to put this on their TBR! Thank you Michaelbrent Collings for the book!!
Profile Image for Elke.
1,620 reviews39 followers
December 17, 2020
Wow! Absolutely fantastic book. I was stunned by the immense depth of characterization and how easily the author created an atmosphere of total creepiness and fear. A seemingly ordinary family, triggered by some exceptional circumstances, turns into a group of strangers full and mistrust. One by one, the dark secrets they kept from each other for so long are revealed and the false pretense of normal family life unravels until there is nothing left to believe in. That was so much more shocking and frightening than the murders and cruelty dealt by the family's captor.

Footnote: this was part one in my 'Stranger December' reading month. Can it even get any better than this?
Profile Image for Brad.
85 reviews
April 2, 2016
I was in love with the premise of this (family wakes up trapped in their own house with a murderer), but Collings doesn't follow-through with his promises, and his characters are super unlikable.

The prologue of the book shows the aftermath of the Killer's work, and it's horrifying. Blood everywhere. People hanging from hooks. Dismemberment. It's a promise of grossness and horror that the book doesn't deliver. When we get to the actual kills, they're relatively tame. This could be fine, but the family doesn't even interact with the Killer for real until over halfway through the book.

And that's probably one of the two biggest problems with the book--the pacing. We spend three chapters with the main character driving up his driveway. Then the first half of the book is the family running around their home, seeing weird things, but not much is actually happening. Like, yes, this is creepy, but there's nothing moving the story forward.

The other problem is the characters. On one level, I get why they're not developed well. I'm not supposed to see Drew as a character--I'm supposed to see him as *my* son, I'm supposed to project my life onto these blank slates. But there wasn't enough of a hook for me, and I found the main character really unlikable. We're led to believe he's having an affair, and then he discovers his wife *is* having an affair. And his only reaction is anger. Which, yes, he should be angry--but he could also feel sad for her. He could also feel hurt. He could feel guilt for staying out late. He could also acknowledge that someone is trying to kill them so maybe this doesn't matter right now. But, no, he just only has anger for her which is both unrealistic and makes him seem like a dick. Then later, he sees his daughter doing webcam stripteases as being worse than infidelity and heroin addiction. Again, his daughter's life is in danger. Collings is trying to make a point about a family not knowing each other as well as they think, but really it feels like a bunch of people who do not have their priorities in line and kind of deserve to be murdered.

There were certainly times I was caught up in this book. I think the revelations about the Killer have some interesting bits, and I couldn't put the book down in the final act. But I spent most of the book just hating these people and wondering when we would get to the action and being disappointed when it finally happened. Maybe this is for you. It didn't really work for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for M.L. Roos.
Author 4 books15 followers
August 6, 2013
For those of you with a fear of heights, have you ever stepped into an elevator only to realize it was completely glass on the inside and you could see all the way up to the top as you were traveling? The saliva evaporates and your breath gets caught in your throat, your stomach drops, your insides turn to liquid and your heart hammers inside your chest hard enough to break a rib. The intense fear of being inside that elevator, that slow moving elevator that is crawling to your destination as you watch the ground below you shrink in the distance, the intensity of that feeling.......is what happens when you read STRANGERS. Every page, every chapter, every turn, there is an onslaught of action and it does not let up.

The only other books I have read that made me feel this were INTENSITY by Dean Koontz and MISERY by Stephen King. Collings is so proficient at what he does, he crooks his finger to get you inside his world and before you know it, you are along for the ride. You don't even see it coming; he is that good.

Caught glimpses of WHISPERS by Koontz in here as well. Will not give away the speculation, but Koontz fans will pick it up. Action, suspense, horror, retribution. It's all here.
Profile Image for Mylene.
300 reviews1 follower
April 5, 2020
I am absolutely digging MichealBrent! I read Scavenger Hunt recently and loved it. This story is a bit slower but carries with it more depth, in a way. The main character, Jer-Jer, is completely absorbed by guilt because of the secrets he keeps. Michealbrent gives us these gems:
“I don’t know you.  I don’t want to know you.  And you’ll never know me.”
“ So connected.  Facebook.  Twitter.  Google Plus.  A hundred other ways to stay in touch with a hundred thousand people you’ll never see.  But when the lines are cut, when the doors are shut... no one comes.  The connections aren’t real.  The friends are a lie, the followers fade.”
And my personal favorite:
“ Love doesn’t die all at once, or in big steps, he thought.  It dies in tiny pieces, with daily decisions that nip off bits of it like the edges of a living branch until you’ve cut away to the heart of the trunk and then that, too, is gone and there’s nothing left.”

It’s a rarity in horror that these kinds of words stand out to me as I read, but Michaelbrent has a way with words that succinctly describes those things in life that are sometimes hard to put in words. He does so very eloquently, without sermon.
Will be reading much more from Michaelbrent Collings!
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,229 reviews203 followers
October 14, 2013
I'm still trying to work my head around the twists and turns of this book and it's been nearly 24 hours since I finished it. I almost don't even know where to begin with my dissection of the plot. Because -- holy smokes -- there's a WHOLE LOT that happens.

How about this -- It's incredibly, wonderfully creepy. We get blood and death and SECRETS that spill across the pages. We get a shadowy individual who is so tangled up in the Hughes' lives that they can't make a move without him knowing about it. That right there might be the creepiest thing of all.

This person knows everything about them. He knows them better than they know themselves. I can't imagine anything more terrifying.

Unless it's being trapped in my own house with a madman on the loose.

But, really, what are the chances of THAT happening?

Twisty, twisty, twisty with a side order of twist. Like I said, I'm still thinking about it a day later. Also, I might sleep with the lights on tonight.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
February 13, 2020
The prologue did not fit the story. How can detective Jankowitz walk through the house when it has burned and collapsed. Were did the body parts in the child’s bedroom come from? Who is the man on the floor chanting ”He’s everywhere and I told”? Jerry and Sheri are by the pool when the fire department arrives. Why did it take so long for the fire department to get there? The house is collapsing! I enjoyed the struggle for survival and Jerry’s resourcefulness near the end.

What’s with the holes drilled through the windows and what happened to the metal sheeting that was on the windows? Some typos noted. Thought and though were misused 2x. The family secrets don’t seem to me to be a reason for Brian’s demise.

In the beginning, I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to finish the book. It improved with the struggles for survival. Very gory at times. When Jerry wasn’t showing up for work or responding to calls from the hospital, why didn’t someone call the police to check on him instead of terminating his employment? Lots of unanswered questions!
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1,711 reviews125 followers
June 13, 2014
Review for Audible edition

Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings is a very good thriller involving deep family secrets, a crazed killer with too much time on his hands and a termite tent. There are a lot of skeletons in this family’s closet and someone has found out about them. Now, they are trapped in a killer’s game and there is no escape and no hope. The only thing left is betrayal and lies. The game has started and it’s time to pay the piper.

The characters were well thought out and translated well to the spoken word with very good narration by Jeffrey Kafer. A fast and entertaining ride. 3+ Stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 215 reviews

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