Will M.'s Reviews > Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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bookshelves: sci-fi, books-i-own, crime-mystery-thriller, 2014

I can finally say that I've read a robot themed novel. I've always wanted to, but I couldn't find any potential good ones before. I saw Robopocalypse lying around inside the bookstore and grabbed it instantly. My expectations were above the middle, but not that high.

Robopocalypse is a very different novel. It's not the normal story telling kind, but rather it's story telling but in multiple point of views. While some say uniqueness is very essential in a novel, for me it does not apply all the time. Sure I liked some of the characters, but there were too many to remember in the first place. Only the really good ones would appeal to the reader, and that's a huge let down for me.

The story, just like the characters, is not that powerful either. In fact, I believe the ending is really cliche. I will say thought that the author really tried to incorporate some plot twists here and there, but the twists weren't even that note worthy. I only finished this to figure out what will happen to some of my favorite characters, because the main story's just really predictable right from the start.

Some really note worthy characters are Takeo Nomura, Mikiko, Lurker, Laure, Nola, and Mathilda. Out of the vast amount of characters the author introduced, only 7 of them were truly appealing for me. Their story really made me finish the novel, because if they didn't exist, I would've abandoned the novel right away.

Some people really loved this, while some people really hated it on the other hand. I'm basically on the neutral side, thus the 3 star rating. There's nothing really grand to brag about the novel, and I don't think most people would suggest this book right away. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't good enough to get at least a 4. While the author really tried to give us something new in terms of format, I suggest strengthening the plot and character development instead. I'm still planning on reading the sequel though, but when is the biggest question of this review. 2.5/5 stars, mediocrity at its finest.
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Reading Progress

July 19, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
July 19, 2014 – Shelved
July 19, 2014 – Shelved as: sci-fi
July 19, 2014 – Shelved as: books-i-own
July 19, 2014 – Shelved as: crime-mystery-thriller
August 29, 2014 – Started Reading
August 29, 2014 – Shelved as: 2014
August 30, 2014 –
page 160
40.4% "The first few chapters were really interesting, but the middle ones are starting to feel a bit tedious and boring."
August 31, 2014 –
page 222
56.06% "So far, Part 3 seems better than 2. Part 2 was a mixture of boring and really good chapters."
September 9, 2014 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Markus (new)

Markus Great review, Will!

Will M. Markus wrote: "Great review, Will!"

Thanks bro!

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