Murakami's interviews: Collections of Haruki Murakami's interviews, Studies and Thoughts
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“No, I’m not a storyteller. I’m a story watcher.”
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“Well, maybe once a month, I dream,” he says. “But I usually don’t. I think it’s because I get to dream when I’m awake, so I don’t have to dream when I’m sleeping.”
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My style is like my eyeglasses: through those lenses, the world makes sense to me.”
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“My belief is that I should be strong physically in order to write strong things”:
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“When I was in my teens, in the 1960s, that was the age of idealism. We believed the world would get better if we tried. People today don’t believe that, and I think that’s very sad. People say my books are weird, but beyond the weirdness, there should be a better world. It’s just that we have to experience the weirdness before we get to the better world. That’s the fundamental structure of my stories: you have to go through the darkness, through the underground, before you get to the light.”
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There are three types of emotional wounds: those that heal quickly, those that take a long time to heal, and those that remain with you until you die.
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Sometimes asking the right question is better than getting the right answer. I’ve always kept that in mind in my life, and as I’ve
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So I look around that world and I describe what I see, and when I come back. Coming back is important. If you cannot come back, it’s scary. But I’m a professional, so I can come back.
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I think there are three points to this anecdote: one, criticizing someone is easy; two, creating something original is very hard; three, but somebody’s got to do it.
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When I write, I can dream intentionally.
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I think life is a kind of laboratory where you can try anything. And in the end, I think it was good for me because I became tough.
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Franz Kafka loved slopes: that’s a lie; I made it up. But is it good? It’s very likely that Franz Kafka loved slopes. It’s possible. Some people quote that, you know. But I made it up. I made up many things.