Noran Miss Pumkin's Reviews > Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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bookshelves: sci-fi, 2011, first-reads

I was surprised to receive this book in the mail, since it is not my usual read-"whatever that is noran" you may say. Sci fi not my cup of tea. Well, I discovered to my delight, I WON a GR book give away--over 1,250 signed up for the 25 books. Gee, I guess I will not be winning the multi-state power ball lotto, since I used up my luck for the year.

Well to finally start this book. I have read the dust cover and it rings eerily to a comment at my Trauma Core Course lectures. There different disasters-based on location: Internal, External, and Community. The lecturer stated the computer systems completely failing, is considered an internal disaster for the hospital. I just so disagree with that, for Florence cared for patients in the Crimea-increasing survival rates greatly.
So, my losing my drone computer is going to stop me caring/nursing-no!

This book's dust cover states in the "NEAR" future, that technology will malfunction-then take over the world. This plot has played out over the decades in various science fiction books and films. I wonder how this books expects to be different. Just read the term "ZERO HOUR", on the dust cover--gee been there and heard it before. So, I will start this book tonight--leaving my Border's & Ebay finds for another day.....

I really enjoyed this book-much more then expected. It creeped me out-so the author succeeded in his task well. It is told in the form of a journal-to document the robotic war. I do not get worked up over books of this type often, but this one got under my skin. I felt the victims fear, and angst. This is actually a plot of my daughter's favorite film of this year "G-Force". There is a scene in the film, where the espresso machine, in a shop window-comes alive. It is a killer machine! I kept feeling like this book, is a technological version of the "Planet of the Apes". I grew up on the original series, and saw the first remake. It echoed a little "Omega Man" as well for me. The humans in flight to the country to survive-rumors that others might have made it, so we must try to get there too. Hold up in an apartment building-changing it, so the attackers cannot get at you so easily. I even thought of the line, while reading this book: "They're coming to get you Barbara"- form "The Night of the Living Dead". This book also echos the Nazi menace and the forced labor camps/mass killings/death marches--my generation(baby boomers) the lat to know persons personally that suffered through this, in WWII.

I do recommend this book to the techno-nerds out there, as well as others who do not care for sci-fi books. I really enjoyed the read-a book I would have ignored otherwise. I re-thought my experience with this book, and rate it 4.5 stars. The story line still haunts me, and I really enjoyed the way it was told-different points of view, view a journal after the war. I know some wish for more details, but your mind drifts to greater and darker horrors, then the author could ever create.....
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Reading Progress

June 18, 2011 – Shelved
June 23, 2011 – Shelved as: sci-fi
September 5, 2011 – Shelved as: 2011
September 5, 2011 – Shelved as: first-reads
September 6, 2011 – Started Reading
September 13, 2011 –
page 45
12.23% "I am really starting to enjoy this little surprise book. I took me a little bit-to get use to the techno-jargon. It is presented as a look back, in journal form, of the start of the robot war."
September 22, 2011 –
page 100
27.17% "I am enjoying this read more than I thought I would"
September 24, 2011 –
page 150
40.76% "It is intriguing--surprised I am enjoying the read as much as I am."
September 26, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Ben (new)

Ben Congrats, congrats! Goodreads author, too -- better be nice. ; )

message 2: by Sesana (new)

Sesana I like SFF, and I love journal-style books. And I like books that leave just a little to the imagination. Oh, and congrats!

Kammera I especially was freaked out with the Baby-comes-alive chapter. Isn't this every kids nightmare? I am really liing this book as well AND I am a HUGE sci-fi fan as well!

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