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Untying the Knot

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A spin-off from the #1 Amazon bestsellers, A Not So Meet Cute and So Not Meant To Be, USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn brings you a heart-warming, yet hilarious full-length novel on what life is like after the happily ever after.

Ryot Bisley is my husband.

Yes, the former third baseman for the Chicago Bobbies and absolute heart throb of the Windy City. That Ryot Bisley.

The first time I ran into him, he was grumpy, a horrific host, and left me on his sofa with nothing but a nylon baseball flag to use as a blanket.

The second time, he reluctantly bought me dinner, stared at my chest the entire night, and still sported that permanent frown.

The third time . . . well, that was a game changer. His smile captured me, his teasing charmed me, and his touches excited me.

So when he was called up to the majors that didn’t stop us from knocking it out of the park and all the way down the aisle.

Eleven years later…I’d love to say we’re happy as ever but the man who sent me dirty text messages every day is long gone and Mr. Frowny Face is back.

He’s so focused on trying to build a life after baseball that he doesn’t see the life we’ve already created together. . .so I make the hard decision and serve him divorce papers.

Problem is…my husband refuses to accept those papers. Instead, he has a new game plan that makes untying the knot of our marriage a little tricky. And just when I thought I wanted to be traded . . . he's slowly, tantalizingly roping me back in.

501 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 15, 2022

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About the author

Meghan Quinn

109 books34.3k followers
Like me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinna...

When I was in high school I occasionally read books but was consumed by other teenage things so I didn't take the time to appreciate a good book on a cloudy day, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. It wasn't until I received a Kindle for Christmas one year that my world completely flipped upside down. When looking for books I came across the Contemporary Romance genre and was sold and I haven't turned back since.

You can either find my head buried in my Kindle, listening to inspiring heart ripping music or typing away on the computer twisting and turning the lives of my characters while driving my readers crazy with anticipation.

​I currently reside in beautiful Colorado Springs where the sun is always shining and there is a trail waiting to be hiked on every corner. I share a lovely and warm home with the love of my life and my five, four-legged children.

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690 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,710 reviews
Profile Image for Kat Dalton.
21 reviews5 followers
November 26, 2022
Immature female lead

Im probably in the minority but i just could not warm up to Myla. I found her demanding, self centered and so quick to push Ryot away when he made every effort to try and make amends. I appreciate she had an abusive upbringing but i felt she took and took and didnt give anything back. Honestly felt like Ryot deserved way better than her
Profile Image for L.
34 reviews4 followers
November 16, 2022
Classic Meghan Quinn- and not in the good way.

3 stars. I really don’t believe this woman was in her 30s and married. Having gone through therapy (supposedly) and still didn’t think to sit him down and say anything. To constantly be pushing him away as if he hasn’t proven for over a decade his devotion.
The characters are classic Meghan Quinn romcom characters. But with this subject matter and length of relationship it doesn’t make sense.

I just want to say as someone who’s been in my relationship for 16 years, I’d never serve divorce papers just because a few weeks have been rough. It’s one thing to be in the early stages of the relationship and be insecure. How after years of dating and marriage can you still be too scared to tell your husband the truth of your feelings.
November 9, 2022
AHHH i really enjoyed this!!!! so cute and hilarious but with so many deeper topics all around. really shocked at the way it was able to hurt but also make me swoon. i adore how meghan quinn brings her other characters into each others books, it’s so fun to see everyone know each other + the spice? sos. 🥵

it did feel a little too long and i got a bit annoyed at the characters but overall i had a ✨fabulous time✨

“you’re my breath of fresh air.” <3
Profile Image for Kim.
1,011 reviews38 followers
November 17, 2022

I tried, but Myla was a horrible character. She threw a tantrum over not being the center of Ryot's entire universe. She's A thirty something year old woman, or is supposed to be, yet she acts like a selfish child.
Ryot deserved better, and it was unfair to make him simp and grovel the way he did.
Profile Image for Jeannette S.
324 reviews
November 18, 2022
I am so disappointed! I love Meghan Quinn’s books. I was so excited to see a new one. It jumped to the front of my list of books that are waiting to be read. But this one bothered me all the way thru. Almost DNF, but stuck with it because I really wanted it to turn around.

What really bothered me all the way thru the book was Myla’s immaturity. Yes, she had an abusive past, but Ryot was the one helping her heal from that past. He consistently proved his love to her. For over a decade! And because they had a rough few MONTHS, she seeks out an attorney and files for divorce? Yes, her feelings were justified about not being consulted on major life change, and feeling like she wasn’t being heard. But why wouldn’t she MAKE him hear her? Be a freaking adult and tell him what is wrong and make him hear you. Try to go to counseling. Do something! And those stupid stunts she was pulling in the house while they were separated? What, is she like 12? (That’s when I thought about stopping the book)

I love happy ever after stories, but this one was the first one that I was wishing that they didn’t end up together. Ryot deserves someone who appreciates him. And Myla obviously doesn’t.
Profile Image for Intel Chicky Reads Romance (Kara Merideth).
1,964 reviews1,283 followers
November 15, 2022
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5)
Trope: marriage in peril
Angst: 😱😱😱😱😱
Smexy: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Have to say up front that I was pretty scared to read this book. "Marriage in Peril" is NOT my favorite trope, but I love Meghan Quinn and figured I'd give it a try. Gahhhhh! What an emotionally wrenching roller coaster ride. I laughed. Hysterically, at some points. There was tons of witty banter between the two of them. I sobbed. Like seriously, ugly cried. The issues in their marriage were both relatable and rooted in trauma. There is no good guy or bad guy in this story and that's part of what made it so good. It does flip back and forth from the past and present. My only complaint is that it felt a little too drawn out for me? But other than that, completely loved it. Well, except for the part where I felt completely emotionally drained afterwards, lol. Would I read another "marriage in peril" story again? Not unless at gun point, lol.. but if this angst-o-rama floats your boat, Untying the Knot will definitely be for you!

⛔️ My bookshelves can sometimes be spoilers
Profile Image for Samantha (bookgramsaga reviews).
730 reviews889 followers
December 5, 2022

''He's been my comfort. My rock. My everything. But also....my downfall''

Safety warnings:
- No cheating
- No OW/OM drama
- Physical abuse (not MCs)
- Mental/verbal abuse (not MCs)
- Mention of affair (not MCs)
- Terminal illness





I will keep this relatively review short for two reasons:
1) I was emotionally drained after this book ended
2) I was not the biggest fan of the FMC. I had major issues with her.

Myla was the biggest reason this book got a 3.5-star rating from me. I was really excited about reading this marriage in trouble book especially since it doesn't include any form of cheating, but she was just really immature at times, and I couldn't understand WHY. The only thing that saved this book from having a worse rating was Ryot and his absolute devotion to her and never wavering. His attempt to save a marriage I think he should of let died was cute but also stupid lol

She would do the pettiest things and then pretend like it was okay and if he did ANYTHING in the same way she would be the biggest child. She divided up their house to have their own areas during their separation and took all the groceries she had bought, the two cars (because she said she handled maintenance?) and the tv room. So, he buys himself a new tv, but she would take the batteries from his controller EVERYDAY. How annoying?

I actually at some point wanted him to leave her, I didn't see what he saw in her. He made bad decisions after his retirement concerning his career choice and moving them to California but FFS he put up with so much and was there for her for YEARS but a few months of issues he was oblivious to and only according to her she brought up a few times is the reason she went behind his back, talk to divorce lawyers and divided up their assets then one day after they had sex that morning making him think everything is fine she just springs up the papers to him?

You can tell how much I didn't like her lol I KNOW she had a horrible life growing up, being the child of a physical/mental/verbal abuse from her mother and her father ended up being the one who had an affair and a WHOLE other family which she only found out after he died. I get it BUT Ryot was her rock as she kept saying. She projected a lot of her insecurities, issues and untrust onto someone who she shouldn't have.

All in all, I wished she hadn't acted like a child for almost the entirety of the book and also she didn't play with his feelings by having sex with him throughout their separation and giving him HOPE until eventually she realised she loved him, and she didn't want to go, reason? Her BFF having cancer and basically about to die made her realise she would be alone and needed Ryot - that's it.

To me the damage is done. I don't think I believed their HEA and I wouldn't put it past her to try to leave again if things get hard.
Profile Image for Romance Junkie.
54 reviews2 followers
January 20, 2024
Usually, I like Quinn’s books, but this and her previous book featuring JP and Kelsey just pissed me off. Both female leads are so immature and antagonistic that I struggled to finish either book. In Untying the Knot, Myla is incredibly damaged thanks to her abusive childhood and Ryot has always been her protector and champion. After a decade together, his baseball career abruptly ends and, driven in large part by the loss of his identity as a ball player, he makes some decisions without really considering her wants and needs and doesn’t give her the focus she’s used to. So, instead of being mature and recognizing that he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her and that there might be a legitimate reason for his distance, she decides to divorce him without explaining why. (We all know men can be clueless, so cut the guy some slack.)

So, yes, she’s pulling the predictable “I’ll leave you before you leave me to avoid heartache”, but she makes it even worse by antagonizing him, pulling childish pranks (which he, out of character, starts to reciprocate when he’s pushed too far), and messing with his head and heart by teasing him with the possibility that her decision is reversible. As a reader, it really upset me to see such an incredibly decent man be treated so shabbily by a woman he loves and has spent years defending. I only finished because so many reviews said it got better in the 2nd half. Yet it wasn’t enough to salvage it for me. Despite what the summary says, this book is NOT hilarious; it’s painful and pathetic.
Profile Image for jfdbooks.
803 reviews136 followers
November 15, 2022
2/5 ☆

Starting to feel like Meghan Quinn's writing is not for me. Meh
Profile Image for Anna.
682 reviews560 followers
April 5, 2024
Wowowowow. Boy am I am emotional wreck right now. I was NOT expecting meghan to do me like that. This one hit a little too close to home in some scenes and I was deep down in my feels.

But also I was not expecting all that heat?!?! One minute I’m emotional and the next I’m either laughing or turned on. Now that’s what I call…✨balance✨

This was a different experience than what I am typically used to when reading MQs books, but it might’ve been the most progressive story that I’ve read of hers to date. Talk about freaking amazing!! Luckily, she still brings ALL THE BANTER, and it’s one of my favorite things about meghan. It’s got dual POV, past & present time lines, AND the audio is a duet!!!

Did I get every possible version of this book? (Audio, ebook & physical) yes, yes I did. And I utilized all those versions too. There were parts of the book I had a harder time getting through because of the emotional aspect & they were hitting me hardddd, but audible came in clutch with that audio & I was able to push through! And it helps when the voice narrators are amazing!!!

RYOT HAS MY FKING HEART. I am shook. Amazed. Dazzled. And every other synonym about him. Get you a man that’ll stand up to your awful parent & who will always look out for you & protect you. BC THATS OUR MANS RYOT RIGHT THERE!!!

Myla had such growth and I am just in awe of her character. She went through some SHIT, let me tell you. She is so strong & I am so happy with how things turned out. But the ending!!! Wow. It was so worth it.

“You are the one person who can break me, yet also the one person who can put me back together.”

Also, I haven’t hated a character as much as I hated the spawn of Satan herself, Verna, in a veryyyy long time. So props to meghan for being able to pull that emotion out of me!!

Spice: 🌶🌶🌶.5

TW: abusive parent

Marriage in trouble
Second chance
Forced proximity
Profile Image for Addicted 2 &#x1f4d6;.
527 reviews10 followers
December 5, 2022

Literally want to cry. SO frustrated with Meghan Quinn and her continued quest for quantity over quality.

Started this with high hopes, as I do with every book by this author as I have FOMO😅. By 23% I couldn’t take Myla anymore. Ryot would be a Saint if he stuck it out with her childish behavior. Additionally, I personally do not care for books that go past and present every few chapters. There have been a very few that I have actually liked.🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Sonia.
1,103 reviews1,587 followers
September 16, 2023
4.5 Marriage in Trouble stars

Oh the angst!!! It’s probably the angstiest MQ book I’ve ever read.
”Your heartbeat is the cadence of my life, and without it in my palm, I’m an aimless wanderer.

Myla and Ryot have been married for years. Everything seems to be going well until one day Myla serves him divorce papers. Ryot feels blindsided and like it’s coming out of nowhere.

Except that it’s not… things have changed and it hasn’t been good. In fact, Myla feels like she’s a shell of who she used to be. While Ryot’s working and doing so much, she hasn’t been happy. Not only because they’ve disconnected as a couple, but also because she’s trying to find her place, and Ryot hasn’t even realized this yet.

Ryot proposes that they stay married until his friend’s wedding, which is weeks away. In the meantime, he’s gonna try to change her mind 👀.

And she’s not gonna let him try 😅

What I liked/loved: possible spoilers
—the flashback scenes. I know many people find this annoying😅, but I actually liked this. We get to see how they met 12 years before (a flag as a blanket= 👏🏻genius) and what’s currently happening. It’s not all flashback scenes though- just pivotal times when it affected their relationship: like how they started DMing each other 11 years before, why they ended up separating for 4 years before anything happened, how they reconnected on Trivia night 7 years before and how was all it took to show their connection (but it was really the baking eclairs and painting rocks that solidified it all)

—the 🔥. This is on the medium burn side (first smeex scene at 52% in the past and 74% in the present) but I still found their chemistry to be palpable. The problem in their relationship isn’t the sex; it’s the other things. Good, cause I sure as heck appreciated the 🔥.
Myla making Ryot use his mouth to get his lucky shorts back was 🥵😅💦 and then her watching him after 👀. The trust and confidence present whenever the bottle of l u b e was brought out 👀. The s’mores make out sessions 👀. The many showers needed (and the use a shower head 😅). The edging scenes 😮‍💨. These two crave each other and it’s obvious when it comes to the visceral reaction they have when they’re in the same room 🔥

—how much he loves her. Okay. So she’s a curvy girl. She isn’t small… And HE LOVES THAT!! Not only that, but he will do anything for her. The way he concedes and relents or gives in demonstrates his dedication to her. He messed up, and he’s gonna grovel 🤷🏻‍♀️. There were times I wanted to smack Myla and tell her to just forgive him already, but then the book would’ve ended. Plus. It’s hard to find a marriage in trouble book that doesn’t involve cheating 😐. Thank god that’s not the problem here 👏🏻

—how protective he is. Omg. The scenes where he tells her mom off 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I bow down to you Ryot. Like. If I didn’t like you already, this only assured me of how great of a man you are. This man will cross oceans and bring Myla the moon in order to make her happy, and putting her B of a mother in her place was CHEF’S KISS
“you’re an absolute piece of shit. You have convinced yourself that you are the victim in your life when in reality, you’re the monster. This woman, sitting right next to me, the woman I love, she’s not a product of you, nor your late husband. She’s a product of what not to be. She is proof that good can come from evil. She has a heart, she has a soul, and she has several caring bones in her body. And despite the uphill climb her childhood was, she has prevailed, and I will be damned if I ever see you near her again.” Ryot takes my hand and pulls me up from the chair. “If I hear at any point that you contact her, or even go near her, you will have me to answer to, as well as the cops. Assault and battery won’t look good on that precious, squeaky-clean image you attempt to portray. Oh, and we have witnesses and pictures. Stay the fuck away from my girl.”

—the pranks🤣🤣. Listen. I know this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I found these to be hilarious. Sure. Immature, but I don’t even care 🤣😅. With the seriousness of all the topics in this book, I needed the levity. The picture frames, batteries, eclairs, biking to the store, vinyl records, even some memories made me smile

—the angst. Oh. Man. This was had a looooot of topics that could be triggering. These are two people who’ve endured a lot, but Myla definitely experienced more than anyone ever should (unfortunately). But I loooved that Ryot was there for her when she needed him (even after he messes up… both times).

—the side characters 🥹. Although this is a standalone, I enjoyed it even more because I’ve read other books in the series. It’s always nice to revisit other MCs HEAs 🥰. Obviously, Nichole was my next favorite character (she IS Myla’s best friend. Good thing too). She’s like the momma bear Myla needed in her life 🥹❤️

What I wanted more of: possible spoilers
—clarification on their 4 year separation, more specifically, how many people SHE was with 😑. I’m NOT a fan of a separation, especially when the H isn’t celibate 😐. Here, we find out in the 4 years they’re separated, he got AROUND. While she wasn’t pining or celibate, we don’t really know much 😒. We were in his head when this was mentioned, so I needed to be in HER head to find out more 😐.

—Nichole’s uncertainty. Um… I don’t like that this wasn’t clear enough. The epilogue was only a month after the end of the book. I also didn’t like that she was focusing on Banner’s love life so much. I was crying during these scenes… I needed more positivity

—a better epilogue. Although I wouldn’t doubt Ryot and Myla’s HEA considering everything they’ve gone through, I would’ve liked to see their lives many years in the future (with maybe some babies too 👀 lol)

—Myla’s father 😐. Sigh. This whole situation needed more. Maybe the book was long enough, but I needed more. If her father was still alive I would’ve slapped him 🤬😑. And to find out the rest of the puzzle after his death is completely unfair 😒

Overall, I loved it 🤷🏻‍♀️. Ryot made me swoooon so much 🥰

⚠️safety squad⚠️
-no cheating/sharing/owd/omd
-met 11 years before/did some flirting/H gets called to the big leagues
-4 year separation (but they weren’t together before he got called to the big leagues)H slept around and dated other women but still thought of the h 🙄🙄. No concrete info on the h’s sex life, but it seems like she was sleeping around/wasn’t celibate but we don’t know 😏
-H is JP and can’t stand thinking of the h being with other men while they’re in the middle of their divorce
-parental child abuse recounted
-death of a parent
-loved one with cancer
-negligence of parent (lack of love)
-cheating (parents)/divorce (parents)
-marking/biting/dirty talk/spanking/toys (on both)/edging/anal play (on both)
-condoms/then none/birth control
Profile Image for Travelogged Blogs.
1,199 reviews113 followers
November 4, 2022
"Through every kiss and every touch, he silently holds on to that promise and strengthens it so there is no way we’re ever untying the knot that is our life together."

This book has a marriage in crisis and I guess it's a standalone novel set in the same world as the Cane Brothers series. It was emotional, angsty and made me cry at times. But it was also heartwarming and full of hope. I enjoyed seeing all the characters (Huxley, Lottie, JP, Kelsey, Penn & Banner) again. I loved the way that marriage was described as a partnership because it's nothing but the absolute truth. The key to a healthy marriage is communication and to be supportive towards each other, which is where Myla & Ryot went somewhat wrong. At first, I was on Myla's side but as the story progressed, a part of Myla's behaviour irritated me though I could understand where she was coming from. Overall, the topics mentioned in this book were pretty heavy but the plot was also steamy and entertaining, however I did not like it more than A Not So Meet Cute set in the same universe tbh.

ARC received in exchange of an honest review
Profile Image for Emily Johnston (Booked.Up.With.Emily).
1,022 reviews63 followers
November 4, 2022
My goodness, wow. Another WINNER from Meghan Quinn. After reading the blurb on this book, I knew going in that this was going to be an emotional one, but man I wasn’t prepared for all of the tears.

“Your heartbeat is the cadence of my life, and without it in my palm, I’m an aimless wanderer.”

Myla and Ryot have been married for years and up until recently have had a solid relationship. Their chemistry is off the charts and the love that we saw was just so huge. Ryot was a professional baseball player until an injury forced him to retire early. Upon retirement, he started an app with his brother and another retired teammate. Without consulting his wife Myla, Ryot moved them across the country to pursue this new dream.

In the months after they moved to California, Myla felt herself resenting/loathing her husband more and more to the point that she presents him with divorce papers. Clearly caught off guard, Ryot is not accepting of this and wants to do whatever possible to bring them back together. He asks for 3 weeks for them to stay together and act like a couple of their friends and wedding and then they can go their separate ways, even though that’s the furthest thing from what Ryot wants.

“I want you to be happy. I just hope that one day, when you’ve created the life you deserve, and that beautiful smile has returned to your face, you can forgive me.”

We see so many emotions from both of them - love, hate, resentful, anger, sadness, loathing. You name it, these two go through it in the 3 weeks that follow. Even when they are arguing, you can feel the love that these two have for each other.

Will Ryot be able to find a way for them to stay together, or is all hope lost in their marriage?

I loved so many things about this book. My favorite part of this book was the love of these characters. In each chapter we flip back and forth we between the past and the present and you can just see and feel the love jumping off of these pages for these characters.

I truly loved both of the main characters, which is not something I find common for myself. I understood both of their viewpoints for the situation and I empathized with them equally.

The side characters in this book were wonderful. Especially Nichole and Banner. I am hoping that Banner (and Penn) get books in this series. I truly want more of Nichole’s story. I am hoping that this isn’t the last we hear from her.

Profile Image for drew :).
446 reviews180 followers
December 12, 2022
sometimes divorce is the right answer, because these two these two can’t communicate for shit. This book made me frustrated 75% of the time or bored for the rest
Profile Image for Lisa.
68 reviews3 followers
November 18, 2022
Sigh. Normally when Meghan Quinn releases a book, I’m a drop everything and read it person. This one though….ugh…I couldn’t even finish it, and getting to 35% when I quit was a chore. Myla is horrible and a petty b*tch. I was really hoping Ryot would have kicked her ass out of the house since it was his career that paid for it. The only thing that could convince me to finish this book is if I found out there’s a Part 2 where we find out Ryot kicks Myla’s butt to the curb and finds someone that appreciates him. I mean FFS even up to the last few pages of the book she was ready to throw away her marriage just to help her friend. 🙄
Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,452 reviews174 followers
November 5, 2022
This is hands down one of my favorite MQ books, ever, and I'm going to need her to write more marriage in trouble tropes because she honestly excelled at it. I shed so many tears, swooned, got angry right along these two, and understood deeply where Myla was coming from, while also hurting for Ryot, who didn't understand how he could go so wrong while wanting the love of his life back. It's like Meghan took the very best of her writing and the love she's able to encompass in her characters and put it together in this single amazing book.

I love how our author gives us how they fell in love in the past, as well as all their ups and downs, the hilarious moments in between, and the amazing love that they share, all while intertwining that with the present-- which is the destruction of their marriage. Myla knows that Ryot is the one for her, and that she will always love him, but he's turned into someone she now resents. A relationship that used to be filled with laughter and love is now filled with distance and bitterness, and she doesn't know how to get them back on track, especially when she's the only one fighting for their marriage. My heart just went out to her and all the truths she eventually laid bare to her husband-- combined that with her awful childhood, I was so angry that Ryot hurt her in such a way, even if it wasn't intentional, but when he finally realized the damage he had done and then proceeded to do everything to fix it and once again became the man Myla initially fell in love with? Total swoon fest!

Marriage, and really any relationship, is hard work. And love ultimately isn't always enough-- you have to communicate and want to be present and work on all the issues that may arise, but the big thing is you have to want to try to keep your spouse/significant other happy. Money and fame come and go, but at the end of the day, all you have is the person you pledged your life to, and how do you want to cultivate and cherish that relationship? Do you want them to be your safe place to land, or are you going to treat them like everything else in life is more important and then be surprised when that relationship is no longer the same? These are all questions our main characters go through, and seeing them come together and then break down the way they did just broke my heart, but seeing them come back together stronger than before? Oh my goodness. Just all the tissues.

If you're in need of a wonderful emotional romance jam packed with all the feels, this is the one for you! Plus you see a lot of familiar faces! 😉 go one click as soon as this goes live!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions **
Profile Image for Samz.
125 reviews109 followers
November 13, 2022
5+++. first of all, thank you meghan quinn for the ARC of this book in exchange for an unbiased, honest review.

there aren't enough stars in the freaking sky to be able to rate this one.it's 5:30am and i am at a loss for words. meghan quinn...you did it again. i love every book that i've read from MQ but this one has topped them all in my eyes. i did not expect to be crying like a baby on multiple occasions. the spice was leg shaking and the angst was gut wrenching. what more do you need? i am so freaking in love with ryot and myla. i was rooting for them from the start and even when i was relating to myla and completely sympathising, i never once hated ryot in any way. i loved the flashbacks to the past, seeing their dynamic and how it evolved really made the story even more hard hitting. and man, the subplot with nichole broke my heart - i had a feeling that it was going to go bad towards the end but i've never been more relieved to be wrong. this is a book that i will think about every day for the rest of my life.
Profile Image for Ilaria &#x1f338;.
708 reviews42 followers
November 19, 2022
Nice try not combining of second chance pre divorce story
They have chemistry
Lot of sex
Spoiled rich
She feels lonely
He loves her
The book should a have finished here
She is whiny spoiled child
Profile Image for PeaceOfGod.
841 reviews313 followers
November 18, 2022


✅Marriage in peril romance.
✅He's too focused on work, it's been 12yrs since they married, not paying enough attention to her blah blah blah....
✅This book is boring as hell. Not everyone can write an exciting troubled-marriage romance.
✅Not to mention that I TOTALLY HATED that prologue, I am not gonna lie to you , but she seemed judgmental and superficial to me.
✅I have been reading too much Insta-love romances I guess, because those books have simple hs who just mind their own business and don't check out every guy that passes by.
✅They are simple and..... sweet and sassy.

✅I guess she wasn't my type so I didn't like this book much.

✅Okay well, maybe this book is really good. But I'm not enjoying it!

✅I don't feel the chemistry b/w these two. You know how sometimes, you don't know why , but, the MCs just don't 'click' together. that's what the problem is here.

✅It all felt very....so so......

If you're looking for an alternate book, I suggest you read-THE ROAD BACK TO US by K. WEBSTER
642 reviews86 followers
November 19, 2022
Couldn't stand Myla for most of the book. I get that she has a lot of baggage and is a victim of psychological and physical abuse, but she just acted in such an off-putting manner and was so immature that I wanted Ryot to sign those divorce papers and get out of there. I'm not convinced in their HEA and that Myla won't pull the same stunt once things get tough again. I did enjoy the flashbacks and Ryot was pretty awesome. Also intrigued by Banner and would definitely read his story. This author is definitely a hit or miss for me and this one wasn't a hit.

Profile Image for Jeeves Reads Romance.
1,599 reviews663 followers
December 28, 2022
** One of my Top 20 of 2022 Picks on www.JeevesReads.com! **

Devastatingly brutal yet poignant and hopeful, this marriage in trouble romance put me through my paces emotionally - and I loved it! Switching between past and present, we see the highs and lows in this couple's relationship, with the chemistry and connection in their early days punctuating the loss of a love that was once vibrant and full of life. Initially, I wondered if there were too many flashbacks, but they served such an impactful purpose - showcasing just how many important promises our hero lost sight of, and revealing the ways in which he unintentionally inflicted (nearly) irreparable damage to their relationship. He's steadfast and loyal, the perfect counterpart to a heroine whose past hurts have caused her to run scared more than once. It was easy to see all of the ways they were great together, which just made the present day conflict even more excruciating. I empathized with both characters, and I was absolutely rooting for them to find their way back together again. It's a powerhouse of a read, juxtaposing playful, banter-filled moments with achingly raw and tender scenes. Plus, whoa boy was the spice INTENSE - this couple knows each other well, so that knowledge and trust takes things to a whole other level.

The story follows Myla, a woman who thought she had found her forever love. While her abusive mother made it difficult to accept love into her life, she found that with Ryot. But when the former pro baseball player retired, he lost sight of the promises they made together. His neglect has inflicted damage to their marriage, and Myla believes that it has reached its breaking point. Ryot disagrees. He was blindsided when Myla asked for a divorce, and he's willing to put in the work to make things right again... if only he knew what he did wrong. Weaving flashbacks with present day, we see how this swoony and smitten man won his dream girl... and how he lost her along the way.

I've read some exceptional books by Quinn, and this will be among my favorites. It truly does have a little of everything, from the initial sparks and chemistry to the heartache and angst. I think this story only could've worked laid out this way - I know that I would've had some issues with the way Myla and Ryot's relationship progressed in the past, and Myla is also the kind of heroine whose insecurities threaten to overwhelm any story. With the story switching between past and present, we didn't have to linger in that headspace for too long at any one time. And those flashbacks served such a great purpose, showing how Ryot's distraction with work is one of the worst things he could've done, given their history. I'm also impressed that I genuinely liked both characters throughout the whole story - Myla is a spitfire, and Ryot is kind, patient, and loving. That's why it hurt so much when they were hurting each other, and this is one of the only books to made me cry this year. There's also more potentially triggering content than anticipated (no cheating or OW/OM drama), including a central (non-couple) character who is battling cancer. The whole book is designed for maximum devastation, slowly building back into something that is hopeful and richer because of the struggle. A fantastic read.

Audio note: The audio is phenomenal! If you're someone who enjoys audiobooks or has been contemplating trying one, then this is the perfect choice. It's told in duet-style, so it feels completely immersive and all the more engaging. The editing was also the most seamless I've experienced in duet. I love both Jason Clarke (my favorite!) and Stella Hunter, and they both give incredible, emotive performances. They also both handle the playfulness as well as the angst, which is even more impressive. It's not a short book, clocking in at about 14 hours on audio, so I had to read this over 2-3 days to finish. And I didn't want to stop anytime I set it down. I'm not sure that I'd recommend this as a workday listen, unless you enjoy crying at your desk and blushing at some VERY intense spice, lol. But I highly recommend the audio, and it was well worth the time.
Profile Image for Esther.
253 reviews203 followers
November 21, 2022



3’75/5 ⭐️ rating
3’75/5 🔥 spicy scenes
4/5 👰‍♀️ book boyfriend

TW: Cancer (on page), abuse from a parent (on page from h’s mom), cheating(not between h and H), affair, another family, depression, anxiety, big injury. These are just a few of them. Ask if you need more info about them.

After thinking about the book for a couple of days, I think I’m ready to write my review.
Let’s start saying that I adore matrimony on peril/crisis. The history, pinning, angst, … it has everything. There is no cheating. In fact I thought that the conflict was real (in my single-since-birth mind)
Anyway, the book was LONG. Sometimes I thought it should be shorter but I honestly wouldn’t know what scene to delete. I tend to like more scenes (even if it’s just the going to buy bread) in books than a short book. I want all the details and interaction. So, I thought it was long but it wasn’t a big problem for me.

Now, I’m going to say what I didn’t like. Why I didn’t give this book 5 stars:

-Her mom trauma. Maybe it was too much. The mom was definitely a big b but I would have like that it wasn’t that much of an antagonist. It’s not a super big deal but there was no room with what she said/ her interactions to make everyone know she was evil. What I’m trying to say is, it was too much in your face. She said horrible things in front of h’s dad and H. Which brings me to the next point. The real villain.

-For me, the BIG EVIL MEAN HORRIBLE PARENT was the father. Omg that man. I mean obv the mom is horrible but the h has her dad in a pedestal and he knew about the mother and did N O T H I N G.
Well, he did something. He did multiple horrible thing. Let’s say all the horrible things he did:
1. Had an affair. When h was 8 her mom starting to hit her. It’s subtle that the thing that may started this was the affair of her husband. Obviously the mom is an asshole for doing this and it’s responsible for this.
2. HE KNEW ABOUT THE SITUATION and didn’t try to fight the mom or said anything to protect his OWN daughter.
3. He got his side piece pregnant with twins and they started to follow the h and her family to all the places that they moved.
4. He never divorce h’s mom because she didn’t want/believe in divorce. I don’t know if this is something that can/could happen in US back in the day(about 10-15 years ago) but I found hard to believe that he couldn’t do anything for h (to take her away from her abusive mom) or his other family and kids. If he wanted to divorce or try to protect h he could have done so much more. Or something. Just a tiny bit. Not that he left h with her mom for days while he was visiting his other family.
5. The h doesn’t know anything about all of this until he dies of a heart attack. The mom knew that he was in an hospital (they are still together even when the daughter doesn’t live with them anymore) and didn’t tell her until he died. We don’t know more info about this.
So, obviously he doesn’t win the trophy of father of the year. And she doesn’t want to meet his other family after everything. He left her almost all in his will and the house to the other family and kick the evil wife to the curb when he is already dead.

-Another thing that I didn’t like it’s that we don’t know what it’s going to happen with h’s friend after the end of this book. She had sex with H’s brother. That’s how h and H met. But there are not going to be a couple. H’s bro might end with a possible virgin. Manho and virgin. Not my fav trope. Especially if the other is in the picture but at the same time I want her in the picture because if she isn’t it means she might be dead. Anyway, we don’t know if she would get her hea in another book or if she would even survive to see the hea for her ex friends with benefits/now only friend friend. THIS SHOULD HAVE HAD A BIG HUGE TW in my opinion.

-There is too much info about their past. About butt stuff, and spanking, where they did stuff, … didn’t love that part.

-Lastly, SAFETY INFO FOR MY SAFETY GANG. There are with others during two years separation before anything happens between them. They message via IG but the day that they meet again he is called to play professional baseball and that’s that. Two years later, they saw each other again. Turns out h have moved there a year ago but didn’t tell him. During this separation, he is with others but kinda have her on the back of his mind. We don’t know if she was with others because when they meet the first time she wasn’t into sleeping with randoms anymore. So, no idea about that. But he wasn’t celibate. Once they start dating and kissing there is no others and he is the pursuing the relationship.
Profile Image for Dali.
1,971 reviews562 followers
November 15, 2022
Untying the Knot is a standalone romance by Meghan Quinn, told from both points of view with a happy ending.
🦸🏻 Protective, swoony, retired pro-athlete hero
👤Heroine with difficult past
🔥 Steamy
🥵 Second chance already married couple
💑🏻 Forced Proximity / one bed

Former Major League Baseball player Ryot Bysley and his wife Myla have been together for over a decade. But happy ever after’s aren’t so happy when Ryot decides to zig instead of zag without consulting Myla, leaving her feeling unheard, neglected and alone without any other choice but to ask for a divorce. Will the once sexy, charismatic and attentive Ryot let her go without a fight?

It’s not often I find myself reading about what comes after the HEA so I LOVED this plot right from the get go. Even though Myla and Ryot are dealing with deep issues, Meghan develops their story and character with mastery in a way that I felt their hurt but was also able to laugh and swoon.

Untying the Knot unfolds in the present with flashbacks from Myla and Ryot’s past going back to when they first met and how they fell in love in the past while dealing with an imminent divorce in the present.

I fell in love with Myla’s straight forward, ‘give no f*c%s’ attitude but my heart also ached when she realized she was alone and adrift later on in life and then elated when she was able to find herself again.

And Ryot is impossible not to love. Even when he lost track of his wife’s needs in the last few months, it was clear he loved her wholeheartedly since the day they met and was willing to do anything for her.

I really enjoyed getting an update on Huxley, Lottie, JP and Kelsey from the Meghan’s “A Not So Meet Cute” and “So Not Meant To Be” as well as getting to know Penn and Benner who will hopefully get their own books.

By the numbers quick review:
Character development: 👤👤👤👤
Plot: 📚📚📚📚
Romance: 💕💕💕💕
Sexiness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
World building: 🌏🌎🌍🌍🌎
Rating: 4.2

* I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of the author. The excerpts are from that copy. I am voluntarily reviewing this title. *

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Profile Image for April .
105 reviews175 followers
March 16, 2023
Untying the Knot takes us back to the world of the Cane Brothers and is a different kind of second chance romance. There was banter, angst, laugh out loud moments, and even some that brought on the tears.

Myla and Ryot have been married for years and up until recently, have had a solid relationship. That all changed when Ryot retired early from baseball due to an injury. He starts an app with his brother Banner and a former teammate and moves them to California. There's just one thing that he forgets about and loses sight of while chasing his dreams, and that is his wife and the goals they planned on working on together when he retired. Myla becomes unhappy and depressed to the point that she serves him divorce papers. Ryot isn't having it and comes up with a plan to try and win back his wife. They have 3 weeks until his friends wedding. He proposes that they stay together and act like a couple, and after the wedding, they can then go their separate ways. He doesn't plan on letting that happen and is going to try to change her mind.

“Your heartbeat is the cadence of my life, and without it in my palm, I’m an aimless wanderer. I don’t ever want to feel that again. Ever. And I swear to you, at this moment, where it’s just you and me, I will never take you for fucking granted again. You are everything to me, Myla. And I’m sorry that I lost sight of that.”

I was hoping for an epilogue farther into the future where Ryot and Myla might have kids, not a month later epilogue. I enjoyed this but feel it could have been a bit shorter.
Profile Image for mimi brown.
328 reviews250 followers
January 6, 2023
i just don't trust meghan quinn with writing a satisfying ending.
Profile Image for ReadingTilTheBreakOfDawn.
1,621 reviews80 followers
November 14, 2022
Well, THIS wasn't what I was expecting when I picked up the latest Meghan Quinn book.
When I think of Ms Quinn, I think of outrageous humor and awesome banter. While I definitely got that, she hit me with an emotional roller coaster and had me laughing one minute and unexpectedly sobbing, breaking my dang heart the next. The feels and the emotions I went through during this book was so much more than I anticipated.

Ryot and Myla are married, living the life in California when Myla surprisingly drops divorce papers in Ryot's lap. He is shocked that their relationship has come to that. While their relationship hasn't been the best since their move from Chicago, they've always had a good connection and can definitely communicate physically. Ryot DID NOT see their relationship coming to this end. But Myla can't live how she's been living and something's gotta change. We then continue the story with two timelines of the past and present to see how they got to where they are now and if these two people can fix their marriage before calling it quits for good.

Told in dual POV, this story takes a toll on your emotions. I loved these two characters and their obvious love and support of one another. While Ryot is the serious, goal oriented grump, Myla is more the cautious woman only out for a good time until she gives her heart to this man that only wants to love and support her in anything she does. I had no idea that MQ was going to take my heart, make it laugh before breaking it with Myla and Ryot's story. All I'll say is chapter 13. And that was only the first time. PLUS, I listened to this book on audio and man, did Jason Clarke and Stella Hunter bring it!! I say this all the time with wonderful narration, but they truly gave this book life with the duet narration. The way they played off one another had me all up in my feels.
Untying the Knot is truly a wonderful reading/listening experience that I 100% recommend for an emotional read that will still bring a smile to your face. Who knew that I liked marriage reconciliation books?! My new favorite Meghan Quinn book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,788 reviews1,343 followers
January 10, 2023

There are things I really loved about this and things I didn’t, we’ll really one thing, kind of.

What I loved:
1. Loved the humor and steam, as I always do.
2. The MMC tried so hard to show how he loved her. Yes, he didn’t always do it right but he tried.
3. The idea that people don’t “see” their spouse anymore as marriages go on is accurate, and I think I really connected to that story and even the heroine.
4. I loved the moving from past to present. We were able to see them fall in love in the past even if we watched them falling apart and coming together in the present.

What I didn’t love:
1. Myla as a an adult was hard for me sometimes. I get she didn’t feel seen and she wanted him to see that, but when he was aware, he wanted to badly to fix it and she was just like no. It was really hard for me to reconcile that. He was unaware. I just kept thinking if this was me, and I truly didn’t know, I would be devastated that my spouse never said anything to me about fixing things. It’s a two way street and she never opened her mouth.
2. The best friend was a hard pass for me for most of the book, but then at the end. I just loved her.

There was so much to love about this book, I just didn’t overall connect with the heroines on this one. There are definitely things revealed near the end that make her more sympathetic, but there was just too many chapters of me being annoyed with her. I had a hard time relating to her.

The audiobook was really good though, and well done by the narrators.
Profile Image for Karsyn.
455 reviews27 followers
July 6, 2023
Despite the obvious frustration of a fmc telling the mmc exactly what’s wrong, and him going away saying “idk what’s wrong she won’t tell me!” I absolutely loved this. I think this is the third divorce-trope book I’ve read and honestly every single one I’ve enjoyed. Have I ever been married? Hell no. It’s absolutely not relatable to me at all 😂 but reading two people fall back in love with each other is becoming an underdog fave of mine. I loved the banter that these two had in the flashback chapters. Also, I loved that there were flashback chapters. And getting glimpses of MQ’s other characters and couples is always a fun little bonus. I have no idea what order I should be reading her books, because I truly had no idea who Ryot’s teammates were or their wags, but so far that’s been the fun for me with reading her books. I like a side character in one and I go searching for their book. MQ knows how to keep me buying her stuff, that’s for sure! Okay I’m getting kinda off track here. Long story longer, I loved this and if you’re a fan of the divorce trope then you should def give this a read!
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