Emily May's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling
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bookshelves: young-adult, plays, fantasy, 2016

3 1/2 stars. I completely get why many HP fans will be disappointed with this, but I have to admit: I really enjoyed it. I'd love to see this story play out on stage.

So yeah, I understand the sad feelings. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has a completely different vibe. Aside from being a play, it's also a more mature, character-driven, less magical story. It does not feel like an eighth Harry Potter book at all; there's a real disconnect between this play and the other seven novels. And you know what? I'm so glad.

I guess it's just what you're hoping for. To be honest, I never wanted another Harry Potter book. The thought of extending a series I loved so much actually made me NOT want to read this. I got to the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and thought it was magical perfection - the story had completed its arc in full and I put it aside feeling a slight melancholy, but a whole lot of satisfaction. I didn't want more.

However, if you went crazy needing more from the HP series, you'll probably be disappointed by this. If you feel there's a gap where something HP is missing, then I don't think this will fill it. Separate the two in your mind, and you have a better chance of liking it. Because this is something different - and I'm happy about it.

First, of course, it's a play. Right away it's going to be something unlike what we've seen before. I don't usually love to read plays, especially modern ones, but this one is very readable because the dialogue is wonderful. I don't know why people are saying "it's so obvious JKR didn't write most of this" because I think her style is all over it - the very fact that this play (which is meant to be viewed on stage) can be just as easily read like a book tells me JKR had a lot of input.

Also, it's funny. Much more consistently comical than the books, but with the same style of humour - i.e. lots of Ron being a buffoon.
Hermione: If some part of Voldemort survived, in whatever form, we need to be prepared. And I’m scared.
Ginny: I’m scared too.
Ron: Nothing scares me. Apart from Mum.

The plot leaves a little something to be desired. Again, it feels different from the main series. It's not so much about the world and magic, but more about relationships, conflicts (particularly between Harry and Albus) and the dialogue between characters. I suppose this makes more sense in a play, where the story unravels through dialogue and not through an omniscient narrator.

And, as I touched upon earlier, it feels... older. I don't know how well kids will appreciate the jokes about growing old and how Ron now says "oof" every time he sits down. Or the family drama between Harry and his son, Albus. But I liked it.

I'm happy with this addition. I truly am. If it had been too similar to the seven novels, I feel it would have risked reopening a series that had been closed in a great place. Instead, we have something very unique and, for me, very entertaining. Some of the staging directions also leave me excited about seeing the play (when I win the lottery or acquire a magic wand, maybe).

One thing I have to say that I said in another comment thread: NOW, it's time to stop. This was a risky experiment and it turned out to be fun, but JKR needs to leave this world alone now. I really do not want to read about old-age Harry, Ron and Hermione rolling around in magical wheelchairs. So, just stop.

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Reading Progress

March 6, 2016 – Shelved
July 31, 2016 – Started Reading
July 31, 2016 –
page 32
9.33% "Rose: The rumor is that he’s Voldemort’s son, Albus.

A horrible, uncomfortable silence.

It’s probably rubbish. I mean . . . look, you’ve got a nose.

August 1, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 250 (250 new)

message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I had to literally put the book down and laugh out loud for a solid minute because I thought the exact same thing when I read the line about the rumour.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Ooh, I just finished this like five minutes ago, and I loved it as well. I also considered it as a separate entity of the HP books as well. Though I do sort of want to go back and read The Goblet of Fire again. XD I get the split opinions as well, but I smiled so much, I can't help myself.

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Great review, Emily. I might try this someday, when I feel like it's time. I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

Vaneesha Glad you liked this Emily, great review! I totally agree with what you said about this being separate from the books. I think I went in with my expectations too high.

message 5: by shanghao (new)

shanghao How hard is it to get a ticket for the play, do you happen to know? Great review, by the way!

message 6: by Cat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cat I completely agree! As a child reading the series for the first time, I NEVER wanted a spin off about their kids. I honestly wanted something about the marauders if Jo was going to expand the world. However, I did enjoy this a lot more than I thought I would, even though I didn't care about Harry's children. (Scorpius & Draco were easily my favorite addition of the play, their dynamic was so vastly different than Lucius's relationship with Draco)

Emily May sanny wrote: "How hard is it to get a ticket for the play, do you happen to know? Great review, by the way!"

Ridiculously hard unless you have about £700 to spare per ticket (about $920). To avoid having to pay that much, you have to be online as soon as the initial tickets go on sale - you'll be put in an online queue and you'll have to hope you get through before they sell out :(

message 8: by Ju (Kaisu) (new)

Ju (Kaisu) I was really looking forward to reading your review because I'm among those who are reluctant to read it, but I'm glad you liked it. I still think that a play is made to be seen and not read though. I heard that the play is incredible despite its length (5 freaking hours, that must be something!). Great review, Emily :)

Nina I've been very ambivalent about whether or not I should read this for the same reason - I don't think the original HP books can be improved upon, and I'm terrified this book will somehow negatively affect my appreciation for what has been. Saying that, your review has actually made me want to read it. A continuation could have ruined everything. A separate tale I can deal with. ;-) Thanks for a thorough review!

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Wonderful review, Emily! I think you have some good points. Even though we differ greatly in opinion, I know I need to reread this once I'm less disappointed to see if my own opinion changes again.

Tahreem Iqbal the book's rating is going down very fast.. wow! Can't believe so many people are hating on it. I mean, what did people expect? Another full-fledged novel? It's a freaking play script!

Aliza I loved your review! I liked how you stressed that this a play, not an actual eighth Harry Potter book, which is why I think people are disappointed. It's almost like the short stories Rowling posts on Pottermore, except with more right behind it since it's going to be a production. All who are going are so lucky!

Kei • fiction court • The reviews for this just scare me! I want to love it but at the same time like you said the story had the perfect ending, I don't want to ruin the memory of it despite how much I want to get back into that world. Great review!

Bethan Very well put!

Kirsten While I think there are some issues with the play, I do feel like one of the few people who really enjoyed it. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone.

message 16: by Gabriela (new)

Gabriela Dias I haven't read the book yet (actually i ordered it today) but I was thirsty for a review and as a huge HP fan for 18 years now... i didn't want another book too and i was very anxious about this one (still am) but was going to let it go because it wasn't really another book and fully written by JK. Well, let's see. Great review!!!!

Stacie C I had to completely separate myself from the first 7 books to even give this a shot. As much as I loved the characters and the relationships. I couldn't get into the plot. I read through this so easily and yet at the end I was just shaking my head. I stay away from fanfiction and this feels like fanfiction to me. It is time to stop. Now I just want to reread and enjoy the novels.

Imogen If you want to see it on stage they are releasing more tickets to it on Thursday (August 4th)

Emily May Imogen wrote: "If you want to see it on stage they are releasing more tickets to it on Thursday (August 4th)"

I know. I'm going to try but I'm sure once again I won't get lucky :(

message 20: by Elizabeth (new) - added it

Elizabeth White I went to see it last week and it's absolutely brilliant on stage- so much more magical than you would expect if you just read the play! I hope you do get tickets because it truly was an experience- despite a few plot points I just felt OK about!

Courtney I don't think I need any more of Harry's story. I think J.K. has wrapped it up nicely. Buuuut, if she wanted to write a new series based on Scorpius Malfoy, I would have no problem with that! :)

Maria Z i agree i think the readers found their closure not JK needs to find it too with this one.

message 23: by Rita (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rita Hi Emily! I love your reviews and the amount of books you've read is quite impressive. How can you manage to read so many books and in such short time? Could you give me any advice on how to read more?

Maria I completely agree, there should not be any more Harry Potter books in that sense. The series ended with dignity. Let it stay that way. On that note: from what I hear the "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" movie is supposedly part of a trilogy.

Suchi(my.little.bookish.heart) Great review Emily.I completely agree with you..It's completely different from the series and i liked it this way.

Roanne just finished it. such an entertaining play. i like it and i wish i could watch it physically but i'm miles and miles away from london *sigh* and tbh i probably need all the luck to get tickets. i think harry's story has come full circle with the 7th book and i don't want it unnecessarily extended tbh. i want the sad and wonderful and perfect 7 books preserved as they are. i do want more from the wizarding world though.. say, the marauders perhaps? or the founders? *wishful thinking* but still i agree this play is a nice addition to this immortalized franchise.

message 27: by Anna (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anna C Completely agree with you. From the start, I was not really that enthusiastic to read story about their child, what I want is another glance of Harry and co, how they live their life as adult, parents with child. And also, I'm more into character-driven story, so that's why I love this one so much and the format didn't bother me at all. In fact, I devoured this in one sitting, lots of feels and emotions while reading it, such a nostalgia to meet them once again. :)
And I don't get it why people think it's betraying their character in original series, people do change, it doesn't mean we stop maturing at certain age, and honestly I don't like if Harry is too perfect without flaw, it's not Harry at all, and it's not easy to be a parent with teenager, at least he's trying, he made mistakes all right who doesn't make mistakes in their life? but for a guy that didn't have role model in his life, how could people expect he'd be totally perfect from the start? Totally good in everything?
And you're right, it needs a closure, no more sequel, just like JKR said too, Harry Potter is done in this book, there's nothing to milk anymore from HP. :) I just hope she will write another fantasy book again.

Meagan This is almost exactly how I felt!
I'm really glad that it felt separate to the main story. There were times when I was like, wow, this dialogue is cliche, but then I imagined it in play form in my head and it got a lot more awesome.

Morgan I've been looking for a review that reflects my feelings about this story and I've found it! You've nailed my feelings exactly about all of it. I was apprehensive but also intrigued. And I ended up not being at all disappointed. And I think maybe that's why I liked it. To me this just felt like an extention of the epilogue and somehow I'm okay with them playing with that a bit. But I also agree that Harry's story should be done now. I feel like we've come full circle.

Jillian -always aspiring- Ah, so glad you enjoyed it! I came away enjoying it more than I thought I would (after reading the initial spoilers from the previews and shaking my head) and would love to see it performed. Also, Scorpius Malfoy won my heart; he was easily the brightest spot in the script for me. It is flawed, much more so than the novels, but I still think it had moments of brilliance.

Meegz Reads Great review Emily! I agree with your points, although myself I was disappointed in this. I did rate it similarly to you though.
I agree that this probably shouldn't continue as a series any longer, as we've had enough (as much as I love HP).
That said though, I will be quite keen for Fantastic Beasts the movie, and probably will even buy the screenplay they're releasing (yep a book on the same day as the movie - you probably already know this though).

Melmeeka I did not like it. They changed too much. Everyone had Daddy issues. It had too much of a Lifetime feel to it. Everyone expressing their feelings left and right. It's like, who talks like that? I expected to be a bit darker since it is adult Harry. It was a good idea,but no. Also, the whole Voldemort had a child thing, I'd rather not. I just don't see it happening.

message 33: by Sam (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sam Hendershott Just finished it.. I agree with most of what you said. I could handle more books from the HP world, but probably not actually involving Harry. I always thought it could be fun to read stories about his father and his friends... Or strictly about Harry's kids and friends.. Where if Harry, Ron and Hermione are in it.. They would play more of a cameo role.

The Belatrix being the mother bothers me just simply because of time. She was the first person that popped into my head as well, but she would have needed to be pregnant when Harry was at the Malfoy's and he. Just given birth while fighting it out at Hogwarts.. Seems crammed for a timeline. Like an easy fix to a question.

Joshie Awesome review! Thank you so much for this!

$^rUtH! I totally felt the same after reading this...Great review!!

message 36: by Ali (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ali Hirschy Rambo You have spoken my exact thoughts. People who are complaining about it probably just need to get off Tumblr already.

message 37: by Alex (new) - rated it 3 stars

Alex Z (azeebooks) I completely agree with your review! It was nice to have a visit with the whole Harry Potter crew, but I really don't feel like we need anything more. The series was brilliant and I'd hate if they kept trying to milk it and ruin the story in the long run.

Naomi Yes, this review is exactly how I feel! I wasn't looking for a new Harry Potter book and I went into it with zero expectations, and I had such a lovely time reading it.

message 39: by BookWorm (new) - added it

BookWorm Excellent review! I've been sitting here, on page 1..conflicted..ultimately I knew I'd read it..just now going to go in with different expectations!!

Emily I'm also conflicted. I was so excited to get the book, but now that I have it, I can't get myself to start reading it. Perhaps I just need time for my expectations to decrease.

jodie I enjoyed it, but I felt like there were decisions made just to please the readers instead of actually making sense in the story.

Nithin Ravi Clear Cut review!!!

message 43: by Anu (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anu This review is just perfect!!!!

Ashley Earley I finished it last night. My opinion is split as well. I liked it but I thought that the last 100 pages or so--with Delphi--were extremely far-fetched.

message 45: by Amy (new) - rated it 5 stars

Amy Nicole I agree wth you 100%

Steffie Great review! I just finished reading the book and your review voices all of my feelings about it. It was fun to read and great to feel all of that excitement again however it's not the same. And I didn't expect it to be. If you go in with the wrong expectations you'd be very disappointed indeed. To be quite honest I think it helps a lot that I am almost 30 myself and a mom and married. There's a kind of maturity I think you need to have to be able to understand it. I was able to relate to Harry because I am a parent myself. If 17 year old me would have read this I'm not sure I would've liked it... and in a way that makes me smile. Because I am one of those people that literally grew up with Harry, being around the same age / fase in life he was every time a book came out. With this book that was the same and in a way that feels so comfortable, as if meeting again with an old friend. It's nice haha (sorry if that makes me sound really weird, I promise you, I'm not)

Elizabeth Golightly This review is perfection

message 48: by Omar (new) - rated it 5 stars

Omar Foster Completely agree With everything in this review. I loved this story but JK needs to leave this world alone now.

Manon Barendrecht Very good review :)

Gemma Ahh great review. I really want to read it but holding off as I have tickets to see it and would like it to a surprise. Thank you for making me even more excited!

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