Loving the Legend (Chasing Rings, #1)
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“Even when you’re sinking through life’s muck, you reach out for help and keep going.”
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They mattered.  Their sacrifices mattered.  Their hopes and dreams for me mattered. 
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I’ve learned that grieving isn’t a linear process, and time has fuck all to do with healing wounds. I rest a peace sign against my heart, a gesture I make after every successful game—a reminder that every point and every win is for them.
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“As long as my heart beats, I’ll always be here, kid,”
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the key to happiness isn’t getting what you desire necessarily, but when your desires align with what will bring you peace,”
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Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next…You must look into that storm and shout, ‘Do your worst, for I will do mine!’ Then the fates will know you as we know you.” 
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We’re all haunted in some way—whether by the secrets we protect, the truths we deny, or the inexplicable ugliness life throws our way.” 
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any relationship worth its salt begins with friendship.
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Honestly, people go to therapy for different reasons. You don’t need to hit some kind of secret trauma threshold before it’s okay to go. You can go because you want to improve your life.” 
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He possesses a nourishing warmth that seeps into my bones and reminds me of what it’s like to be untethered from grief.
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midnight had a voice, it would sound like his. Husky, dark, mysterious. 
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“Sorry, man! You’re stuck with us now. Once Lily King loves you, you’ll never escape. I hope you like cable knit sweaters and socks.” I grin. “Can’t ever have too many mom types in your life.”
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“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Washington, I pray for your souls to rest in eternal peace. Those who are loved live on in the hearts of those who hold them dear. Though it feels like I’ve known him for a lifetime, I’ve only known your son for a short while, but it’s clear he loves you deeply. It’s said that true friendship is rare. Then, I shall count my blessings daily and cherish the friendship that I have with your son, who I imagine is a reflection of all of your light and love. May peace be upon you.  A friend of your son,  Sidney King.”
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“I love you because you’re you.” A spiral of heat coils from my ear down to my toes. He presses closer to me. “I love your intellect and wisdom. I want to explore inside of that expansive brain all day. You’re terrified of opening your heart up, yet you manage to love with every inch of it. You’re sexy as fuck, like goddamn!” he barks, making me laugh. “And you’re my best friend.”
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“Even though I try every day, I’ll never know all of your depths. And because of that, I’ll always know humility with you. Sometimes, I fear I’ve met you too late, and we’ll never have enough time.”
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Hand outstretched, offering a grace I’ll never forget as long as I live. He gave me the strength to do what I couldn’t for years—visit the past and come away with a sense of peace.
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Making love to him reaches a part of me that I can’t access on my own. It’s the most precious and frightening thing how much I need what we give to each other. It’s always felt transcendent. It’s not about getting off or escaping. It’s how I feel connected to him. And some days when I’m lost, adrift, being anchored to him is the only thing that makes it all bearable.
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I told you I’d love you through it. This is me loving you,”
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Ever since the first time our gazes locked, my soul’s known its home is with him.
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“Would’ya look at that? Wonder Kid’s defense improves my game,” I taunt. He smirks, then races away.
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“I’m convinced the Creator used a miniature paintbrush and centuries of painstaking detail to create you.”
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“I’ve given everything to you. My heart”—he bellows—“my dedication”—he pounds on his chest—“my soul. Everything!”
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It’s up to every generation to fight for progress, so we’re handing the next generation a world better than we had.
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I miss my best friend. I’ve had tough days. Healing sucks sometimes. I met our kids. They visit me sometimes when I sleep.
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“You’re mine. I’m yours. This is mine,” he says, reaching underneath to rest his palm over my heart.
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“Here’s the thing—I started falling for you the first time I saw you, and I’ve been utterly in love with you ever since. Even though that day on TV was the first time my eyes laid upon you, my soul recognized you. Its grace and wisdom led me straight to you.”
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I hope you know by now that I will continue loving you like an overbearing mama,
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“I only want happy days for you.”
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