Jesse (JesseTheReader)'s Reviews > The Martian

The Martian by Andy Weir
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really liked it

I'm so happy that I randomly decided to pick this book up! I did find that the story dragged a bit towards the end and some of things went over my head a little bit, but for the most part this was a fantastic read!
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Reading Progress

July 20, 2015 – Started Reading
July 20, 2015 – Shelved
July 20, 2015 –
page 215
55.99% "I was afraid that I wasn't going to enjoy this book, BUT HOLY MOLY IT'S REAL GOOD."
July 21, 2015 –
page 315
82.03% "I'm still really enjoying this, but I've noticed that it's started to drag a bit. Hoping to finish this tonight!"
July 21, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Jade I totally agree with you! I'm so happy that you like this book as much as you did! This is one of my favorites of all time!

Denisse Hard sci-fi is not for everyone but Mark is such an awesome character XD

message 3: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy It was towards the end that the story started to feel like textbook word problems in physics "if your spaceship is moving at 400kph at an altitude of 2 miles and an orbiting object is moving at 350kph 500m below you and the tether can only withstand 100 joules of force upon it before snapping, HOW much must you reduce your angular momentum...." You get the idea.... Dampens (ha ha) my ardor a titch for the book but would have made homework SO much more interesting!

Jordan That's so cool!

Jill V the book got a bit dull in the between and the end, but still a great read. I really liked the details of living on mars and mark's character

Becca Fay I didn't find any bits that really dragged but I also listened to this rather than read it myself.

message 7: by ash (new) - rated it 5 stars

ash Totally agree except for the dragging part. I loved this book!

Anna I LOVED this book! I don't understand anything about physics, so I couldn't really understand what he was talking about a lot of times, but I loved the storyline and the character, I loved how the people on Earth behaved/were portrayed..It was such a great book and it made me want to get into Sci-Fi more!

message 9: by Ron (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ron I'd put The Martian in my top 10 of the last year. It lived up to all the reviews I read before picking up at the local library. I only pick up Sci-Fi on occasion, but I'm glad this was one of 'em!

Panic! At the Rimz I just finished this book and it was spectacular!!!! do check my full review

message 11: by D'Juana (new)

D'Juana Manuel-Smith Thought the movie was cool.

Dawn R. I enjoyed this book. Spoilers ahead............................................................................................
As Mark's POV was presented as (not-quite) daily logs, to me it was _not_ a given that he would survive; he even says that even if he doesn't survive, the logs might be recovered and will show what happened. With that and the switching to omniscient observation of 'the astronaut,' his survival was a bit questionable.

I liked Mark's sense of humor, and I think that it was an important part of what kept him going. Plus 70's TV and disco; those will either completely keep anyone from going off the deep-end, or get them there in a hurry!

message 13: by Jaffet (new) - added it

Jaffet Vazqueztell I as well am happy I randomly picked this book to read. It was for an english project and I had no other options for a book so I picked this one. Its an amazing book.

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