Sanjay Gautam's Reviews > Foundation

Foundation by Isaac Asimov
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's review

it was amazing

Absolutely Loved it! Hail Asimov! He is brilliant! His writing is enchanting and filled with awe inspiring genius. Work of sheer Ingenuity! Height of Inventiveness!


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Quotes Sanjay Liked

Isaac Asimov
“Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.”
Isaac Asimov, Foundation

Reading Progress

February 11, 2015 – Shelved
February 11, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
August 2, 2015 – Started Reading
August 4, 2015 –
page 20
August 9, 2015 –
page 50
August 12, 2015 –
page 100
August 14, 2015 –
page 150
August 18, 2015 –
page 175
August 22, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Pramod (new)

Pramod Nair I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volume on the short fictions from the author...

Sanjay Gautam Pramod wrote: "I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volume on the short fictions from the author..."

Hey what a coincidence, even I bought the second volume of The Complete Stories by Asimov along with the 'Beyond Lies The Wub: Volume One Of The Collected Stories' by Philip K Dick - both arrived yesterday.

Yeah I can guess, it must be a good compilation.:)
Have you tried Philip K Dick yet?

message 3: by Pramod (new)

Pramod Nair Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volume on the short fictions from the author..."

Hey what a coin..."


No, i haven't yet. Which one do you recommend for starting with Philip K Dick...

Sanjay Gautam Pramod wrote: "Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volume on the short fictions from the author..."


I am going to start Philip K Dick from his short stories that I've bought. But I would suggest you to start with 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep'. It is regarded as one of the most influential sci-fi novels. Blade Runner was the movie based on this novel, starring Harrison Ford.

p.s: 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' is next on my 'to buy' list.

message 5: by Pramod (new)

Pramod Nair Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volume on the short fictions from t..."

;-) Thank you, 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' has a nice vibe surrounding that title.

Sanjay Gautam Pramod wrote: "Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volume on the short ..."


Exactly. Even I felt the same when I heard (read) the first time. :)

message 7: by Pramod (new)

Pramod Nair Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "Sanjay wrote: "Pramod wrote: "I bought a 2 volume 'The Complete Stories' from Asimov from Harper Collins a few days back. It is a good compilation volum..."


message 8: by Melki (new)

Melki I really need to get to this one someday. I've only ever read a short story by Asimov, but I loved it.

Sanjay Gautam Melki wrote: "I really need to get to this one someday. I've only ever read a short story by Asimov, but I loved it."

Oh you should try it! I'm pretty sure it would be a delightful experience reading this work of Asimov.....

.....Yeah my next target is his short stories; but before that I'm going to pick up Philip K Dick.

Happy Reading. :)

message 10: by Henry (new) - added it

Henry Avila Read the trilogy twice, stupendous.

Sanjay Gautam Henry wrote: "Read the trilogy twice, stupendous."

I can guess, it must have been. Reading the whole series is my next target.

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