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Love of My Lives

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Who hasn’t fantasized about finding a soulmate? In acclaimed author Yamile Saied Mendez’s charmingly romantic new novel, a young woman whose perfect partner literally appeared to her in a dream must search some unusual places—including the truths hidden within her own heart . . .

Madi Ramírez has it all—a thriving career she loves, a successful boyfriend, and a wedding to plan—when he finally proposes. So why does she feel like there is something missing? Jayden even has the right initials—the JR that appeared to Madi years ago, in a dream visitation from her beloved, wise abuela. Madi’s friends think her expectations are too high—but she can’t help wishing for that dreamy feeling in real-life. Wishing that Jayden would show her a little more affection. That she could really believe they were meant to be . . .

When a business trip to Puerto Rico presents itself, Madi is quick to take it. She can finally scatter her abuela’s ashes on the beach, as she wished. And maybe time apart will remind Jayden how much Madi means to him—and maybe he’ll begin to show it. But in Puerto Rico, Madi finds something—well, someone—else. A man who makes her heart beat triple-time—and who feels as right as someone Fated—except for those nagging initials . . .

Brimming with the magic of old San Juan and la Isla del Encanto, The Love of My Lives is the perfect read for anyone who has longed for a legendary love story that transcends time and distance—and the powerful magic of steering their own dreams.

272 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 26, 2023

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About the author

Yamile Saied Méndez

39 books670 followers
Yamile (sha-MEE-lay) is a fútbol obsessed Argentine-American. She’s the mother of 5 kids and 2 adorable dogs. Yamile’s an inaugural Walter Dean Meyers Grant recipient, a graduate of Voices of our Nation (VONA) and the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA Writing for Children program.
She’s represented by Linda Camacho, from the Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews
Profile Image for Marietere T.
1,167 reviews17 followers
October 5, 2023
I’ll start off this review by saying I am Puerto Rican. Born, raised, wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Obviously because of this I’m gonna be nit picky of some information. I love this Island. I love the people and I will protect at all cost.

To me this book needed maybe more than one person that lived in Puerto Rico to confirm research done by the author. A lot of the information feels like historical info dumping and some ideas of the story would've worked in different parts of the island. I will state that my living experience in Puerto Rico will not the same as other Puerto Rican in the island, but still these are all my thoughts and opinion about this book.

I’m only 25% in and I feel like it's becoming too much. I'll do the big things first and then smaller ones at the end.

First thing that made me feel extremely uncomfortable was when Mariela (the taxi driver or Uber) is telling them about old San Juan and says “don’t go there cause that is a caserio” then talks about la Perla and how you shouldn’t go in there unless you’re invited because it dangerous. The whole thing made me uncomfortable because it keeps adding negative connotations to these area. Caserios are apartment building subsidized by the government for people with low income. Like many of us know these kind of places have been given bad reputations through the years, but just because you live there doesn't mean you're a drug dealer or part of a gang. These are negative ideas of these places and the author by saying that adds to it. I’m not saying la Perla is safe for outsiders, just respect the people that live there, don’t film while being there and you’re good.

Secondly, in one chapter Madi talks about how there are no beaches in Old San Juan only el Paseo de la princesa which is a beach that mostly functions as wave breaker for the for all over the old city. I have seen people in this beach by way of where the old bridge used to be in boats or by jumping the rocks. The next chapter its night already and Madi talks about meeting up with friends to see the bonfire in the beaches and she's still in Old San Juan. Like one minute there are no beaches and the next there are magic beaches with bonfires on them? If the bonfires were so important to the story, Madi and her friend could've stayed in another part of San Juan that is close to Old San Juan and literary has beaches right next to it. You could'v used Condado, Isla Verde or even use the Caribe Hilton Hotel and it has a private beach and a beach right next to it.

The whole Noche de San Juan thing, cause they even dip into the beach that is not a beach in old San Juan, is just weird to me. I really feel she could've picked another night like las fiesta de San Sebastián or going to la Placita to dance Salsa in the street. You can go and hang out a night in old San Juan everyday, but like Saturday night is the night that actual locals go to hang out there.

Thirdly, the whole cell reception thing not working in old San Juan drives me up a wall. Cell service on metro area is not bad. It gets bad when you're in the mountain or areas that were affected by Hurricane Maria. I kind of wanted to brush it off to something paranormal that it's destiny and that's why her phone doesn't work, but you had to have Peter say "This happens on the island all the time, Nothing to be alarmed over". Maybe deeper in the island but not in Old San Juan.

Fourth, the book feels very much like an info dump of information about the island and the struggles Puerto Rican's face every day from people who have been on the island for less than 5 years (Not judging). If you're gonna have a character that talks about the damages after Hurricane Maria, maybe make it someone that was in the island during Maria not someone who came to the island to "help" out the economy. Plus have this same person, that's been on the island for 3 years talks bad about la Ley 22. The info dump is taking more of a focus than the actual relationship or romance.

Fifth, if you're gonna go to a Bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico... VIEQUEZ! (they closed it during after Maria to protect it) but Viequez has the brightest Bioluminescent bay in the world. I'm done. I promise. (JK I have 13% left)

I finished. Finally. This book to me felt more like a romance story with the island than an actual romance. Very insta love and I just didn't see the connection between the characters. She is kind if naive and I don't know. I just didn't like it.

Felt like the story needed at least someone that lives in Puerto Rico to like add or remove some things cause you're experience in Puerto Rico is not the same one as me, someone who actually lives on the island. Maybe I expected to much for a story that is set in Puerto Rico.

To me the book kind of adds to the narrative that we need people from la diaspora to come back to Puerto Rico to help save us and fix everything that is wrong in the island. That is not the solution. I just have so many thoughts and so many things about this book really rubbed me the wrong way. I can see the love for Puerto Rico in the bits of info dumping, but don't come and talk about the political things of the island without actually touching the root of the problem, it's not the people it's the politicians. (sadly the elder keep voting for the same corrupt people but not the point)

Little things that bothered me, airport is in Carolina not San Juan. It’s “buen provecho” not “provecho”, I've never heard el hotel el Convento called Casa Grande Hotel.
Profile Image for katie.
60 reviews2 followers
July 19, 2023
Love of my Lives is a cute read that made me want to book a trip to Puerto Rico. The premise of the book is interesting and definitely intriguing to romance readers, however, I didn’t find myself rooting for the couple in this book.

Madi and Peter have a chance meeting and find instant love amongst many obstacles suggesting it won’t work. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to find their love believable or want to root for it.

It also bothered me that Madi referred to her ex as a “good man” at the end after sharing earlier that he made homophobic and racist comments. Not really my definition of a good man.

Overall, it is a cute idea and I wanted to love it but it just fell flat for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington books for this ARC!
Profile Image for Dessi.
267 reviews43 followers
August 3, 2023

Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing this title in exchange for an honest review!

“Love of my lives” by Yamile Saied Méndez is a contemporary romance full of beautiful Latin American diversity. It had a premise I don’t particularly love, but the summary convinced me to give it a chance: soulmates. As it turned out, I should have just followed my intuition that it wasn’t going to be my thing.

The story opens with Madi Ramírez saying goodbye to her witchy grandma, whose visions have guided the love lives of everyone in the family. Madi regrets that her grandmother will never be able to help Madi find her soulmate now - but that night, she dreams about a man with the initials JR. Even though her dream grandma tells her to be chill and let things flow, Madi spends the following years nearly exclusively dating men with those initials. When her rich but awful boyfriend breaks up with her, Madi and her roommate/friend/coworker Audri go on a business trip to Puerto Rico, scouting for the perfect location for their yoga retreats. There, Madi meets someone she feels an instant connection with… could he be Madi’s fated soulmate?

I believe there’s a way to make a premise like this work for me. Unfortunately, this wasn’t it, as it featured two of my least favourite tropes: instalove and miscommunication.

To start with the good stuff, the book is vibrant with Latin American culture and, in particular, a love for Puerto Rico that you can really feel from the author. It also has good social commentary on the struggles and challenges of the country, but accompanied again by such a love of Puerto Rico and its people. I really appreciated the mindful way that this played out in Madi’s journey.

However, Madi is literally obsessed with finding the “love of her lives”, who has to match the JR initials and be a man because that’s what her dream showed her. I mean, I kind of get it: if your grandma is in the habit of sending prophetic dreams that have never failed, it’s a lot of pressure and expectations when you get one! But this was still tiring to read, and especially annoying when you consider that Madi is a yoga teacher who allegedly practices mindfulness. Wouldn’t she be more trained than most of us to trust fate and let things flow?

Well, she doesn’t. I mean, she tries. Very half-heartedly. Her current JR boyfriend is a major asshole, even though Madi insists he is “amazing on paper” and just wishes he were more passionate. But the first thing we learn about him is that he’s a cripto bro, which says it all. Later on we see that he constantly puts Madi down, is lowkey misogynist and racist, and doesn’t want to be “tied down” to Madi. And yet until halfway through the book, Madi still thinks wistfully about things working out between them, and at the end she still thinks of him as “a good man”. Uh, no, he’s not.

So, while she recovers from heartbreak, Madi hears that her tour guide’s initials are also JR and is already fantasizing about falling in love again. Girl, I think you need some time to be on your own! When she runs into a hot man, certain things lead her to think he’s JR her tour guide, which only reinforces her feelings.

But then she realizes she was wrong, and instead of being like “hey, maybe I should just stop putting so much stock into a dream I had when I was 13 years old and grieving my grandma”, she spends the rest of the book lamenting that this guy clearly isn’t the love of her lives (a phrase I got violently sick of hearing) but then why does she like him so much and should she even give this a chance. Madi came off as if she hadn’t grown up that much since she was 13, because her thoughts and dialogue were too juvenile.

The most frustrating thing about this book is that I think it actually did want to give a message of self-growth and shaping your own destiny… but that was what it *said*. What it showed was a very different thing. For example, by the end of the book, Madi thinks about how this journey helped her learn to love herself, that she hadn’t felt loved by anyone else until she’d felt beautiful, flaws and all. The problem, though, is that she didn’t. She didn’t see herself as beautiful, flaws and all, until she met “JR” and *he* accepted her and made her feel beautiful. Another example is that she thinks about how she isn’t afraid to travel alone anymore, which she allegedly learned during the trip. But she was never really alone during the trip either - she was with “JR” the whole time! So we’re told all these lessons about self-love and self-acceptance and independence… but it’s like, where is this, really? This wasn’t what I read.

And then the third act conflict was frustrating to me because it’s like, you guys have *just* met as to have these type of demands and expectations from the other person!

Another thing was that the whole vibe of the book was a bit too woo-woo for me. I love mindfulness, I enjoy witchy stuff, I like the idea of reincarnation… but it still felt like a lot.

As far as smut goes, the book features closed-door sex with non-explicit references to sexy times, including masturbation (which I love to see).

tl;dr: If you’re looking for an instalove romance with lots of Latine rep and a curvy FMC, then you might enjoy this, but it just wasn’t for me.
Profile Image for Desiree.
643 reviews29 followers
October 28, 2023
Not good.

Wishy-washy mainly character who continuously thinks one thing and then the other, even in the same paragraph. Both looking for her "soulmate " but insisting she's not looking. Both flirting and calling someone just a friend. Over and over again.

Douchey modern day thinking. "My person". "Being loved how she wanted to be loved." "I swear to the goddess." Eating shaming? C'mon. 🤦‍♀️

Assumed racism where none is evident.

Not just same sex relationships, but ex-girlfriends and -wives. Exited at 46% with the reference to a male-male couple.
Profile Image for Lauren (lololovesthings).
433 reviews42 followers
October 6, 2023
2 stars.

"Love of My Lives" by Yamile Saied Méndez is teaming with culture and language and diversity and representation on each and every page. I so very much appreciate being transported to Puerto Rico through Méndez's story. She paints a vivid description of the settings, the beaches, the smells, the foods, the sights, the festivities. Unfortunately, the writing is very flat and did not capture my attention. The main characters, Madi and Peter, have no chemistry together. I did not care about either of them and actively rooted for Madi to end up alone so she can just mature for herself!!! Madi jumps from one relationship with her horrible, sexist, crypto-bro ex, Jayden, right into another... insta-love-heavy situationship??...with Peter, all because of a vision she had of her abuela when she was 13. Madi shows over again how she hasn't really matured or grown up since she was a teenager. She is so desperate to follow her abuela's guidance that she's willing to be treated like garbage just to fulfill some soulmate prophecy for herself. She's not the type of strong, self-aware, attuned character I enjoy reading about, which would be fine if she wasn't so whiny and grating. I almost did not finish this book on multiple occasions because I was just not feeling it. I am fine with tarot cards and yoga and soulmates and visions of dead grandparents, but only when the main character displays that they actually *know what it means* to think cooly and calmly with mindfulness!! She criticizes Peter for putting punctuation in his texts, for god's sake!!! Irrational!!!

Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Yamile Saied Méndez for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for my review.
Profile Image for Jessica Gilbreath.
86 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2023
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book, in exchange for honest feedback.

The whole idea of the book (and title), "Love of My Lives" was very unique. Without giving away total spoilers, Madi's Abuela essentially helps lead her to the 'love of her lives' from beyond the grave. Ever since seeing a vision as a child, Madi is convinced the man of her dreams has the initials JR. Then as an adult, with a recently failed relationship, she meets Peter while on a business trip in Puerto Rico. Peter is who Madi wishes could be the love of her lives, but still believes he is not due to his name, and then the book has a perfectly happy ending.

I have to honestly say that besides the unique idea, I really did not get in to this book, at all! It was just not for me. There was a lot of randomness added, a lot of the parts to the story that should have had more detail seemed so rushed, but then there were other parts that lasted for pages and were irrelevant to the story line. IMO. While I did like the main characters, their story was way too slow of a burn! I also found myself feeling like some of the phrases and wording was just off... Again, opinion, but this one was rough to get through.

If you do not like reading spicy romance books, this is for you. There is some insinuation of spicy time, but no actual scenes play out.

As terrible as I feel doing this, I have to give 2 stars, because I could not see myself recommending this book. I do hope that there are others who find this book, read it and enjoy to give a better rating.
Profile Image for Tala.
77 reviews12 followers
July 20, 2023

Thank you Kensington's titles and NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange of an honest review


Madi believes her soulmate has the initials JR, until she meets Peter in her trip in Puerto Rico who’s perfect for her and she has feelings for but her beliefs with the initials has her questioning this relationship.

the book was a fun fast-paced read, the romance between Madi and Peter was so cute.
I loved the cultural aspect of the story and the set up in PR.
I struggled with Madi’s character at some point in the book and got bored of the initials issue but other than that I enjoyed the book.
Profile Image for Aria Dockham.
66 reviews
November 7, 2023
2.5 stars. Cute romantic book. Minimalist feel with a fun vibe in Puerto Rico. The author did a great job mixing in the Puerto Rican culture of music, food and language into the book. This book is very predictable. Annoying and off putting with how Madi is very in love and obsessed with being in love, but I guess that’s what the book is about after all - finding the love of her lives. For someone who is all about ‘everything happens for a reason’ and ‘destiny’ she tries to control her life so much and revolves her whole life around a set of initials. The whole time I was thinking, ‘slow down, find yourself, and stop chasing love’.

Good book to read if you want: instalove, infatuation, easy heartwarming read, Latin American culture, summer romance read.
Profile Image for Mathilde.
49 reviews
December 22, 2023
*3.5 (the day Goodreads will let us give us half stars I swear)

It was pleasant, very easy to read. Would have liked to have more of the Puerto Rican experience, the island was screaming to be a character of its own!

I’m not all that much for insta love and destiny stuff too.

Overall pleasant but forgettable.

Profile Image for Maddy.
134 reviews8 followers
July 3, 2023
"It's too perfect. I think it was destiny. And I think it's destiny that brought you and me to this moment."

-self discovery, insta love, one bed trope
-Madi believed the love of her life would have JR initials after she saw those letters in a dream once
-business trip to Puerto Rico to get away from it all leads Madi to Peter ☀️🌊
-enjoyed learning about the culture and thought it was incorporated well
-the book was a quick and easy read
-thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for this ARC!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paola.
49 reviews28 followers
September 3, 2023
Madi had a vision of her late grandma when she was thirteen, a vision regarding her soulmate, the love of her lives. This shapes her entire life and all of her relationships.

When Madi gets a job opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico, where her grandma is from, she grabs it with little hesitation. Puerto Rico was described beautifully and in such a way that makes the reader want to travel there immediately. This is the aspect of the story that I absolutely loved. The people, the culture, a lot of different ethnicities -- the author put a lot of thought into describing these.

I flied through this book, it is such an easy and lovely read. I actually loved the main characters and was rooting for them to finally kiss and end up together. The romance is kind of insta-love, which is not a surprise considering it revolves around the trope of soulmates. It is closed door, which I didn't mind, but I had some other issues with the book. Regarding the romance, I thought the main characters confessed their love too early. The ending felt weirdly rushed and the little miscommunication that happens around the ninety percent mark was never discussed, which left me confused. Some of Madi's thoughts were repetitive, as if she couldn't decide which way to go and only wanted to blindly follow this vision, which felt childish. I started questioning if Madi is really in love with the MMC or is she settling just because of this one situation that 'needed' to happen for her to fully accept him. I also would've loved to see a more deeply characterized MMC.

I loved the strong connection Madi has with her late grandma. What I wanted to see more of is Madi's mother, though. Madi mentions a few times how much she cares for her but her mother never appears as a character. It felt weird considering some major events that happened to Madi, events she could've talked about with her beloved mother.

Overall, I would still recommend this as it's an adorable and steamy summer read. Perfect for some light beach reading and for those who miss Summer. It's for those imagining their picturesque holiday at an island, and for everyone who can get behind these few mishaps with the story.

A huge thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books and the author for sending me an ARC of this book!
Profile Image for Pam Masters.
641 reviews1 follower
September 24, 2023
I want to thank Kensington Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Love of My Lives. All opinions presented here are solely mine.

3.25 stars rounded down to 3

Love of My Lives is a quick read with plenty of will they or won’t they tension. When they finally do, the scene fades to black.

The descriptions of San Juan, and even more so the rainforest, make the reader want to book a trip ASAP. Everything is described as warm and welcoming, with the rainforest lush and green. There is also a discussion about Puerto Rico being ravaged by storms and earthquakes and struggling to rebuild due to a lack of government assistance. Along those lines, there is also a discussion about tourists, especially those from the “Mainland” (aka Americans), buying properties to rebuild and take from those who live on the island.

Overall, Love of My Lives is a decent read. Madi loves love and wants to find her perfect soul mate. And there is nothing wrong with that. But at times, she tends to be a bit immature about it. As the book progresses, she starts to mature about love.

If you’re looking for a quick read, with closed door intimacy, than you should give Love of My Lives a read.
November 15, 2023
This romance had a lot of familiar tropes including:
Forced proximity
One bed

Instalove and miscommunication are two tropes that just aren’t for me. So if these are tropes you like, take this review with a grain of salt.

After her Abuela passes away, Madi has a dream when she’s like 13 of a man who apparently has the initials JR on his coat ((her supposed soulmate)) and she spends her whole life looking for him and only dating men with those initials. It was a tad annoying to be honest. She meets a great guy and all of a sudden it can’t work out because of his initials??

Her ex boyfriend, Jayden, is just a jerk. I was getting whiplash with Madi talking about how nice he was, but then referring back to him being rude, uncaring, unsupportive of her job, racist and homophobic. But then again saying he’s great….but really she’s just in it for the JR.

I did like Madi’s growth throughout the story. Learning to go with the flow instead of thinking everything is predetermined for us. Although I wish the author would have stuck with that instead of having all her dreams/visions come true exactly as she envisioned them.

Overall this was an okay read. Just not for me.
Profile Image for talk lit get hit.
52 reviews8 followers
January 6, 2024
Madi Ramírez has a terrible boyfriend. She has convinced herself that she loves him because he has the initials shown to her in a dream from when she was thirteen and visited by her abeula's spirit. But he is the worst! Hit him with your car! She heads to Puerto Rico for a career opportunity and immediately meets someone who doesn't have the initials... but he's actually nice? Madi spends the rest of the book making excuses for her dumb crypto boyfriend's bad (read: racist) behaviour and trying to ignore her feelings for Hot Nice Guy Who Doesn't Have the Right Initials.

Descriptions of Puerto Rico and Latin American culture was the highlight of Love of My Lives for me. I could've done without the love story and would've enjoyed it a lot more if the book focused solely on Madi finally making some good decisions and living her best life.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.
827 reviews7 followers
June 8, 2023
Madi has it all but she feels that her fiancee isn't the one for her. He has the right initials as predicted in a dream visitation from her abuela. BUT she doesn't feel he's her soulmate. She goes on a business trip to Puerto Rico and meet someone else but he doesn't have the right inititals...

A cute magical romance. I love the idea of soulmate and magic... A cute story. I do like Madi a lot. A great romance.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,048 reviews342 followers
September 27, 2023
A charming #ownvoices vacation romance set in Puerto Rico about a young woman in her 30s who is searching for her soulmate and also grieving the loss of her beloved grandmother. I really enjoyed this latest by the author of Furia. It was also great on audio narrated by Stacey Gonzales and perfect for fans of authors like Yaffa S. Santos. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!
May 18, 2024
I enjoyed this love letter to Puerto Rico. The description of the island, Madi's family history and ties to the land she had been separated from. And a reminder to cherish our roots. That's why I gave this book four stars. The love story was fun, albiet a bit predictable, but the setting made up for any plot-line weaknesses. Recommend to those looking for a fun and flirty read and a quick get-away to a beautiful paradise.
Profile Image for Marissa List.
79 reviews
November 27, 2023
I received this in a Goodreads giveaway 😁 This was a slow read for me however I did enjoy the story quite a bit. I did feel like the ending was kind of rushed and left you wanting to know more about the characters and what happens next. The story makes me want to pack my bags and visit Puerto Rico. It gave me CoHo vibes but with a little more diversity in the characters.
Profile Image for Julie.
273 reviews8 followers
September 17, 2023
This was a cute romance story. I loved that the book took place on Puerto Rico and felt like a love letter to it. I felt the ending was rushed but otherwise enjoyed the book.
Profile Image for Taylor.
96 reviews1 follower
January 30, 2024
Very crystals, chakra, moon phases energy which I enjoyed. Writing was a little off tho
Profile Image for Karla.
315 reviews4 followers
September 30, 2023
2.5/5 stars
1/5 spice (fade to black)

Latinx rep
One room/bed
Single POV

I think I would have liked this book more if it wasn't written like the MCs were immature despite both being in their 30s. Madi was the only POV in the story, and I was tired of her inner dialogue very early on in the book. I get why she clung to the soulmates' ideas, but she blatantly ignored very clear red flags and was arrogant in thinking that she interpreted her dream accurately. Eventually, she meets the "love of her lives" in Peter, but it was borderline forced insta-love... and then it wasn't... and then it was. Sigh...

I really wanted to like this book, but I found myself skipping a lot of the info dumping and repetitive inner dialogue from Madi, and this was a short book, too. This wasn't the book for me. I don't mind insta-love, if it's worked into a fated mates/soulmates kind of story, but this didn't work well for me because I couldn't care enough about the FMC.

Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and offered voluntarily.
Profile Image for kei ☆.
137 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing Corp. for the eARC! All opinions are my own.

I really wanted to love this book, but it just fell flat for me, unfortunately. I think what enticed me the most was the premise of dreaming of a soulmate and searching for it. The book follows Madi, who goes to Puerto Rico—for business, of course. Puerto Rico is where she starts to find herself and maybe her soulmate?

I enjoyed learning about the history and the culture in Puerto Rico. I thought that it was nice to learn about while reading. I liked the idea of having a dream and seeing your soulmate in it. It gave just a hint of magical realism and I wish there was a little more to it.

This book has a good concept behind it, but it wasn't executed very well. While the characters had chemistry, I felt that it was too insta-lovey. I could see that they did, but I just couldn't get over the fact that she was in love with him after a night. I also found myself not into any of the characters. More or less, I couldn't care about any of them, maybe Audri and Mariela. I thought they had something going on and I was more interested in that than the main romance (lol).

Not a bad book if you're into insta-love and it was a fast read, but not my cup of tea.

post read: This was definitely interesting, I think. RTC

pre-review: i don’t remember requesting this lmao
Profile Image for Bridget Bell.
139 reviews19 followers
April 1, 2024
(review for talk lit, get hit podcast)

Madi Ramírez has a terrible boyfriend. She has convinced herself that she loves him because he has the initials shown to her in a dream from when she was thirteen and visited by her abeula's spirit. But he is the worst! Hit him with your car! She heads to Puerto Rico for a career opportunity and immediately meets someone who doesn't have the initials... but he's actually nice? Madi spends the rest of the book making excuses for her dumb crypto boyfriend's bad (read: racist) behaviour and trying to ignore her feelings for Hot Nice Guy Who Doesn't Have the Right Initials.

Descriptions of Puerto Rico and Latin American culture was the highlight of Love of My Lives for me. I could've done without the love story and would've enjoyed it a lot more if the book focused solely on Madi finally making some good decisions and living her best life.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,162 reviews15 followers
July 2, 2024
This one was just "meh" for me. Very interesting premise, that didn't execute as well as I'd hoped. At spots throughout the entire book, it felt like there were some translation/English-as-a-second-language grammar issues that interrupted the flow of the text. Overall, cutesy, but it definitely pushed the whole reincarnation and finding the same love over and over concept overly much. Yes, things like that should be tied in throughout a book, but it just was a lot in this book. The setting of Puerto Rico and the descriptions of the places and local foods were well done and sounded just heavenly, although there's a huge assumption that the reader understands all the Puerto Rican references and Spanish used (no translation given for phrases/words used). I enjoyed that Madi was from Utah (and that the author lives here) so I could relate to the descriptions of my home state and loved having that be part of a book! Overall, a fun, cutesy, predictable read but nothing wow.

Content: A couple F bombs (two maybe? both really unnecessary, thrown in for effect only it seems), a few sex scenes (kinda open but mainly closed) and some assumed but not overly descriptive/graphic sexual references/scenes, lesbian and homosexual representation

***Spoilers for Once Upon a Book Club Box***

**Warning-- Do NOT read these spoilers if you want to be surprised about the gifts if you purchased this subscription book. This list also contains some book spoilers as well.**

I received this book as part of my subscription to Once Upon a Book Club, which includes gifts to be opened as you come upon certain spots throughout the book. For this book, the gifts were as follows:

p. 3 - A green corduroy tote with knitting needles and a "learn to knit" brochure, representing the scarf Madi's Abuela was knitting in her dream
p. 185 - Bonus "Gift": QR Code for Spotify to Amorfoda by Bad Bunny, representing the Bad Bunny playing on the radio
p. 200 - An oversized cream tulle/gauzy hair scrunchie, representing the (white) hair scrunchie Peter offers to Madi
p. 248 - A small candle with crystals embedded in the wax in a green glass jar, labeled Good Vibes, representing the candle Nadia lights with Madi and Stevie to "send good vibes to the universe."
p. 253 - A cream ribbed beanie with a brown faux leather patch that says "Love is Energy," representing Madi's (white) beanie

Included Papers: OUABC custom bookmark to coordinate with the cover of the custom OUABC-exclusive edition of the book (yellow, orange, and blue/green (with oranges on the back) and the quote "'That's how you build monuments,' she said. 'A little grain of sand at a time.'" (from the book), an autographed bookplate from the author (with oranges, to match the back of the bookmark), and a full-color brochure with info about the book, a note from the author, discussion questions, read-along dates, and a dream analysis form on the back.

Quote Card: "'That's how you build monuments,' she said. 'A little grain of sand at a time.'" Decorated in yellow, orange, and blue/green and palm fronds, to match the custom cover of the OUABC-exclusive edition of this book, with a printed letter from the author on the back.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
306 reviews33 followers
August 23, 2023
A contemporary love story about fate and the lifelong journey of finding your soul mate.


Title: Love of My Lives
Author: Yamile Saied Méndez
Publisher: Kensington Books
Publication Date: September 26, 2023

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Point of View: 3rd Person
Trope(s): Soul Mates, Magical Realism, Travel


On the night Madi Ramirez lost her abuela at the age of 13, her grandmother's spirit paid her a visit and revealed an image of the man she was destined to marry. As Madi grew older and began to date, it became her single focus to find this mysterious man.

Fast forward to present day >> every man Madi believed was the love of her lives has turned out to be a disappointment. When Madi finds herself once again reeling from a breakup, she decides to seek solace by traveling to her grandmother's homeland in Puerto Rico.

Madi immediately feels at home on the island and soon meets a man with whom she feels an instant connection. The only problem? He doesn't haven't the same initials as the man she saw in her vision as a child. Madi must decide if she wants to continue living for a day in the future that may never come or live in the present and enjoy every moment she possibly can with the man right in front of her.


LOVE OF MY LIVES is a fun, lighthearted read that would be perfect for the beach. The plot is interesting and unique, and the author added a lot of great descriptive and background information about Puerto Rico. It made me want to book a flight to see the beauty for myself.

However, I would have liked to feel a deeper connection between Madi and the main love interest. Their relationship just didn't feel believable to me. There were also a few events that seemed too far fetched and a few others that didn't really add anything to the story. Overall, I thought it was an enjoyable read that could use another round of editing.

I'd recommend to readers looking for a fun travel romance, as well as fans of soul mates, magical realism, and instalove.


*A big thank you to Netgalley and Kensington Books for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Karen.
104 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2023
Love of my Lives is the latest novel by Yamile Saied Méndez, centered around the concept of soulmates. The story follows Madi Ramírez, a young woman obsessed with finding the love of her lives.

From a young age, Madi's abuela would share stories about the love of her lives. After her grandmother's passing, 13-year-old Madi has a dream visitation where she catches a glimpse of her soulmate—a man on a beach and wearing a jacket with the initials JR.

Fast forward to the present day, Madi has a successful career at a yoga studio and a boyfriend, Jayden, who she hopes will soon become her fiancé. What makes it even more intriguing is that her boyfriend's initials are also JR. Although Jayden isn't particularly affectionate, Madi is convinced that he has to be her soulmate.

However, when Jayden fails to propose and takes a step back, Madi decides she's had enough. Around the same time, she is offered an opportunity to go to Puerto Rico to scout locations for a yoga retreat center. Puerto Rico holds a special place in Madi's heart as it is her grandmother's homeland and the promised location to scatter her ashes.

Once in Puerto Rico, memories start flooding back for Madi. The book captures the beauty and struggles of San Juan and Encanto, vividly describing the surroundings. On her first night there, Madi encounters a charming tour guide whose initials are JR. Despite feeling a connection, she tries to resist falling for him and making the same mistake so soon after Jayden. When she later discovers he is a substitute for the original tour guide and not JR, things become even more complicated, leading to awkward moments between them.

Love of my Lives presents an intriguing storyline, although there were moments when I felt like I was missing something, leaving me slightly perplexed throughout the book. I couldn't quite grasp the intricacies of how the concept of "love of my lives" worked. I would like to express my gratitude to NetGalley and Kensington Books for granting me the opportunity to read an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews

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