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Accidental Love #3

The Revenge Agenda

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When I show up to surprise my boyfriend in a barely-there festive outfit, I’m expecting him to be alone.

Not hosting family.

His fiancé’s family.

Down one boyfriend and up a lot of embarrassment, I flee with my tail between my legs. The broken heart will fade. My humiliation, not so much, but my saving grace is the fact that I never have to see either of them ever, ever again.

Until I walk into work and come face to face with my new boss.


I never, in a million years, would have guessed the man hiding under his desk at work would be the one person I hoped to never see again.

My ex-fiancé’s side piece.

Apparently I can’t fire the guy because of personal issues, so I try to play nice, which is a whole lot harder to do when I find out my ex is still texting Rush. The same ex I haven’t heard from since I walked out on his begging.

Rush tells me he didn’t know about me. He tells me there were others. He also tells me our ex still wants him and so, we come up with a plan. To show him what it feels like when you want someone who doesn’t want you back.

All we need is a camera. His number. And one shared kiss.

Revenge has never been sweeter.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 28, 2024

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Saxon James

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 655 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews790 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 11, 2024
dnf @47%

Even though I'm taking a break from this author's books, I wanted to give this one a try because of the character with ADHD. That's something I'm interested in reading about.

Sadly, the book didn't give me what I expected. It only reminded me why I've skipped most of the author's latest books. I just can't with this type of writing, superficial and immature. I can't take the storyline or any of the characters seriously. Teddy Hamilton's narration didn't help, either.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
272 reviews115 followers
June 26, 2024
I'm so sorry in advance, and I LOVE ME SOME SAXON JAMES AIIGHT, I AIN'T NO HATER.... (except in this one case sorry🫣)
IT HURTS me to say...
But every second that I am NOT reading this book, is a gift 🎁


So you're telling me that you can just disappear for 4 days, not show up to work and still maintain adult friendships with your co-workers and keep your job?? Because ✨ADHD✨
Get the fuck out of here.

"He's so good at his job"
Oh... okay...
1. He's never where he's supposed to be (stated on page)
2. Always late to work
3. Works whatever hours he wants. Apparently his clients "love him" but not sure how when he works all these outside of business hours.
4. Lots of managers left because they couldn't work with him.
5. He's always distracted
6. Literally worked for ONE day during this whole book and every other day just fucked around at his desk or stared into distance.
7. Can't be relied on for even simple tasks (his friend said, get me a coffee too, and he literally just "forgot" because ✨airhead/ADHD✨

This bitch be sitting at his desk like:


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ no? WHAT THE FUCK???

For the first 35% of this book, I was having A GREAT TIME.
Rush is obviously quirky and weird, and has literally NO filter during human people interactions.
Things that a normal human would think "hmm, maybe I shouldn't say that out loud", Rush would definitely let the intrusive thoughts win, say what's on his mind and not even realise that the thoughts were intrusive in the first place.
But once the story started, I felt like... Oh, I hate it here.

I deleted all my dot points, because who is reading my dumb opinions, but just trust, SO MANY SITUATIONS THAT HAPPEN FEEL POINTLESS. And for a book with less than 300 pages, it felt like it took 56473892 years to read it.


I feel unhinged, and this whole review probably doesn't even make sense.
I'm upset I hated this book THIS MUCH.😭😭😭😭


I'm giving this book 2 stars purely because I liked the ant jokes/puns. 🐜🐜🐜
Sorry for the rANT. 🐜
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews333 followers
April 3, 2024
***4.0 rating***

"The Revenge Agenda" was a refreshing escape from my February reading slump, offering a compelling journey filled with laughter, revenge, and heartfelt moments.

The story revolves around Rush and Hunter, two individuals brought together by a shared past of betrayal and heartache at the hands of their former lover, Ian. Despite their initial connection through Ian, their relationship evolves into something deeper as they navigate their intertwined pasts.

Rush's portrayal, particularly his struggle with ADHD, was portrayed with empathy and authenticity by Saxon. Through Rush's character, the author sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals with ADHD, offering readers a deeper understanding of the condition and its impact on daily life. Hunter, too, shines as a patient and understanding partner, adding depth to their dynamic.

The supporting cast, including Seven and Rush's eccentric roommates, adds layers of humor and warmth to the story. Their interactions and quirks leave readers wanting to learn more about their backgrounds and future adventures.

Overall, "The Revenge Agenda" is a delightful read filled with memorable characters, witty banter, and touching moments. I highly recommend it to anyone in need of a wholesome escape with a side of revenge plotting.

I received a complimentary copy of this arc for free and this is my honest opinion/review
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
February 3, 2024
Absolutely loved this!

I think this is the first book I've read with a character who has ADHD where I felt like I was experiencing life through their eyes. You can truly feel the frustration, the high energy, the exhaustion and the inability to focus that Rush faces every day, as well as his thought process. It definitely made me love him even more than I already did from other books in this series.

I also found myself loving Madden even more - he's my favourite character in this series and I am SO ready for his book!! I'm super intrigued by Penn and it was fun seeing their interactions with Hunter and Rush. I also died reading the scene where Madden and Rush were heckling the TV shopping channel because I do the exact same thing 😂😂

Hunter and Rush just felt like they were magnetically drawn to each other and I enjoyed every part of their romance so much. They balanced each other so well and P.L. Ant is so lucky to have them as their parents!!

I always say this but every book in the Sadenverse just feels like home, and the characters are always people I would love to meet. Can't wait for the next installment!

Thank you so much for the ARC Saxon James!!
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
February 28, 2024
This might be my favourite book yet from Saxon, not just in this series, but overall.

I absolutely adored Rush. I also loved how Hunter was just innately kind, even to a man he believed knew he'd been cheating with his fiancé.

Of course poor Rush is just as much, if not a bigger, victim of Ian's manipulations than Hunter, given that Ian had pretended to also have ADHD to get Rush to trust him and had then used those vulnerabilities, and Rush's inability to read all social cues properly, to give him excuses anyone else would probably have spotted as dodgy straight away.

When the deception comes to light in the most humiliating way for Rush, he retreats back into himself and the security of Big Bertha and his housemates and we're left wondering where things will go next.

That it then turns into the most wonderfully swoony, and just all round gorgeous romance, between two people who have chemistry that just draws them together like magnets, is down to Saxon's great ability to put you firmly in the heart of the narrative.

We get to see what it's like to be in Rush's head, the disordered thoughts, his methods of coping, we get to see Hunter struggling against how much he just likes Rush, because he is a good guy and a victim of Ian just as much as he is.

We're thrown into the madcap plotting that Rush's friends come up with to gain revenge on Ian, and we see the journey both men take both at work, and as they gain a tentative friendship that turns into something deeper.

Seriously, I don't think I could have loved this book more if I tried. I loved how these two were with each other. There's no deception, no games played, Rush is incapable of anything but honesty, even if he doesn't always know how to express it.

They're also smoking hot together, they just know how to push the other's buttons, but they're also super sweet and swoony and watching Hunter make changes in the workplace to help Rush not feel as different to his colleagues is really lovely.

Madden also cements himself as one of the best book best friends ever. He's there for Rush without judgement, he knows when to draw him out and when to let him fixate, staying with him and supporting him through all his disordered chaos.

I can't wait for his book next!

#ARC kindly received from the author via Foreword PR. I am voluntarily leaving a review.

Profile Image for Elizabeth.
186 reviews6 followers
February 11, 2024
The Revenge Agenda is book 3 in the Accidental Love series. It can be read as a standalone but given the epic found family vibes in this series I'd definitely read them all. The series is great: a group of roommates sharing a big 'ol house, falling in love one by one. Book 3 is about Rush, who we've seen in the first 2 books. Going in, all we know about him is that he's absentminded and scattered (but can be trusted to show up when it counts) and his boyfriend is sketchy with a ton of red flags.

Red Flag Boyfriend turns out to be a complete douche, as we find out when Rush goes to surprise him and instead meets... his fiancé Hunter!!! The meet cute (meet ugly??) is incredible and one of my favourite parts of the book. Hunter is amazingly dec-ANT and kind despite his shock. As the men get to know each other better (is only one workplace a trope? It should be LOL) they adopt a plANT (the ant puns are top notch haha) and we learn that while neither of them is perfect, they are pretty darn perfect together.

Reading the book I felt like Hunter, somehow sucked into the vortex of Rush’s sparkly brain. The Revenge Agenda is really good, and a very sensitive portrayal of a character with unmedicated ADHD. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for Book 4.

Rating: 4.25
Angst: 3.5/5
Steam: 3.5/5

I received an advanced copy of this book from the author and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
February 29, 2024
"Maybe it’s one of those situations where people who go through shared trauma together bond. I’m not sure that seeing my fiancé’s side piece half-naked at our door could be considered traumatic, but it wasn’t pleasant. Is shared unpleasantries a thing?"

Oh, I think we have a winner! The Revenge Agenda is definitely my favourite so far in Saxon James' Accidental Love series. This is Rush and Hunter's story and if you've been reading the series too, no doubt you've been anxiously awaiting Rush's HEA, because it's been clear from his appearances in earlier books that he has a shady AF boyfriend!

Although their love match starts in the worse possible way, Hunter and Rush are the cutest (and steamiest!) couple, and I totally adored their hilarious interactions with the rest of the Bertha Boys.

This will be a win for you too, if you love:

❣️found family
❣️opposites attract
❣️workplace romance
❣️fake dating
❣️ADHD rep
❣️all the steam
❣️all the banter

Get reading on 28 February!

4 stars
Profile Image for Katie.
223 reviews89 followers
February 6, 2024
Absolutely loved it! The Accidental Love series just keeps getting better and better. I’ve been excitedly waiting for Rush’s story and I enjoyed every second of it! Hunter and Rush may have had a rough introduction, but they were so perfect for each other. One of my favorite things about this series is the family these Big Bertha Boys have come together to create. I can’t wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Tea [semi-hiatus].
129 reviews55 followers
March 2, 2024
Rush is about to give his boyfriend a sexy surprise when he gets a surprise himself. His boyfriend has a fiancée.

What would be better a way for Hunter and Rush to get back at their ex than hooking up and sending it to him?

I was looking forward to this book but unfortunately it was no new favorite of mine. I was honestly quite bored at times throughout the book. Rush and Hunter were really cute together though and I liked their happy ending.

I liked Rush. He was so unintentionally funny and sweet. I don’t know how accurate his ADHD was compared to reality but as another neurodivergent, I related to him quite a lot.
Hunter doesn’t answer, and his long silence confirms my suspicions. Poor guy is neurotypical.

“Well, I think the first step is you telling me what you think?”
“You’re calm.”
“Right. Well, don’t rip my clothes off at once.”

I did not connect much with Hunter. He was sweet and funny but I didn’t care all that much for him.

I love Rush’s family.
”Are you dying?”
“I wish I was.”
“It doesn’t feel nice, you know.”

Madden & Penn 👀

And I just want to point out that people with ADHD can in fact get places on time, especially jobs. There are measures to use if needed to make sure you’re on time. I’m not saying it’s not okay to ever be late, but always being late isn’t realistic in the world we live in and most people with ADHD learn to adapt. I personally think Saxon should not have portrayed ADHD like people who can’t function normally and disrespects others time lines.
If you disagree with what I said, that’s fine and you’re welcome to tell me your opinion. Just remember to be respectful.

3 stars
Profile Image for Jane aka Coughy019.
515 reviews89 followers
March 1, 2024
Tropes: workplace romance, found family
Feels: 4/5
Steam*: 3/5
Kinks: n/a
Angst: low
HEA: yes
Pairing: MM
Triggers/potential icks/content warnings: cheating ex, ADHD rep

Hunter has been with his fiance for 5 years. Rush has been with his boyfriend for one year. When Rush shows up at his boyfriend's house to surprise him for their anniversary, Rush and Hunter find out they are dating the same man. Both relationships implode. A month later Hunter shows up to his new job to find that Rush is one of his employees. Awkward.

Hunter's 31. Rush seems a little younger than that. Rush has ADHD and he's unmedicated because the meds mess with him in a way he doesn't like. They talk and realize the only bad guy here is Ian their ex. They want to get revenge on him. And the idea is floated that they hook up or appear to hook up and send a clip to Ian. They make out. And then they make an excuse to do it again. Next thing they know they're developing feelings and dating. The conflict in the story is their relationship is a bit forbidden / awkward because of their shared Acts, and a bit forbidden because of the boss/employee element, and they have to deal with Rush's ADHD and and interfering in Hunter's house hunt.

This was a sweet and funny story. Hunter and Rush were both very likeable characters. They fit well together. The relationship development and steam was nice. It was sweet when they finally got their revenge on ian, but they took the high road to get it. And I appreciate that. Was hilarious how the guy at Ian's office helped them along, cheering on Ian's downfall because he got cheated on by Ian too. I love the found family in the Bertha boys. I'm looking forward to the next book. Xander's story is going to be funny I can tell, probably a little heartbreaking too.

Some notable moments:

Xander is such a sweetie. "Then he sniffs, right by my collar. And again. “You smell just as good in real life.” Ah. I pull back a little. “Xander?” His whole face lights up. “Rush has talked about me?”"

"Hunter’s frozen for five seconds … ten … and then his finger flicks out to jab at the big red button, and when he swings back around toward me, all the earlier amusement is gone. He stalks closer, one hand closes over my waist, and he grips the back of my neck with the other. He tugs me against him, chests meeting, thighs bumping, and as I draw a sharp breath, his mouth slams down over mine."

"“It would mean kissing again.” Anticipation is heavy on my tongue. “Until we get it right. Can’t expect to nail it the second turn. Maybe not even the third.” When I force myself to look up at him, Hunter’s pupils have blown out. “I’m no stranger to hard work.” I tap the side of the console he’s leaning on. “Not much room for activities.” “Back seat?” I don’t bother to answer, just throw open my door, jump out, and tumble into the back."

*FYI about steam: I rate steam based on a combination of quality & quantity. I note kink separate from steam because I don't want to underrate steamy reads that don't have much kink.

**Note about spoilers: I like to comment on the plot of a book in reviews, so I almost always mark my reviews as containing spoilers. But I try to avoid spoiling the big dramatic moments! As a reader, I personally like to know what I'm getting into before I read a book so I know more about the content and if it's to my taste/mood, so I try to give that information in my reviews for myself when I'm considering rereading and also for other readers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,772 reviews230 followers
March 1, 2024
4.5 stars.

This gets docked slightly for a stressful office sex scene that includes using spit for lube for 🍑 stuff and some uncertainty about the neurodivergent rep.

I'm not completely sure if the rep is good or not but I would believe you if you say it's good or not good. I really can't tell. There are some uncomfortable scenes/thoughts in here re: Rush's ADHD. Perhaps they are good rep and just uncomfy... but there are some things that don't quite feel right.

Otherwise, this was great and a lot of fun.

These two meet because they both were dating and sleeping with the same man. Both are in long-term relationships with that man when they accidentally meet when Rush attempts to celebrate his one-year anniversary with his boyfriend while Hunter is having a holiday gathering with the same guy.

The great thing about these two getting together is that we get two givers who get together. You know how a lot of relationships (especially unhealthy ones) have a giver and a taker? Well, both of them were givers and their mutual ex was a taker.

There are a lot of great cameos from the other roommates at Big Bertha as well as great humor as the two connect over ant puns.

Thankfully, the revenge plot doesn't get in the way of a sweet romance and a final and satisfying true revenge against their ex.

Safety deets
- They are both struggling to get over the OM and the hurt the ending of that relationship did to them. But neither want anyone else during the book.
- Epilogue 8 months later with them together.
- Explicit sexy scenes throughout, including the aforementioned stressful one in the office.
- No third act breakup.
- ADHD rep.
Profile Image for Eli.
215 reviews24 followers
March 13, 2024
This was really cute and I loved the revenge plot line and the ADHD rep, but it just felt a little rushed (pun completely intended) when it came to relationship development, like I wouldn’t have minded if it was longer. But Rush is a little angel and the found family continues to be unparalleled.
Profile Image for costitanza (onetoomanybooks).
333 reviews39 followers
April 15, 2024
Rush, my ADHD baby ♥️
I loved how the author managed to write his character! Good job!
The love story was super cute and Hunter was the perfect boyfriend. This was my fav in the serie for sure 🔥
Profile Image for Ash &#x1f349;.
564 reviews117 followers
March 1, 2024
I like the romance in this, but I have issues with how the scene with Rush’s hyperfocus was handled. I don’t think it was taken seriously enough. I know what hyperfocusing is like, but if someone is hyperfocusing to the point where they don’t sleep for five days, forget they have to go to work even when their boss shows up at their door, and think only one night has passed instead of four, that it not something to just brush off as just part of ADHD. Also the way his roommates handled it bothered me, I get they’re trying to be “supportive” but if you know your friend has forgotten to go to work you should either go and remind them, or at least call in sick for them.

Obviously Saxon likes to write low angst, but I think she both exaggerated and brushed over some moments here that I feel should’ve been handled with a more serious tone. In any other world Rush would probably have been fired for what happened, but because of plot it was totally fine. I think it would’ve been better to either not include that moment (or made it one day instead of five), or include it and be realistic about how Rush’s ADHD affects him to the point of losing his job.

If it wasn’t for all of that I’d probably give this 4 stars. The romance was good and I liked how their relationship developed. There wasn’t a whole lot of revenge tho, I was expecting more of it honestly.
Profile Image for Romysaa.
123 reviews21 followers
May 10, 2024

Sorry for Mols and Seven, you're down to the second place now. Because Rush and Hunter?

They're the best, They're perfection. Can't describe how much I loved them.

The beginning was a little bit embarrassing and hilarious at the same time, I became so curious to know how they will get there revenge, turned out they simply fall in love. My favorite part obviously.

And I will say it to the hundredth time; Saxon James is the queen of the vulnerable and cute MMCs, She knows how to write men with so soft sides and unique personalities.

And she wrote Rush character her in a fantastic way. I loved him so much, related to him most of the time. He's the best.

As usual the friends group was so cute,
So excited to Madden's book! And I really hope to get Xander's also.

“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Loving me as I am.”


Here for my baby Rush. 🎀💗
423 reviews22 followers
March 3, 2024
Fast, sweet read. Adorable Rush. Likable Hunter.
ADHD representation seemed like a bunch of things thrown in together. My son has ADHD. I know other kids/adults with ADHD. Some struggle with some of the things as Rush. But not with all at once.
Too many unbelievable things: Rush/Hunter emails exchanged through work server - both could be fired, Ian being able to completely block Hunter from renting a place, Hunter's friends that never called - he seemed like a nice guy who should have at least one friend. I guess it was an easy way to make him lonely.
Also, it felt overcrowded with all the guys in the house. I love found families in books, but it feels forced in this series. More like a constant promotion of past/future books.
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,239 reviews93 followers
February 18, 2024
I LOVED Rush (Rush is EVERYTHING and must be protected at all cost 🥰🥰)...it took me a moment to warm up to Hunter, but his patience and kindness to everything that makes Rush who he is, did the job. A romantic comedy with heart, Bum flowers, M&Ms, Email exchanges, ADHD rep, found family, Hate to love, Sexual tension, practice kisses, and quality steam.

Favorite Quotes:

Profile Image for beeisreadingromance.
345 reviews33 followers
February 7, 2024

Aaaahhhhh excuse me just gonna scream because I loved this SO MUCH. Every single book I read by Saxon James I love more and more. I'm loving this series and this kinda sorta spin off of the Puckboys but the same universe, the Sadenverse world is an insanely weaved together place and I'm obsessed.


These two precious babies. We meet Rush in the previous books, and know he has a flakey boyfriend. A suspicious flakey boyfriend who we never meet cos he's just sooooooOoOoOoOo busy!


Turns out, he's engaged to a beautiful man called Hunter who has just moved to the city to be with his fiancé. But, Rush pays Ian a surprise visit and walks in to Hunter and his family. Whilst he's ✨scantily clad✨.

Hunter also happens to be Rush's new manager.

This is my FAVOURITE TROPE and one I can only think of one other book (Say My Name by Ashley James!) where someone cheats on someone else and the cheatees get together. It's kinda forbiddenish but not at all but it just feel it, and it feels so genuine.

Hunter is SO KIND. SO KIND. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I expected this to be kinda enemies to lovers but Hunter is so enthralled by Rush and Rush's Rushisms and Rush is completely taken by Hunter too, pretty much immediately.

I just love them so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺

I love this series and I can't wait for the next books!!!
Profile Image for Frank Chillura (OhYouRead).
1,156 reviews57 followers
March 12, 2024
Gawwwwwwd!!!! I love Saxon James books! That rush of giddy excitement. The adorable flawed men who somehow fit together like the perfect puzzle piece in each other’s lives. The found family aspect of a friendship that spans over multiple books, even though each one is about a different couple. I haven’t found a single one that I didn’t love.

The Revenge Agenda starts off so chaotic, but that’s the perfect way to explain Rush. He stopped taking his ADHD medicine earlier in the year, because they just weren’t the right ones for him. It’s Christmas Eve and he’s traveling to visit his boyfriend Ian’s to celebrate their one-year anniversary, but in typical fashion he’s running late and forgotten his phone. But not to worry, because when he gets there, he finds out that his boyfriend has a fiancé… and the whole family gets to see the awkward interaction when they all find out about one another.

As soon as Hunter finds out about the affair, he grabs his stuff and leaves. He and Ian had been long distance for so long; he’d only just uprooted his world and moved to Seattle. But he won’t let a cheater ruin his new life and he’s not running back home. On his first day at his new job, he sees a familiar face... one he never wanted to see again: Rush.

To make their work/life balance, they’ll have to get along. Hunter will have to set aside his negative feelings and see that the problem was his cheating ex… not the guy who knew nothing about him. And when they start to get to know one another, they hatch a plan to pay Ian back. They could pretend to date just to get revenge. The only problem is that they don’t want to pretend. They want each other …in the biblical sense. 😜🍆🍑🕳️🥳

These boys are so freaking cute. I have love all of the guys from the Accidental Love series so much. All of the roommates are so incredibly supportive of each other and will drop everything to help one another out. It’s such pure male friendship that I wish I had in my life. Plus I just really want Seven!🤣 He’s still my favorite man.

I love Hunter almost as much tho. As soon as he found out that Rush has ADHD, his reactions changed about his behaviors and he went from annoyed that he’s always late to helpful and caring about what he could do to accommodate. I knew immediately that they were a perfect match.

I waited so long (as did all of us) for Ian to get what he deserved. Do I think he deserved worse? YESSSSSSSS! I wanted his face plastered on billboards so everyone knew he’s a cheater… but that’s not exactly a healthy way to get revenge, I guess. 😂
Profile Image for Maisha  Farzana .
618 reviews402 followers
March 9, 2024
This book was cute and funny. A good book to pick if you're only looking for something light hearted and funny. I liked both of the main characters. The found family trope was well executed. There were some fluffy moments that I really enjoyed. The sex scenes were also well written. It was overall a good book. However I like my romances to have more depth and for them to make me feel something, which wasn't the case with this one. So 3.5 stars it is...
Profile Image for Kate.
281 reviews725 followers
March 31, 2024
Saxon James is the queen of cold opens, and I will die on this hill.

THE PREMISE: ADHD Rush turns up at his boyfriend’s house dressed as a slutty Christmas elf and meets … his boyfriend’s fiancé, who ends up being his new boss, and partner in revenge.

- MM romcom
- Neurodiversity rep (ADHD)
- We have to kiss for *reasons*
- Workplace romance (ft. a desk scene 👀)
- The best found family istg

4.25⭐️ 3🌶️
Profile Image for Yvonne.
1,209 reviews44 followers
March 16, 2024
4.5⭐️ 2.25🌶️

The connection I have to Rush goes beyond getting off, and while that scares me, I’m also not about to fight it either. So much good has come out of a shitty situation, and it still blows my mind.

This series has been a really pleasant surprise, with each book getting better than the last.

Similar to my thoughts on Molly, Rush is a character that can I could either love or find annoying, and with how this book started I was learning toward the former, but boy did he win me over and I found him incredibly endearing.

Hunter as well won me over with how natural I felt his connection to Rush grew. Nothing was forced because again, based on how this stared their getting together seemed so highly unlikely. A really memorable not so meet cute 🤭

After finding out Ian- Hunter’s finance and Rush’s boyfriend-was a piece of shit, things only get worse when it turns out Hunter is Rush’s new boss. Hunter had just moved to town to be with Ian and has to decide wherever staying put in a new city where he has no connections and and even worse would have a constant reminder of Ian’s betrayal, is worse than admitting failure and moving back home.

This was overall very light and low angst and just a fun read. The running plANT joke was sweet and the “revenge” plot didn’t get overly done or turn into a miscommunication trope. The spice was really hot 🥵

“You’re very sweet and romantic, but can we get onto the dirty talk now?”

I loved how Hunters affection for Rush was genuine and helped heal the parts of him that had made him feel inadequate, and likewise the vulnerability and trust Rush gave Hunter helped him from turning bitter and closing himself off to love.

“I’m so damn excited that I get to introduce you to them as mine. I’m not sure what I did to deserve you, but it still hits me sometimes. This deep gratefulness that I get to call you mine.”

As always this found family in the big Bertha house were a wonderful addition to the story and I can’t wait for the next one! ❤️
Profile Image for Molly.
477 reviews7 followers
February 15, 2024

This book was an absolute joy, I don't remember the last time I laughed so much during a book. This is probably my favorite Saxon series, and I love all of these characters!

Rush goes to surprise his boyfriend for their one year anniversary and gets a surprise for himself when he interrupts him hosting his fiancée and fiancée's family. Things get ever worse when he realizes that his ex-boyfriend's now ex-fiancé is his new boss. Trying to make the best out of the situation, they decide to team up for revenge against their horrible ex, but realize they have a lot more in common than just a past lover.

Rush and Hunter are both sweethearts. Rush is trying his best to manage his ADHD and has a naturally trusting nature that was taken advantage of by his ex. Hunter takes the time to understand how Rush works and appreciates how genuine and honest Rush is - especially as Hunter is dealing with trust and self worth insecurities of his own after his fiancée turned out to be the worst. I just love how they appreciated the qualities in the other that others took for granted. They absolutely adore one another and had some really cute swoony moments.

This group of guys are so fun and endearing. They are always there for each other, and I love that even though they find themselves in new relationships they always make time for one another. With these characters there's not shortage of laughs and adorable moments all around. This series shows such a great found family, and I'm really looking forward to the next books.

Read if you like:
• fake dating
• workplace romance
• ADHD Rep
• found family

Profile Image for Kristel (hungryandhappy).
1,582 reviews84 followers
August 12, 2024
I absolutely adored this book. Inhaled it one afternoon because I couldn't stop reading and honestly, I didn't want to stop until I reached the end. We have Rush who we knew from previous books for being all over the place and forgetful and who has a very suspicious boyfriend nobody had seen and who disappears often. We know now that Rush has ADHD and he has various ways to keep track of his work even if other people think of them as chaotic. He has his methods and he does his job well so his boss and coworkers, knowing him, accept him. But then he gets a new supervisor and who is he? Hunter. Who is Hunter you ask? He is the fiancé of Rush's now ex-boyfriend, the one he found in his house the day Rush went to surprise him for their anniversary and the one Rush had no idea existed. Long story short, Rush was devastated and I wanted to give him all the hugs, he didn't deserve any of that. Hunter also didn't and, while he knows Rush is also a victim, he doesn't like him. But Rush has a way to win everyone over; from booty plants, to late night emails, to planning sweet sweet revenge, they form a peculiar relationship that will test them and will result in sexy and sweet times. They definitely didn't see that coming, falling for each other, and it was all kinds of wonderful. Low on drama, just the way I like it, we follow Rush and Hunter in their work place, getting closer, getting to know each other, supporting each other. Hunter saw how much Rush had always been tolerate instead of accepted and loved the way he clearly deserved and he made it his mission to do just that. And Rush was on board!
Profile Image for gina .
1,658 reviews9 followers
March 5, 2024
Eh. It was okay. Hamilton is a pretty good narrator, so it has that going for it. The premise is fine, it's just... I disliked Rush from previous books. I hate when authors create overly complicated characters. Rush was a pain in the ass. Annoying. Not the type of person I'd like on a good day. I think he was redeemed and made to look like less of a total waste of space in this book. The author tried so hard to show Rush's side of things. But still, he's annoying. Also, his diagnosis goes WAY beyond ADHD. Like, a person with ADHD isn't that bad. I don't know what his other diagnosis are but his disassociating and losing like FOUR days is ah....a bit much. Like the way he couldn't figure out where the hell he was? Effing annoying. What day? What hour? Why do I have someone elses clothes on? No. Just..no..

Also, GR just ate up an entire review. F GR . I can't be bothered to retype out that review so here we are. I'll just say Rush's level of disassociation doesn't read like ADHD to me. Losing yourself for four days to the point that you don't know when someone else's is in the room with you or talking to you is not ADHD. I don't know what it is that would cause that but it's not just ADHD. Ugh. Didn't like. Also, hate that GR ate my review and I had to half ass it in this review. Bah humbug.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,467 reviews244 followers
February 5, 2024
- boss x employee
- frenemies to lovers
- ADHD rep

The first time Rush meets Hunter he’s in a slutty Christmas outfit and he learns that he was unknowingly the other man. The second time they meet is equally as awkward as Rush does his best to hide from Hunter, who just so happens to be his new boss.

To win over and cheer up Hunter, Rush suggests that they come together and get revenge against their cheating ex. With the help of the Bertha Boys, the two come up with what they think is a fool proof plan, but lines start to blur as the attraction between them starts to grow.

I absolutely loved this! Rush is a sweet little angel baby with an extra sparkly brain and must be protected at all costs!! He is hands down my most favorite character by Saxon, which tbf isn’t saying a lot because I haven’t come across a character I haven’t liked yet, but still!

I just loved these two together so much, even if I was a little iffy about Hunter to begin with, and loved how accepting and willing to meet Rush where he’s at Hunter was.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 655 reviews

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