Thrilling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thrilling" Showing 1-30 of 238
Therisa Peimer
“A virgin," Flaminius smiled deviously. "I'll take her." Instantly, surprised chatter erupted. Mother Guardian held up her hand for silence. "You cannot be serious, Sire." "Oh, but I am," he replied with a smirk.”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

Therisa Peimer
“Tightening his embrace around his wife and little Theo, he vowed, "I will do everything in my power to continue being worthy of the faith you have in me.”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

Therisa Peimer
“Aurelia frowned. "Are you saying that you hang around the women at court to gather intel?" "Oh, Your Grace, you are quick on the uptake," he said with an impressed look on his face. "It's not fair. Flaminius always gets the hot ones. Does he have to get the smart ones too?”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

Max Nowaz
“Every morning when I wake up, I ask myself, "Why was I born?" Then I answer myself, "You were born to be successful." If you can learn to define your own success and not let others dictate it, you can find      fulfilment.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

Max Nowaz
“One thing I have learnt is that you may do a lot of evil things, but if you are ever afforded a chance to be good, then you should take it. You will feel better about yourself.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

Carolyn M. Bowen
“Elpidio sensed that David had more to say but was holding back due to their friendship. He wondered why David had gone along with Emiliana's seemingly impulsive ideas.”
Carolyn M. Bowen, Legacy of Shadows: An International Crime Thriller

“The truth has a way of coming out of the closet.”
March Lions, The Last Sunset

Alysha Speer
“I was not weak; I did not cry. But it hurt me, more in a kind of refreshing, thrilling way, than a kind of pain that would cripple me and send me away crying. My fingernails dug into the palms of my hands, and my teeth bit into my lips, my knees were locked, but I could not faint.”
Alysha Speer, Sharden

Michael              Parker
“Whoever he said he was, thought Marsh, he was not from the immigration department, and the web that he was convinced Walsh had been weaving was beginning to unravel with disastrous and dangerous consequences.”
Michael Parker, The Devil's Trinity

Michael              Parker
“And in that vast emptiness, two heads bobbed above the surface without a sound, just one hundred feet from them.”
Michael Parker, The Devil's Trinity

Dennis K.  Hausker
“Wait, Korban, are you vexed?"
"That woman, she confounds, and insults me."
"Women can perplex as easily as changing a cloak."
"The princess is delicate, not like our women."
"Yes, she is very delicate, pretty like a sweet flower."
"Well, I care not for her. I will think no more about her, ever.”
Dennis K Hausker, Primitives of Kar

Harvey Havel
“After the front legs emerged, what looked like a quartered and bloodied cut of steak followed.  This piece of steak had rich and dark fur, wet with the mare’s internal membranes that covered the whole body, but it did not have the look of a horse at all.  And yet from the steak’s center came this pulsating heartbeat, as though its pace-setting qualities tried in vain to pull away or escape from its thoroughbred side.”
Harvey Havel, The Odd and the Strange: A Collection of Very Short Fiction

William Kely McClung
“Black considered shooting him here. That idea lasted about a second. Thought about pushing the barrel through the man’s skull. That lasted a couple more.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

Harvey Havel
“He wasn’t sure if his parents would be proud that their child had served his country or not.  There had always been something unnatural about parents burying their children.”
Harvey Havel, The Odd and the Strange: A Collection of Very Short Fiction

William Kely McClung
“There might be some lost tribe somewhere on the planet who hadn’t been exposed to the movies and books of the genre, but these eight men—Mills was the oldest at 28—had grown up in a world where reanimated dead who shambled along eating brains were part of the fabric of everyday life. Where zombie movies equated to drinking games, late night laughs, and getting laid.”
William Kely McClung, LOOP

Brian Van Norman
“Rule # 1: keep the crowd’s interest.”
Brian Van Norman, Against the Machine: Evolution

A.R. Merrydew
“And Tarquin,’ Semilla said quietly. ‘He has been in league with them all along?’
‘Yes, I am afraid so,’ Rupert confirmed.”
A.R. Merrydew, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips

Dennis K.  Hausker
“After the princess challenged the Field Marshall of all Tranta, Korban had to speak to her. "Princess, have you thought about this challenge? You could have benefitted from much more training and practice."
"I know that, Korban. I'm not stupid. This bloated man hasn't had a serious fight in...forever. I think I can win, even in my infant stage of martial skills.”
Dennis K Hausker, Primitives of Kar

J.K. Franko
“Mary Miracle would always recall with clarity the moment she decided to kill her husband.”
J.K. Franko, Killing Johnny Miracle

A.R. Merrydew
“She stood panting as adrenalin fired up her muscles. Flipping open the safety catches on both of her laser pistols, she set them for maximum delivery. Anything or anyone on the receiving end of these weapons would never survive, even as atoms.”
A.R. Merrydew, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips

Steven Decker
“Dani felt Annette’s hand reaching for hers, and she took it, glancing over at the woman. She saw tears streaming from Annette’s eyes, and she realized that this heroic servant of the human race did not want to send these people away to the future. But it was her duty, above all others, to protect humanity. To do everything in her power to insure that our species continued on.”
Steven Decker, Time Chain

Tom  Baldwin
“A GREENHEAD is what Mary called me—SWAT!”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Becky Wilde
“She has a target on her back because of what you and I have put into place, but you’d better fucking believe I’m not going to let anything else happen to her or my cousin, the rest of my family or my men. If anything happens to anyone I care about… Those motherfuckers were after my attention, and they’ve got it. Just make sure they don’t hurt anyone else.”
Becky Wilde, Bratva Connection: Maxim

Becky Wilde
“You will be staying here until I’ve deemed it safe for you to go back to your life. Do you understand me?”
Becky Wilde, Bratva Connection: Maxim

Donald Montano
“I can accept a compliment, but not from you. You scare me, Mister Sampson. You’re a stranger here on our land and we shouldn’t even concern ourselves with you. But you killed three gunmen and ignited a war.”
Donald Montano, Drink Deep from the Well of Good Intentions

Sharon Carter
“Hey Aiden! Look!  She’d worn low-cut blouses before and didn’t get any response from him. Most men loved her beautiful breasts. What does a girl have to do to get his attention? Jump off a cliff? she realized.”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction II: Love Designs

Sharon Carter
“It's me, Aiden," Parker responded. "I have some bad news. I've found out Maxwell Turner and two other inmates have broken out of prison. I'm heading to Bayville Federal Prision to get more information about the prision break.”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction II: Love Designs

L.M. Weeks
“Kumakura’s use of the word sensei, reserved for professionals, including doctors and lawyers, but which Japanese doctors tried to reserve to themselves, was tacit acknowledgment that Kumakura knew the hierarchy had changed.”
L. M. Weeks, Bottled Lightning

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Xanax can be addictive. Opioids can be fatal. There are medications intended for only eight weeks of use, yet people take them for years. And what is all this about?…. Money.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Trevor Alan Foris
“Father... just for once can you live in the moment?”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

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