Henry Avila's Reviews > The Martian

The Martian by Andy Weir
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You are an astronaut, the immensely able Mark Watney with a great, glamorous job until stranded through a freak accident on the desolate, airless, extremely cold red deserts of Mars in the mid 2030's a powerful dust storm has apparently killed...the five others in the crew ( originally four men and two women including the commander, Melissa Lewis) they barely escape themselves, with their lives, now up into orbit in a small spacecraft rejoining the massive, very expensive Hermes vessel on a long, sad voyage of hundreds of days back home to Earth, its ion engines slowly accelerating in limitless, merciless space leaving their dead companion behind, a shame but nothing can change this fact except that Mark is still alive...The lone not badly wounded spaceman regains consciousness, sees a frightening sight...he's all alone on the vast planet and says I'm pretty much screwed, ( admittedly not an exact translation) the castaway repeats this frequently in the story. Abandoned by his friends little hope to survive, 31 days of supplies left either starve or run out of air no more communications with NASA possible, slowly waiting to die...but Watney will not lay down and expire gently into the night, darkness will be postponed for now as his fertile, brilliant mind keeps working after all he's the fix it man, a mechanical engineer nothing will faze him, Mark with his rather macabre sense of humor, wishes it were true. Planting potatoes in his "Hab" he's a botanist too, ( the best on this planet as he jokes) growing them, a big harvest and yet soon loathing how many can you eat without vomiting... Making water and air repairing anything he views (leaks are fatal here ) especially the Mars Rover, so he can transverse the eerie, lonely, empty nevertheless quite fascinating and attractive, sandy, landscape with dangerous, broad craters...exploring in complete stillness makes for an uneasy journey, no sounds either... find what will be useful his goal, Pathfinder many thousands of miles from his Martian base . This ancient robot craft an old relic, is found miraculously though now communication with Earth and NASA , ( they knew earlier by the orbiting satellites, he was still alive) can be reestablishes, at last...navigating by the tiny, strange nearby Martian moons and stars above, the helpful clear brownish skies at night, keeping constantly busy the next scheduled spaceship back here, by the American space agency brings him depression... four years away...grim Mark thinks...Disaster follows disaster, anything that can will break, mistakes are made by the intrepid but somewhat clumsy spaceman, yet Watney can never succumb until he breathes his last mouthful of air. Deep inside his intelligent brain something occurs, hope...One of the greatest most entertaining science -fiction books ever written, for any reader who wants to travel to another time and exotic place, be thoroughly mesmerized, turn the next page and discover the continuing adventures of a man who never quits. Required reading by new NASA astronauts, the American Space Agency loved this novel, so did I. ....P.S. the film is magnificent also...thank you, Robinson Crusoe.
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October 12, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
October 12, 2016 – Shelved
October 20, 2016 – Started Reading
October 26, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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message 1: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace didn't think the movie was all that...

message 2: by Henry (last edited Dec 15, 2017 03:16PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila I like science- fiction books and films, Diane, beautiful imagery, about a hopeful future.Thank you.

message 3: by Zoeytron (new) - added it

Zoeytron Fantastic review, Henry!

Henry Avila Thank you very much Zoeytron, if you like this genre, it's one of the best.

Bogdan Teodorescu This is a really amazing review :)) made in the name of the best space book ever

Henry Avila I APPRECIATE THOSE KIND WORDS ,Bogdan...quite entertaining book.

message 7: by Kim N (new)

Kim N I must nudge this to the top of my reading list.

Henry Avila A fun read, Kim, the ultimate page turner , it can be read quickly , and you will want to...

Steve I wanted to 'like' this twice so that I could have the honor of being your hundredth. What a fun, lively review! No wonder you're getting those clicks of approbation.

Henry Avila Thank you Steve, I always appreciate my reviews, being enjoyed by people.

message 11: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace not a fan of Matt Damon...don't think the movie was all that either

message 12: by Sheryl (new) - added it

Sheryl Tribble I liked the movie, and my middle daughter loved the book (even though she'd seen the movie she'd gasp and squeal and otherwise get excited about things that happened differently or whatever), so between that and your review I think I need to put this on my list!

message 13: by Henry (last edited Dec 15, 2017 03:18PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila Diana wrote: "not a fan of Matt Damon...don't think the movie was all that either"It was a big hit worldwide, a young Tom Hanks, would have been perfect for the role,Diane...

Henry Avila Sheryl wrote: "I liked the movie, and my middle daughter loved the book (even though she'd seen the movie she'd gasp and squeal and otherwise get excited about things that happened differently or whatever), so be..."A quick , delightful read, Sheryl, just pure escapist entertainment...

Cecily Henry wrote: "A quick , delightful read, Sheryl, just pure escapist entertainment..."

Escapist entertainment - literally!

You've captured the atmosphere of the book (and film) really well. I enjoyed both far more than I expected.

message 16: by Henry (last edited Nov 30, 2016 11:29PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila So did I Cecily , hope that Andy Weir's next novel , is as good, set on the Moon, in the 2080's, about a murder mystery,with the main character a woman, if reports are accurate...Thanks again...

Cecily Oooh. Sounds intriguing. (It also sounds like something I might hate, and yet the same was true of The Martian (for the reasons I explained in my own review).)

message 18: by Henry (last edited Dec 01, 2016 01:42AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila I understand the woman , the main character, is a lifelong criminal... hope she reforms...untitled book to be released early next year.The perfect title, I would suggested, Andy Weir...Luna...not The Lunarian...

Cecily I like your thinking, but the combination of "Luna" and criminal might be too close to The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

message 20: by Henry (last edited Dec 01, 2016 06:55AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila Loved that book,and want to read it again...but so many great ones, I never read, imagine 130 million titles , around the world, yes somebody counted them all...Google.

message 21: by Fran (new) - rated it 5 stars

Fran Excellent review Henry.

Henry Avila Fran , I thank you, this is a very enjoyable book to read.

Ellie Great review Henry. I loved the book (and enjoyed the movie as well). Terrifically fun read (and I'm not even a particular fan of science fiction).

Henry Avila It was a magnifient book...

message 25: by Henry (last edited Dec 15, 2017 03:18PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila Diana wrote: "didn't think the movie was all that..."
If you liked the book, you'll enjoy the movie too...especially sci- fi fans, Diane.

message 26: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace not a Matt Damon fan..he sucks! he says the most outrageous stuff then has to walk them back(sad/idiot)..might read the book tho some day

message 27: by Henry (last edited Dec 15, 2017 03:15PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila It was hard to cast, Diane, a box office star needed, with the ability to be credible as an astronaut, and fit the character's in the book, sarcasm...

message 28: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace hahaha..i know

message 29: by da (new)

da AL well done, Henry

Henry Avila Thank you very much, this was a fun read...

Ronyell Awesome review! I really enjoyed this book too!

Henry Avila Thank you , it is sweet.

message 33: by James (new)

James Hold The only thing I find hard to swallow about the plot is it occurs in 2030. Possibly some country may achieve a trip to Mars by then but I doubt it'll be NASA.

Henry Avila China?

Chris Wonderful review. I'm not a big Sci Fi reader but this one hooked me early and kept me rooting for our smart, self-deprecating MC!

Henry Avila This is an exciting book that never has a dull moment, Chris.
Thank you as always

message 37: by James (new)

James Thomas Great review, though I wasn't a fan of the film, I didn't finish it because everything just felt too coincidental and was falling into place to help him survive. Is the book very different to the film?

message 38: by Henry (last edited Sep 27, 2023 11:34PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Henry Avila Much more detailed and technical, yet great.Very similar the book to film as both are terrific.

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