Lou's Reviews > Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: to-be-movies-or-tv

There is a New War igniting by the very machines that were serving humans 'Robots.' Is there any hope for the human race and what weapon could match the ability of the artificial intelligence?
We had zombies with World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War and vampires with The Strain nows the time for something new and fresh setting a new trend, evil robots. A writer who has a Ph.D in Robotics has created a gauntlet race of time to a concluding event that will change the path of robots and humans forever. Written in neat chapters of different accounts that chart the unraveling of war from the artificial intelligence Archos, unleashing unrelenting destruction upon humans via it's robots.
The writing flows well and does well transferring the words to your thought imagery as you ride along the train as time zero's down to the grand finale. Once i rode on the train i did not want to get off until an outcome is reached in this page turning orchestra of cataclysmic events. You become immersed in the battle for human salvation against the ensuing apocalypse at the hands of the robots.
"The machines are now designing and building themselves. More varieties are coming. We believe that these new robots will have greatly increased agility, survivability, and lethality. They will be tailored to fight your people, in your geographic environment, and in your weather conditions.

Let there be no doubt in your mind that the combined onslaught of these machines, working twenty-four hours a day, will soon be unleashed by Archos on your native land."

Steven Spielberg is working on the movie watch this space for more news as it comes..


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Quotes Lou Liked

Daniel H. Wilson
“I can only give you words. Nothing fancy. But this will have to do.

It doesn't matter if you're reading it a year from now or a hundred years from now. By the end of the chronicle you will know that humanity carried the flame of knowledge into the terrible blackness of the unknown, to the very brink of annihilation. And we carried it back.”
Daniel H. Wilson, Robopocalypse

Reading Progress

April 19, 2011 – Shelved
May 7, 2011 – Shelved as: to-be-movies-or-tv
June 7, 2011 – Started Reading
June 9, 2011 –
page 70
19.02% "Really god uprising and robots what more could you ask for. Vampires undead step aside there's new danger o the block!"
June 11, 2011 –
page 150
June 11, 2011 –
page 260
June 11, 2011 –
page 334
June 11, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Bradley (new)

Bradley This sounds a bit like Valiant Comics' Magnus, Robot Fighter. I used to love that comic.

message 2: by Dan (new)

Dan Schwent Bradley wrote: "This sounds a bit like Valiant Comics' Magnus, Robot Fighter. I used to love that comic."

Magnus was great until they changed his costume and got rid of the miniskirt.

message 3: by Bradley (new)

Bradley It was cool when there was this different kind of robots that showed up and they were a lot more evil. I think they killed off most of the humans or something. Previously, I think the robots were just misunderstood and wanted to do their own thing without being slaves to the humans.

message 4: by Lou (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lou I have not read that comic.

message 5: by Dan (new)

Dan Schwent Bradley wrote: "It was cool when there was this different kind of robots that showed up and they were a lot more evil. I think they killed off most of the humans or something. Previously, I think the robots were j..."

The Malev invasion, if I remember correctly. Valiant started going downhill when Jim Shooter got ousted. It's a shame, too, since a lot of their stuff was years ahead of it's time.

message 6: by Bradley (new)

Bradley Yeah. Malev. I remember Valiant sucked after Acclaim bought the company to use for video game properties. I read Marvel comics before Valiant but Valiant comics were the first time that I recognized good writing in comic books. I think I lost interest with the Birthquake "event," which I didn't really understand because it didn't seem like it had anything to do with being an "event." It seemed like they just hired "hot" artists to take over the comics and the writing for the issues got shitty all of a sudden. It was like Valiant had gone the way of early Image Comics or something.

message 7: by Lou (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lou You guys lost me comics is not my forte lol.

message 8: by Dan (new)

Dan Schwent Bradley wrote: "Yeah. Malev. I remember Valiant sucked after Acclaim bought the company to use for video game properties. I read Marvel comics before Valiant but Valiant comics were the first time that I recognize..."

Birthquake was when I quit, too. The early Valiants actually felt like they were in the same world, what with the only villains being Toyo Harada, Master Darque, and the Spider Aliens. The slower buildup to the stories reminds me a lot of how comics today are written with collecting them in trade paperbacks in mind. It took 25 issues of Harbinger for Sting and Harada to finally have their big showdown.

Pagetranquility Thanks for the recommendation Lou. My library has this, so I'll check it out : )

Debra On the waiting list from it from the library. Thanks for the recommendation, Lou.

message 11: by Aloha (new) - added it

Aloha Thanks for the recommendation, Lou. I just got it! Looks really good.

message 12: by mark (new)

mark monday lou, how do you think this compares to World War Z? you mention (and i've read about) the very similar styles.

message 13: by Lou (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lou I have seen the style of writing but not read the book yet

message 14: by Lou (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lou Going to start world of war z next few days

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