Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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bookshelves: science-fiction-new

Short story collection about the dawn of a Terminator style machine rebellion.

Would have been so much better as a real novel
I don´t get why this hasn´t been fused to a full, real novel, it had so much potential, but short stories are exhausting to read, before it has really begun, it´s already over and one has to begin again and again with new settings and characters which can be annoying and, worse, feel like work.

Much of the authors´ lifeblood
Wilson apparently invested much, it´s well written, there are many ideas circulating around robotics and AI used in sci-fi and technothrillers, some are even fresh, new, and original ones, but that doesn´t help if the novel doesn´t feel like one piece, as part of maybe even a series. Just partly linked together stories about the different stages and possibilities of problems with intelligent machines are something for the readers who are really into this stuff, others might not find it that extraordinary.

But the author knows about what he is writing, his fascination is manifested on the pages, and he should consider rewriting the ideas as part of a series, no matter if just character focused or even something bigger with worldbuilding, different good and evil human and robot fractions and maybe even a timeline of an AI robot world or even intergalactic war with humans. As far as I know and have read, such a scenery, without aliens or just human fraction genociding another, instead of using AI and robots of different technological levels in timelines over centuries and millennia, wasn´t made a series before and Wilson would have the potential, because he can write and is a marvelous geek and tech nerd.

It´s definitively something for sci-fi and especially robotic prone readers, everyone else ought consider, if she/he is so interested in AI, that the partly technical and dry descriptions of actions without much human emotional content won´t bother her/him.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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March 7, 2018 – Shelved

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message 1: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Such an eerie looking book cover--I like it though. Happy Reading, Mario!

Mario the lone bookwolf Michelle wrote: "Such an eerie looking book cover--I like it though. Happy Reading, Mario!"

Happy reading for you too!
I´m more scared of the people controlling the armies of these things than the killbots themselves.

message 3: by Pat (new)

Pat Fantastic review Mario! I’m not a fan of robots so I won’t be reading this. Having said that though I am keen to read the Murder bot series. Ah well, I’m allowed to be contrary!

Mario the lone bookwolf Pat wrote: "Fantastic review Mario! I’m not a fan of robots so I won’t be reading this. Having said that though I am keen to read the Murder bot series. Ah well, I’m allowed to be contrary!"

As long as the story goes in a direction one could like, even uninteresting story elements can become suspenseful.

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