Michael's Reviews > City of Golden Shadow

City of Golden Shadow by Tad Williams
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's review

did not like it
bookshelves: sf-fantasy

Robert Jordan level wordulency,
plus SF internet idea outdated before its publication date,
minus appealing writing style,
divided by Michael Springer's mid-semester attention span,
times 90-bunjillion pages in four volumes,
equals "FUCK YOU, TAD WILLIAMS, YOU GO TO HELL! YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE! YOU FUCKIN' DIE! WHAT THE FUCK!" *Throws book against the wall, then walks over and urinates on it*

(Okay, so I actually just took it back to Half Price Books. Whatever.)
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Finished Reading
June 11, 2010 – Shelved
March 8, 2013 – Shelved as: sf-fantasy

Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! Hah! Yes! I tried to read this at an age where I doubted myself instead of Taddyboy.

Michael It wasn't your fault, it was TADDYBOY. Tad can take his City of Golden Showers and can shove them up his City of Golden ANAL CAVITY and can smuggle that Ass City into a different country and then die and go to hell and get buttfucked by DEMON ROBERT JORDAN like he's always wanted to be.

(In answer to the inevitable question: too little sleep, too much caffiene, not enough excercise. No more drugs than usual.)

message 3: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! You get all fetishistic when you're tired and wired!

Michael Hmmm, you're right. I also seem to be fascinated with undead possibilities for Robert Jordan.

I'm assuming demons qualify as undead?

message 5: by Joel (new)

Joel i just read a few things about this that make it sound fun. but i feel like i should probably listen to you.

Michael I have a pretty low tolerance for long, long fantasy serieses. ASOIAF is the only one I've managed to stay interested in.

The biggest problem I had with this one was the fact that the virtual reality everyone was excited about in the book sounded basically like Second Life. An online, interactive world where you can be someone entirely different? Whoa!

Of course, all of my judgments are responding to the first 100 pages, because that's as far as I got. I may have been hasty in writing it off.

message 7: by Gail (new)

Gail you need to curb your foul language...

message 8: by karen (new)

karen shhh, the grown-ups are talking.

Michael you need to curb your foul language...

Sorry, mom.

Brian Cheesman Wow! Best sci-fi I've read in a long time. Great characters and great story. I have recommended it to many people and they loved it. Multiple antagonists in two different worlds with an amazing ending. Sorry you couldn't get past the first few chapters. Tad is one of the best writers still putting out good stuff today.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

"(Okay, so I actually just took it back to Half Price Books. Whatever.)"

Hah, I just got it from HPB.
*Hopefully it wasn't your ex-piss covered copy.*

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

.... And yet you liked Perdido Street Station? Hah, I remember that mess of a book, if you can call it that.

Long wordy psuedo-steampunk book with bland characters and boring plot (Perdido Street Station) versus long, super fun 4 volume series with great, well developed characters and an awesome plot (Otherland). Ahhh.... yeah, I think I'll stick with Otherland. You and China Mieville can go hunt whales :)

*pisses on my copy of Perdido Street Station I wish I never bought and hands it to you*

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

This is all in fun by the way.

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Also, keep in mind this book came out in 1996... and Second Life didn't exist in the time that this writer came up with this idea. Also, SL if not a full live in VR experience like the world Otherland proposed, which actually puts people "in" the internet. It was a pretty innovative story and plot. The writer did a good job.

Now, ideas of "remade" characters based on Lovecraftian monster faves, on the other hand, not original.

message 15: by Joel (new)

Joel I don't think you can call perdido street station "long" in the same post as otherland. if perdido street station (24 hours in audio) is long, then otherland is the neverending story (over 100 hours in audio).

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Well, actually, I did call PSS long in the same post that I called Otherland long, so it can be done in a post. LOL. I mean, I just did it.

But no where did I say the word "long" relating to a novel or a 4 volume series means that Otherland or Perdido Street Station means both works are equal or comparable in length. That's just silly. No need to make things more confusing than they are.

message 17: by Joel (new)

Joel Kage wrote: "This is all in fun by the way."

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)


Scott Forbes you sir are ignorant

message 20: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! He, sir, is quite bright and hilarious. But it's possible that my sense of humor aligns with his on this book because I lost the ability, desire, and time to read epic fantasy series, too. It's possible that the child who adored (and still does) Tailchaser's Song and the teen who found The Dragonbone Chair trilogy (or, looking back now, an expanded version of Tailchaser's Song with people instead of cats) haunting grew into a sour adult who was unable to slog through yet another interminable series, unable to pick out whatever made it good for you to keep interest. Or maybe I'm just ignorant like Michael. Why is he ignorant? Why did you like it so much? What struck you as you read it?

message 21: by Adam Seltzer (new) - added it

Adam Seltzer Hmmm...well tell you all what...I'm am or was new to good reads, thing just kind of popped up on my kindle...anyhow this is the first string of conversation I randomly chose. Needless to say Mr. Michael...wow...what a foul mouthed child psycho, and all that above from a child with obviously an attention span of let's say...an ant? ....and good reads...not such a great place after all if you keep trash like that posted. Incidentally...I made it much past 100 pages, and would suggest this book to just about anyone. Enjoy people. :)))

message 22: by Mike (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mike A Tad over-dramatic there Michael. (See what I did there?)
A very good read.

message 23: by Alexandre (new)

Alexandre Szolnoky Snow crash

message 24: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Zeigler This guy's a pretentious douche who thinks he's a writer and claims one of his favorite books is The Brothers Karamazov. Then he posts a review for a book that that he didn't finish.

message 25: by Frank (new)

Frank A note on your: "SF internet idea outdated before its publication date"

I would say twenty years before it's time, check Facebook's upcoming VR world:


message 26: by Gavin (new)

Gavin Edmondson Poor review for an amazing book. Don't judge the dinner based on the appetizer.

message 27: by Brent (new) - added it

Brent Cenkus I felt the same way reading Brandon Sanderson. That guy can write a bible sized book describing someone walking across the street!

Gavin Except it stands up 20 years late despite using early stage tech as its base. 🤷‍♀️

message 29: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie Did someone force you to read this book? I mean, why the anger dude?

Jenny You have to keep in mind as well that this came out in 1996 when the internet was basically in its infancy, the ideas in this are really innovative for that time, I think.

For example, in 1996 cell phones were still pretty much just big huge beasts you used in your vehicle or with a huge booster tower.

Computers were for word programs and accounting. In fact, five years before that I had typing class on a typewriter, not even a computer.

message 31: by Tal (new)

Tal Humphrey Dude... put down a book if it’s not your thing. Yikes

message 32: by Beyond Birthday (new)

Beyond Birthday Tal wrote: "Dude... put down a book if it’s not your thing. Yikes"

He did put it down; it fell down after he threw it against the wall.

message 33: by Mir (new)

Mir Cillian wrote: "Tal wrote: "Dude... put down a book if it’s not your thing. Yikes"

He did put it down; it fell down after he threw it against the wall."

Gravity, helping us put things down.

message 34: by Beyond Birthday (new)

Beyond Birthday Mir wrote: "Gravity, helping us put things down."

...so we can pee on them.

message 35: by Mir (new)

Mir Yes, indeed, peeing on things is super awkward in zero-g.

message 36: by Jon (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jon I just finished this. Kinda loved most of it really. I do think the beginning isn't the best and is a little slow. I skimmed this review and wondered "who is Michael Springer?" So I googled the name without much success in regards to what I wanted. Then I looked back at the review to see if I missed any info and noticed the name of the reviewer...

message 37: by Reda (new) - added it

Reda I specifically came back to this review after reading the book to say: get fucked you absolute retard, it's great.

message 38: by Beyond Birthday (new)

Beyond Birthday Reda wrote: "I specifically came back to this review after reading the book to say: get fucked you absolute retard, it's great."

If there's anyone in desperate need of a good fuck, that's you.

message 39: by Reda (new) - added it

Reda Cillian wrote: "Reda wrote: "I specifically came back to this review after reading the book to say: get fucked you absolute retard, it's great."

If there's anyone in desperate need of a good fuck, that's you."

Thanks for offering but I'll have to decline, I'm in a relationship, seek dick elsewhere.

message 40: by Beyond Birthday (last edited Mar 26, 2021 11:30AM) (new)

Beyond Birthday Oh, you actually have a dick? Really?
Sorry. My bad.

(How much should we worry about your partner? Because you really have an ugly temper. Is she/he okay?)

message 41: by Reda (new) - added it

Reda Cringe.

message 42: by Christian (new) - added it

Christian What a distasteful review.

Kelsey Carter What with your clear anger management issues?

message 44: by Johnny (new)

Johnny Judging by the maturity level of your response, it would seem that you did not enjoy the book because you are too immature and uneducated enough to grasp it. Maybe try young adult novels, they may be more your speed. Also, judging by your usage of urine related language and other sexually fetishized terms makes me curious it you are just really immature, have a porn addiction, or both?

message 45: by J. (new)

J. Agnomen I hope to one day publish a novel that gets reviews like this.

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