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Kindred's Curse #2

Glow of the Everflame

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An unexpected gift offers the power to change everything—but keeping it could cost Diem her life.

The threat of war has arrived at Diem’s doorstep, along with a new discovery that could save her people. To use it, she must survive the next thirty days by forming a devil’s bargain with the people she hates most: the royal family of House Corbois.

But as she dives into the world of the Descended elite, Diem quickly realizes good and evil aren’t as simple as they seem. Old prejudices are challenged, and new loyalties blur the line between friend and foe.

Meanwhile, her mother is still missing, and the secrets she left behind can no longer be ignored—and neither can the Guardians and their demands. Caught between an old flame and a sizzling new spark, Diem must confront the truth about who she is and what she wants before time runs out.

War is coming, and dangerous enemies wait on all sides.. but the most deadly battle Diem faces may be the one for her heart.

Glow of the Everflame is the second book in The Kindred's Curse Saga, a four-book fantasy romance series. This book will appeal to fans of plot-heavy, character-driven romantasy such as A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, From Blood and Ash, Gild, Shadow & Bone, and The Serpent & the Wings of Night.

637 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 18, 2023

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About the author

Penn Cole

3 books3,063 followers
While my life has taken me through a lot of ups and downs, my love for reading and writing has forever been my true north. I’ve been writing stories since my childhood, filling mountains of notebooks with wild worlds and angsty romances. After a detour as an attorney and small business owner, I am thrilled to finally be pursuing my lifelong dream of becoming an author.

Though I’m a Texas girl born and bred, I currently live in France with my husband, where I can usually be found drinking far too much wine and eating far, far too many pastries.

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Profile Image for SK.
476 reviews7,497 followers
August 28, 2023
4.5 stars ✨

"I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin. I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name. Yes Diem, I want to serve you- in every way a man can."

OH MY GOSH. This was perfect and such an improvement compared to the first book🤌

Read this if you like-
✔️ The Serpent and the Wings of Night
✔️ Slowww torturous burn
✔️ Angstyyyy romanace
✔️ Found family
✔️ Dragon sidekick
✔️ Court intrigue
✔️ "Who did this to you" but she says it
✔️ Only one horse

"His touch was the changing of seasons, the dead, cold grey of winter thawing and giving way to the colorful hope of spring. The promise of something new, something exquisitely alive."

So after the disappointing first book (review already posted), this one felt like a breath of fresh air. Almost everything went right with this book. I was struggling to put it down and was fully immersed in the world and with the characters. When I wasn't reading, I was thinking about this book. That's how good it was 🤌 As I mentioned in the review of the first book that this series has immense potential and this book solidifies that.

Book 1 ends on a cliffhanger and this one picks up right from that moment. No time wasted. One of the things I mentioned in my review for book 1 was that I wanted the author to elaborate more on the world, take time with characters and romance- which is exactly what the author did here and it worked brilliantly.

World building can still use some work but am not complaining much on that as the author seems to be taking it book by book. The pacing is not too fast, not too slow and is perfectly balanced. Plot wise? It's getting juicier and juicier 👀 The court intrigue was brilliantly written.

The romance was the highlight for me. Both Luther and Diem left things on a rocky ground and how sweet, torturous that slow burn and angst was. The way they looked at each other, knowing both are stuck with people who don't love them. Their hearts yearned for each other even if Diem didn't want to accept it. The touches and caresses, standing up for each other. I was swooning. Also, FYI man's was really giving her a foot massage after the ball cause she was dancing and in heels all day 👀 That scene where they look at each other's scars and open up was chef's kiss 🤌 I can't wait for the spice 😩😩

Luther makes it to the list of my book boyfriends and guys, I ain't gonna lie to you, EVERYTHING about that man is PURE PERFECTION. Am sorry y'all, am claiming him🤭❤️‍🔥 The way he carries himself, the way he talks, the way he ignites passion. The way he practically worships the woman he wants and will go to any lengths for her is swoon worthy. Am in love with Luther I swear 😭❤️‍🔥 I need me him.

Diem's character has improved a lot. I enjoyed to see her grow and the way she tackled court politics. Her exposure to vulnerability and trying to cope with a loss of loved one was so beautifully written. I would tho love to see more clarity on her magic cause it seems badass.

The supporting characters were so fun and radiated inner circle vibes. I like Diem's family except for her mother. I still don't care about her. Henri is such a shitty person, I don't know how him and Diem even got along. I swear the man is worse than any other failed love interest you know.

The Challenging towards the end was fun but the thing that made it disappointing (and the reason why it is a 4.5 star read instead of 5 ) is what the author inserted for shock value. The mini betrayal made me rethink everything but it really was not required. There was nothing really of substance there except that it comes across as shocking.

The ending- Although I won't say the cliffhanger was brutal but the way things ended, the third book will go straight to my anticipated reads. Regarding the epilogue, am gonna say it again- I don't care about her mother. Her secrets can die with her, she has done nothing except lied, manipulated, destroyed family trust not only of Diem's but Luther's too, apparently.

In short, I recommend this series but would suggest reading book 1 with low expectations. You might be missing out on something special 😉

This is going to be my new obsession. Cannot wait for the third book to release 😍😍

Really hoping that this is better than the first book🤞
Profile Image for Cherie.
32 reviews4 followers
December 24, 2023
Oh boy. This book started off so strong! I read for the characters, and I seriously struggled with this one about 30% in.

Diem has long straddled the line of unsympathetic MC for me and this cinched it because she made many unwise, really illogical decisions, which I get were part of her character arc, but I think what the book needed were moments of the reader actually liking her once or twice between 35% to 80%. Because it's first person and she's completely unlikable as she treats her friends and family in petulant, rude ways, it was very hard to stay engaged. Her treatment of Luther was bizarre and cruel, which made it very hard to buy her "empathetic queen of the people" persona. I found myself yelling at my Kindle and threatening to throw it out my window multiple times because of how frustratingly unbelievable her actions were.

The "I'm going to save everyone" bit, especially for the ball and the Guardians - that really just ruined my suspension of disbelief. It's completely fine if Diem thinks up an asinine idea to give away her entire country's state secrets to save 200 terrorists. What I couldn't believe is that LUTHER, who this entire time was being set up as the guy who was raised to be a smart king, thought of that brilliant idea. His blind need to agree with Diem on every turn and do whatever she needs without question pushed him into simping territory for me sadly, as he seemed to completely lose his spine around her.

I won't even get started on Henri, Aemonn, and the very confusing love square (?) that was going on.

I think my greatest issue, though, was the lack of setup and payoff. Diem's father dying one scene after we see him for the first time in a while held no emotional impact for me because there was no foreshadowing that that was about to happen. I would have loved a few more scenes with him. We see so little of him throughout both books, and most of his lines are remembrance lines that Diem remembers, so his death felt hollow and I couldn't relate to Diem and Teller's grief. There were moments when I felt things were just happening to the characters because it needed to move the plot, which really pulled me out of the novel.

I don't usually write long scathing reviews but it's clear that Penn Cole has put in a lot of effort for it to be at the level of Maas and Broadbent, and I think it's absolutely doable. Just at a macro level, I think the characterizations need major work to stay engaging.
Profile Image for Marianna Moore.
219 reviews4,330 followers
August 19, 2024
1.5 ⭐️ Thank. God. That’s. Over. If I had to be in Diem’s head for one more minute I think I would have imploded with rage. By far my most disappointing read of the year. Diem takes my number 1 spot for least favorite FMC of all time. The most upsetting part about this to me is that there were things I did like about this book, but in the end, Diem was this series demise for me and I was incapable of looking past being one of the most insufferable characters I have ever read. That being said if you do like Diem or are able to tolerate her, I do think you would like this book if you’re a fantasy romance reader!

Diem: I’ve never been more frustrated by a character in my entire life. Im honestly impressed with how the author just continued to make me hate her more and more over the course of two books. Not a sliver of character development. It got to the point where there was absolutely zero justification for her actions and I wasn’t even rooting for her redemption because she didn’t deserve it… I know I’m petty. It’s one thing to have trust issues because you’ve been lied to most of your life, I get that. But there comes a point where the lack of character growth makes it difficult to show any empathy towards her. She constantly made idiotic and illogical decisions and as soon as she suffered the consequences of her own actions she blamed everyone around her but herself. Every single “conflict” in this book came about because of her stupidity and it actually made me want to set my kindle on fire repeatedly. Because this is in the first person and only her POV it is very hard to look past her character, she is entirely unlikable and I think even having Luther’s POV would have helped SIGNIFICANTLY just to have some reprieve. The way this girl treats her friends and family… it made me physically recoil. She has trust issues yet blindly trusts all of the wrong people who are so obviously using her, while at the same time refuses to trust those who continue to prove they support her and are on her side. This girl is incapable of taking anyone’s advice and just blindly goes into situations and acts on her emotions alone.

Don’t even get me started on the way she treated our MMC Luther… LUTHER BABY YOU DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER!! Luther was arguably one of best parts about this book, the whole time I was rooting for him to put Diem in her place… which he never did. Unfortunately by around the 70% mark I started to like him less and less because of the way he blindly followed Diem like lost a puppy and let her walk all over him. I wasn’t even rooting for them as a couple by the end of this. The cruel way she treated him after he gave her countless reasons to trust him actually made me sick to my stomach.

Personally I wasn’t even invested in their romance at all, which obviously can be attributed to me hating Diem. But nonetheless I actually found the romance portion to be a very insignificant part of the book. The repetitive arguing took away from any romantic chemistry between them. Yes it’s a slow burn but it had none of the qualities that you LOVE from a slow burn, no tension, no angst, very little flirting and cute moments. It was mainly just Luther pining over Diem and her pushing him away in every way possible because she’s BETROTHED ….

Speaking of Betrothed oh good god don’t even get me started on Henri. A huge pet peeve of mine is when the first love interest, that you know is obviously not end game, sticks around for WAY TOO LONG, for no reason other than to cause unnecessary drama. Honestly at this point Diem and Henri deserve each other.

Okay I’m ranting I know, I apologize, but if you’re still here I appreciate you. On to the plot… pacing significantly improved from book 1, and there was definitely more going on, a lot of court intrigue which I liked. I also really loved the side characters that were introduced and the little found family that was formed, they definitely helped me push through this book! However it kind of stops there. I would have really liked to get a better understanding of how the magic system works and see Diem actually work to harness her powers. The “training trope” in this, if you can even call it that, was weak at best and consisted of Diem being too stubborn and giving up. Then her randomly coming into her power in the end without having to work for it.

What bothered me a lot throughout the book was that there was such a significant lack of setup for scenes that were supposed to have an emotional impact. It seemed like things were just happening to characters to push the story forward so I really didn’t feel anything at all. We were building up this whole time to this big “challenge” that was entirely anticlimactic. I’m still looking for who our true villain is… but there isn’t a clear enemy just a lot of shitty people.

All in all for me personally this series was not it and I will not be continuing. But please remember that Reading is so so so subjective and I will never ever say a book “isn’t worth the hype” because obviously it is popular FOR A REASON!! This book is so well loved by so many! My opinion is just one of SO MANY!
Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔ .
700 reviews1,527 followers
May 23, 2024
“Burn, my Queen. Glow so bright, the darkness trembles.”

Whew. What. A. Book.

4.5 Glowing Stars Rounded Up 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Lemme just start by saying that, I've had a weird relationship with this series to start. When I initially read book 1 earlier this year. It shouldn't be an excuse but I'm a mood reader, and I also find that sometimes when I come off a book that really left me unsatisfied and I borderline hated it, and I jump into something else that is written by unknown to me-often an indie author, I find that my feelings from the book that pissed me off can carry over and bleed into the next book. It's not fair, I know but I just think that may be how my emotions work.

╰┈➤Book 1 review can be found here Spark of the Everflame

That said, the FMC was incredibly annoying in book 1 but probably didn't deserve all of the criticism I tossed at the book. I've since gone back and adjusted book 1 from a 2 star to a 3 star rating- because to be fair I still had a little beef.

Moving forward now to talk about what we're all here for.

╰┈➤Book 2 in the Kindred's Curse series. Honestly, as I said in my pre-review. I simply do not understand how this book is not getting more action on the scene, whether it be Goodreads or social media. It's basically crickets for this series and I think all ya'll romantasy lovers are doing yourself a solid disservice.

Glow picks up right where Spark ends so there's not too much plot wise I can go into without giving spoilers and I don't want to spoiler tag this review. I will say this, in book 1 I had an issue with the pacing and that was corrected in this book. The FMC is still extremely frustrating at times but it made more sense to me in this book.

I do have a bit of an issue with fantasy being written in first person, I'd much prefer 3rd or 3rd person limited. I truly hate being locked in the FMC's head with her POV. That is probably my only critique.

I take that back, I'd love a little more on the world building, but it's still been progressing very nicely as you continue to read through each book. The plots and plans and twists and turns. Lots of scheming and political intrigue along with some good action sequences.

The characters are amazing. But, Luther omg- ladies. Ladies, ladies, ladies. You need to meet this man. Whew.

"But rest assured, my Queen, when I do kiss you, there will be no confusion. You will know that I have claimed you - and I won't have any desire to deny it."

"If a kiss is the reward, my Queen, I'll get on my knees for you whenever you want."

"You are my Queen, and I am your sword. Point me at your enemies, and watch them fall. Lead this world, Diem, and I will follow you-into war, into death, into the tundra of hell itself."

"You are the fate my heart was spared for. As long as it beats, you will never fight alone."

"I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name."

"I want to burn alive in that fire in your eyes. I want it to melt me down and forge me into the weapon you need me to be. I want to stand by your side for the rest of my life, and I don't need you to marry me and make me a fucking king to do it."

"Perhaps, for the right person, we endure pain, because the torture of never having them at all is the more unbearable fate."

╰┈➤ The growing romance/relationship between Diem and Luther is the main event in this book. Total slow burn with all the sexy smirks and witty banter between the two. Diem has grown on me so much from book 1, again, I still have some issues with her from time to time where she can come across like a brat stomping her feet but so many positives of the book overshadowed those moments for me.

╰┈➤The side characters- I love them all! Most of them. From her brother Teller to the circle that she surrounds herself with and they would literally kill for each other. You have quite a few characters that are still unknown- we quite literally don't know exactly what role they play and as to what their intentions are, are they good, are they bad? There are also many that you are constantly questioning- who have come across as good. Have almost seemed good but are they though?

Book 1 and book 2 both leave you on a cliffhanger- for me I'm not ready to jump off a cliff over them but I know some people rage about cliffy's so beware. That being said, I have book 3 ready to go this week at the top of my list!

🔥Slow Burn
🔥Found Family
🔥Court Intrigue
🔥Action/Magical Sequences
🔥 Touch her and Die

OMG- I can't even. I'm screaming- joy, frustration, happiness, the cliffhanger-idk but I'm screaming!! Thank the gods I have book 3 on hand. RTC shortly. 🩶

₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊

After having a long chat with one of my besties earlier -SK 🩷 Neither one of us understand how this book is so underrated. Look I'll be the first to say that I was a little on the fence with book 1- I think part of that was due to disappointment I had in another book and it carried over. It's not without it's flaws , but so far book 2 (this book) has been really impressive.

I started it the other day and didn't want to tag it as currently reading- just in case I was let down again. I'm still in the very beginning and have been battling a migraine today so I hope to get back to it tomorrow.

But - if you love tension, magic, hidden identity, forced proximity and some others- I think you will LOVE this

3 books available now with the 4th coming in March 2024 🩷🩷

Alright, after not being impressed with book 1 earlier this year- I'm going to go back into this series with an open mind and hope that Book 2 is as amazing as I've heard from others.

Profile Image for Jessie Ghoens.
14 reviews3 followers
February 12, 2024
I’ve never been so fricking mad at the protagonist/heroine before. Actually insufferable and constantly making the wrong decisions. Annoying in every way possible with hardly any redeeming qualities. That being said I love the story itself just wish she wasn’t so terrible :/ I think she’ll be better in the next book now that she’s finally accepted who she is and that not everyone is untrustworthy.

Just an update: she gets better! can’t wait for this newest book to come out I love this series
Profile Image for Lindsey♡  (Semi-Hiatus).
128 reviews125 followers
June 22, 2024
4.5 ⭐'s rounded up!!
"For every spark that has lost its light and needs a little help remembering how to glow."

"We do not fear the flames, for the hotter we burn, the higher we fly.”

Whew what a rollercoaster ride this book was, the highs and lows and the angst on the way there!😍 I was giddy with the banter, I was dying from the tension between our FMC and our MMC, and I was screaming inside with the twists that came.

This book starts off right where the last one ended. We continue to follow Diem as she struggles with her own inner battles, as well as battle with everyone else, while war is approaching. Diem continues to grow and develop while learning about not only herself but those around her. I loved seeing the relationships between Diem and the side characters develop. Taran is absolutely hilarious and had me laughing throughout this whole story, I think he is my favorite side character! While there were characters I absolutely adored there were also ones I wanted to reach into my kindle and strangle, Henri and Taran's brother to be exact!🤬🤬

I said in the last book that I wanted to see how our MMC Luther develops and the author absolutely delivered with this one. First off, the slow burn and tension betwen Diem and Luther is to die for 😍I LOVE LUTHER💖🔥😍 This man and the things he does and says...PERFECT BOOK BOYFRIEND!!

“But rest assured, my Queen, when I do kiss you, there will be no confusion. You will know that I have claimed you—and I won’t have any desire to deny it.”

“I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin. I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name.” His hands slid to my hips and tugged me closer. “Yes, Diem, I want to serve you—in every way a man can.”

“You are the fate my heart was spared for. As long as it beats, you will never fight alone.”
“I would have walked into the flaming heart of the sun itself,” he shot back. “If you are suffering, nothing will keep me from coming to your aid. Least of all something as trivial as death.”

“That if a man made you doubt whether his love for you would survive anything, he does not deserve you.”

💖💖💖💖💖This book was everything!! I can't wait for the next one!!👀
Profile Image for Vanessa.
17 reviews2 followers
September 10, 2023
This book would be so much better without diem in it.
Profile Image for Kerry.
124 reviews59 followers
May 2, 2024
Wow. I have a lot to say so please bear with me.

When I reviewed Spark of the Everflame (book 1), I mentioned it was in my top 5 favorite books of 2023. Glow of the Everflame just took the spot as my #1 favorite book I have ever read in my life. Sailing high above acomaf/koa (which both previously held that title)

This book made me laugh out loud (yes, she did it again), blush and swoon (ch. 20 vibes for sure), cry, stress (so hard) and develop the worst case of daddy issues I ever ever experienced (listen, pls don't ask).

When I tell you I could not put this down, I mean I seriously did not do a lick of work for my 8 hour shift (don't tell my boss) and was so invested there is not a force on earth that could've pulled me away from this book.

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I told myself "omfg no way this is not happening" while I was reading. I was genuinely stressed for about 80% of the story and the way this book was written truly forced me to experience every single emotion the characters were going through (against my will). I don't think I will ever find relief from the second-hand embarrassment Diem is adamant to put me through. I am so fragile.

The absolutely scalding 3rd degree slow burn I was exposed to was absolutely torturous and I demand retribution for my agony and suffering.

Going back and rereading the dedication after finishing this book brought tears to my eyes.

At this point, there isn't a single written work by Penn Cole I would not read. High school essay? Give it to me. Grocery list? Hand it over right now. I will devour anything and everything I can get my hands on.

This is one of those books that will stay with you long after you read it. I could not recommend this book enough. I am so honored to have had the opportunity to read this as an ARC and I cannot wait to experience the absolute gut-wrenching chaos that Penn drags us through with the rest of the series.
Profile Image for aeryn rose.
146 reviews532 followers
March 28, 2024

For every spark that has lost its light and needs a little help remembering how to glow.


Diem's mother is still missing, and now the threat of war is on her doorstep. After a new secret is revealed that changed Diem's entire life, she must do whatever she can to protect the ones she loves. However, she did not expect to form unlikely alliances: those of House Corbois, the royal Descended family. Diem must juggle her life-changing secret, her mother's secrets as well as her disappearance, and her new forming allies. She must do this while trying to deny the growing attraction between her and the forbidden Prince, Luther.


The Plot: This book was a wild ride and a half. This delivered everything and more that the first book was missing. I can confidently say this is one of my favorite romantic fantasy series I have read so far entirely. The way Penn Cole write this plot just draws you in from the very beginning. The world is absolutely beautiful. It truly does transport you to this world and once you're in it, you really don't want to leave. This is such a perfectly written slow-burn. THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!!! Diem and Luther...my ride or die babies. It does not get better than them. The lengths he goes for her in this book just warmed my heart and made me giggle and squeal. This book truly was *chefs kiss*. I will say though, this series is very heavy. I definitely need a breather and a break after this long book before jumping into almost DOUBLE the size of the next book. This really reminds me of the likings of SJM books and the way her plots and characters are written out. There was little to no spice just a few comments here and there, but if you're a true slow-burn fan...boy do I have a recommendation for you. The ending of these books never cease to leave me on the edge of my seat. I always leave wanting more and more and more. I'm convinced there are drugs in this book because of how addicting this series is. 100/10 would recommend!!!

The Characters: It's so hard not to love everybody in this book (besides Henri if you like Henri we cannot be friends sorry I don't make the rules). To witness the progression of Diem's struggles and see her blossom into her new role in this book was just so magical to see. Her character development was SO. WELL. WRITTEN. She is a certified badass. Luther is my baby boy and I would do anything for that man. I loved seeing the roles of family and new found family blossom in this book as well. The friendships that were formed and even the enemies that were made just fit so well and everything just made sense. Everything had a purpose, and I LOVED that!!

Overall, I liked this better than the first book!! I think it included more politics and the magic system made more sense and the writing just overall was better. I will forever be recommended this series to everyone who can sit down and read a long book cause this entire series is a long and heavy one. If you can handle it, absolutely read this you will not regret it!! 🧡


I started reading this days ago and forgot to update goodreads oops 😭
Profile Image for Charity (Booktrovert Reader).
688 reviews497 followers
June 9, 2024
Wow Penn Cole, just create a cliffhanger and push me off of it why don't you?

Diem wasn't my 100% favorite in this one. But you can tell she is holding onto her past of who she once was and working through insecurities of herself.

The slow burn is still happening....

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Profile Image for Elisa.
2 reviews
July 26, 2023
I'm really enjoying this series and I will definitely read the next books too, but I liked this second book less than the first: I think it's way too long, very little happens and I have mixed feelings about Diem. Anyway, I like the premise of this story so much, that I'm looking forward to reading the third book.

(Attention spoilers)

What I loved:

Sorae: My favourite character!! Perfect adviser in everything! Even in fashion! Loved it.

Luther: (Perhaps too perfect?) So wonderful that, as far as I'm concerned, there's not even a love triangle because of him. Henry doesn't hold a candle.

This world and its history: I hope it will be described in more detail. I would like to know about the ancient gods, the Blood war..

The visions and all the secrets: I can't wait to know everything!!

What I didn't like:

I believe the book could have been at least 200 pages shorter. The story dragged too much, for me. Especially the part of the diplomatic meetings with the other families of the kingdom.

Diem: sometimes I like her and sometimes I don't... I love her courage and her love for others, her selflessness, but I don't understand some of the choices she makes. They're incomprehensible and very immature. She blindly trusts some of the Corbois cousins, from the beginning, without ever questioning their sincerity, but not with Luther. She always seems to change her opinion, despite him showing her many times how much he cares about her and how ready he is to serve her as queen.
At some point she says to him:

"Stop trying to be my advisor, Luther. Be my friend."

And then, a few lines later, she says to herself:

"I wondered if he would make the same offer if he knew Henri had sworn to kill him. If he knew I had sworn to kill him, too."

WTF, DIEM! You've just asked him to be your friend!!

And what about their first kiss??

“I didn’t kiss you,” I hissed, whirling to face him, “you kissed me. Maybe I didn’t push you off as quickly as I should have"

...yeah, sure, Diem. You were so very slow at pushing him off, that in the meantime you had time to put your fingers through his hair and wrap yourself around his body...

Anyway, since from the beginning of the first book she's been in denial about her Descended nature, I can accept that she's also in denial about her feelings for a Descended man that she doesn't completely trust...

In many situations I found Diem very naive and immature and this contrasted a lot with the image of Diem as a healer, I think.
Towards the end of the novel, when she helps the Guardians once again by showing them how to get out of the castle by boat I would have literally screamed!!

With Henry she behaves very immaturely... Even before discovering that she is Descendant she knows she doesn't want to marry him and doesn't love him, but when she becomes queen, in order not to lose him, she proposes to marry him and make him king consort!! I understand the fear of change, her wanting to cling to her previous life and not accept that part of herself that she has recently discovered and which belongs to a world that she detests, I also understand that it may have served to slow burn, because in this way Diem was even more inaccessible to Luther, but it is a choice that I found very silly and out of the character that I thought she was.

However, what I really don't understand about this book and Diem in particular is how she never asked and never investigated the words that both the queen of Umbros and the late king said to her before he died. At the beginning of this book he says these mysterious words to her that she had already partly heard from the queen of Umbros in the first book, but for almost all of the 600 plus pages of this book she practically forgets them, it doesn't occur to her that they might be important, that the fact that she has eyes the same color as the Kindreds is curious and that maybe it means something. I understand wanting to lengthen the story for future books, but I found Diem's ​​lack of interest really absurd.

Other than that... everything else I really liked and I'm super curious. That's why I wish I liked Diem more. I really hope she becomes more mature and sensible in the next books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kate The Great.
285 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2023
This book was not nearly as good or consistent as the first. It felt like a corny YA hot mess snooze fest:

Diem desperately needs to grow up. She was a extremely immature and overly emotional character. Her family and Luther deserved a lot better. She also clearly didn't love Henri and still insisted on calling him her fiancé for most of the book which was frustrating AF to keep reading about. She constantly made contradicting statements that she wanted to be a queen of justice and equality for all but would still refuse to accept the Guardians were a radical terrorist organization. She also had a horrible habit of interrupting everyone especially at the end.

The ending was so over the top, corny and DUMB. I was relieved when it was over.

It did not break my heart that her father died because the author didn't set up that relationship very strong. What broke my heart was the potential this book could of had given how amazing the first one was.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Josie Bullard.
117 reviews750 followers
July 10, 2024
5+⭐️ OH. MY. GODDDDDDDD!!!?!?!! I am SCREAMING. This book was pure perfection. I am so impressed by this series it just keeps getting better and better. The slow burn romance, the plot, the TWISTS?! I cannot wait for more Diem & Luther in the next book 🥵 I am absolutely feral over them. This will forever be a favorite of mine.
Profile Image for booknuts_.
807 reviews1,805 followers
June 3, 2024
This is a fantastic series! So good and so fun!!!

The main character Diem bothered me at times but it's all good, all forgiven. Luther is just.....*chef's kiss* I love him!

I love all the side characters, I think Taran is my favorite!

Highly recommend this series!

Sexual Content: mild
Spice-O-Meter: 1 chili pepper
Language: moderate
Drugs/Alcohol: mild
Violence: moderate
LGBTQ: a side character f/f
Profile Image for BookishByTammi.
239 reviews1,863 followers
June 16, 2024
This is one of the best fantasy romance sequels I have ever read!
The found family, the banter, the romance, the plot everything was entertaining and engaging.

Luther…what a man! Papa Bellator…what a man! Taran…what a man! I love them all
Found family will get me every time and getting to know the descended more after they were so mysterious in book 1 was fun.

Theres a lot of political manoeuvring in this book which I really enjoyed seeing Diem trying to balance both sides.

Its hard to say what I enjoyed without spoilers so I’m just gonna say this is definitely worth the read and will go down as one of my favourite romantasy series
Profile Image for Bella P (semi-hiatus).
167 reviews79 followers
May 5, 2024
4.75⭐️ maybe 5⭐️ not sure still RTC
’Burn my Queen. Glow so bright, the darkness trembles.’

- - - -
"For every spark that has lost its light and needs a little help remembering how to glow."
What can I say I suffer from severe FOMO, I need to know what Noi knows too. Also I need answers.
145 reviews6 followers
August 1, 2023
DNF 30 percent
Cole spends way to much time trying to make MC witty and badass, than having her function like an actual human being with even a lick of sense. All her interactions with MMC are utterly dumbfounding, and this constant "tell me what you know" being interrupted on EVERY page is a nusiance. It wasn't tension building, it was just frustrating.
Insta love, I like him but I hate him made no sense in this book, and the MC interactions with all the other characters were childlike and badly written. After the full funeral scene of absolute drivel, I couldn't do it to myself anymore.
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
166 reviews53 followers
April 14, 2024
I’m am so conflicted about giving this book only three stars because some parts were amazing and I LOVED the new characters as well and Teller and Lilly’s development 🥹. But it just stopped making sense.

The mother - this is the second time she has been written about sporadically and just as an afterthought in the epilogue. There’s no true desire to get to know Aurelie as a character I’m sorry. When there’s too much mystery and too little focus on the storyline it loses its impact and the addition of it in the epilogue is more confusing than it is interesting. This is a word heavy book with a lot of content…to still not know what’s really going on is a bit silly.

Diem - Diem is written so well that her decisions don’t make sense. I’d rather she come across a little stupid so it syncs up with her choices 😂. She kept doubting the only loyal person in her corner on SEVERAL occasions. And had this desperate need to please Henri, who she KNEW she had no real feelings for. And it wasn’t an understandable desperation, just stupid. He hates you and everything about him was off. There was a decision she made with Henri and father Vance (don’t want to add a spoiler) that upset me so much. It was such a betrayal to the people she called her new family? All for people who didn’t like her? And who she RAN FROM in the first book.

Henri - I think what I really disliked about the addition of this ‘Ex’ storyline is that it didn’t match up with what was happening. It was almost like the author just wanted some OM drama so threw it in. Henri was an awkward and unnecessary addition to the plot I’m sorry. More of a nuisance than a complex character.

Luther - Luther was excellent. Not much to critique here cause he made all the right decisions even when I wished he just gave up cause Diem was annoying me.

Overall, so many parts of the story felt like added obstacles to simply prolong the book. There was no good reason why Diem’s Godhood wouldn’t appear. And it just made the challenge so unnecessarily dramatic 🤣😂 like what was the reason she couldn’t summon it until the end? (the concept of her not embracing it didn’t do it for me sorry). And why did they keep cutting each other off when needed to say important information? Just TALK.

This could have easily been a 5 ⭐️ and I’m so disappointed! Every other relationship and character was worth the read. The biggest shout outs for this book go to Sorae, lily, and Eleanor 🥹💗 they really brought it home for me.
Profile Image for Anila Giang.
347 reviews38 followers
June 27, 2024
Rating: 4.5⭐️

I did not plan to finish this book as fast as I did, but I was ADDICTED!! I couldn’t put it down and just wanted to keep going after every chapter.

Early on in the story, we got an explanation and a fix for why Diem was so overtly angry all the time. And so, she was able to become a more level headed and likeable FMC. She was still feisty, but she knew when to bring it out and did not let it consume her and control her actions. I also thought she navigated the political aspect of being queen quite well. She was able to adapt quickly to each situation that was thrown at her. I was honestly impressed by her this time around compared to the first book.

And now let me rave about the star of this book: LUTHER!! I absolutely fell in love with him! He has now made it on to my very small list of favorite book boyfriends🤭His loyalty and kindness towards Diem was everything. Even when she was still with Henri, he was willing to sacrifice his feelings if being with Henri made her happy. He was honestly perfect and I can’t stop gushing about how much I love him. And oh my gosh could this man flirt!
The banter between Diem and Luther was top tier. I had a stupid big smile on my face whenever they were together. Their dynamic was just great. I liked how they challenged each other and defended each other. Their relationship developed so well in this book. The tension, the angst and the slowest of slow burns, it almost killed me, all of it was chef’s kiss👌🏻

As for the plot, the pacing was better than the first book and the addition of political intrigue to the plot worked well. The author also introduced so many more supporting characters and they all brought their own flair, good or bad, to the story. I especially liked Eleanor and Taran. The only reason it is not a five star read for is that there was a death that came kind of nowhere. It was so random that I ended up not feeling even sad about it. I was just confused by why the author chose to do that. I also think that storyline with Auralie to be uninteresting and could care less about what happened to her. Another petty reason for 4.5 stars is that I wished Henri would go away🤣

Overall, I adored this book and can’t wait to dive into book three. I have no idea where the story is going with this series, but I’m excited to find out😏
August 8, 2024
4.2 stars!!

”Perhaps, for the right person, we endure the pain, because the torture of never having them at all is the more unbearable fate.”

This book was sooo much better than the first!!! Everything kept me interested and wanting to read more. I finished this 600 page book in 2 days, which is way faster than usual. It left me twisting and turning while trying to sleep, my mind could never stop thinking about it.

Let’s get into it!


⤷gahhh even better!! All of the characters I was supposed to love I loved, and all of the ones I was supposed to hate I hated. The author does a really great job at showing there is more to someone than what meets the eye, like real people in this world. I loved the new introductions to all the new characters!

♛ Diem ♛
⤷I love her even more!!!

”Like a gentle wind blown on a glowing ember, the spirit inside me sparked and roared to life. I let it burn, cleansing away my doubt, my guilt, my fear. I would never be completely clear of those things, but I could stop letting them rule me. I could give it my best and pray that was enough.
Even if it wasn’t, at least I’d go to my grave knowing I gave it my all.
Because in this world of injustice and cruelty, where innocents died every day while people in power turned a blind eye and and hid in the comfort of their privilege, doing something and failing was better than doing nothing at all.
So I would try.
I would
And Kindred be damned, I would show this realm what it meant to mess with a Bellator.

She is just the type of fmc I love. She never let anyone believe they were better than her, because they weren’t. There were so many times when I wanted to just whoop and punch my fist into the air because of the amazing things she said to show that. I also loved her journey of self doubt and learning that there is good and evil on both sides. I can’t wait to see how much she grows in the next books!

⚔︎ Luther ⚔︎
⤷🤭🤭🤭 do I have to say more?

”I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin. I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name.” His hands slid to my hips and tugged me closer. “Yes, Diem, I want to serve you—in every way a man can.”
I couldn’t think. Couldn’t
“I want to burn alive in that fire in your eyes. I want it to melt me down and forge me into the weapon you need me to be. I want to stand by your side for the rest of my life, and I don’t need you to marry me and make me a fucking
king to do it.”

This man this man this man!!! He is just so caring to Diem and would burn down the world for her, is possessive in all the right ways, still gives her freedom, and just respects her. I’ll admit, I was very scared when he wanted to challenge her, and then ashamed because I thought that of my sweet little baby. His backstory was wild. I loved all of his flirty lines, some will be in the quotes section, they made me want to gasp out loud (sadly I couldn’t, due to family in the car and an effort of keeping my face blank). I read the bonus chapter with his pov, and DAMN. Gahhhhh he’s so hot help.

☆ Side Characters ☆
⤷love all of them with all my heart. Protect my precious cinnamon rolls. Except Henri. He can go rot <3

💕 Romance 💕

”He took my extended arm by the wrist and prowled to my side, pressing his thumb against my pulse. “If I try to help you, are you going to fight me?” His grip tightened as he leaned down to my ear, his gravelly voice dropping low. “Or will you be a good girl for me again and obey?”

—I think my heart stopped when I first read that—

This slow burn is just to die for. Literally. I had to wait over 800 pages (including the last book) for her to drop Henri. Luther and Diem complement each other so fricken well!!!! They had so many precious little moments that had me swooning, I can’t wait for more and for their relationship to evolve.

✍️ Quotes ✍️
⤷WARNING: lots of quotes. Personally this book has some really good ones, but you can skip if you want, these are basically just for me to come back and enjoy. But, if you do read them, enjoy as well 😊

“Here is my counter-offer to you,” I said, my tone defiant. “If you want a bonded bargain, I’ll give you one. I will swear to rule fairly and compassionately for all of my subjects. I will promise to never sell my justice to the highest bidder. I will ensure that not a soul in my realm goes without a roof over their heads, a meal on their table, or the medicine to cure their ills.
“I will protect the vulnerable and strike down the evil. I will do whatever it takes to protect this realm from its enemies abroad—“ My eyes wept across the Hanoverre contingent. “—
and from its enemies within. And I will vow on my magic and on everything I hold dear that I will never, ever value my own life above the lives of my people, Mortal or Descended.”
I relaxed back into my chair, leaning casually against a single armrest and resting my chin atop my fist.
“Those are my terms, Marthe. That is the only kind of Queen I will ever be. And if that answer isn’t good enough for House Hanoverre…” My gaze flicked to Jean. “Then I will see
you in the arena.”

”The darkness is closing in,” I whispered, “and I don’t have the strength to find the light.”
“Then make your own.”

”You are my Queen, and I am your sword. Point me at your enemies, and watch them fall. Lead this world, Diem, and I will follow you—into war, into death, into the tundra of hell itself.” He took my palm and set it against his chest, just above the patch of unscarred skin that lay beneath his jacket. “You are the fate my heart was spared for. As long as it beats, you will never fight alone.”

”I scoffed. “Oh no, that won’t do at all. You nearly made my dear friend cry. That calls for some serious groveling.” I dipped my head. “Down there. On your knees.”
He shot me a dark look. “With all do respect to my lovely cousin, the only person I’m getting down on my knees for is
you, my Queen.”

”Luther,” I whispered.
“My Queen,” he breathed.

”He embraced me like it was the most normal thing in the world, one arm roped low on my waist, the other stroking my hair and pressing me to his chest.
His chin settled on top of my head, and we burned together for a tiny eternity, saying nothing and too much at once.”

”His hand curled into a fist, tugging at my hair—gently, but enough to pull a gasp from my lips and an arch from my back. He leaned into my ear. “If a kiss is the reward, my Queen, I’ll get on my knees for you whenever you want.”

“I’ll choose whoever I want,” I bit back. “I don’t answer to you, Prince. I’m the fucking Queen.”

”If I could not persuade them with peace, then I would do it with fear.”

✨Overview ✨
⤷really good, definitely trust the process. I promise it will get faster paced and the romance I know your itching for will come. I can’t wait to see how Diem’s story grows, wish me luck with the over 1,000 page book coming 😥

~For every spark that has lost its light and needs a little help remembering how to glow~
Profile Image for Sarah (silvy).
351 reviews94 followers
July 25, 2023
ok, it’s been a few days, i’ve processed, and i’m still thinking about this book.

this is book two of a series — check the review for book one here if you’re curious!

every time i feel like i’ve read all of the great KU romantasies out there, i find another gem that soothes the fixed-sign-hyperfixation need for fantasy romances that have all of my favorite tropes. i know it’s Mental Illness, but there’s something so deliciously perfect and comforting about reading new, exciting stories that still exist within that framework of comforting and familiar tropes.

glow of the everflame continues diem’s story, and sees her through the tumultuous changes thrown her way at the end of spark. court politics, scheming, lying, forming alliances, all while navigating her very complicated feelings about the people she’s relying on to guide her through the challenging.

i love her. she still fills me with anxiety (PRACTICE YOUR MAGIC! ASK MORE QUESTIONS! WHY DID YOU SHOW UP TO A FUNERAL WITHOUT ASKING SOMEBODY WHAT TO WEAR, my virgo placements are trembling), but i LOVE her. sometimes it’s hard to relate to fantasy FMCs, because my enemies are decidedly less sexy than theirs and i have never had to wear a crown and prove myself to a species of people who abhor me and everything i stand for.

but there’s something so relatable in diem (as a fire sign, especially) with her recklessness, her avoidance of things that give her anxiety, her yearning and relentless clinging to people and ideas from her past (this girl is majorly fixed + majorly fire, a perfect read for leo season), and her tendency to let her emotions run the show and throw all planning and scheming to the wind.

my queen.

without getting too much into where the story takes us here, rest assured that there are plenty of twists and moments that had me literally pacing my room reading at 30000 wpm speeds. as well as all of our favorite tropes: ONE HORSE! sexy, intimate shoe removal! a mutual who-did-this-to-you, i’ll-kill-them moment! and an MMC who not only calls her good girl, but also would literally burn the entire world down for her. i’m in love.

this is a series for the romantasy girlies, for the slow burn girlies, for the i-love-cliffhangers-bc-i-love-theorizing girlies. it’s a RIDE and one i’m already dying to reread. so plz read this and then slide in my DMs so we can talk theories.

-------------------------(original review below)

no thoughts just screams

will draft a more coherent review tomorrow but for now if you see someone running fast down the street at midnight, know it’s me burning off all of this adrenaline and also hoping if i run fast enough i can create a portal and timejump directly into september for this sequel
Profile Image for CatMom.
96 reviews4 followers
November 28, 2023
I really hate Diem. She is so stupid and immature. She doesn’t think about anything before she does it and is constantly making the most asinine, contradictory statements.
Henri is even worse. I almost threw up in my mouth when she asked Henri to be her king consort. I can’t stand either one of them . Even after the guardians kill all those people in book1 and Diem feels (allegedly) horrible about it, she spills even more secrets to twat goblin Henri, who OF COURSE immediately starts talking about using that info to kill people . And she’s like “okay yea sure” WHAT??? I literally can’t even .
Nothing that happened in this book was surprising. The plot is so predictable. The guardians do something shitty, Diem gravitates towards the descended ; the descends do something shitty , Diem starts working with the guardians and people die . This just goes back to Diems immaturity. Life is not black and white , nothing is all good and all bad; horrible things happen to everyone . She gets great advice from her dad and from Luther but she doesn’t take any of it . I literally can’t. Horrible . This is definitely YA .
And Diem couldn’t figure out her mom was the female leader of the guardians that’s been on a super secret mission for several months, especially after it became very clear her mom wasn’t dead and left on her own accord ?? Come on!
Also I can tell they’re setting it up for Luther and Diem to be mates, which also makes me want to vomit because I hate her so much. She is so ignorant and have a mentioned stupid and immature . Just throw the whole Diem away and give Luther a FMC he deserves. She hates him for literally no reason. Other Descended she has no problem with but Luther gets disrespected by her at every single turn . She has to be the worst FMC I’ve ever read.
I really don’t understand how this has gotten so many good reviews . I only started the second book because people were saying it’s better than the first . Umm no
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for cha.
225 reviews88 followers
May 20, 2024
-ˋˏ 5 stars!!!!!

“Burn, my Queen. Glow so bright, the darkness trembles.”

I'm.... speechless? This was even better than the first book. I loved the storytelling, and the world-building.. everything played out so perfectly in my head like a movie. Like I was there, in their universe. Their world captivated me. I love the magic systems, the politics.

The writing was flawless this time, my immersion never broke, and the plot successfully pulled so many emotions out of me. Nothing better than a book that can make you feel so much.

“Yes, Diem, I want to serve you—in every way a man can.”

The tension between Luther and Diem was HIGH and I LOVED it. Slow burn will forever be superior. My favorite part was analyzing every single thing Luther did and every single word he said. I was obsessed with guessing the intentions behind his actions and his words. The angst? The jealousy? The PINING? This book checked off all my boxes when it comes to romance. Penn Cole spoiled me with this one, I fear. I have like.. near zero complaints.

“If you are suffering, nothing will keep me from coming to your aid. Least of all something as trivial as death.”

Just a tiny, tiny, thing I wish wasn't in there: Henri. I can't wait for him to die :) but thank you for giving me possessive Luther, I guess

As for Diem.. her character growth in this made me SO happy. The journey to get there was ROUGH though. There were so many times I wished I could yell at her. Especially about Henri. The first time it happened, I didn't mind it and thought of it as an interesting conflict and spicy drama, and a necessary thing to happen for her to grow. The second time, though... no excuses there, she was just plain dumb.

But she was trying, though. And I appreciated that. And besides all of that, she was one badass female character. The last 30% of the book shook me to my core, I had goosebumps all over. Amazing experience.

Luther didn’t move, holding his gaze in silent challenge. “Taran,” he said quietly.
Taran placed his own hand on Luther’s shoulder and gave it a firm shake. “I know, cousin. With my life.”

The quote above is my number one favorite moment in this series so far. The love, the fear, the DESPERATION in that tiny moment were so strong, that I literally gasped when I read it lol. My heart actually ached. You know what I mean if you read the book!! It solidified so many things for me and it was just UGHHHH. I wish I could read it for the first time again.

“Luther,” I whispered.
“My Queen,” he breathed.

Now, the Corbois cousins.

I will forever have a deep, deep love for them. They're my comfort characters. Taran, Alixe, Eleanor, Lily, and also, Teller. I cried SO many times during this and most of them were because of them. One of my favorite found-family stories ever.

“The weapon in your head is more important than the weapon in your hands. You’ve always been my bravest soldier”

I don't know what else to say, other than I need to get to the next book ASAP. Only two books left, and I'm already mourning lol. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVEEEEEE

“It doesn’t matter. My place is with you. Wherever that leads.”
Profile Image for Ashley Emerson.
16 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2024
This book made me so angry for the first 70%. I know the MC is new to the magic/world & second guessing literally her whole life but she frustrated me to no end. She lies to herself more than the people around her do (whom she accuses hourly of). She seems to trust everyone except the one person who is so obviously trustworthy it hurts. & she doesn’t really try to ask any questions to understand, except where her mother is, the person who lied to her for her entire life 💀🤡

I think more than anything the book just needed to be shorter. We repeated the same day 42 times and then the MC finally figured it out & the book took off.

Am I reading Book #3? Duh.
Profile Image for Noi .
424 reviews291 followers
April 19, 2024
This was good but also so annoying! 3? 3.5? I don't even know
Can we please kill Henri already? pretty please?
"You are fearless. You are strong. You do not cower in the faces of gods nor kings. You are fated for greater battles than this, so you do whatever it takes, and you fight like hell."

"Remember who you are... but remember you are a phoenix, too. We do not fear the flames, for the hotter we burn, the higher we fly."

"Burn, my Queen. Glow so bright, the darkness trembles."
8 reviews1 follower
October 7, 2023
CANNOT stand the heroine! Acts like a petulant child and lacks basic deductive reasoning skills as well as common sense.
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,281 reviews903 followers
April 4, 2024
This book is like Game of Thrones with the court politics, the different houses, and alllll the “you are my queen” energy you could want, you know before it ended up going to shit there at the end. I’m so glad I continued on with this series because Glow of the Everflame was even better than the first book! But you obviously have to read the first book to get to this one, so just trust the process and the setup and continue on like I did. lol This is part of a new adult fantasy romance series and it gives slow burn, found family, self acceptance, fighting for justice, survival, touch her and die energy, royals, scars, court politics, intrigue, secrets, and all the protectiveness!

This book continues on from the cliffhanger we got at the end of book 1, so I don’t want to say too much, but trust me it has all the good stuff. We see a lot more of royals and politics, advisors, characters consumed by duty, a war that is most definitely coming, a gryvern, loyalties, lies and secrets, sloooow burn sizzle, training, fighting. This readability of this series just makes it easy to fly through these books. The fantasy, the world, the magic are all so interesting. Now it doesn’t have the most jaw-dropping surprises, most everything you can see coming, but it doesn’t make it any less entertaining! And there were a lot of times where it’s like “omg let so-and-so finish their sentence” with interruptions before getting to something good, but then it makes sense to keep the story going. Overall just a fun time that also ends on a cliffhanger so I’ll be diving into book 3 asap, but here’s some quotes I highlighted!

“He looked at me like I was the sun and the moon and the stars, all the light in the world, shining a path for him out of the lonely dark.”

“War is coming, Diem. Time to pick a side.”

“I don’t just want a piece of you—I want them all. I want every breath, every laugh, every tear. Every taste of your mouth, every inch of your skin. I want to kneel at your feet, soaked in the blood of your enemies, then worship your body until you scream my name. Yes, Diem, I want to serve you—in every way a man can.”
Profile Image for Eva♡.
65 reviews32 followers
July 26, 2024
okay, seriously, how is this series SO GOOD???
The world building and the magic system ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE (Jennifer Armentrout I'm looking at you 🤨🫵).
and don't even get me started on the characters because I'll probably talk nonstop for 3 business days 🤭🤌

It's definitely an addiction atp and I'm not complaining AT. ALL.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,727 reviews

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