William's Reviews > The Sudden Appearance of Hope

The Sudden Appearance of Hope by Claire North
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: extraordinary-books

Extraordinary in every way. Another masterpiece by Ms North.
As usual with my reviews, please first read the publisher’s blurb/summary of the book. Thank you.

Who am I? What makes me, Me? ... and much deeper thoughts I cannot yet express ...

Claire North is a philosopher, a teacher, a young miracle of wisdom. To become her protagonists is to discover hidden parts of who we are, who we might be. She reaches inside us, she opens us to who we really are, and then asks us, "Why?"

Again and again, she astonishes me. I have never read an author like her. Extraordinary.

A clever concept: Hope Arden is noticed and remembered only when people are looking at her, interacting with her. She meets Parker, another person like her, and aches to remember him:

I am frightened now. I am frightened that when he fades from my memory, a piece of me will die too. The feelings, the things I have learned, the ideas I have had today, so many ideas, so many feelings, they will die with my memory. I fear that loss. But more, a terror that I must share with my future self. I fear what this means for me.

If you forget the joy of this day, then what joy you give to others will also be forgotten, and your life has no consequence, no meaning, no worth. I am a shadow, blasted away by the sun, a meaningless occlusion of light that fades with the day.

- - -

I say:
The past is gone, and tomorrow is an illusion.
There is only Now.

And here, Claire expresses what I know, more eloquently of course:

You said that, since the past vanishes with memory, all that we can live in is now..... What matters, therefore, is not hope for things to come, nor regret for things passed, but this action in this moment, these deeds, this now.

Claire has a little dial she gently turns as she writes, higher and higher as we read. We see the dial is labelled EXTRAORDINARY...

23% ... Hope:
I cannot remember Parker now. I do not remember his face, his touch, his body, his words, his deeds, our days. But I have one thought that I cling to in this present time: that at the end of that week we spent together, I had acquired a taste for comedy. He is forgotten, but I am changed. I have no words to express how wondrous this is.

I ache to quote so much of this book, as usual for Claire North...

She was crying, silently, holding my arm, crying. I let her cry a while, held her close, felt her snot and tears on my shoulder, wanted to cry myself, why is that, when I hear a child cry on the train it makes me sad, see a stranger weep and feel tears come to my eyes, a weakness, perhaps, a place where emotion hasn’t become accustomed to the extremities of feeling.

47% ... Me, too....
I found I was crying, just crying, just a girl crying, and the carer asked softly, where’s your sister now?
"Not so far away, I replied. Not so far.”

61% ...
Hope says:
“Is that why you keep me around? Because you think… I’m free?”
Silence, a while.
Then, “Yes. I think you are the only free woman I have ever met.”
I sat, shaking, and didn’t have any words.

If Hope has true freedom, then freedom is never what we seek... What an astounding thought.

99% ...
“There is a society where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before
To mingle with the universe and feel
What I can ne’er express, yet cannot all conceal.”

- Lord Byron

- - -

Wow. Hope's friend, Byron14 says:
“We have sacrificed thought,” she replied flatly, voice hard, eyes steady. “We live in a land of freedom, and the only freedoms we can choose are to spend, fuck and eat. The rest is taboo. Loner. Slut. Weirdo. Faggot. Whore. Bitch. Druggie. Scrounger. Ugly. Poor. Muslim. Other. Hate the other. Kill the other. Aspire, as us, to be together, to become better, to become… perfect. Perfection. A unified ideal. Perfection: flawless. Perfection: white, rich, male. Perfection: car, shoe, dress, smile. Perfection: the death of thought."

- - -

So We'll Go No More a Roving

So, we'll go no more a roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.

For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.

Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a roving
By the light of the moon.

- Lord Byron


And at the end, I wept. Why?
It’s not easy to say....
Is it because there is no hope, or because there is?
Is it Hope’s fate that makes us weep?
Or is it our fate?
Is it because we are alone in ways that can never be expressed?
I know that it is primal, this need, this quest.

And as I have grown old, I have found this inside me, more clear with each year -
Life is too short, and sometimes brutal,
and in the end we have only each other.
Nothing else matters.

- - -

Notes and quotes

6.0% ... delicious Claire North...
“For a copper to marry an immigrant, particularly at that time,” mused my aunt, “it says a lot about their love. But then, your dad always was a good man first, and a copper second; it’s why his career’s been so slow. And your mum… she’s always believed in people. That’s why she called you Hope.”

13.0% ... “Reality: the conjectured state of things as they actually exist.”"

15.0% ... Wow
If you forget the joy of this day, then what joy you give to others will also be forgotten, and your life has no consequence, no meaning, no worth. I am a shadow, blasted away by the sun, a meaningless occlusion of light that fades with the day.

37.0% .... a plot twist, unexpected, a joy, a sorrow. A truth about being alone, but not, sometimes.

44.0% .... I love the precision, the tradecraft of Hope's thievery. Her theft in this part of the book is ballet, is Olympic, is bewitching... awesome!

50.0% ... Written in 2015, Claire North is prescient:
“An electoral campaign based on hating the foreigner, the poor, the unknown, every lie of course destroyed by experts ... but Matheus Pereyra did not print the views of the experts, but rather… printed the screaming. Always, the world screaming, loudly, screaming”

71.0% ... Claire North has a little dial she gently turns, higher and higher as she writes. We see the dial is labelled EXTRAORDINARY...

98.0% ... Claire is a philosopher, a teacher, a young miracle of wisdom. To become her protagonists is to discover hidden parts of who you are, who you might be. Again and again, she astonishes me.
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Quotes William Liked

Claire North
“I am frightened now. I am frightened that when he fades from my memory, a piece of me will die too. The feelings, the things I have learned, the ideas I have had today, so many ideas, so many feelings, they will die with my memory. I fear that loss. But more, a terror that I must share with my future self. I fear what this means for me. If you forget the joy of this day, then what joy you give to others will also be forgotten, and your life has no consequence, no meaning, no worth. I am a shadow, blasted away by the sun, a meaningless occlusion of light that fades with the day.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“You know why the experts don't have an easy answer? Because a fucking expert's the guy who knows how complicated the fucking questions are.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“If you forget the joy of this day, then what joy you give to others will also be forgotten, and your life has no consequence, no meaning, no worth. I am a shadow, blasted away by the sun, a meaningless occlusion of light that fades with the day.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“She was crying, silently, holding my arm, crying. I let her cry a while, held her close, felt her snot and tears on my shoulder, wanted to cry myself, why is that, when I hear a child cry on the train it makes me sad, see a stranger weep and feel tears come to my eyes, a weakness, perhaps, a place where emotion hasn’t become accustomed to the extremities of feeling.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“The internet gave us all the power of speech, and what did we discover? That victory goes to he who shouts the loudest, and that reason does not sell.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“I find that the only way I can survive is in the present tense. If I look at my past, I see loneliness. Loneliness and… and mistakes made of loneliness. If I look at my future, I see fear. Struggle. The possibility of much pain. And so I look only at now, at this present tense, and ask myself, what am I doing now? Who am I now?”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“Every human grief you will ever experience has been experienced by humans living and humans yet to come. There is no readiness for it, nor no easing of the pain, but ma’am, for what it’s worth, I think you should know that all of humanity that was, is and will be is with you now, by your side.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“When you are alone, even the quiet is full of monsters”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“It's just money," he replied. "It's just paper."
"It's time," I said, sharper than I'd meant. "It's the means to purchase time. It's the cost of a new bed in a hospital, a solar panel on a roof; it's a year's salary for a tailor in Dhaka, it's the price of a fishing boat, the cost of an education, it's not money. It's what it could have been.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“What is knowledge?
It is inspiration. It is a call to battle. It is a reminder that there is nothing which cannot be achieved. It is humanity in all its forms, in my heart.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“Truth: sometimes a murderer cannot be found. Truth: sometimes your children are taken and you are left behind. Truth: poverty is a prison. Truth: disease and age come to us all.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“He who is silent is seen to consent.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“I just want to be myself,' she murmured.

'But is that good enough?' Leena mused, 'Or is it just selfish?”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“Tell me, in a world where wealth is power, and power is the only freedom, what would desperate men not do to be heard?” “Civil”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“And are we not worthy?” she asked, rolling the end of one ceramic chopstick back and forth between the thumb and index finger of her right hand. “Are our lives devoid of merit? Are we not generous to our friends, kind to strangers, skilled in our areas of expertise, reliable with rent, gentle with children, quick to phone an ambulance when we see a man hit by a car, thoughtful in word and deed? Do we not have worth enough? Are we not already perfect? Perfectly ourselves? Perfect in being who we are?” “I have no one to measure that quality against.” “Do you believe in God?” “No.” “Do you have eyes, judgement?” “And I see the world, but I have no one else’s eyes to measure my own vision against.” “Of course you do. You have the words of friends and strangers. You have discourse and reason. You have critical thought, which may be trained to the highest degree. In short, you do not need the world to tell you what to be. Especially if the world tells you that you are never good enough.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“The rituals you make, the devotions you perform, they are what binds you to yourself. If you do not have them, if you have not found them within you, you are nothing, and the desert is all. I’m”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Claire North
“In 1789 the French rebelled and found an emperor. The Americans found their freedom from the British and enslaved the Africans. The Arab Spring bloomed and the military and the jihadists seized power. The internet gave us all the power of speech, and what did we discover? That victory goes to he who shouts the loudest, and that reason does not sell.”
Claire North, The Sudden Appearance of Hope

Reading Progress

July 8, 2017 – Started Reading
July 8, 2017 – Shelved
July 11, 2017 –
6.0% "... delicious Claire North...
““For a copper to marry an immigrant, particularly at that time,” mused my aunt, “it says a lot about their love. But then, your dad always was a good man first, and a copper second; it’s why his career’s been so slow. And your mum… she’s always believed in people. That’s why she called you Hope.”"
July 11, 2017 –
13.0% "... “Reality: the conjectured state of things as they actually exist.”"
July 11, 2017 –
15.0% "... Wow
“If you forget the joy of this day, then what joy you give to others will also be forgotten, and your life has no consequence, no meaning, no worth. I am a shadow, blasted away by the sun, a meaningless occlusion of light that fades with the day.”"
July 11, 2017 –
18.0% "... As usual, Claire North astonishes me, again and again. I have never read an author like her. Extraordinary."
July 13, 2017 –
29.0% ".... “A question: why are planes always at thirty-five thousand feet, not ten and a half thousand metres? Has the sky not gone metric?”
- Answer: Same reason we still use qwerty keyboards!"
July 13, 2017 –
37.0% ".... a plot twist, unexpected, a joy, a sorrow. A truth about being alone, but not, sometimes."
July 14, 2017 –
39.0% "... extraordinary book."
July 14, 2017 –
44.0% ".... I love the precision, the tradecraft of her thievery. Her theft in this part of the book is ballet, is Olympic, is bewitching... awesome!"
July 14, 2017 –
47.0% ".... “I found I was crying, just crying, just a girl crying, and the carer asked softly, where’s your sister now? Not so far away, I replied. Not so far.”
- - Me too, now"
July 14, 2017 –
50.0% "... “An electoral campaign based on hating the foreigner, the poor, the unknown, every lie of course destroyed by experts ... but Matheus Pereyra did not print the views of the experts, but rather… printed the screaming. Always, the world screaming, loudly, screaming”
Prescient, isn’t it? ... published in May 2016"
July 14, 2017 –
56.0% "... laptop tracker still active?"
July 15, 2017 –
71.0% "... Claire North has a little dial she gently turns, higher and higher as she writes. We see the dial is labelled EXTRAORDINARY..."
July 16, 2017 –
98.0% "... Claire is a philosopher, a teacher, a young miracle of wisdom. To become her protagonists is to discover hidden parts of who you are, who you might be. Again and again, she astonishes me."
July 16, 2017 –
99.0% "...again, I am in tears."
July 16, 2017 –
100.0% "...
And at the end, I wept. Why? It’s not easy to say....
Is it because there is no hope, or because there is? Is it Hope’s fate that makes us weep? Or is it our fate? Is it because we are alone in ways that can never be expressed? I know that it is primal, this need, this quest.
As I grew old, I found thi
Life is too short, and sometimes brutal, and in the end we have only each other. Nothing else matters."
July 16, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Lata You're right about quotes from this book; there were so many paragraphs and swaths of text I loved in this book.

William I love how Claire starts with a clever idea, unusual, and we end up asking who we are and why. She has such good heart that we feel safe in her hands on the journey.

William NY Times review:
"...a well-paced, brilliant and balanced whole."


Tony Fitzpatrick William wrote: "I love how Claire starts with a clever idea, unusual, and we end up asking who we are and why. She has such good heart that we feel safe in her hands on the journey." Claire's ideas are so powerful that you find yourself suddenly looking at your fellow humans with new ideas. You think "I wonder, could his insight be because he has lived before", or "I don't recall seeing you before, but I have this nagging sense of deja vu". You, of course, reject all this, but the believability of her concepts is truly powerful.

William Totally

Nuna Dhankar Ronnholm Beautiful review. I'm reviewing my use of the word perfect after reading the book.

William Nika wrote: "Beautiful review. I'm reviewing my use of the word perfect after reading the book."

Thank you 🙏

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