K.L. Grayson's Reviews > It Ends with Us

It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover
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it was amazing

Dear Colleen,

I find it fitting that I write this review as a letter to you the way Lily would write to Ellen. Don't ask me why, I really don't know. What I do know is that I haven't been on Goodreads in nearly six months and it's entirely your fault that i'm here now. So, if i stumble upon a poor review on one of my books and end up in the fetal position on my kitchen floor surrounded by Ding Dong wrappers, well, I'm blaming it on you. I've even given my husband instructions to bill you for the psychiatry bill if that happens.

On Friday I had a hysterectomy. It wasn't the worst day of my life, but it certainly wasn't the best. One chapter of my life--quite possibly the best chapter--ended. The surgery itself took twenty minutes. Twenty minutes. Can you believe that? Twenty minutes to take out the uterus that carried my three beautiful babies for a total of twenty eight months. Twenty minutes to change my life. Don't feel bad for me, that's not what I want. The offending organ had to come out, I knew this. But it didn't make it any easier. It didn't make the finality of the situation any easier. In all honesty, for a couple of minutes I didn't just feel like a chapter was ending, more like an entire flipping book. Maybe my life isn't made up of chapters, maybe it's part of a duet, or a trilogy? Either way, part of my story was over.

Over a matter of several hours, I slowly woke up from surgery and at one point I remember sitting there and just staring at the wall paper in my hospital room.

My uterus was gone.

Mauve diamonds.

The wallpaper was covered in mauve diamonds.

That's the most hideous color, don't you think? Mauve. Not quite pink. Not quite maroon.

I counted seven hundred and fifty three diamonds before I allowed the first tear to fall. But I wasn't just crying for losing a part of my body, and I wasn't crying for losing the ability to carry more children. I was crying because some women don't even get to experience what I've gotten to experience. Some women never get to have babies. They never get to feel them grow in their bellies. They never get to see the slimy little monsters as they tumble their way into this world.

And I did.

I got to do all of that three times.

So why was I so upset? What the hell was my problem? I should be grateful, right? Happy?

My husband slept soundly in the chair, snoring softly, but at some point my cries must have woken him up. He stirred and I did the only thing I could do ... I grabbed your book. You see, it was sitting on my bedside table. I buried my nose between the pages and when my better half asked me if I was okay I simply peeked over the top of the book and whispered, "Colleen. She did it again."

I didn't need to say much more, he knows my obsession with your words and I found myself grateful. Grateful that he knew your books make me cry and grateful that you inadvertently allowed me to grieve. And that's what I did. I read your book and I grieved. I cried when Lily cried. I cried when Ryle cried. And even when no one was crying, I still cried simply because I needed to and I could and no one thought twice about it because i was reading and that's what i do when i read. It was my outlet, my excuse for the tears that wouldn't go away, the tears that kept falling despite my desperate protest.

I cried for all of the Lily's in the world, and the Ryle's too. I cried for the Atlas'. And I cried for the Kirby's (that's my name. No i'm not named after a vacuum, or a cream puff)

But you see, I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be upset. I have three beautiful children whom I love with my entire heart. My body did it's job extremely well and that is something to be proud of. But why wasn't I proud?

Naked truth?

I'm selfish.
I wanted one more baby even though my husband didn't. I wanted one more baby when there are women out there that can't have any at all.

So why am I telling you this? My story is nothing like Lily's. Not even close.
But maybe it is ...
She wanted something she shouldn't want. I wanted something I couldn't have. She had a decision to make ... one that would change her life. So did I. She made a decision that was right for her and for her life at that particular time.
But the real reason I'm telling you this is because for two days I was drowning and It Ends With Us was my lifeline. It's what I grabbed when I needed to stop thinking ... it's what I grabbed when i needed to cry ... and when i finally finished the book and put it down, it wasn't mauve diamonds that I saw ... it was my smiling children.

My three beautiful smiling children ... and my niece Lily.

-- Kirby
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August 8, 2016 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-50 of 139 (139 new)

Kayle Beautifully written.

Sara Jean Awesome review KL!! ((Hugs)) to you!

Judy Simply beautiful.

message 4: by Mande (new) - added it

Mande Duoto Beautiful. Now I am crying.

message 5: by Dana (new) - added it

Dana Thank you for writing this. I had my hysterectomy in 2005 and I never experienced carrying a child (damn cells!). It is amazing to me how as women we come out of situations as stronger individuals. It Ends with Us on my TBR list and I am looking forward to starting it.

message 6: by Barbara (new) - added it

Barbara Ronevich OMG this is the most beautiful review I've ever read❤️❤️❤️

message 7: by Sonja (last edited Aug 09, 2016 07:24AM) (new) - added it

Sonja And now I'm crying with you Kirby. Such a beautiful review! ❤️❤️❤️

message 8: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Stinson Such an amazing review. I have tears in my eyes from reading this. And It Ends With Us was such an amazing book.

message 9: by Debra (new)

Debra I too...went thru that process...only I had just one child.....and I am very blessed for her and my 2 step children.....who I call " my children"....
I LOVE how you said "Colleen...she did it again"...I am saving her book for when we go on vaca to OBX in 2 weeks.....to sit on the beach with one of my daughters......
Hope you are healing well.....
P.S. I also read your books..........love them too!!!!

Micha Lina Crying...

Ramona Omgosh, now I'm balling again! Many hugs Kirby♡♡♡.

message 12: by Tracie (new)

Tracie What an awesome review .
Beautiful !

Amy Amazing Review!

message 14: by Tiffani (new)

Tiffani Wow!! Now I'm crying. Awesome!

message 15: by Ruth (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ruth McDonnell Loved this review, Kirby!❤️

Jenni Breathtaking review!

Ana-Maria O So beautiful!! Don't be sad lovely lady , everything will be fine, keep swimming ❤

Larisa Lupu Take care!!!!!

Erika Drew Wow. Just wow. And somehow I got something in my eye while reading that. Anyone have a tissue because whatever it is it's making my eyes leak.

message 20: by Mawi (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mawi Taruc that was heartbreakingly-beautifully written. i pray for your fast recovery.

Maritza Torres That was beautiful Kirby❤️

Melanie Maloney Wow!!! ❤️

Tammy That was a beautiful review and heartfelt letter Kirby. You're a beautiful writer it is such a blessing to be able to carry babies and show them all our love but we all know families are born all different ways. Much love to you and your recovery of body and heart

Hulya Kara Yuksel This review made me cried. I'm speechless right now...
God bless you and your beautiful family... <3

Heather MacLaughlin Ok ... Now I'm crying, beautiful review.

Tabatha I have been avoiding Goodreads for a week because I haven't had time to read this book. Today, I caved. Your review made me cry, ugly cry... at word. Bless you and your family. Enjoy your kids. Write a book.

Angela Margarita Kirby and I had a one thing in common, that thing is that colleen is also the reason why I got here, anyways, sending you a lot of love..

Kiting Santos love this review as much as the book ❤

Btissame Beautiful , i just finished reading It Ends With Us and i cried and you made cry again ( i loved your letter as much as i loved the book )

Fiorella Boschetti So beautiful, I cried for all the Lily's in the world, and the Ryle's too, for the Atlas and you... So sad, most of the time life comes with this horrible choices and phases that we need to go through, that's why I love Colleen's books they are so real.

Tricia Bartley.  #AuthorStalker Luv luv luv!!!

Noelia Lucia And when I thought I was done crying ´cause of the book... I go and read your review...

MClarissaE Wow, YOU made me cry with your letter to Colleen. You are blessed. You are a strong woman. You have a life that is gifted with all that you need. God bless you, Kirby!

Andrea Five star review!

Tanya Vought Kirby,
I love this review!!! Loved it!!!

message 36: by Dashauna (new) - added it

Dashauna B This is the most beautiful review I have ever read and if nothing else could convince me to read this book, your review just has.

Jessica Morales oh my I was wrecked from this book. now I read your review and I'm almost crying again. Thank you for being so honest. Yes there are times we hate our life. I loved that you wrote Coleen a letter and I hope she writes u back

Luciana Matos And now i am crying again..... God bless you!!!!!

Donna Wow! Naked truth! Something one really wanted but couldn't have and it changes your life....for ever, not short term.
I'd tell you more if I could message you.

Amanda Wow, your review is so moving. And while my story is nothing like yours or Lilly, I still feel like you and I are one in the same. Thank you for putting into words my own emotional miasma. This book made me feel and think so much, and even though, like I said, your story and Lilly's stories are entirely different from my own; your explanation of what you took away from reading the book is exactly how I feel.

message 42: by Amy (new)

Amy I hope you are feeling better now.

Laura Raab Wow, what heartfelt review. How clever to write it in the same style as the letters Lily writes in the book.

FANTASIAH this is just beautifully heartbreaking 😭😢 I cried in the end!! thank you for sharing and I hooe you have the life you desire .. stay healthy darling!!

message 45: by Nora (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nora I cried reading this book, and now reading this review, Beautiful, thank you for sharing!

Komal Shahab That's beautiful 😍 left me in tears

Halime such a beautiful review i’m crying again

message 48: by Abby (new) - rated it 5 stars

Abby This review was really beautiful. Kirby’s naked truth was poignant. I want to hug her. I’m actually reading reviews trying to decide if I want to know how this book ends because I’m half way through and I have so much stress that I need to know. But, I keep stopping myself.

Natalie Brooks This review made me cry more than the book did.

Genta | esotericesprit Wow, this review had me in tears. Naked truth? It doesn’t make you selfish, it makes you human. I can fairly say we are never satisfied, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing because it means we thrive for more, for better. We allow ourselves to imagine a life where we can have everything and more and we try to reach out to that dream with all that we have because if we were to settle, it would make us less adventurous, less excited to do things. I guess what i’m trying to say is that you’re not selfish at all, you’re ambitious, you want the best out of life. Sometimes, you won’t be able to have everything you want but it’ll make you even more grateful for the things you you do have and the things you did accomplish, the three beautiful kids you have.

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