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Through Stranger Eyes

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Flesh comes cheap in a machine world

Doctor Rick Stenslandt has always advocated against the fusion of man and machine. But after a near-fatal accident, he is forced to accept ocular implants or go blind, end up unemployed, and without social status.

But something goes wrong. Now he remembers people he has never met before—influential members of the corporate elite that governs the world. And they have all been murdered.

Worse, it seems he’s the next target.

On the run from the police and a pair of augmented assassins, Rick seeks refuge in the infamous alleys of the megacity. But to protect the ones he loves, he cannot hide forever. Now he must figure out his borrowed memories and his connection to the victims, before it’s too late.

Kindle Edition

Published October 10, 2019

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About the author

Chris Sarantopoulos

11 books29 followers
Chris Sarantopoulos is a Greek writer who seamlessly embraced both English and his native language in his literary journey. He has a passion for crafting compelling stories in the realms of science fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction, cyberpunk, dystopia, fantasy, and horror.

Sarantopoulos is the author of the critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic horror novel, “The Darkening” and the “Matriarchs – Silicon Gods” series, a cyberpunk thriller series that blends elements of noir, nanopunk, and biopunk.

Currently residing in Greece, Chris Sarantopoulos is diligently working on his latest literary endeavour, an epic space opera series.

His work has appeared on Beyond Imagination, Voluted Tales, and Eternal Haunted Summer among other literary magazines.

Keep track of Chris’ newest published work by subscribing to his mailing list http://eepurl.com/cUX9hr

If you would like to know more about him, please visit his web page https://csarantopoulos.eu or follow him on Amazon, Twitter (@c_sarantopoulos), Pinterest, and Facebook.

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 reviews
Profile Image for Gordon Long.
Author 28 books40 followers
October 27, 2019
It seems a shame to give only three stars to a book that has had so much creativity and work put into it, but there you are. Sometimes things just don’t hang together. Strengths misused become liabilities. The whole is not equal to the sum of its parts. This is the point where beta readers, honest friends and a good developmental editor can put you straight.

A detective novelist needs the art of releasing the clues to the readers with exactly the right timing. Too quickly and the story is over. Too slowly and we lose interest. I’m sorry to say the first 20% of the book gives readers no clues at all. The hero’s path is unremittingly downward, leaving us with no glimmer of hope.

This is the standard “One man against the machine” story in a setting highly reminiscent of Blade Runner. Dr. Rick Stenslandt is a top surgeon in a futuristic world where biotechnology reigns supreme, and megacorporations rule it all. His outspoken opposition to cosmetic enhancement earns him the enmity of…someone. The new eyes he has received after a suspicious accident seem to be giving him false memories of the murders of top executives. His confidence begins to deteriorate, and his status teeters. All his attempts to investigate the problem lead to a gradual peeling away of the layers of society and economy that protect him and his family. He is reduced to scrounging through the under layers of the city to find clues as to what is really going on.

In the process of this fall from grace, he descends through a deteriorating futuristic architecture and meets a myriad of bizarre characters. Unfortunately, this highly detailed and imaginative description of people and settings adds to the length of the book and slows the narrative.

Accurate grammar but awkward sentence structure leaves one to suspect the work of a good proofreader with no intent to improve the author’s writing style.

Finally, a deus ex machina ending comes out of nowhere and renders any interpretation of the theme meaningless.
Recommended for fans of The Fifth Element and Blade Runner, but a picture being worth a thousand words, this story would play better in film format.
Profile Image for Nancy (The Avid Reader).
2,619 reviews115 followers
October 12, 2019
Just about everyone around Doctor Rick Stenslandt are getting new body parts, robotic machine parts but Rick has always been against this. Well that is until the day he is in an accident that leaves him blind. Even then Rick wants no part of the new implants. But if he doesn’t accept the new eye implants then he will be blind and will lose his job and maybe his family.

Rick’s wife Erica informs that she does not want to lose her status in life and refuses to move down the ladder so to speak. The only way they can stay on top is if he accepts the implants so he can keep his job and his family.

Rick soon learns that he is being hunted and that someone is trying to kill him for what he has no idea. He is having nightmares and memories that he doesn’t understand. He is having memories of people dying and he may be next.

Rick sends his family into hiding to keep them safe. He tells Erica to take their children and go away and not to tell him where and when he finds who is trying to kill him and everything is over he will find them.

Through Stranger Eyes is a very thrilling and intense read that will keep the pages turning racing through chapter after chapter following Rick and seeing the world through his eyes as he runs around trying to find out who is hunting him and why.

Rick is a man who loves his family very much and fights real hard to stay alive and to keep them alive. He doesn’t just sit around waiting for the police to do their job no he jumps in with both feet trying to find out the truth and what about what is happening to him. All he wants is to be with his family and to take care of them and give them want ever they desire and to be left alone so he can lead a normal life just like anyone else.

If you like thriller books that are set in a futuristic scifi world then you are going to love Through Stranger Eyes.
Profile Image for Dawn.
128 reviews
June 7, 2021
Edge of your seat

Wow okay. I couldn't put this down. It mostly kept me guessing the whole way. I picked up on a few things, but didn't know how it was going to go. It's gritty, and the story weaving is phenomenal.

Rick is a doctor who brings food to the poor and puts implants in people. He doesn't have any of his own, won't allow his children to have them, and tries to talk his patients out of them, much to the chagrin of his employer. Then he gets into a car accident which destroys his eyes. What choice does he have, really? His life is about to change.
169 reviews1 follower
October 12, 2019
Another winning novel.

I loved this cyberpunk story of life in the future. Everyone wants at least one enhanced body part. Artificial limbs and organs are also very profitable for the makers. This story has so many twists and turns, there is a surprise at each page turn. This author is up and coming. I personally love his writing. Also, check out his short stories. His stories, whether short or novel length, aren't "happily ever afters".
Profile Image for Britt.
448 reviews42 followers
December 3, 2019
In my opinion, some of the best books are the ones with the strongest endings.

I definitely think the very last chapter of Through Stranger Eyes was its strongest point. The entire story was a goddamn rollercoaster ride that any fan of cyberpunk sci-fI would enjoy, but the very last chapter was filled with twists and turns that left my jaw on the floor. If you enjoy plot twists that slap you in the face... well, you’re in for a ride.

The technical terminology of it all was a little intense, and there were a couple parts where I found myself kinda floundering in it all, but this, to my knowledge, was the first cyberpunk story I’ve ever read in full. It’s like taking science fiction to a whole new extreme. So, while *I* personally struggled a little, I don’t think it’s anything that avid readers of the genre would find issue with. It was definitely intriguing as hell and, after dipping my toe in the genre, I think I’d definitely like to explore it some more.

Going off of that, while I struggled a little with the technical terminology, as a whole I loved the backstory/premise to this novel. The author puts *so much* detail into a plot that involves medical science, bodily enhancements, and extreme human progression. I think it actually gets a little political if you really take the time to analyze the plot, and the detail of all of that is simply incredible. It’s kind of reflective of early/mid 20th century sci-fi and the idea of “machines taking over everything,” but I think it’s even a step up from that.

As a side note, I fucking love how the title plays into the overall plot. But for sake of spoilers, I won’t say anything more about that. 😏

Overall, I think fans of cyberpunk would love this book. Or, if you’re new to the genre like me and want to try something out, I think it’s great for that too — as long as you can wrap your head around all of the sci-fi medical talk. I think this was a great read, FANTASTICALLY detailed, and lots of people should check it out!
November 23, 2019
After a bit slow start, the mystery begins, then the story jumps into the deep.
The depths of the multi leveled city are amazing. The plot deals with an important present day issue: technology means a better life, but it can easily result in more control, totalitarian states.
Cloning, AI, immortality, resistance against power, truely interesting challenges of the future that come up.
In the middle of it, there is a man we can like very much, Rick is willing to sacrifice everything for his family, while he is desperately searching for answers.
After multiple twists and layers of deception, escapes and fights, that fantastic story reach the peek...
Then i really hated the very end. It almost felt like the author didnt have idea, how to close the threads properly, so he cut them with something, that i have to consider magic.
Anyway, i can highly recommend the story to anyone interested in a good techno-thriller, to the fans of cyberpunk and distopic futures.
Profile Image for Tam.
2,060 reviews48 followers
December 18, 2020
Wildly imaginative! Wonderful characters. Interesting plot. Vivid descriptions. Simply a GREAT read!

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.
603 reviews10 followers
April 3, 2021
Really interesting storyline with multiple twists some of which you may guess but certainly not all.
Kept me entertained.
Profile Image for Lori Peterson.
990 reviews21 followers
February 24, 2020
Received as a review copy, this is an honest review. After a nearly deadly accident forces doctor Rick Stenslandt to get an occular implant; his life goes sideways. He experiences memories that are not his own but it's from that that could save his life as it seems he may become the next target. Trying to hide from assassins will challenge him as he fights to understand why someone wants him dead. Scary and brilliantly futuristic.
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