Matthew Boyce's Reviews > Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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's review

it was amazing

Amazing. Simply awesome book.

The book is set up much like World War Z as in it has a common narrator who shares this story of war with you from recollections, footage, and data from other characters in the book.

Throughout this book, you are introduced to characters diverse and emotionally engaging with a common goal: Survival. People live and die fighting for that which we take most for granted... Our humanity.

I found that, unlike World War Z, I was captivated instantly. Being quite a fast reader, I did find this book to be quick, entertaining, and hoping for an epilogue.

Movies tend to compliment books in my opinion, bringing faces and locations to life, even if they severely lack in content or deviate too much from the book.

That being said, overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and hope that Steven Spielberg does it justice.
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Reading Progress

February 20, 2011 – Shelved
March 9, 2011 – Started Reading
March 9, 2011 –
page 88
March 10, 2011 –
page 175
March 10, 2011 –
page 175
47.55% "I can't wait to finish this book."
March 11, 2011 –
page 215
58.42% "almost done!!"
March 11, 2011 – Finished Reading

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Matthew Boyce Thank you to all who liked my review :)

Nate I felt much the same way while reading. World War Z felt like a plod, while I couldn't put Robopocalypse down.

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