Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Permutation City

Permutation City by Greg Egan
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Ultra hardcore extreme sci-fi for the true futurism lunatics or the ones who dare to become one.

Hard sci fi overkill
If you´re searching for a real challenge, try Egan, he will blow your mind and make you despair confronted with the complexity of his work. These are the same few topics sci fi tends to throw at its readers, a bit varying depending on the subgenre, the optimistic or pessimistic tone, utopic or dystopic setting, how much tech and real science is included, if there is a social factor, are some of the main differences, but this is different.

Humanities included
Because it gives the philosophical implications a place next to the immense technical detail and knowledge the author throws at one while consuming this amazing work like a good, but very strong single malt whiskey that should just be enjoyed if one can handle the strength and taste. That´s why most readers will never find happiness with this one, because that´s hard science fiction multiplied with deep thoughts, as if some genre authors such as Stephenson and Reynolds weren´t already difficult enough to enter for readers used to less complex and confusing plot interferences, which will possibly let Egan stay a kind of indie underdog special tip, except for masochistic readers of course.

Would a downgrade have made sense?
I´ve had the thought what would have happened if some of my favorite, not well known authors wouldn´t have written in their unique style, but tried to sell their souls by removing the too heavy, anti mainstream elements, instead stayed with some rest of their original intents, but focused on the mainstream market instead. Or would have written different editions, the close to unreadable one for the geeks and nerds and a softened, normal reader edition who aren´t so bonkers with their special eccentric interests.

Don´t be too intimidated
To be clear, there is no kind of snobbery involved here, I just don´t want to get people involved in genres they very possibly won´t be able to enjoy because they are too specific and special and, worst case, afterward say that I was the troll you posted the book and positively talked about it, no no.

Digs deeper than most authors
I am really into nonfiction, wiki walks, and hard sci fi, but his 2 or 3, not sure anymore, novels I´ve read really felt like satisfying work, one gets so much out of it, asks oneself as a sci-fi addict why one didn´t have the different points of view on such a well known topic before, is just left in awe and ecstasy after having spent some time with this outstanding works.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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March 8, 2018 – Shelved

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