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Pollyanna #2

Pollyanna Grows Up

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The sequel to Pollyanna finds the effervescent orphan on the verge of womanhood.

Her crippled legs cured, Pollyanna takes her glad heart to cheer new friends in Boston before travelling to Europe with Aunt Polly and Dr Chilton. But growing up brings sorrows as well as joys, and when she returns after six years, with Dr Chilton dead and Aunt Polly fallen on hard times, even Pollyanna has trouble maintaining her usual cheerful outlook.

304 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1915

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About the author

Eleanor H. Porter

216 books345 followers
Eleanor Emily Hodgman Porter (December 19, 1868 – May 21, 1920) was an American novelist. She was born as Eleanor Emily Hodgman in Littleton, New Hampshire on December 19, 1868, the daughter of Llewella French (née Woolson) and Francis Fletcher Hodgman. She was trained as a singer, attending New England Conservatory for several years. In 1892, she married John Lyman Porter and relocated to Massachusetts, after which she began writing and publishing her short stories and later novels. She died in Cambridge, Massachusetts on May 21, 1920 and was buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 486 reviews
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 26 books258 followers
October 16, 2023
5 stars. At first I was very wary of this book. I grew up with Pollyanna. How could there be another book about her? Wouldn’t it be simply horrible? But I decided to try it, and by chapter one I was interested. By chapter three or four I was no longer really worried. Pollyanna was yet Pollyanna. My favourite part of the book, however, is when Pollyanna is actually “grown up”— The whole plot was intriguing, and by the last quarter of the book I was just bewildered with all the criss-crossing lines and hints. However, it all ended as I wanted it to. ^_^ And Jimmy! Jimmy is my new favourite male character at present. :D My only complaint is the repeated hugs between a young man and woman, and that he kisses her twice after they are engaged; also a few words I would not personally use. But I am so very happy that I read this book. There are some hilarious quotes and scenes. Oh, and Pollyanna’s counter-gladness scheme was so funny. I didn’t think she had it in her. :D

A Favourite Quote: “‘As he was, under his present philosophy and scheme of living, he made himself and everybody else wretched, didn't he? Well, just suppose he was playing the game. While he was trying to hunt up something to be glad about in everything that had happened to him, he COULDN'T be at the same time grumbling and growling about how bad things were; so that much would be gained. He'd be a whole lot easier to live with, both for himself and for his friends. ... I tell you, troubles are poor things to hug. They've got too many prickers.’”
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “[She] said, privately, to Pollyanna, that it was all very good and well and desirable that John Pendleton should have gotten out of the sour, morose aloofness that had been his state for so many years, but that it did not necessarily follow that it was equally desirable that he should be trying to turn himself into a twenty-year-old boy again.”
Profile Image for Rachel.
537 reviews
April 11, 2013
This is the most dearest and charming book EVER! I enjoyed it even a teensy bit more I think than the first book and was "glad" indeed when everything ended so nicely and perfectly. It only took me a couple of days to finish; I couldn't put it down. A new favorite book to add with my collection of "period drama" favorites. ;)
Profile Image for Angie Thompson.
Author 40 books1,104 followers
August 3, 2018
I love this book so much! The second half even more than the first, although the first half is important to the second. Even if it does contain the most convoluted imaginary love polygon in the history of literature. :)

Seriously, though, every time I go to diagram this thing, my mind threatens to explode. X loves Y but is afraid Z also loves Y and thinks Y might also love Z. Meantime, Y loves X but is afraid X might be falling in love with A. Z really loves B, despite X's suspicions, but B is afraid that Y loves Z and fuels X's fears on that point. And then just as Z declares his love for B and everyone takes a gasp of relief, Z throws another monkey wrench into the whole thing, declaring positively that C loves Y, to the great dismay not only of X but also of A, who is secretly in love with C. There, that wasn't so complicated, was it?

Would it be easier if I broke it up by character? Let's try it, just because I'm having way too much fun with this. :)

Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that two out of the six (yes, six!) lovers entertain no specific fears about possible competition for their love, I'm pretty sure the whole tangled mess would still be sitting there today! But since the whole thing is purely imaginary, a couple of pulls on just the right threads brings it all into place. Of course, the whole thing could also have been avoided if a couple of other people hadn't insisted on being overwhelmingly sweet and noble and not declaring their own love when it wouldn't have been fair to their perceived competition. *sigh* But thankfully, they're still human underneath and struggle quite a bit under their self-imposed martyrdom. ;)

Actually, I think one of the things I like best about this book is the evidences of real friendship that pop up, even from people who have every right to be--and sometimes are--particularly jealous of one another. Not so much talking about the heroic martyr bits here, more just little bits of things that defy real hard feelings. And the one actual sacrifice in the end just melts my heart every time. <3<3<3 *melts into a puddle just thinking about it*

The other thing I particularly like about this book is the characters themselves. I love Pollyanna as a young woman and think the author did a great job of taming down her childish exuberance while still keeping her essentially Pollyanna. She's still her same down-to-earth, cheerful, honest self--just grown up. :) I can't help loving Jimmy, even when he's being particularly frustrating. (Also see the previous spoiler.) And Jamie just entirely steals my heart.

I probably became incoherent a long time ago, so I'll stop this review and go grin in a corner. 4.5 stars

Content - a few not-descriptive kisses; the derogatory term "dago" applied to Italians by a street boy; terms like "magic," "spell," "witchery" used in a figurative sense, particularly in regard to stories; very veiled references to the danger of lonely girls in a big city--talk about "rescue work" and preventing girls from needing to be rescued; a girl has made an appointment with a man who "shouldn't notice" her but decides not to keep it; nothing explicit, and most of it goes over Pollyanna's head
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,933 reviews1,050 followers
November 7, 2022
A wonderful follow-up to the first book!

The first half of this book takes place soon after "Pollyanna," with the second half being about her growing up, how she finds work and falls in love - a part that I always enjoy reading about, particularly when a character has become a favorite. I simply must know if and when and to whom they married.

I was saddened by Aunt Polly's seemingly brief time at playing the Glad Game and wish that those principles would have sunk in deeper so that when the trials came, she would have been able to continue being glad. Also, I felt the love triangle, or square, or whatever you want to call it, a little drawn out and slightly silly. It's still worth the read though! Perhaps knowing these two things beforehand will make it easier.


Children's Bad Words
Mild Obscenities & Substitutions - 7 Incidents: pooh, Jove, shucks,
Name Calling - 7 Incidents: Duffers, Dago
Religious Profanities - 11 Incidents: Gee, Gorry, Gee whiz, Good heavens

Religious & Supernatural - 1 Incident: Someone mentions "feeling like a heathen goddess in a Hindu temple."

Conversation Topics - 2 Incidents: Mentions a man was cursing (no words provided). Mentions Santa Claus.

Romance Related - 5 Incidents: There is an odd situation with a man and a young woman at a park. The man asks the girl to go with him but she's changed her mind and doesn't want to go any more. The girl knew she shouldn't have agreed to go with him and now she won't. You know that the girl is poor and can only suspect that it was some inappropriate line of work or situation that the man was trying to force her into.Later, this same young woman talks about a friend of hers that decided to go with that man and how she wasn't a respectable lady any longer and was taken in by a rescue home. A young man rescues a young lady and holds her close. "For a moment, indeed, with his arms about her, and hers clinging about his neck, he had felt that she was indeed his - and even in that supreme moment of danger he knew the thrill of supreme bliss." "Jimmy came close and laid a caressing arm about her shoulders." A man and a lady kiss.

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Profile Image for Noor Tareq.
473 reviews100 followers
November 6, 2020
عندما تنظر للعالم و ما يحويه من بشر و مخلوقات ، يجب ان تحس بسعادة لانك لا تزال تنبض حياة ، و ما زال امامك وقت لتزرع الخير قدر استطاعتك ، دعك من تشاؤمك و حزنك ، فقط فكر بما عليك من نعم .

كم احببت بوليانا ، و كيف لها انا تبث الامل في قلوب الجميع ، بدءا بالسيده كرو ، و جايمي ، و كيف جمعتهما و اقنهت السيدة كرو المليئه بالحزن ، لكي تمنح جايمي الصغير حياة اخرى ، و كيف غيرت حياة سادي بعفويتها و سعادتها .
هذه الفتاة تحل السلام و السعاده حيثما وجدت ، رغم انني فضلت بوليانا الصغيره ، على بوليانا الكبيرة .
لكن ابدعت الكاتبه في هذا الكتاب ، كم احب كتب الصغار التي يفهمها الكبار ..
Profile Image for Laura Verret.
244 reviews85 followers
June 18, 2015
It was interesting to discover what happened to Pollyanna and Jimmy in their later years, although I found Aunt Polly's relapse quite unbelievable.......
Profile Image for _och_man_.
278 reviews3 followers
April 21, 2023
Serca jednych skradła Anne Shirley, moje należy do Pollyanny ❤ "Gra w zadowolenie" to miód na moje serducho, choć samej daleko mi do bycia optymistką. Gdybym wiedziała jak bardzo spodoba mi się kolejny tom, nie zwlekałabym prawie roku z jego lekturą.
Profile Image for Paula Vince.
Author 11 books106 followers
February 12, 2023
This is an entertaining sequel to 'Pollyanna', which starts soon after the conclusion. She is sent to stay with Mrs Ruth Carew, a lady suffering deep depression because over a decade earlier, her beloved baby nephew was kidnapped from the family by his eccentric father. Even though Ruth's brother-in-law has probably passed away, little Jamie's whereabouts remains unknown. These days he'd be on the missing person files. Ruth can't bear the uncertainty of not knowing whether he's suffering, or even dead. It casts a horrible shadow over every day of her life.

There in Boston, Pollyanna continues her habit of accidentally helping people transform their lives, including Jamie, a smart, bookish boy in a wheelchair, who might even be Mrs Carew's lost nephew, since he's unsure of his parentage and has the right name. Although Jamie plays his own version of Pollyanna's 'Game', he's not half as good at it as she is. It's possibly because he seems to have the typecast despondent, creative temperament of a literary author; the very thing he aspires to be. Jamie is a yearning, idealistic character we can't help liking. By the time Pollyanna leaves Boston, shes's helped bring several disparate, hurting people together, just by being herself and stepping out where more cautious and unsociable people would fear to tread.

In this first half, Pollyanna discovers that living in a big city is way different from living in a small town, and people are far more aloof than she'd like. And at last she learns that approaching strangers isn't always commendable.

The second half shoots forward six years. Pollyanna is twenty years old, returning to Beldingsville with her aunt after living abroad. Aunt Polly is now a widow who has fallen on hard times. To say she's reverted back to her bitter, cantankerous old self is an understatement. She's such a grinch, she even wants to cancel Christmas. Polly's brief taste of happiness seems to have made her crabbier than ever. Sadly, she only gets to spend a few years of marital bliss with her beloved Dr Thomas Chilton before he passes away, which understandably upsets many readers who enjoyed their whirlwind, second chance courtship. All we're told is that he 'died suddenly' and the text leaves us no idea why. I think it's safe to assume that Dr Chilton dies of a fatal case of plot device.

The stage is set for Pollyanna to introduce old and new friends in their time of need. She and her aunt must earn money fast while the Carew family are seeking a boarding house in country Vermont. Offering to host them herself seems a logical thing to do, although it unleashes all sorts of lovers' tangles and mix-ups. There are so many romantic assumptions that are way off track, if not outright bizarre, while it's probably predictable to every reader how the three key couples will end up being paired off.

The strained dynamics between Jamie and Jimmy are quite fascinating here. Both young men battle with jealousy of the other. I think Jimmy gets over his, especially when he discovers how unfounded it is regarding one crucial point. But for Jamie, I have the impression the green eyed monster is still raging, though concealed. Jimmy has so much he covets, including an able body and a budding career in engineering. And one more thing comes to light which would surely tip Jamie over the edge, if only he knew. I'm hooked on finding out how (if) that thread will develop in later books.

Pollyanna turns out to be a very dutiful girl, who will defer to her elders when it comes to choosing a spouse. It's a dated outlook (thankfully), which I doubt modern young readers would go for or understand. She ends up with the man her heart chooses, but only after clearing it with Aunt Polly, then Uncle John first! Pollyanna ends up with the perfect guy for her, and in her place, I would have been tempted to rub it in with Aunt Polly. But being a wholesome, early twentieth century plot, she manages to appease her aunt and get her man at the same time.

There are a few loose ends, which tighter, more modern editing might have addressed. When the identity of Ruth's nephew is finally revealed, nobody seems to think of telling her sister, Della the nurse, who surely deserves to know the truth as much as Ruth. It bothers me that she wasn't on the very small list of people who would learn the secret, even though she's a side character.

Overall, it's the sort of book which can get away with being a tad predictable because it's oh such fun. And next up will be Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms.
Profile Image for Maria (i Mikri Vivliofagos).
151 reviews178 followers
April 4, 2021
Η Πολυάννα είναι ο πιο αισιόδοξος και χαρούμενος χαρακτήρας βιβλίου που έχω συναντήσει έως τώρα! Σ' αυτό το βιβλίο παρατηρούμε τη ζωή της Πολυάννας κατά την εφηβεία και αργότερα την ενηλικίωσή της. Είναι ένα υπέροχο και καλογραμμένο βιβλίο μέσα από τη γλυκιά ματιά και γραφή της Ελεάνορ Πόρτερ. Είτε είστε έφηβοι είτε ενήλικες είναι ένα βιβλίο που αξίζει να διαβάσετε και που σίγουρα θα σας κάνει να δείτε τον κόσμο μέσα από μια πιο αισιόδοξη ματιά.

Μπορείς να δεις την ολοκληρωμένη μου άποψη στο παρακάτω βίντεο:
Profile Image for Adriana Scarpin.
1,514 reviews
June 5, 2024
Alguém deveria ter dito para essa senhoira Porter que o tratamento dado a crianças já não serve para as meninas-moças... se bem que ainda encontramos muito dessas senhoiras por aí, tratando mesmo adultos assim. Resumindo, se você lê uma coisa quando criança e depois cresce e a memória afetiva desse objeto não cresceu junto com você, então a experiência foi realmente indigesta.
Profile Image for Petrichor.
78 reviews7 followers
July 26, 2020
Ummm. I was going to rate this a touch less severely, but the second half of this book was supremely uncomfortable and mainly consisted of all the characters convincing themselves and each other that everyone else was in love with someone scandalously older or younger. In the end, everyone was matched up into (mostly) age-appropriate relationships, but I am forced to deduct a star for the cringe.
Profile Image for Ania.
252 reviews37 followers
June 24, 2012
This book was a bit strange as it was definitely a 2-in-1 story. The first half of the book starts soon after the first book ended and Pollyanna is now 12, and not 11 years old as she was in the first book. The story involves her aunt and uncle leaving for Germany and so Pollyanna goes to live with an acquaintance in Boston in an effort to cheer up the sad, lonely, negative woman.

The second half of the book picks up when Pollyanna is 24 years old! and a lot has happened too. Her new uncle has passed away and her aunt is going through bouts of depression. They are all also relatively penniless as most of their money has been lost in bad deals. But the story really isn't about that, but about romantic mix-ups that get straightened out near the end.

The first half gets about 3.5 to 4 stars from me as it only barely lost a tiny portion of the the charm of the first book, as well as it sort of repeats the same premise (an orphan goes to live with sad old woman and changes her life for the better). However, I just love Porter's writing style. I love how easily she makes people come to life and so it was an enjoyable read.

The second half however was not. Not really anyway. I still enjoyed her writing style, it's just that the second half presented a major schism in the story and the story lost its flow. The entire thing was completely predictable, and every misunderstanding thoroughly clear to the reader. And I think the most preposterous part was when Pollyanna insisted on marrying someone near the end (no worries, I'm not giving it away!) for no apparent logical reason an able and functioning mind could understand??? But you'll see when you get there. It will baffle you too.

Nonetheless I do recommend the book to people who did enjoy Pollyanna and want to know what happens to her and to her life. I do think that the story overall would have been better if this book was divided into 2 separate novels, and those 2 separate stories were more fully developed. I think it would also help if the time gap of 12 years was reduced... it's just too long to catch up on!

Still though the whole book has a warm feel like a good episode of Road to Avonlea and makes you feel that Pollyanna and the gang, despite being from Vermont, have really all been sneakily living in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island along with all of Anne's friends (that's Anne of Green Gables !).

Anywho, I'll probably give this book something between 2 and 3 stars. I liked it. It's just that the second half ruined it for me a bit, but not completely!
Profile Image for Gus.
575 reviews57 followers
December 29, 2017
--- Pollyanna Grows Up ---
Plot: Ok.
Penokohan: Ok.
Gaya bercerita: Ok.

Baca sinopsisnya langsung saja ya^^
Jadi setelah membaca Pollyanna, saya langsung membabat kelanjutannya. Maksudku-- setelah mengistirahatkan mataku dari kejenuhan tentunya. Buku kali ini, terjemahannya sudah membaik. Tapi typo tetap mewarnai (haha). Ngomong-ngomong plotnya tetap membuat saya agak jenuh juga sih^^. Apalagi saat saya sudah mulai meraba-raba arah plotnya (yang lagi-lagi, tebakan saya mendapat top-notch).

Kesampingkan segala kemalasan yang saya rasakan. Masuk pertengahan buku saat Pollyanna dewasa, sudah mulai ada dinamika baru. Mungkin karena teks percakapannya makin pendek (phew!). Saya menikmati bagian ini lebih dari yang lain. Terutama bagian dimana Pollyanna tidak mencoba bermain. Itu bagi saya bagian terbaik. Karena memperlihatkan betapa kontras dirinya saat tidak bermain ^^.

Tapi sekali lagi, plot romannya yang menggulung dan dibuat ribet oleh tokohnya masing-masing bagi saya yang berdarah panas, itu terlalu-- dipanjang-panjangkan. Wai so drama! //begitulahpikirku //padahalsendirinyange-drama (haha). Syukurlah endingnya memuaskan.
Yah itulah, Pollyanna Grows Up!
Profile Image for Deb .
1,666 reviews24 followers
July 16, 2010
I first read Pollyanna, as a youngster, probably around the time the first Disney movie was released. I loved the book, probably more because of the movie and my crush on Hayley Mills. I never read this sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up so when I found it for free for the Kindle, I downloaded it. As a nostalgia trip, this book was okay. Otherwise I found it cloying and predictable. Pollyanna spends a winter in Boston while her aunt and new husband Dr. Chilton head to Europe. Pollyanna brings the Glad Game to a unhappy wealthy Boston Brahmin, and meets another orphan, this time named Jamie. There is a missing child mystery that is solved, and of course lots of happy endings. Pollyanna also falls in love, and after a series of misunderstandings, is happily united with him. The plot is definitely dated, and the book does not pass muster for inclusion in my classroom library.
Profile Image for Sheila .
1,975 reviews
October 17, 2017
A nice sequel to the classic Pollyanna story, this book follows Pollyanna from where the original book leaves off, then jumps ahead to teen years and finally to young adulthood. It was nice to see that Pollyanna, even when faced with grown up challenges, was still able to maintain her optimistic outlook on life most of the time.
Profile Image for mandinmandin.
253 reviews49 followers
July 22, 2014
Pollyanna shown in ''Pollyanna Grows Up'', isn't the same as the one shown in the first book. She really got my nerves on.
Profile Image for duniamimpigie Anggi.
Author 2 books54 followers
May 18, 2016
Padahal saya belum baca Pollyanna buku pertama, tapi "permainan sukacita"-nya udah langsung tertanam di diri saya.

Saya sempet bersikap agak skeptis di awal-awal cerita. Karena... yah, realistis ajalah, sulit membayangkan semua hal di kenyataan sebagai kebahagiaan atau sukacita--seperti yang diajarkan dalam "permainan" Pollyanna.
Saya sempet merasa sebal sama Pollyanna yang terlalu polos dalam menanggapi segala hal, bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja, bahwa semua orang dapat berbahagia.
Tapi toh, sikap Pollyanna perlahan-lahan makin manusiawi (karena sebelumnya sangat malaikatiwi xD) seiring makin dewasanya ia. Pollyanna jadi tahu bahwa gak semua orang bisa mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan, dan bahwa dirinya gak melulu mampu berbuat sesuatu untuk semua orang.

Saya sempet agak gimana-gimana pas peralihan 6 tahun yang kosong selama Pollyanna dan keluarganya di Jerman. Kayaknya banyak hal yang terlewatkan dan bikin saya gak puas di satu sisi. Tapi, setelah itu, cerita saat Pollyanna dewasa dan bertemu kembali dengan kawan-kawan lamanya bikin saya tenggelam lagi dalam cerita, mengesampingkan tahun-tahun di Jerman yang hanya diceritakan dalam beberapa paragraf.

Saya merasa lucu banget pas bagian cerita berfokus pada percintaan di bab-bab akhir. Semua orang tenggelam dalam prasangkanya masing-masing mengenai siapa mencintai siapa, padahal semuanya keliru. Ahahahaha...
Tapi, perkiraan saya hampir tepat semua! Siapa akan berpasangan sama siapa, semua tebakan saya tepat! Cuma, ada satu yang benar-benar di luar dugaan saya: .

Buku ini--di luar dugaan--ternyata cepet banget saya selesaiin. Sempet gak bisa berenti nangis di beberapa bagian juga hehe... Tapi overall, ini buku yang manis dan hangat <3

Mengesampingkan soal cerita, belum sempurna review sebuah buku kalau belum membahas "penampilan".

Dimulai dari sampul, saya lumayan suka ilustrasinya. Cantik, sederhana, dan terkesan klasik. Sempurna.
Sayangnya, ilustrasi cantik itu dirusak, DIRUSAK! oleh pemilihan jenis font yang buruk--BURUK SEKALI.
Apa-apaan font judul yang bulat-bulat dan kekanakan gitu??? Itu apa sih? Udah dua tahun semenjak saya melepaskan jabatan editor, jadi saya udah lupa sama nama-nama font. Helvetica?
Masalahnya, font judul--yang notabene pasti akan jadi pusat perhatian orang pertama kali saat melihat buku ini--malah berkesan terlalu simpel, terlalu bulat, terlalu kekanakan, yang menandakan tukang sampulnya itu "terlalu malas". Rasanya pengen saya samperin yang milih font judul dan neriakin dia: "Males banget sih lo nyari font!" sambil lempar buku font yang tebel dari kantor saya dulu ke mukanya dia.
Ini cerita klasik--meski memang masih termasuk golongan young-adult, tapi tetap cerita klasik. Makanya, seenggaknya cari font yang elegan dikit kek. Yang cantik dan feminin kek--semacam kesan yang ditimbulkan Pollyanna, si tokoh utama.
Ini mah font judul "pemalas" =____=
Belum lagi warnanya yang oranye + biru keunguan. GEDUBRAK!!! Siapa sih yang milih font judulnya???? Bikin pengen gigit!

Selain font judul yang menyebalkan itu, font lainnya cuma: arial dan times. Gak ada variasi. Lo kira ini karangan ilmiah?

Begitulah. Font di sampul (depan maupun belakang) bikin saya naik pitam.

Beralih ke masalah di dalam: penerjemahan dan suntingan.
Terjemahannya oke. Saya sih suka. Lumayan untuk ukuran terjemahan buku klasik. Meski masih lebih cantik terjemahan Pride and Prejudice terbitan Qanita.

Sayangnya, suntingannya agak berantakan. Awalnya masih lumayan, cuma kurang konsisten penggunaan tanda petik untuk kalimat langsung, tapi makin ke belakang makin bermasalah: typo makin sering, kesalahan tanda baca juga makin sering, bahkan ada salah nama satu kali (yang saya sadari).
Profile Image for Maryna.
188 reviews7 followers
December 8, 2013
Ох, как же редко получаются хорошие продолжения! Первую книгу я все же трепетно люблю, невзирая на все ее минусы. И то, минусы эти я заметила, только когда перечитывала в сознательные 20 лет. Но в те 13 или 14 "Полианна" оставила самые хорошие впечатления - потрясающе позитивная девочка меняет всех и вся к лучшему! Это уже в 20 я поняла, что Полианна вопиюще бестактна и не воспитана, не разбирается в людях и будт�� бы не замечает их - да, она любит людей и всегда тянется к общению, но очень часто это выглядит как односторонний диалог - Полианна вещает, все внимают.
Я изначально видела не очень положительные отзывы на вторую книгу, но мне было очень любопытно, как же будет выглядеть повзрослевшая Полианна. А ответ прозаичен - никак. Она такая же, как и в детстве, ну возможно чуточку более спокойна и чуточку менее нахальна. А так - те же косички и та же 12-няя девочка, но в теле 20-ней. Но самое главное - есть у меня мнение, что вторую часть Портер написала, только что бы вписать любовную историю - вся завязка и абсолютно все крутилось вокруг любовных отношений всех вокруг. И что особенно смешно, все так потрясающе слепы и глухи - никто ничего не понимает и не видит, кто в кого влюблен!
В общем, грустно, не весело, не позитивно. Будет делать вид, что про "Полианну" есть всего одна книга.
Profile Image for Sandra Nedopričljivica.
716 reviews76 followers
April 4, 2017
Draga i simpatična Pollyanna polako odrasta. Više nije veliko iznenađenje ni ona sama ni njena "igra zadovoljstva". Upoznat će neke nove ljude i očarati ih svojom spontanošću i neposrednošću. Jedina "zamjerka" je što je knjiga preduga i onda samim tim i preopširna. Ipak, vrijedilo je zaviriti u tajne njenog odrastanja.
Profile Image for Alice.
57 reviews
August 5, 2024
I love that Pollyanna continues seeing light in every situation even as she grows up! The fact that she uncounsciously helps people find their happiness and peace through her positive view of the world is very inspiring and admirable.
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 43 books454 followers
January 11, 2024
Well, I finished it. I almost gave up but everyone assured me that the second half of the book was worth it. While I did enjoy seeing Pollyanna and Jimmy Bean together at the end, I still ended up not finding this book very enjoyable. The first half was painful, it held none of the charm of the first book but read like a painful info commercial for the Glad Game and its power to change lives.
The second half of the book was better written and far more interesting, but I quickly found I didn't like it much either. I'll share my main reason but it is a spoiler.

Perhaps I may have missed much of the point of the book. Perhaps I have too much life experience with people doing the wrong thing for "noble" reasons to be able to gloss over historic ideals on the subject.
All in all, I loved the first book, but this one I would skip.
Profile Image for annastycznie .
195 reviews
July 27, 2024

Jestem przekonana, że to jest jedna z najbardziej pokręconych książek, które czytałam w tym roku.

Wciąż niestety podtrzymuje ten idiotyczny optymizm, co o ile irytowało mnie w poprzedniej części tak po prostu, tak tu trochę mnie gorszy, gdyż Polyanna ma w tej książce odpowiednio 13 (pierwsza połowa) i 20 (druga połowa) lat, a wciąż zachowuje się równie infantylnie i od rzeczy.

Od rzeczy zachowują się także wszyscy, którzy Polyannę na swojej drodze spotykają, i to nie od dziś. Ktoś na łamach tej książki porównuje Polyannę do belladonny i ewidentnie coś w tym jest, gdyż w kontakcie z nią wszyscy zachowują się jak na proszkach, a główna podejrzana jest naćpana najbardziej z nich wszystkich.
Poza tym Polyanna... nie jest szczególnie ani mądra, ani inteligentna. Może to wina warsztatu autorki, ale losy Polyanny śledzimy przez niemal 10 lat jej życia, a ona przez cały ten czas zachowuje się dokładnie tak samo. No ja w to po prostu nie wierzę.

Czymś, co jednak odróżnia tą książkę od poprzedniej na plus, jest najbardziej absurdalny, przysięgam, galimatias romansowy, o jakim moglibyście sobie pomyśleć. Ilość dram i nieporozumień zmieszczonych na ostatnich 70 stronach jest równie gigantyczna, co dziwna i chyba tylko ta dziwność pozwala się nad tym po prostu roześmiać.

Podtrzymuję swoją opinię o tym, że te książki fatalnie wręcz się zestarzały, ale jako powrót do bardzo zamierzchłej przeszłości chyba dają radę.
Profile Image for Challice.
627 reviews67 followers
December 30, 2023
I was charmed by seeing Pollyanna grow up and share her gift for choosing joy in life with others. When she comes across a crippled boy, Jamie, I wondered if she had met her match and would lose her wonder at seeing life in the best possible way. But, it was lovely and the first half ended. She grows up a bit more in part 2 of this book and we see Aunt Polly turn back into a bitter old woman at the loss of Dr. Chilton. Their reduced circumstances gives Pollyanna another opportunity to show her glad game to Aunt Polly...and it was about here that, for me, the book kind of went blah. It felt rushed and very predictable. Love misunderstandings, fairy tale poor boy turned rich, and more. It just took away a lot of what could have been amazing. But it's a child's book and it's written in a good fairy tale Cinderella way.
Profile Image for Alina Bekh.
15 reviews9 followers
May 8, 2024
Першій половині ставлю 5 зірок, другій половині 3 зірки, тому

4🌟/ 5🌟

Перша половина гарна, особлива, як перша книга. Тільки головна героїня там ще дитина і як ніяк не могла второпати де ж вона виростає.

А от у другій частині їй вже 20. І там просто намагалися всіх прилаштувати. Поворот сюжету з конвертом був дуже читаємий для мене. Тому, я зовсім не здивувалася. Та і взагалі інтриги (для мене) у другій частині не було. Я щось передбачила випадково, а виявилось, що так і є.

Перша книга несе класний посил. А друга вже просто для фанатів. Вона більш сумна. Хоча старається балансувати.

Я би дуже радила всім прочитати першу книгу. Вона повчальна. І її хочеться перечитувати.

Під час другої частини я досить часто (під час другої половини) відволікалася на телефон.
Profile Image for Lāsma Ašme.
36 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2019
Ļoti jauka un pamācoša grāmata! Maniem puikām arī ļoti patika un ar nepacietību gaidīja, kas notiks tālāk. Kā pieņemt dzīves apstākļus, pateikties un priecāties!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 486 reviews

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