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Lois Lane #2

Double Down

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Lois Lane has settled in to her new school. She has friends, for maybe the first time in her life. She has a job that challenges her. And her friendship is growing with SmallvilleGuy, her online maybe-more-than-a-friend. But when her friend Maddy’s twin collapses in a part of town she never should’ve been in, Lois finds herself embroiled in a dangerous mystery that brings her closer to the dirty underbelly of Metropolis.

382 pages, Hardcover

First published May 1, 2016

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About the author

Gwenda Bond

53 books1,190 followers
Gwenda Bond is the New York Times bestselling author of many novels, including the first official Stranger Things novel, Suspicious Minds, the Lois Lane YA series, and the romantic comedies Not Your Average Hot Guy, The Date from Hell, and Mr. & Mrs. Witch. She has a number of forthcoming projects, including a magical art heist book, The Frame-Up. Her nonfiction writing has appeared in Publishers Weekly, Locus Magazine, Salon, the Los Angeles Times, and many other publications.

She co-founded and chairs the nonprofit Lexington Writer’s Room, and lives in a hundred-year-old house in Lexington, Kentucky, with her husband, author Christopher Rowe, and a veritable zoo of adorable doggos and queenly cats. Visit her online at www.gwendabond.com or join her newsletter at www.gwendabond.substack.com.

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Profile Image for Kat.
901 reviews93 followers
November 19, 2016
I have a soft spot for this book series. It's silly and crazy and a little (okay, a lot) cheesy at some points but I love it and I love the characters. There also aren't a ton of books about female journalists so I'll take what I can get but I do love Lois Lane. I don't think I loved this quite as much the first book but I still got so much joy out of this sequel. In my review of the first book, I said that I wanted to see more out of James character once he started to get close to Lois and that was definitely done in this book so I really appreciated that aspect of the book. I'm usually not one that really cares about romance but there was some weird romance stuff going on with secondary characters that I would like to see resolved in the next book. Also in this book, I still continued to like the online relationship of Lois and "Smallvilleguy" but they were trying to figure out some mystery that had something to do with a mysterious figure on the forum that held stories about a 'flying man' and I just wasn't very invested in it. It was an interesting enough plot point but it just didn't push my buttons as much as the rest of the story did. I loved learning more about the background of the super interesting secondary characters. There was a lot of interesting stuff we learned about all of Lois' new friends and their families that I really enjoyed. I like that this series places very little emphasis on the Smallvilleguy/Superman/Clark Kent character. I like Superman but he's never been a favorite and I am much more interested in learning about Lois, her friends, and their journalistic pursuits. I thought that the mystery/story that Lois was pursuing in this book was a little sillier than the one in this first book but not in a bad way. The inclusion of Maddy's sister, Melody was a nice choice because it allowed for readers to learn more about that relationship that was introduced in this first book. Even though I didn't love this book quite as much as the first one, I think I liked the ending a bit more. Something about it felt really good to me and I felt like it really brought out how passionate Lois is about reporting, which I liked a lot. Overall a strong sequel that I really enjoyed and leaves me longing for the next book and I wish the release date was closer than it is.
Profile Image for Ashley.
3,126 reviews2,170 followers
August 1, 2016
I will be honest with you. I would probably quit this series if it just focused on Lois. I know that sounds terrible, but hear me out.

The two things I like most about this series are Lois herself (great in any incarnation, that character is), and the burgeoning relationship between Lois and her internet friend slash boyfriend (?)"SmallvilleGuy", who yes, is Clark Kent aka the future Superman.

Everything else surrounding it? I do not care about. Really, at all. I do not care about any of Lois's paper or school friends. Both mysteries have been less than engaging for me. Unfortunately, the stuff I like the least about this series is the stuff that's front and center.

I don't know, maybe it was just this one installment. I had similar complaints in the last book, but they were overshadowed maybe by the newness, and by Lois getting acclimated to her new city.

But really, I just want more SmallvilleGuy and Lois interactions. It would be nice if they could actually meet and save the day together physically, not just digitally. That's always been my favorite part in Superman stories.

I would have probably liked all of this had I read it as an actual teenager, to be fair. Current teenagers, girls especially, will probably relate a lot more than I can now. (Although I know it is possible for stories about teenagers to engage me emotionally because it happens all the time. I guess this just isn't one of them.)

I will probably read the next one. Because I need Lois and SmallvilleGuy to meet. And other stuff.
Profile Image for Maya.
18 reviews
September 23, 2015
I was extremely lucky to read an uncorrected proof of Lois Lane: Double Down. This is a follow up to the extremely well received Fallout which I loved. Double Down does not disappoint and continues Bond’s winning streak writing the character.

In this book Bond shows how well she understands Lois and, as in Fallout, takes Lois’s core personality traits and puts them in to a 16 year old teenager. In doing so she captures the coltish nature of that age whereby we can see the woman we all know and love but with the insecurity of self that comes from being a teen.

Double Down begins soon after the events in Fallout. Lois is now acclimating to Metropolis and to school. She and her fellow Daily Scoop reporters have formed friendships with each other. Her friendship with Maddy, a fellow reporter, is especially meaningful for Lois.

The story opens with the foursome working on puff pieces. Lois is assigned a human interest story about a young artist, a fellow student, who is creating a mural in Suicide Slum. In a nice callback to Lois Lane of the 1930s and 1940s we see her chaffing a little and wishing for a juicy story, however even as (of course) she does find one, she learns that the quieter stories are valuable and sometimes the smaller things matter the most.

While she is interviewing the artist her best friend Maddie’s twin sister stumbles out of a taxi cab in front of the mural in progress and Lois’s wish is about to come true. We have ourselves a mystery and a story which will reverberate across Metropolis.

Bond brings in many familiar characters and elements from the Superman mythology. Readers of the comic books will recognize settings and people, however she cleverly and seamlessly integrates it all in to this world so it is transparent to those who don’t read the comics, like my daughter.

In parallel to the story the Scoop gang are working on, Lois and SmallvilleGuy continue to virtually meet in the Worlds game every week. Their friendship continues to grow stronger and we see Lois’s vulnerability as she wonders if this is something more than a platonic friendship and does he wonder too? These are the tentative steps of teenagers who are not yet ready to understand the enormity of what will be a lifetime soulmate love and Bond captures the teenage emotional confusion well.

Unlike Fallout however, Double Down gives SmalvilleGuy and Lois a side mystery to work out which could have dangerous consequences if they don’t figure out what is going on. SmallvilleGuy’s anxiety along with his deep trust in Lois is front and center. He can’t tell her why he is so bothered but he needs her and she shows an equal depth of trust as they work together.

Bond is able to capture the Superman/Clark duality using the trappings of the Worlds virtual world instead of capes and glasses. There is a scene after Lois escapes from a very dangerous situation and meets up with SmallvilleGuy in the game. She is visibly shaken but doesn’t want to show how rattled she is to anybody but him. In this scene we see echoes of the adults they become. There is a conversation around courage where I could almost hear the Superman theme music playing.

With SmallvilleGuy’s increased presence in this book Bond is able to show how their different outlooks on the world balance each other. SmallvilleGuy’s nature is to see the good in people and trust unless proven otherwise. Lois’s nature is skeptical, one has to earn her trust and prove their intentions are good. This difference is put in stark contrast as they work together. Lois is extremely cautious and warns SmallvilleGuy not to trust blindly and warns him that not everybody is what they seem. SmallvilleGuy thinks she’s worried about nothing.

The bond between SmallvilleGuy and Lois shines here. Bond is able to show that even as they don’t agree with the other, they are in sync and their first loyalty is to each other.

While all this is going on Lois continues to work with her Scoop reporter friends on an increasingly complicated and dangerous story. When she finally goes to Perry with some of what she’s uncovered his advice to her was pure Perry White.

Gray areas of truths are also explored here. Sometimes disclosing everything will hurt people needlessly and doesn’t add to the story or the public’s need to know. Truth isn’t always black and white and there are compromises which sometimes must be made. This, I feel, is an important theme to explore especially as we know Lois will end up keeping a huge secret in her not to distant future.

Lois must also navigate her family life to get out of the house in order to follow her leads. Her home and school life are not forgotten. She can’t come and go like an adult would. Her relationship with her dad is less contentious than it was in Fallout. They have reached a level of understanding (to a certain extent). Lois, however, isn’t completely off the hook and has to face the proverbial music with her dad. There is also a hint of the conflict which will come later in life between her father’s job as a General and her relationship with SmallvilleGuy and who he is and what he represents.

Bond also gives us a glimpse of the close relationship between Lois’s mother, her sister and herself. There is a charming scene with the three of them bonding while the General is on a business trip.

Lucy’s and Lois’s sister relationship is also used as a contrast between Maddy’s and her twin’s which at the moment is a little contentious. Through the lens of both sets of sisters Bond shows us the power of familial love and forgiveness.

Bond’s writing style lends nicely to telling a story which is familiar to most of us. She is able to bring in key elements of the larger mythology without bogging the reader down in extraneous details. This keeps the story flowing and the reader engaged.

When I finished the last chapter my first question was when is the next one due? Followed by, there better be a next one.

I believe Lois Lane fans, of which I am one, will fall in love with this story. Fans of Superman and Lois Lane as a couple will be charmed by their burgeoning relationship. There are so many moments which evoke the 77 years of their history together and it will make your heart sing.

I strongly recommend this book but not only just for fans of the mythology. This is a story filled with mystery and intrigue but, like Fallout, filled with optimism and hope. This is a welcome respite from the dystopian nature that seems to prevail in some corners of the YA market.

My teenage daughter who is not a comic book reader read Fallout and loved it, so much that she searched out other books by the author and while I was reading this book she nagged me to finish so she could get her turn.

My advice to you is to do yourself a favor and pre-order the book so you don’t miss this story. You won’t be sorry.

Thank you to Gwenda Bond and Switch Press Publication for the ARC
Profile Image for Caroline Talton.
242 reviews41 followers
April 12, 2016
Lois Lane, I love you.

full review up here!

I received a copy of this from Netgalley, Capstone and Switch Press, so thank you to them for allowing me to read this!

Let me just say that this series is NOT getting enough love. I had such a good time reading the first one, and this next installment didn't disappoint. I love how enjoyable and easy to read these books are, I love Lois' voice, I love how fearless she is, I love all of the characters to death. So great. I would definitely recommend reading Fallout and picking this one up on May 1!
Profile Image for Rachelle Puzzitiello.
90 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2017
Profile Image for Hallie.
954 reviews128 followers
July 22, 2017
Very frustrating because there was a lot of fun in this, and the idea is great, but I think I'm probably finished wth this series.

The first book had far too many repetitions of 'they're my friends... I should really trust them and tell them... but they'll think I'm crazy and I don't want to lose my only ever friends...' Far too many, of something understandable but not my favourite.

In this it's 'I've got friends.... I don't know how to be a friend.... but I must try or I'll lose my only ever friends...'

Two quotes I marked out of many possible iterations:
I remembered something important: James was my friend too. My sympathies engaged.
He promised me he'd think about what I said. [spoiler] might not even be glad about my meddling.

I'd done all I could there. I was doing my best to be a good friend - and to be true to myself. The rest was up to them.

I could conceivably be swayed into reading on, but honestly am hoping for spoiler filled reviews so I can get the story without having to wade through the writing.
Profile Image for Lauren Stoolfire.
4,191 reviews287 followers
June 5, 2019
Double Down is a great follow up to Fallout. I enjoy following this modern take on Lois Lane and her bond with SmallvilleGuy/ Clark which has gone deeper here. I'm looking forward to the finale, Triple Threat, and reading more from this author in general.
Profile Image for SR.
353 reviews41 followers
June 25, 2016
Review Posted On: Marvelous Eden of Books

Spoiler Free Review:

After reading a bunch of sad historical fiction, I needed a break, so I went for some suspenseful contemporary/sci-fi. I read the first book in the Lois Lane series at the very beginning of the school year and thought it was super cool, so I was interested to see if my tastes and opinions had changed now that it's the end of the year. My thoughts have changed quite a bit, I've noticed some flaws that I didn't pay attention to before. I did really enjoy this story for the most part, despite the issues I had with it.

The writing style is pretty reminiscent to a few series I read in elementary school, The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes and The Gilda Joyce series. It was a lot less juvenile but Lois's perspective and personality is similar to the characters I read as a kid. This book is also a lot more darker than the first one. It goes into deeper conflicts and issues. I liked the idea of the smaller problems which all connect to the bigger conflict. There were some slow parts, but there was a ton of very suspenseful scenes that had me at the edge of my seat. The plot also leaned a lot more on the sci-fi side. The whole story revolves around an experiment and this lab, it didn't bother me as much since I love sci-fi, but if you're looking for a more contemporary story, you will not find it in this book.

One of my biggest issues was how unrealistic the situation felt at times. Lois is only 16 years old and the situations she was in was very unrealistic. Even if the series is a reimagining of Lois Lane, it would make more sense if she was older. I also thought a lot of the things that came in the way of Lois solving the mystery, such as school was solved very quickly to keep the plot moving.

Lois Lane is an awesome character and she definitely does stay true to herself. She's clever, sassy and inquisitive. I also really loved Devin, he was the calm and cool dude. Of course, SmallvilleGuy is adorable. I loved the conversations Lois and SmallvilleGuy had. But the rest of the characters really fell flat for me. I didn't realize this in the first book, but the other characters, James and Maddy, they are really cut and dry. I felt like I've read characters like the, before and didn't feel like anything new. As for the romance, it was a little more prominent in this book, one of the things I appreciated in Lois Lane: Fallout was the lack of romance. I did not like any of the romantic elements in this book. It felt really cheesy and out of place. I was glad to see it did not play a huge role.

The ending fell a little flat for me as well. I was hoping for a little more and the big reveal I thought would happen didn't happen. For now, there are only two books confirmed which is pretty disappointing. I'm hoping there will be a third book since I do have a lot of questions about SmallvilleGuy. Overall, I did have a lot of fun reading this book. This series is a lot of fun and if there is a sequel, I will definitely be picking it up.

Rating: 3.75/5

Waiting on Wednesday: http://themarvelousedenofbooks.blogsp...
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 24 books5,800 followers
June 3, 2016
Another excellent mystery with intrepid girl reporter Lois Lane. I continue to like the implication that this is set just a titch in the future, with holo-headsets and whatnot, so that things like cloning are less shocking and they can get to the heart of the matter.
Profile Image for Tina.
428 reviews46 followers
May 25, 2016
So this book is the second installment in the Lois Lane series. It's just as good as the first one and it doesn't disappoint. Throughout this entire book I was wondering where I had heard the name Moxie Mannheim before so I decided to look him up. It turns outs that he is a Superman villain and the first leader of Intergang. It was genius for Ms. Bond to make Lois the one to send him to jail (when in the comics it was the Newsboy Legion). Also Dabney Donovan made an appearance as the resident mad scientist of this tale. But what got me was the ending. Not only did she clear James' father of any wrong doing but her and SmallvilleGuy made themselves an official couple. Now I just want them to meet and fall in love even more and have little kryptonian babies together.

Rating: 4½ stars out of 5

Profile Image for Halley Hopson.
900 reviews65 followers
June 22, 2016
I seriously love this series SO much. They're always so face paced, full of just the right amount of suspense, though it's more laid back and less stressful than a regular thriller. It comes off as a contemporary novel that just so happens to have little scifi-esque bits thrown in there.

I absolutely love the incredibly adorable swoon worthy romance in these books. I adore Lois as a character as well as all of her friends and really just every single side character. And man am I in love with SmallvilleGuy <3
Profile Image for Colette.
562 reviews26 followers
June 19, 2016
I have to preface this review by saying I am not a superhero fan. I don't know the stories of Lois Lane or Superman. This said, I know I love this book! Whether or not you know the original stories, you can still read and enjoy Bond's remake! Overall 4/5 stars; I can't wait to see what's next with Lois.
Profile Image for Stay Fetters.
2,286 reviews163 followers
March 17, 2017
"It's your job to find the truth. I've been thinking about this. Courage doesn't mean never being afraid. We're all afraid sometimes. Bravery means doing the right thing anyway. That's true strength."

Received at BEA Chicago 2016!!! Thank you!

We all know the big, dark secret of Lois Lane and her magical pieces in the Daily Planet. How Mr. Kent and Ms. Lane are one hot commodity. We all have deep, burning questions that need immediate answers. Why has it taken someone this long to travel into the depths of Metropolis for these heart pumping answers?

The Lane family moves around a lot due to Dads job. But they finally make a decision and are staying put in Metropolis. Lois was kind of getting out of hand at other locations and has quite the impressive record to show for it.

Lois is smitten with someone she met while chatting online. One night a few years ago, Lois and her dad were saved by a flying man. After that day her dad swore her to never talk about it again. As we all know, you can't tell someone to hold back such a big secret. The more tempting the secret, the bigger your blabber mouth becomes. She finds a forum and talks of her encounter. Someone messages her and together they join a virtual reality world and chat to one another. Of course, his screen name is Smallville Guy! Ha! They chat every day and she feels safe with him and tells him everything. Except, he holds out on her. She still feels that connection and she drops it for now.

Her friend James' dad gets released from prison and things grow stranger and far more interesting as the days go on. Someone might have framed the old Mayor into taking the heat on a major event, which leads to him going to jail. But he is out and ready to unsoil his good name. It just means taking down the biggest crime boss in the area. With the help of James and his friends, they are on a mission to save their town, get the charges dropped against the Mayor and saving their friend from a clone attachment.

I really enjoy Gwenda's writing.... when it comes to things outside of the DC universe. I have read two other books by her and they are fantastic. This one was a little heavier than what she puts out and it just wasn't her style. It was a fun ride to see Lois get into action before she was an adult. I think they should hand this series torch to someone else.

Sorry if this review makes no sense, I'm working on a few hours of sleep for the past couple days.
Profile Image for Mridupawan  Podder.
278 reviews11 followers
August 30, 2022
More of Lois Lane please!

Back after defeating the mind hunters, Lois is back in trouble. Or finding trouble to be honest. And Smallville guy wants to spill a secret. And it's all will he, won't be type of romance.

More into that later. But trouble is brewing in the city. The corrupt mayor is on house arrest but he's also being seen across the city at the oddest places. And Lois' friend's sister is seeing visions through another set of eyes. The mysteries just get weirder and weirder but not even kryptonite can stop our young sleuth.

However when government agencies take an interest in a flying man in Kansas, her hackles are up. Suddenly the world doesn't seem safe anymore. Not for her friends, her virtual friend/maybe boyfriend Smallville and certainly not for her colleagues and the local newspaper.

Solid 4 stars for a teen sleuth book. Plus, am a big fan of Superman & Lois.
Profile Image for Billie.
930 reviews93 followers
April 7, 2016
I love this series so much. I want the CW to hire Rob Thomas (the Veronica Mars guy, not the Matchbox Twenty guy) to turn it into a series full of pretty young people. Change the names, set it in the near future (to explain the science-fictional elements) and it doesn't even have to be about Lois Lane, just an intrepid high school reporter and her friends solving weird mysteries in their city. (Though since the CW is already home to DC Comics-based shows, they'd probably have no reason to not make it a Lois Lane show. MAKE THIS HAPPEN NOW, please.)

In this second outing for Lois, Maddy, Devin and James, James's father, the former mayor of Metropolis, has just been released from jail and is protesting his innocence to his son and Maddy's twin, Melody, is found in a sketchy part of town suffering some sort of seizure. It doesn't take long for the teens to realize that the two are connected and to start diving heedless into danger to get to the bottom of the situation. At the same time, Lois and SmallvilleGuy are trying to uncover the identity of a newcomer to the Strange Skies message board who is trying to expose the "flying man" and, in the process, has brought the attention of a shadowy "inter-agency task force" that is frightening the message board's members. Add to that, SmallvilleGuy is still being cagey about his real identity and Lois is trying to sort out her feelings about him, even though they've never met in person. (This caginess about his identity is the only thing that doesn't make sense, unless SG isn't Clark Kent. I mean, I get that he wouldn't want Lois to know that he's the flying man, but why would he not tell her his name? It just makes no sense, unless there's going to be some big payoff down the road.)

I am no anxiously awaiting book three and have my fingers crossed that Lois and SmallvilleGuy will soon meet in person.
Profile Image for Feliza Casano.
139 reviews24 followers
May 19, 2016
While fans of Superman will appreciate developing references to the larger Superman universe, Double Down continues to be a great entrance to Lois Lane's character for younger readers, especially ones less familiar with the Superman mythos. Gwenda Bond does an amazing job with Lois's voice, and I would never hesitate to recommend either of her Lois Lane books to any teenager or to anyone who loves intrepid investigative journalists.

Read more at Girls in Capes.
Profile Image for Stitch.
51 reviews11 followers
May 3, 2016
So fantastic!!

I just finished reading Double Down and I'm so happy with it! I loved Fallout so much, but Gwenda outdid herself with the sequel. The character arcs she's laid out are intriguing and the characters themselves with up sticking to you.

I love the focus on sister relationships in this book and how it was actually framed as an integral subplot. And the ending -- That ending! Gosh! I'm already super excited what Gwenda does next with Lois and her friends!
Profile Image for Jessica Fether.
232 reviews25 followers
June 5, 2016
I seriously love these books. The third book can come out very soon, please!
Profile Image for Amalia Dillin.
Author 27 books287 followers
November 15, 2017
I am still really enjoying this series-- Lois is perfection, and so are her friends and I am 100% team Scoop and cannot wait to find out how this will wrap in the next book!
Profile Image for Nola Lorraine.
Author 1 book41 followers
January 19, 2018
This is the second in Gwenda Bond's series about a teenage Lois Lane. Lois is still getting used to living in Metropolis and having friends, after so many years of moving around with her father's military postings. This time, she and her friends are on the tail of a mobster and a mad scientist who faked evidence against the previous mayor that sent him to prison. Throw in a clone, a pair of teenage twins, a cute arty boy, strange happenings on the Strange Skies website, and Lois's online 'boyfriend' Smallville Guy, and the ingredients are there for another headline story.

Although this book involves a new case and has enough backstory for it to stand alone, it would be better to read the books in sequence so you get the unfolding of the relationships. There are also a couple of threads that can be picked up in the next book in the series. It took me a little longer to get into this one, compared to Book 1, and it was a little long. However, once I got into it, I enjoyed it. Lois is such a great character. I love her voice and there are lots of humour hits along the way. It also has a lot of heart and a good message about friends and family, without being schmaltzy or preachy.

The explanation for the mind-link between one of the twins and the clone didn't really work for me. I know it's speculative fiction, but that part of the plot seemed a bit tenuous. I can't say more due to spoilers. However, I loved the way Lois and her friends delved into the case and brought it to a satisfying conclusion.

Overall, not quite as good as the first book, but kept me engaged enough that I want to read Book 3. Especially after reading that closing scene - Aww <3
Profile Image for David.
17 reviews
December 23, 2020
A great follow up to Fallout with a little less social commentary but a bit more romance. I really enjoyed this story. It's not quite as good as the original, but a great treat nonetheless. I love the buildup of the smallvilleguy stuff. The tension in the main story never reaches a frustrating level but is enough to keep you turning pages.

Lois is unreasonably good at reading and anticipating adults. I kind of want to see her be wrong every once in a while, but hey it is kids fantasy, so there you go.

I loved the references to His Girl Friday as that is the inspiration for Lois Lane in the first place. Great book, highly recommend.
Profile Image for Preethi.
827 reviews79 followers
June 25, 2016
Unlike with the first book, I came prepared for this one by watching both Batman v. Superman and Man of Steel, in that order. My swoons for Clark and Lois started with the first book in this Lois Lane series, Fallout, and it was only further cemented by the super cute moments in the films, especially Batman v. Superman. This second book is even more romantically rewarding than Fallout, and my only fear is that this will be the last book in the series, meaning no more swoony times between SmallvilleGuy and SkepticGirl1. Nevertheless, there is so much more to these books than romance, and that's what I'm here to talk about. To keep myself from rambling and fangirling, I'm putting everything in list form - good news: there are only pros.

1. The gang is back, and better than ever.

There's Lois, Maddy, James, Devin, and some new characters including Maddy's twin sister Melody and a new love interest, Dante (though I won't tell you whose love interest he is). Everyone has the same dynamics going for them as they did in the first book, except they trust each other so much more. James and Lois have gotten over their differences - mostly - and Maddy and Lois are the best of friends, despite the occasional struggle.

"I've got Melody's back for now, even if she doesn't like it. But I'll always have yours." [Maddy] made no attempt to hide the smile that crossed her face. I took that as a win.

The Scoopis still the best extracurricular activity ever, and the real story begins right from the first page. Reading this book was like going to one's safe and happy place, where there's no possibility of being disappointed, and only promises of fast pacing and a thrilling mystery to solve.

2. As more details are explained about various characters such as Lois's father and sister, it's impossible not to connect everything back to the comics, or in my case, the tv shows.

For me personally, I started recognizing things from the show Supergirl, and it was such a rush to feel like I actually knew things about superheroes. Metropolis is certainly one of my favorite fictional places, and I just love the unique relationships between Lucy and her family, as well as with Perry. Things are only hinted at in this book, but when you know what you know from other sources, connecting the dots with a grin is all you can really do.

3. Lois is so perfect, and I don't understand how anybody could fail to adore her.

I've heard so many people saying they don't like Lois - not this Lois but Lois in general - and I honestly cannot comprehend why. One could argue that this Lois is completely different from the actual Lois, but they're the same people, albeit book Lois is a younger version. As I was reading, I noticed how dedicated she was to keeping the relationships she made, as well as how she made sure to keep her word and protect the people she loved while at the same time giving the public the truth they craved. She's as much a superhero as Superman, and if you don't love her then think again.

4. Okay fine, I have to say it - the romance between Superman and Lois in this book just made my entire month.

I know SmallvilleGuy and SkepticGirl1 haven't met even once in real life, but that doesn't mean they don't have some serious sparks between them. Plus the greater number of visits in virtual reality with Superman as himself (minus his green-ness) and Lois as an elf princess is adorable, and since it's the only time they have some sort of physical contact with each other, you can't help but drink in everything that happens, whether it to be a mention of Clark's muscles, his hand on Lois's arm, etc. And Superman's complete support of Lois finding the truth, no matter how dangerous, is freaking awesome. But the best part is probably that just because he's Superman and she's Lois doesn't mean they can't have regular, couple-like moments.

He started to laugh. The sound was nice. I loved his laugh. But I kind of wanted to push him off the turret.

5. The plot/mystery was just as intriguing, if not more, than it was in book one, and it pulls you in.

I know political thrillers have made their mark in YA lately, and the plot of Double Down ties that in with its usual thing. While there are still trademark Lois aspects of the story, such as clones and mob bosses, the mayor is also an integral part of the plot. I really like how the author made this a continuation of book one, as in some of the plot elements from Fallen were brought back in this next installment; at the same time, you don't need to remember anything from the last book to get this one, which is a plus for people like me who can't recall everything about every book they read. Once you start reading this it'll be a race to the finish line.

Double Down is the sequel to Fallen that we've all been waiting for, and in fact, it's even better than its predecessor. I only hope that this series continues, because there's no such thing as too much Superman and Lois.

Profile Image for Fernanda.
406 reviews9 followers
June 17, 2024
me diverti lendo igual ao primeiro, o enredo é insano, mas como é superman, não tem como julgar, e lois e clark continuam fofíssimos

"Having people you cared about and who cared about you in return wasn’t easier than being lonely. It was a different kind of hard. A kind of hard that could hurt someone besides yourself, if you weren’t careful.
Profile Image for Jennifer Linsky.
Author 1 book42 followers
March 12, 2017
Ms. Bond has a sure touch with making Lois Lane both a teenager and, well, Lois Lane. I greatly enjoyed the book, and look forward to reading more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 246 reviews

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