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Pokémon Adventures #3

Pokémon Adventures, Vol. 3

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R to L (Japanese Style) Red doesn't just want to train Pokémon, he wants to be their friend too. Read along as Red embarks on adventures with Pikachu, Bulbasaur and others that follow storylines from the videogames!

Red is improving rapidly as a Pokémon; trainer--but so is his competition. But now Red must team up with his biggest rival Blue and thief Green to defeat a common enemy! And watch out for Team Rocket, Red... They won't let you into Saffron City! Pokémon Manga; Gotta Read 'Em All! Adventures based on the Incredible Gameboy, Nintendo, and Wii RPG'S!

226 pages, Paperback

First published May 28, 1998

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About the author

Hidenori Kusaka

614 books357 followers
Created the Pokemon Adventures series.

Also made a Pokemon Rangers/ Almia manga. It is based on the game Pokemon Rangers, Shadows of Almia

Also known as : 日下秀憲

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for Subham.
2,946 reviews83 followers
September 27, 2021
This one was the best volume of this series so far!

It starts with Red and Blue going to saffron city and then fighting Team rocket and after so many struggles they gain some ground and after defeating them their challenges are gym leaders who are harnessing the power of the legendary Kanto birds and so it falls on Red to rescue them and defeat them and then fusion pokemon which was so cool, then rescuing Professor O, defeating Giovanni in one of the coolest battles and finally Indigo league and its Red vs Blue and revelations with Green which was so good!

Its one of the best volumes of the series and its filled with action and takes quite a bit of time to read but then again it has got so many stories, legendries and championship and revelations and tales of growth and friendship and emerging and fulfilling the dream plus the art is so good especially the pokemon battles are amazing!
Profile Image for Ill D.
Author 0 books8,603 followers
March 1, 2019
In spite of its black and white pencils, this manga continues to portray a highly colored bevy of adventures. With the crux of villainy reached, only the final challenge of the Pokemon League is left before protagonist Red. This ensuing telos is just as heart pounding in all aspects as could have been reasonably expected.

Supremely imaginative, the battles are of a far more complexified nature than the basic turn based approach of the GameBoy Color classics. Incredibly varied at all levels, a truly multi-faceted series of conflicts keep things phenomenally interesting with innumerable surprises. Pounding hearts and brain cells alike, I was thrilled each step of the way.

And even when the end is reached, you’ll feel truly stuffed with the full course you’ve been presented. Profoundly satisfying, the nostalgic is only the cherry on an already stellar sundae.

Bon appetite.
Profile Image for Kamil Bryl.
132 reviews13 followers
August 8, 2023
Chyba najlepsza czesc do tej pory, jest liga, Red i Blue lapia fajna chemie i nawet plot twiscik sie zakradl na koniec. Fajne, dobrze sie bawilem.
Profile Image for Victoria Budkey.
130 reviews
January 11, 2016
3.5 stars. Felt it was a little too fast compared to the first two.

I do love comparing the three separate Pokemon canons. (Anime, games, and manga.) The manga canon is a bit more dark, the characters a bit more morally gray. It's got a good bit of realism to it.
Profile Image for Miguel Vega.
529 reviews33 followers
April 22, 2023
Loved this one! Really good and en epic battle between the Pokedex Holders (with help from others) and Team Rocket makes this one of the better PA manga.

To be more specific, I thought that this volume manages to incorporate so many amazing moments from the games such as the final battle between Team Rocket, the "monster" of Cerulean City, and the Pokemon League. I thought that the showdown with Team Rocket would be where this ended but I liked how Red concludes that later on.
Profile Image for Mara.
220 reviews12 followers
October 23, 2018
Well, I flew through this volume, so that's good. However, I feel like the plot was all over the place. The volume picks up where the last one ended, with Red and Green (guy) in Pallet Town and they head to Saffron City, where Team Rocket is stationed. So, their goal is to save Green's Grandpa (prof Oak), and the other citizens of Pallet Town and stop Team Rocket. So I was expecting this story to be neatly tied together in this part of the manga. They stop the three corrupt gym leaders, stop the three legendary birds they have control off, face Giovanni, defeat Mewtwo and the manga ends with a final battle between Blue and Green (guy).

It did happen, but the transaction was everything but smooth. After defeating the three gym leaders, and stopping Team Rocket, it all seems good. Then there are two chapters crammed with Mewtwo's storyline, which was this big evil man-made Pokémon but he was defeated in one fight, and its origin was hurriedly added. Than Red fights Giovanni, which seems pointless because Team Rocket was already defeated, and no way Red will actually lose to him.

The last battle is kind of ruined by the pointless exposition of Blue's (girl) background. I know it's relevant for later on, but it felt random and out of place.

The things I liked about the volume are the Pokemon battles, as they explore more possibilities beyond the video games. Yellow's introduction is smooth and well done, as a kid, I never realised it was the same person. All in all, it was enjoyable but a bit underwhelming concerning plot and climax.
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,490 reviews42 followers
July 29, 2021

El final de la aventura de Red llega en este último tomo.

Primero vemos como la unión hace la fuerza y eso lo hacen Red, Blue y Green con la finalidad de destruir al equipo Rocket y al final lo logran desmantelan la operación malvada que tenían estos sujetos.

Vemos a Mewtwo, su poder es impresionante y aunque parece el final Red logra vencer y regresarlo a un lugar seguro

La batalla final de la Liga pokemon nos permite encontrar a los tres entrenadores con los tres pokemon originales agua, fuego y planta , y definir quién es de cierta manera el mejor de ellos
Profile Image for Maggie.
146 reviews29 followers
April 8, 2022
Best volume so far - we see our main characters come full circle in their respective journeys. Manga and anime often rely too heavily on flashbacks to show a character's growth, but I felt like these chapters had a good balance. It's just enough to remind the reader that things have changed, but not too much that it's overbearing.
February 20, 2024
Just updating my read list. Will edit/update this review later. I am hoooked on how good this is! It's super charging my love for the series.
Profile Image for Iris.
177 reviews4 followers
September 3, 2023
Red zijn Pokémon worden steeds sterker maar zijn tegenstanders ook. Hij moet dit keer samenwerken met Blue en Green
Ondertussen kan Red Saffron City niet in. Team Rocket blokkeert de hele stad.

Dit is alweer het derde deel van de Pokémon Adventures serie. Red zoekt een manier om Saffron City in te komen. Maar hij is niet de enige, ook Blue en Green hebben zo hun eigen redenen om naar Saffron City te gaan.

Dit is het deel met de meeste actie. Je valt in het ene na het andere gevecht. Maar met de transities van de hoofdstukken had ik wat meer moeite. Soms kon ik het even niet meer volgen. Verder kon ik ook niet in het verhaal komen.
Profile Image for Andre.
1,336 reviews97 followers
November 25, 2016
Talk about a downward spiral in storytelling. The first volume was quite enjoyable but here the world-building is often so nonsensical, so much plot details just made up and tons of things only happen because the plot says so or because Red is the main character. This makes for pretty damn bad stories.
Interestingly the German name for Pallet town is based on the term alabaster, thereby making it fit the original Japanese name better (which could mean "pure white") and thereby fits what Blue says about Pallet town being named so because the Pokemon are the last impure there... so the least impure here are some bugs, rats and a poisonous bunny... great logic writer!
Now, Green and Team Rocket having special gadgets to detect psychic waves or Pokedexes showing Pokemon health points is one thing, but Blue's Pokedex being able to analyze the thoughts of Golduck is just making this up as they go along.
Although it is a smart idea to have a Substitute to attack the Pokemon who erected the barrier around Saffron City, but how does the Substitute even cross the barrier? It is still a physical copy of the Pokemon
Same problem later: Using Muc as a living shoulder shield and way to immobilize a foe as well as using Zapdos as an energy source makes sense, but you really have to wonder why the (according to the games) highly toxic Muc doesn't poison the wearer/captive.
Also how can Golbat show anything in his mouth and the constant expository monologues by the villains gives everything away to defeat them?
While Red beating Major Bob by damaging Bob's isolating suite makes sense, Blue surviving an attack because of an amulet having the same effect as Reflect and the Soul Badge being able to control Pokemon (like the other badges) screams of made up since it was never even mentioned before.
If Sabrina could always use her psychic powers to see through and dissipate the smoke, why didn't she use it right away? Why was she presented as confused if not to fool the readers? Wouldn't she and eventually the others (by beating her) look more badass if it was revealed right away?
What is it with this manga and the constant mix of competent and weird? They have a Ditto as a concealing facemask and then come with crap like the visionary Golbat and that all people of Pallet town have the ability to communicate with Pokemon. Something never even hinted at before, Blue, Red and Green were presented to communicate with Pokemon the same as everybody else.
Team Rocket's plan to create a fused Pokémon of the three legendary birds via a device that needs all eight badges hinged upon Red and Blue collecting them... that is stupid. Tons of trainers must have badges and so this is just a very cheap and incompetent way to make these two somehow important to the story. This is as dumb as the other 4 gym leaders betting on the two 10 year olds to save the day.
What is up with this manga in general? Red is smart enough to trick Mewtoo into using its signature attack here and so catch it in a master ball but he is too dumb to catch/use more than his 7 Pokemon and they have dumb stuff like Mr. Pyro having Mew cells that will no longer kill him once Mew is subdued.
Also here Mew is a Pokemon human hybrid (which is however not the reason for his look... odd).
Apart from fooling the readers (somehow), why was Giovanni's head sculpture suddenly half-damaged as opposed to last volume where it was fine?
And speaking of him: If here you cannot use several ground attacks because they would damage buildings, why is there a ground type gym leader with an arena?
And if Pallet Town wasn't Mary Sued enough, here all winners in the long history of the Pokemon league have been, according to Blue, from Pallet Town... ok, I have to address something here:
Not only is there the purity of Pokemon thing, but also if the communicating with Pokémon thing (as badly presented as it is) is genetic, this means they constitute an actual race and this story is racist by elevating them now and degrading everyone else. This series got really, really dark in places and not in the way it was probably intended.

Btw. Unlike in the US version, Green's fake breasts (pokeballs) are still present here when she pulls of the trick.
Profile Image for Ty.
17 reviews4 followers
April 30, 2021
it was very very great and i think it should be recconmended becuase peaople make friends in this book so i think thats why this is a very very great book
Profile Image for Ovary Scary.
11 reviews
December 15, 2017
i loved it. i actually thought Blue was going to win because Ash in the t.v. series kind of sucks, a lot. bur i was pleasantly surprised.

i still wish that we could learn more about pokemon though. i just wanna read about catching and training all of them. isn't that how they're research is supposed to work?

i think i just want to be a pokemon professor too.

i also still wish red caught that ninetales. that one is my fave.
Profile Image for Lio Leeuwerink.
81 reviews
August 8, 2020
I'm thinking I'll do a proper review once I've finished the entire series, but so far this keeps getting better and better. It might not be the best story ever written, but it's doing everything I want from a Pokémon story: iconic characters, tense pokémon battles, a deeper plot tied in with the mythos and Pokémon who are more mythical than mechanical.
March 25, 2017
Good ending for the Team Rocket Arc. I'm curious to see how the Elite 4 will be like in the next arc.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews411 followers
April 5, 2018
"Each Pokemon to understand, The power that's inside!"

The third volume and the end of the first part in Red's journey! Yep, this volume will conclude and tie up several things together.

First up is Red and Blue's battle to get back Palette Town's inhabitants and Dr. Oak. But they are not alone, Green is there as well (for her own reasons). Yep, all three of our colour-named characters are here. It is non-stop action as these three have to band together and set aside their differences to make up a team. Only then they can defeat or have a chance at defeating Team Rocket and save people. It was quite fun to see them band together, though I have to say I am still not a fan of Green. Especially after the stunt she pulls in this one. During a vital moment. Sorry, there is a time for things, and this was definitely not the time. But hey, at least Red isn't me, because I am not sure if, after all the crap she pulled, I would have saved her. I know this sounds mean, but come on, this girl is just too annoying, too urgh.
The battles were fun to watch, I definitely was rooting for Red and Blue to defeat the big baddies. They had quite a few nice tricks up their sleeves.
And I was delighted to not only see Red/Blue/Green team up, but also several other people that they met on their journey are getting together to help out!

And no, I won't tell you how it ends, though I guess given there are still tons of volumes out, you can probably do a good bet. :P

Next up is the MewTwo situation. Another something that needs to be concluded, well, for now. I have to say it was pretty interesting, but I found it all a bit too simply solved. It also made it seem like MewTwo is not that strong, while he is supposedly very destructive and dangerous (and we see clear evidence of that).

The action doesn't stop in the next story, oh no. Red immediately has to help out a little girl who wishes to be a trainer (which I found really adorable and sweet, go Red, go teach her how to care for a Pokemon and how to catch one), and then proceeds to check out Viridian City Gym. Where he meets an acquaintance, namely Giovanni. I had a bit of a laugh at the statue and the name plate that Red encounters. I am pretty sure it may have worked in Japanese, but now we only have NNI and that is located at the beginning of the sign, no way you can make Giovanni from that. Of course there is a battle and Red finally realises that Giovanni is in no way good. It also solves what is going on in the woods around the city (the one people were talking about it + also what we saw happening when Red met that girl).

And lastly is the most important event of all, The Pokemon League! Yep, it is time to finally decide who is the best trainer of all! Red, Blue, and of course, Green are all present. I did think it was a shame that we didn't really get to see the first rounds, sure, it may have been a bit long to watch it all, but now it just felt a bit rushed. I guess I won't have to tell you who is going to battle who. It is a classic, Red vs Blue. But before that fight there is another fight that will tell the (interesting) backstory of a character I dislike oh so much, Green. I did feel a bit sorry for what happened to her, but I did think she was still a whiny little *insert bad words*. Couldn't you just have gone to Oak? Instead of stealing and now whining?
The final battle between Blue and Red was an intense one, even if I already knew the result (because come on, it is just so predictable), I just couldn't stop watching. I was curious to see what these two were going to show. What tricks did they learn? How well do they know their pokemon and their moves? Are they able to make some great combos?

The art was still decent, though again perspective seems to be a difficult one, as is making sure the characters are the right proportions. But other than that, I did quite like it and the battles are well done. And how can I resist the cuteness and charm of the pokemon?

All in all, this was a great arc to read, and I am happy to have been part of it (again, though this time in manga form). I can't wait to see what Red will get up to in the next volumes. I still got 4 volumes left, after that I guess I will have to get the next boxset if I want to read more (which yes, I do very much want).

Definitely recommended!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Robin.
229 reviews7 followers
February 22, 2023
so, yeah! this is the exciting conclusion of the first arc of the pokemon manga. red & blue & green face off against sabrina & koga & lt surge, followed by red facing off against giovanni.

ok first of all, there's some SUPER hot stuff in this if you're a weird freak like me? like blue getting restrained & gagged/suffocated by a muk??? and red getting tortured with electricity by lt surge??? and sabrina being a super dommy bitch in general??? there's probably other stuff i'm forgetting, but yeah, FUCK.

red's fight with giovanni is also WAY more satisfying than the fight in the game from a story perspective? like, in the game, he's all generically "bwahahahaha!" before you fight him & afterwards he's all "oh no, you beat me, i'll stop being evil now i guess & dedicate my life to studying pokemon" and like, what the fuck ever, dude! that dialogue always seemed pretty weak to me, but something i'm willing to shrug off in a gameboy game made for babies. just saying, this is way better.

once team rocket is dealt with, our heroes head for indigo plateau. i guess in the manga there's a tournament to crown a champion of the pokemon league BEFORE facing the elite four? which actually makes a lot of story sense, but i'm glad that isn't how it's done in the game because fighting your rival last really is the most satisfying culmination imo.

the semifinals end up being set with red vs blue (hey that's a catchy name for a webseries or something ;p) & green vs A MYSTERY OPPONENT named dr. o who is just the most obvious lightly-disguised professor oak ever but obviously everyone is shocked when he reveals himself.

honestly i really feel like they did green dirty here? like, i'm glad professor oak gives her a pokedex & she's now a fully-fledged member of the pallet town trio, but it feels like she's being punished for literally nothing. idk. just rubbed me the wrong way.

red & blue's fight KICKS ASS, and again is way more satisfying storywise than their fight in the game. i still don't entirely love that the new broad strokes of their story don't have them knowing each other since childhood (with the pretty blatant implication that blue was red's childhood bully), but nevertheless i just love the way that the manga shows them having actually grown & learned from each other, and having developed a healthy amount of respect for each other that comes out in the battle.

so, yeah! all in all, this is a fucking fantastic final volume of this arc that really takes advantage of all the great setup that happened in the first two volumes. idk if they're all gonna be this good, but this makes my final verdict a pretty resounding "yeah, that ruled."
October 20, 2021
While I still love the series so far, and def won't drop it, this volume was barely 4 stars for me. I still enjoyed it like the previous volumes. However they were just way too many flaws and plot points that affected my enjoyment.

Art: The transitions seem much better than the last two's quick paced ones. Battles are more entertaining because you can see what's going on. I'm still a big fan of the style.

Character: I like Red's character alot here. You can tell he's grown alot in just 3 volumes, and he's not just a standard Shonen protag. Green/Blue doesn't really as much, but I still love her character. She plays well off the cast and story with her quirky personality. Blue/Green Oak also gets an arc like Red, however since it's mostly focused on Red this volume it's pretty short. By the end of you are shown how he's changed and it's pretty sweet. I do wish we got more of him in this volume besides battles, but since he's a main character in the other arcs I shouldn't complain already. Also Yellow is here. :0

Story: While I really liked the plots in this volume and their endings, there were a bit of flaws that kinda ruined the enjoyment. There are alot of big battles, but they don't feel as exciting as they were in the last 2 volumes. They use wayyyy too many fakeouts that kinda suspend your disbelief and make the battles seem anti climatic or predictable. I know it's Pokemon but still it gets a way too repetetive in this volume. However that's just a nitpick I still really liked it. The speed is slower which is good. Plus Red's actions in the last 2 volumes all have consequences brought up in this volume, which I really like. It makes the story feel more well written, and the story tied together. Plus gives some flaws to Red.

All in all it's still a cheesey fun story and I can't get too nitpicky.
Profile Image for Rowan Briggs.
68 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2021
TLDR: Best volume of the first 3. There is a lot of interesting action that keeps you excited and the story does not move too fast. It is probably an unideal volume to start on though, and I would suggest you read the previous volumes rather than start here.

Longer Review: This volume is solidly the best in my opinion. It feels almost unfair to give it the same score as the previous 2 volumes. However, the last two were like 3.5 rounded up to 4, whereas this one is a solid 4. I do feel like it has a very rewarding payoff for readers of the previous 2 volumes which is also something that is really good. There are a lot of interesting conflicts and the character development, although seeming a bit sudden, is still very enjoyable and makes the characters more enjoyable and polished. Solid 4/5. Overall, it won't become like your favorite manga, but I think if you're a fan of Pokemon then you will enjoy this read.

Spoiler Review:
Profile Image for Troy Zaher.
258 reviews4 followers
May 29, 2021
As much as I love how dark this series gets compared to other Pokémon media, my favorite parts are usually the less high-stakes one. Red meeting Yellow near the end of this book was adorable, and you could feel his innate ability to be a mentor there. It was cute, and showed us a side of Red that we usually hear about but don’t see super often on screen.

The league was also a good example of low stakes battling that was fun to watch. I loved the call backs to them growing up and showing how Blue and Red learned from each other. It’s a great full circle feeling that I appreciate.

Not to mention Green’s battles with Sabrina and later Dr O. Her ingenuity is so fun, and I love how brilliant she can be while remaining upbeat and sneaky. Her battles are probably what I would reread first from this text. Other characters sometimes show a similar level of cleverness, but it’s almost always explained in great detail on screen, which can be a bit of a buzzkill.

All that said, the amount of explanation in this series can be sooo extra. And of course mistranslations, but I tend to forgive those as 90s manga problems; since less money went into translation to English at the time, and explanations like these were fairly common. Blue’s fight with Koga, and Red’s fight with Giovanni just would’ve felt cooler and more complete without the explanation.
Profile Image for Matisse.
430 reviews7 followers
September 25, 2017
Have you guys ever heard of 'cerebus syndrome'? This is the Internet and TVTropes is ubiquitous; of course you have. = )

This is the cerebus syndrome volume. It's satisfying to see the plot threads of the last two volumes resolve, and the character development to all three leads is impressive. The funny thing is, if the story didn't provide us with opportunities to reflect on that development (ie. Red and Blue's dramatic showdown, where they anticipate each other's moves), we likely wouldn't have noticed. It's as though the mangaka saw his fork in the road, and chose to make the end of this arc the start of a more seriously-handled storyline. Otherwise, this could have been an episodic gag manga. Instead, this feels like an early Digimon World storyline. I like it!

I also like the bits that introduce and set up Yellow, our protagonist for the next four volumes. The chapters allow Red to pass on his knowledge to a newcomer, giving his character a sense of completion, while *also* subtly giving Yellow an introduction to Red's Pikachu, his Pokedex, and what he stands for, which all come into play rather quickly. It's almost Marvel-style characterization.

...Also, the artwork is adorable. We already knew this. = )

Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,912 reviews57 followers
September 8, 2020
This is the end of Red's arc!
Facing down Team Rocket in Saffron City, having then to take on the Pokemon League...it's what his entire journey has been leading up to!

Cute volume that wraps everything up. A little too in your face with the recalls to earlier in the series (it's only 3 volumes we didn't need that many reprints of panels...); especially when Red recounts his lessons he learned from Blue. We get a rather belated backstory for Green which was interested but could have been stronger if fleshed out. The fight with Giovanni stands out as a highlight for the first 3 volumes. I liked the implication of Red becoming the Gym Leader in his place as well, it just seems like a fitting end to his arc.

On the whole, Red was cute and the art style easy to look at. The story was fun, a mix of game canon and a touch of anime canon...but I think the story was rather weak on the whole. It was too quick, with short mini-adventures instead of a larger story other than "Team Rocket is doing something". The characters were all just going through the motions and there was a lot of shoved in your face morals that seemed a little excessive. I will be continuing the series but with a little less enthusiasm then I began it with.
Profile Image for Atharva Shah.
358 reviews9 followers
February 7, 2017
nga Review
Pokemon Adventures Special
Volume 1-3
Red, Blue, Green Arc (RGB)
Its so good to see the Pokemon that we saw on TV and played with on Gameboy up front on paper (or the kindle screen). The manga is seriously a total hit with brand new characters and their journey in the Kanto region. This Manga arc shows the journey of Red, his rival Blue and a Pokemon theif Green across various towns as they encounter various powerful and unique Pokemon and their battle against gym leaders and the villainous team Rocket Organization. The story is unique, not at all related directly to the Anime or the GBA games. The characters haves their own emotional back story and history and a bind with their Pokemon. I love the way how new characters are introduced and how smoothly the story progresses with a few ups and downs. The Kanto region is set up very nicely with a well planned map, locations and natural artifacts. The most impressive thing about this manga is the drawing and the sketches. Just plain great! The black and white lines seem very real and unlike the GBA games, the Pokémon actually move and play in the battles. The graphics and the special effects are mesmerizing. In these three volumes, there are many villains,rivals, heroes, pokemon and more Pokemons that you stumble upon. Volume 1 is just the introduction to the most basic pokemon, Prof. Oak and Pokemon battles, capture process, gym leaders and the formation of mew. The team rocket is also involved here but much less as compared to the later volumes. Volume 2 digs deep more into reds story and how skillful he has grown. The gym leaders and their alliances are also a major plot twist. The three legendary Pokémon are revealed in this specific volume. Volume 3 shows the infiltration and defeat of the Team Rocket by Red, Blue, Green and the gym leaders. Many memorable battles take place in the volume. Even the Indigo League happens in this volume. Its the conclusion for reds adventure.
You can very quickly finish reading these manga volumes as they are graphic, gripping and have a nice retro touch. This is surely a feast for Pokemon fans. A very enjoyable, memorable and desirable read. Recommended for everyone.

Round 1: A Glimpse of the Glow
Round 2: Bulbasaur, Come Home!
Round 3: The Secret of Kangaskhan
Round 4: Wanted: Pikachu!
Round 5: Onix Is On!
Round 6: Gyarados Splashes In!
Round 7: Raging Rhydon
Round 8: Suddenly Starmie
Round 9: ...But Fearow Itself!
Round 10: Danger: High Voltorb
Round 11: Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
Round 12: Wake Up—You're Snorlax!
Round 13: Sigh for Psyduck
Round 14: That Awful Arbok!
Important events

201 Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details. 201
Red meets Blue.
Professor Oak gives Red and Blue each a Pokédex.
Bill helps Red with his Pokémon Storage System.
Party changes

The following Pokémon are obtained:
Red's Nidorino in PS001.
Red's Bulbasaur "Saur" in PS002.
Red's Pikachu "Pika" in PS004.
Red's Fearow in PS009.
Red's Snorlax "Snor" in PS012.
The following Pokémon evolve:
Blue's Charmander evolves into Charmeleon sometime between PS003 and PS005.
Red's Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath in PS011.
Gym battles

Red defeats the following Gym Leaders:
Brock in PS005
Koga in PS007 (unknowingly, no Badge gained)
Misty in PS008
Lt. Surge in PS011 (does not get a Badge)
Character summary

This is Red's Pokédex information and party at the end of this volume.
Red's Pokédex
Gym Badges: 2
Pokémon seen: 56
Pokémon owned: 26
Round 15 - Wartortle Wars
Round 16 - Tauros the Tyrant
Round 17 - The Jynx Jinx
Round 18 - A Tale of Ninetales
Round 19 - Blame It on Eevee
Round 20 - Meanwhile...Vileplume!
Round 21 - Long Live the Nidoking!
Round 22 - A Hollow Victreebel
Round 23 - Make Way For Magmar!
Round 24 - What a Dragonite
Round 25 - You Know...Articuno!
Round 26 - Holy Moltres
Round 27 - Kalling Kadabra
Important events

201 Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details. 201
Red meets Green.
Red and Blue accidentally swap their Pokémon.
Red meets Giovanni.
Team Rocket obtains all three legendary birds.
Party changes

The following Pokémon are obtained:
Blue's Porygon in PS018.
Red's Diglett ("Dig") in PS018.
Red's Krabby ("Kra") in PS018.
Blue's Ninetales in PS018.
Red's Eevee ("Vee") in PS019.
Red obtains several Pokémon from the Safari Zone in PS022.
Red's Sandshrew ("Sand") sometime between PS022 and PS023.
Red's Gyarados ("Gyara") in PS025.
Red's Aerodactyl ("Aero") in PS026.
The following Pokémon evolve:
Red's Bulbasaur ("Saur") evolves into Ivysaur in PS015.
Blue's Machoke evolves into Machamp in PS018.
Blue's Charmeleon evolves into Charizard sometime between PS018 and PS027.
Gym battles

Red obtains the Badges from the following Gym Leaders:
Erika in PS020
Blaine in PS026
Character summary

This is Red's Pokédex information and party at the end of this volume.
Red's Pokédex
Gym Badges: 4
Pokémon seen: 104
Pokémon owned: 46
Round 28 - Peace of Mime
Round 29 - Go for the Golbat
Round 30 - Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
Round 31 - The Art of Articuno
Round 32 - A Little Kadabra'll Do It
Round 33 - The Winged Legends
Round 34 - And Mewtwo Too?!
Round 35 - And Mewtwo... Three!
Round 36 - Drat That Dratini!
Round 37 - Golly, Golem!
Round 38 - Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
Round 39 - Just a Spearow Carrier
Round 40 - A Charizard...and a Champion
Important events

201 Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details. 201
Team Rocket disbands.
Green is given a Pokédex.
Red wins the 9th Pokémon League.
Party changes

The following Pokémon are obtained:
Yellow's Rattata ("Ratty") in PS036.
The following Pokémon evolve:
Green's Wartortle "Blasty" evolves into Blastoise prior to PS030.
Red's Ivysaur "Saur" evolves into Venusaur in PS033.
Gym battles

Red defeats the following Gym Leaders:
Lt. Surge in PS030
Koga in PS031
Sabrina in PS033
Giovanni in PS038
Character summary

This is Red's Pokédex information and party at the end of this volume.
Red's Pokédex
Gym Badges: 7
Pokémon seen: 132
Pokémon owned: 71
Profile Image for Jessi.
608 reviews7 followers
April 21, 2021
This volume contains some pretty intense conclusions to the main story lines. Red and Blue learn from each other and to work together. Green gets a redemption arch. It was beautiful.

Random thoughts:

There's more evidence here for my theory that Pallet Town is just a loose group of strangers.
Profile Image for Hope.
709 reviews
October 3, 2021
My more full review of the series can be found on the first volume or on the collector's edition but I'll speak briefly here on this volume and its contributions.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, this series is fantastic and one of my favorite comfort things to read. Volume 3 was actually the first Pokemon Adventures I read in full; I'd read the abridged version of the Red arc, in bits and pieces, but one day in Barnes and Noble I squirreled away in a corner while my family was shopping and just sat there and devoured Volume 3 in one sitting. (I think it was the only one they had to hand, and I was intrigued to see the full ending!). Of course, I then begged to buy the copy to have and read over and over again...which I did XD!
Volume 3 is I think one of the best volumes of Pokemon Adventures, though some of the things it introduces may seem out of the box! But you get to see all these characters interact, and everything comes together in an epic climax! And don't even get me started on the final battle.
Overall, 10/10 highly recommend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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