Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥'s Reviews > Queen of Shadows

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites

”When you shatter the chains of this world and forge the next, remember that art is as vital as food to a kingdom. Without it, a kingdom is nothing, and will be forgotten by time.”

If you read any of my updates I’m sure you’ll already know how I feel about this book. To say it was better than its predecessors would probably be the understatement of the century so all I’ll say is that Sarah once again surpassed herself. <3

There were so many new characters that got introduced during the book and I’m not lying when I say that I loved them all. XD I think one of the most amazing things about Sarah’s books is that she has so many awesome and strong heroines! They do what they want to do, they are brave, they dare to dream, they dare to hope and they always make their way! It’s just so amazing to read! =)))

Of course not everything in “Queen of Shadows” is sunshine though and boy did it hit me with the feels sometimes! There were actually moments I was so frustrated that I felt like tearing the book apart (Don’t worry I did no such thing, I love my books too much to harm them. *lol*) and there were some chapters that killed me over and over again. I guess by now you all know which chapters I’m talking about. ;-)

Well anyway, let’s not talk about the epic fights or the hopeful ending. WHAT a hopeful ending? YES!!! Jeez, I think this must be the first time I’m not destroyed after one of Sarah’s books. I’m actually h- … hopeful! I’m not licking my wounds or trying to deal with my emotions so knowing Sarah I have absolutely no doubt that she’s going to destroy me with “Empire of Storms”.

Ladies and Gentleman, this is the quiet before the storm and I’m so not ready for it! XD Which is probably the main reason I’m writing this review. I’m trying to stall for time. *lol* #SorryNotSorry

The characters:

Spoiler warning! My character section is so full of spoilers you won’t even have to read the book anymore. ;-P So if you still want to read this series and want to experience it all by yourself you better stop reading now! Don’t say I didn’t warn you! XD


”How can I take away somebody who means the world to someone else? Even if she’s my enemy.”

Boy, did I have mixed feelings about Aelin in this book! On the one hand I really loved her and could understand her decisions, but on the other hand all I wanted to do was to yell at her! *lol* I mean she sometimes really didn’t make it easy to like her in this book, knowing about her past and everything she’s been through I could see through her façade though. I mean it’s obvious she struggled with her new role as Queen and because of her insecurities and fears she sometimes made mistakes that got her into trouble. A crown is a heavy weight; I don’t blame her for not being perfect. Hell, I’m pretty sure I would have made plenty of mistakes as well. XD

”But now that she was here … everything was an effort not to say she was sorry. Sorry not for what she’d done to his face, but for the fact that her heart was healed – still fractured in spots, but healed – and he … he was not in it. Not as he’d once been.”


”Magic has saved your life a few times now, if I recall correctly.”
“Yes,” he breathed, “you and Dorian both – and I’m grateful, I am. But where are the checks against your kind? Iron? Not much of a deterrent, is it? Once magic is free, who is to stop the monsters from coming out again? Who is to stop you?”

And here is my second problem child! Chaol! Jeez, he said quite some nasty stuff! I mean I know where he’s coming from and I understand that he worries for his people and kingdom; I’m not okay with what he said about magic though. Before you go all like: “Oh don’t you dare to say anything against my baby!” now *raises eyebrow and looks at Gem and J.* I’ll tell you that despite all this I actually still love him. *lol* He did the best he could do and he’s just human. Of course he is afraid of magic and what it might do to his kingdom. I mean in spite of being the former captain of the king’s guard he’s still young. I’m sure he can’t even remember the world with magic and it’s no surprise he’s afraid of it. If he proved anything over those last 4 books then it is that he’s able to learn and to change though. So yes, I have faith in him and I’m sure as long as he follows his heart, he’ll always do the right thing. Plus: WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HURT HIM LIKE THAT, SARAH?! I think Chaol suffered enough over those last few books and now this too?! Not fair. T_T


”He deserved this darkness, and once the invisible boundary shattered and the waiting thing pounced, infiltrating and filling him … he’d have earned it.”

MY PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL!!! *sobs* Gosh, how much did I suffer with him, how much did I weep for his shattered and broken soul. The pain he went through, the torture he had to endure. T_T Every chapter was another stab into my heart and by the end of the book I almost lost hope that he’d be free again. I thought he was going to die, that nothing would be left of him, but then, then he broke his chains and OMG did I cry when he finally escaped!!! Still, he’s so broken and lonely and I’m not sure how he’s going to deal with everything that happened to him. I’m so worried about Dorian and I really hope he’ll be able to find happiness! #TeamDorian forever and for always!!! <333

”There were tears running down Aelin’s face as Dorian gripped the black stone encircling his throat. And bellowing his grief, his rage, his pain, he snapped the collar from his neck.”

”The sun would still rise and fall, the seasons would still change, heedless of whether he was free or enslaved, prince or king, heedless of who was alive and who was gone. The world would keep moving on. It didn’t seem right, somehow.”


”I’m not in the habit of forcing my servants.”
“Only slaughtering men like pigs, correct?”
“Their deaths equate to their behavior in life,” Manon replied with a kind of calm that made Elide wonder whether she should start running.

Ahh Manon! My sexy relentless, fierce and ruthless witch! I love her! She’s one of those characters I can’t help but adore! I know she isn’t really a heroine, but she certainly is no villain either. In fact she’s such a complex character that I just can’t get enough of her! I FREAKIN LOVE THIS WITCH! And I’m so damn glad she finally decided to do what SHE thinks is right! YESH!!! Screw that old hag of a matron and do your thing Manon! Because you’re amazing and you could be so much more than just the monster others see in you! It’s time to disobey orders and to kick asses! Show them your iron fangs, baby! XD #GuessImTeamManonNowToo

Asterin let out another joyless laugh. “You would not have disobeyed even if it had been Blackbeaks down there, would you? Loyalty, obedience, brutality – that is what you are.”

”Do you believe monsters are born, or made?”


”You will make mistakes. You will make decisions, and sometimes you will regret those choices. Sometimes there won’t be a right choice, just the best of several bad options. I don’t need to tell you that you can do this – you know you can. I wouldn’t have sworn the oath to you if I didn’t think you could.”

I like Rowan but despite him becoming the main love interest for Aelin I still don’t love him as much as I love Dorian or Aedion. Hmm.. I dunno what it is but I think I’m kind of unhappy with his development. I mean in “Heir of Fire” he was this kickass, broody and fierce warrior that took no shit and now he’s almost become a purring kitty in Aelin’s arms. I mean I do get that he loves Aelin and would do everything for her, but I think his love for her made him less interesting somehow? Idk. It’s like he lost some part of himself now that he fell in love with his Queen and I really hope we’ll see the fierce warrior in “Empire of Storms” again. Please?


”Whatever you had to do to survive, whatever you did from spite or rage or selfishness … I don’t give a damn. You’re here – and you’re perfect. You always were, and you always will be.”

AEDION IS MY CUPCAKE! Seriously I think he’s one of the cutest guys ever and he definitely deserves the world! I love how fiercely loyal he is and that he always tries to see the good in people. He never wavered and he always did the right thing, even if it hurt him and was at his own expense. Like for instance accepting that Aelin let Rowan take the oath and didn’t even mention it! Gosh darn it! Aedion deserved better than that! I’ll personally pull Aelin’s long fae ears if she ever hurts him like that again!! Also is Aedion bi? I mean he commented on Rowan being handsome so I think that actually might be a possibility! Just one more reason to love him! <333


“No. And what kills me is that I can’t remember what my real face was. That was the danger of shifting – that you would forget your real form, because it’s the memory of it that guides the shifting. I remember being plain as a dormouse, but … I don’t remember if my eyes were blue or gray or green; I can’t remember the shape of my nose or my chin. And it was a child’s body, too. I don’t know what I would look like now, as a woman.”

I’m in love with Lysandra too! *lol* Yes, I can’t help it! She’s such an awesome woman as well and she’s a hell of a fighter! Gosh did I love her comments! That girl brought so much life into Aelin’s court and I lived for her remarks. She always tried to appear nonchalant and bitchy but deep down within her there’s a heart of gold and by the end of the book even Aelin was able to see it. To think they were enemies and rivals once... I’m so glad they finally became friends. Plus: How cool is it that Lysandra is a shape shifter?!! I mean OMG!!! I didn’t expect that and I was so surprised when I found out. XD

”The soldiers in the sewer were screaming as she tore into them – a death for every day in hell, a death for the childhood taken from her and from Evangeline. She was fury, she was wrath, she was vengeance.”

Elide & Nesryn:

”You told me Dorian would fix the world, make it better. Buf if he’s gone, if we made the mistake today in keeping him alive, then I will find another way to attain that future. And another one after that, if I have to. I will keep getting back up, no matter how many times those butchers shove me down.” - Nesryn

Those two were both strong women in their own way, but I feel like we didn’t get to see all too much of them. I just wish there would have been more scenes with Elide & Nesryn. I mean they both intrigued me and their characters sounded very interesting, in the end I don’t feel like I really got to know them though. *sigh* Well, there are so many characters in Sarah’s books, it’s no wonder some of them fall by the wayside. Let’s hope there will be more of them in Eos! ;-)


”Sam had been tortured in ways she hadn’t even known until she read Wesley’s letter. The worst of it had been requested by Arobynn. Requested, as punishment for Sam’s loving her – punishment for tampering with Arobynn’s belongings.”

That manipulative jerk eventually got what he deserved! But damn I wish it wouldn’t have happened the way it did in the end. To die in his sleep was a death too merciful for him. For all the horrible and atrocious things Arobynn did he should have at least been awake and aware of the fact that he died. I understand why Lysandra could only kill him in his sleep though. *sigh* My poor brave girl!

The friendships & ships:

Aelin & Chaol:

For a heartbeat, she pitied him, and part of her wished she could say it more kindly, more compassionately. “There’s no getting Dorian out. There’s no saving him.”
“Like hell there isn’t.”

THOSE TWO! Gosh, they constantly seemed to be at each other’s throat and they frustrated me immensely! I hated that Aelin thought she couldn’t save Dorian and loved Chaol for never giving up on him, yet at the same time I disliked Chaol for calling Aelin a monster! I swear their anger and the way they treated each other had me all like: No, NO, NO! You’re supposed to help each other!! You’re supposed to save Dorian! Pull yourself together and work it out! GODDAMMIT!!! Thankfully by the end of the book both of them finally realized that they need each other and they eventually made amends. Jeez! It was about time! *sighs deeply* Urgh they were so stressful.

”We do not look back, Chaol. It helps no one and nothing to look back. We can only go on.”
There she was, that queen looking out at him, a hint of the ruler she was becoming. And it knocked the breath out of him, because it made him feel so strangely young – when she now seemed so old.

Rowan & Aelin:

”I could still probably braid this,” she mused. “Very teensy-tiny braids, so – “ He growled, but leaned back against the tub, his eyes closed. “You’re no better than a house cat,” she said, massaging his head. He let out a low noise in his throat that might very well have been a purr.

Haha! I loved it when Rowan lost all common sense at seeing Aelin in a flimsy nightgown! *LOL* Such a mighty fae warrior and then he sees her like that and isn’t even capable to utter a single word. XD Fun times. ;-P Still, I really like their connection and that they are so close to each other, I kind of dislike the notion of Rowan disappearing as an individual though. I just hope that he’ll give her hell in “EoS” again. *lol* Because I lived for their easy banter and the fact that they always gave each other a run for their money! XD It would be boring if Rowan would end up as nothing more than the man at Aelin’s side.

”I spent centuries wandering the world, from empires to kingdoms to wastelands, never settling, never stopping – not for one moment. I was always looking toward the horizon, always wondering what waited across the next ocean, over the next mountain. But I think … I think that whole time, all those centuries, I was just looking for you.”

Manon & Dorian:

He cocked his head. “I’ve never been with a witch.”
Let her rip out his throat for that. End it.
A row of iron fangs snapped down over her teeth as her smile grew. “I’ve been with plenty of men. You’re all the same. Taste the same.” She looked him over as if he were her next meal.
“I dare you,” he managed to say.
Her eyes narrowed, the gold like living embers. He’d never seen anyone so beautiful. This witch had been crafted from the darkness between the stars.

I SHIP THEM SO HARD I CAN’T EVEN!!!! ADKFADSFASDJFKSDFJA! I love it that Manon was the only one who got that Dorian is still alive and I love that she was so drawn to him! And boy those two short conversations they had! THEY GAVE ME LIFE!!! I WANT MORE OF THEM!! Just more!! I want my fierce, ruthless witch and my precious cinnamon roll to be together!!! PLEASEEEEE!!!! *dies out of sheer excitement*

”And through the darkness of his memories, through the pain and despair and terror he’d tried to forget, a name echoed in his head.”

Manon & Asterin:

”That wildness, that untamed fierceness … They weren’t born of a free heart, but of one that had known despair so complete that living brightly, living violently, was the only way to outrun it.”

Asterin’s story broke my heart and I want her to be happy again!!! I hated it so much that they both were at odds with each other and that Asterin had to suffer so much even though she only wanted to help Manon. She loves her. It’s more than just obvious! As it seems Manon had to come a long way until she realized what truly matters, but I think now that she did, she’s finally ready to oppose her matron! I really can’t wait to see THAT fight! XD

”Things are changing,” Manon said.
“Good,” Asterin said. “We’re immortals. Things should change, and often, or they’ll get boring.”
Manon lifted her brows, and her Second grinnend. Manon shook her head and grinned back.

Lysandra & Aedion:

A strange, ever-changing female scent hit him, and Aedion found Lysandra leaning against the hallway door. Tears gleamed in her eyes even as she smiled.
She gazed at the closed bedroom door, as if she could still see the prince and queen inside. “That,” she said, more to herself than to him. “That is what I am going to find one day.”
“A gorgeous Fae warrior?” Aedion said, shifting a bit.
Lysandra chuckled, wiping away her tears, and gave him a knowing look before walking away.

Another ship I want to sail! I think Aedion and Lysandra would make such a great couple! *lol* Besides I’m sure Lysandra might actually be the only one who would be able to keep up with Aedion. Haha! I mean they tease each other so nicely and Aedion is even slightly unsettled when she’s turning into a ghost leopard which means he has a lot of respect for her and this is always important in a relationship! =) Let’s see if Aedion will be Lysandra’s gorgeous Fae warrior in ‘”Eos”! ;-P

Aelin & Dorian:

”It is going to take a while. And it might never be right again. Buy you …” She gripped his hand, as if he hadn’t used those hands to hurt and maim, to stab her. “You will learn to face it, and to endure it. What happened, Dorian, was not your fault.”

I still love their strong friendship, despite Aelin being willing to kill him of course. XD But I guess after meeting those Valg Princes at Wendlyn she was allowed to doubt his survival. Still, they both can change the world together and they are both so strong! I have faith in them and I’m sure if they help each other and stick together they can really shatter the chains of their world and make it right! =)

Dorian & Chaol:

”I didn’t realize I looked that bad,” Dorian said, his voice raw.
He knew then – that the demon inside the prince was gone. Chaol wept.
Dorian surged from the chair and dropped to his knees beside the bed. He grabbed Chaol’s hand, squeezing it as he pressed his brow against his. “You were dead,” the prince said, his voice breaking. “I thought you were dead.”

Those two had me in tears at the end. T_T I was so happy they both found each other again!!! Their friendship went through so much in those last four books and now they are finally together! I love them and I admit it, I even kinda ship them. XD I mean hello, Chaol told Dorian that he loves him! XD Can’t blame me for shipping them, can you?! ;-P Besides, it’s obvious they love each other. At least as friends they do. XD

All told I really loved “Queen of Shadows” and I can’t wait to get to book five! I’m sure Sarah will have a lot in store for us and I’m kinda scared to start it. As long as my precious Gem continues this journey with me I shall be fine though! ;-P Thanks for reading this series with me! XD We just have to read two more books!!! Two more books Gem and we’ll be ready to read “Kingdom of Ash”. =)
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Quotes Virginia Ronan Liked

Sarah J. Maas
“She smiled at last. And damn if it didn't kill him, the quiet joy in her face.
They had walked out of darkness and pain and despair together. They were still walking out of it. So that smile... It struck him stupid every time he saw it and realized it was for him.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Reading Progress

June 8, 2018 – Started Reading
June 8, 2018 – Shelved
June 10, 2018 –
page 25
3.86% "SARAH!!! Why do you have to hurt me so much?! Damn, the first chapter already broke my heart! How am I supposed to survive the entire book?! T_T"
June 12, 2018 –
page 37
5.71% "Oh Aedion my sassy boy. >_<"
June 13, 2018 –
page 85
13.12% "Note to Aelin and Chaol: Stop your personal drama and focus on the things that matter!! Like for instance my two precious boys!!!! Gosh, damn it!!! DO SOMETHING!!!! 😢😭"
June 14, 2018 –
page 109
16.82% ""I should have done this years ago. I don't know why I wasted so much time waiting to see whether you'd have any power. Foolish of me."

I. HATE. THE. KING!!! Can someone please kill him already? Any volunteers? No? *sighs deeply*"
June 15, 2018 –
page 131
20.22% "Aelin studied Nesryn a bit too thoughtfully. "How good is your accuracy, Faliq?"
"I don't miss," Nesryn said.
Aelin's teeth gleamed. "My kind of woman."

I like those two. Haha! They make for interesting conversations. XD"
June 16, 2018 –
page 149
22.99% ""When you shatter the chains of this world and forge the next, remember that art is as vital as food to a kingdom. Without it, a kingdom is nothing, and will be forgotten by time."

Well said! 😍 I really hope this will work! *crosses fingers*"
June 17, 2018 –
page 176
27.16% "I think I like all the new female characters that are introduced in this book. Lysandra, Elide and Nesryn all seem to be very interesting personalities. =)"
June 18, 2018 –
page 200
30.86% ""And here we go." She looked at the ceiling and sighed loudly. "A minute of pleasant conversation, and then the territorial Fae bullshit comes raging out."
"I waited an extra thirty seconds."
Her mouth quirked to the side. "I honestly thought you'd last ten."

Oh, can I have more of this banter? Please? *making huge puppy eyes*"
June 19, 2018 –
page 233
35.96% ""I'm not in the habit of forcing my servants."
"Only slaughtering men like pigs, correct?"
"Their deaths equate to their behavior in life," Manon replied with a kind of calm that made Elide wonder whether she should start running.

MANON IS MY QUEEN!!! <333 Gosh I love that cold-blooded witch so much! *lol*"
June 20, 2018 –
page 263
40.59% "Her cousin looked Rowan over with an appreciative eye and said. "You never bothered to tell me how handsome your faerie prince is, Aelin."

Just one more reason to love Aedion!!! <333 Plus, I loved that scene with the nightgown!!! *LOL*"
June 21, 2018 –
page 289
44.6% ""Please don't eat me," she'd whispered.
He'd huffed, as if to say, You wouldn't be much of a mouthful.

I love Abraxos and the storyline with Elide, Manon and the witches is very intriguing. =))"
June 22, 2018 –
page 307
47.38% ""I would go back to the Keep and have the music in my mind for days, even as I trained or killed or slept. It was a kind of madness, loving that music. It was why I started playing the pianoforte - so I could come home at night and make my poor attempt at replicating it."

I love her love for music! Some pieces are just so beautiful that you can't help but have to cry. It's good to know Aelin feels the same way. <3"
June 23, 2018 –
page 328
50.62% "Lysandra is so intriguing! Love her more and more! <3"
June 24, 2018 –
page 351
54.17% "ARGH can Manon please listen to Asterin?! I hate it that they are at odds with each other. >_< I really hope this isn't going to end up bad..."
June 25, 2018 –
page 375
57.87% "Dorian!!! T_T"
June 26, 2018 –
page 395
60.96% ""You let them do this."

Damn, I can't watch this anymore. I just can't. This book is making me feel so helpless. ARGH!!! Loved the last Aelin chapters though, she's such a cunning woman! XD"
June 27, 2018 –
page 422
65.12% "Well, those Valg Princes sure know how to crash a party! Damn that was intense. O_o"
June 28, 2018 –
page 443
68.36% ""And he learned to like it."

June 29, 2018 –
page 457
70.52% "Oh boy... I think the shit is about to hit the fan. Jeez! The next three chapters are going to be intense. *bites nails*"
June 30, 2018 –
page 485
74.85% "He cocked his head. "I've never been with a witch."

Oh sweet heaven! My jaw just hit the ground!! OMG!!! OH HELL!!! I SHIP IT SO HARD I CAN'T EVEN!!!! <333 YAS!!! YAS!!! YASSSSS!!!!"
July 1, 2018 –
page 505
77.93% "She faced the king. "You should send your son to Morath. It'd be his sort of place."

Ohh someone is very intrigued!!! <333 And Asterin! My poor brave baby!! T_T"
July 3, 2018 –
page 542
83.64% "So many things happend in those last few chapters.
I love Manon!!!
I adore Lysandra!
I admire Aelin!
I want all my precious boys to be safe!!! (Yes, Chaol included!!)

Oh jeez! This is going to be the start of the grande finale, right?! >_<"
July 5, 2018 –
page 570
87.96% "OMG!!!
Chaol!!! T_T
Lysandra! O_o
Holy moly!!! This has become so suspenseful I'm having difficulties to breathe!"
July 7, 2018 –
page 597
92.13% ""You're already dead men."

Those last few chapters made me so happy, I can't even!!! <333
July 13, 2018 – Finished Reading
July 20, 2018 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

message 1: by Rusty (new)

Rusty Grey Lol . I'll keep my fingers crossed for you . XD

J.J. You're going to fly right through these rest of the books because they're so hard to put down. Plus the next two books, 5 and 6/

Janvi You'll finish it! They all are entrallingally mesmerized!! You'll see, ;))

message 4: by Mel (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mel Anie Favorite boy? Dorian or Chaol? Happy reading!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Rusty wrote: "Lol . I'll keep my fingers crossed for you . XD"

Thank you, Rusty! 😊 I hope it will work!

Ruby Chan Ooo excited for you to read this! My favourite in the series.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ J.J. wrote: "You're going to fly right through these rest of the books because they're so hard to put down. Plus the next two books, 5 and 6/"

Can't wait to read on! I really want to know what will happen next. *lol*

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Vanessa Violet wrote: "You'll finish it! They all are entrallingally mesmerized!! You'll see, ;))"

I hope so! Gem and I are sooo slow with our buddy reads. *lol*

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Mel wrote: "Favorite boy? Dorian or Chaol? Happy reading!"

#TeamDorian!!! 😜
Thank you! XD

Kayla Hult Best book everrrrr

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Ruby wrote: "Ooo excited for you to read this! My favourite in the series."

That sounds really promising! =) I just need to know what will happen next! XD

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Kayla wrote: "Best book everrrrr"

Can't wait to read it! ;-)

Gem (The Creepy Geek) Eeeeeep!!! So excited and terrified!!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Gemma ♕ BunksMcCoy wrote: "Eeeeeep!!! So excited and terrified!!"

Me too!!!! I'm soo afraid of what will happen in this book! *bites lip nervously* XD

Gem (The Creepy Geek) Virginia Ronan wrote: "Gemma ♕ BunksMcCoy wrote: "Eeeeeep!!! So excited and terrified!!"

Me too!!!! I'm soo afraid of what will happen in this book! *bites lip nervously* XD"

Me toooooo!!! Omg I am super nervous but I've heard it's soooo good!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ @Gem
I heard that too so I'm hoping for the best! *lol*

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Craig wrote: "Oooooh still going strong hey :) Have fun Virginia.... ;)"

Yeah! We're going to finish this series! *lol* Gem and I are determined. Haha! ;-)

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Craig wrote: "Virginia Ronan wrote: "Craig wrote: "Oooooh still going strong hey :) Have fun Virginia.... ;)"

Yeah! We're going to finish this series! *lol* Gem and I are determined. Haha! ;-)"

Good luck to yo..."

Thank you! 😄
Maybe it will be a birthday present. XD Aww don't be sad about your age. Just be happy for all the years you had and all the years that are still ahead of you. ;-)

Kelly Have fun with it, Ginny. This one is one of my favourites in the series. I'm really excited already to read your review of all the characters. :D

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Craig wrote: "Hmm...maybe ;) Haha i like your veiled attempt to say i am an old git :D"

*LMAO* I never said that! Haha! Would make me an old hag too! ;-P

message 21: by Grace (new) - added it

Grace aww im only on crown of midnight

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Kelly wrote: "Have fun with it, Ginny. This one is one of my favourites in the series. I'm really excited already to read your review of all the characters. :D"

Aww thank you Kelly! I'm soo ready to read this. *lol*

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Craig wrote: "Haha noooo, you are far from being an old hag ;)"

And you're far from being an old git! ;-P

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Grace wrote: "aww im only on crown of midnight"

I'm sure you'll catch up! And boy,there's so much ahead of you! I hope you'll love those books! XD

message 25: by Jeanette (new) - added it

Jeanette I love this series! The only thing I don't rush into the next book because I'm scared to find out what happens next since I fall in love with the previous book. It's so frustrating!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Jeanette wrote: "I love this series! The only thing I don't rush into the next book because I'm scared to find out what happens next since I fall in love with the previous book. It's so frustrating!"

I feel you! I love this series too but I'm always worried what's going to come next! XD I think it helps that I'm reading the series with my buddy. *lol* That way we both can sob and laugh with each other and it makes it more bearable. =)

message 27: by Jeanette (new) - added it

Jeanette Right now I'm scared to read the second book of A Court of Thorns and Roses. I loved the first book so much I'm scared to read more. LOL! I don't have any book friends. Everyone looks at me weird when I cry or laugh while reading. #booknerdprobs

message 28: by J.J. (new) - rated it 4 stars

J.J. V hurry up and get to my favorite book in the series book 5 Empire of Storms. It's Epic! lol

Jeanette book 3 A Court of Wings and Ruin is the best book in the series. It's Epic! lol so you have to keep reading. ;-)

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Jeanette wrote: "Right now I'm scared to read the second book of A Court of Thorns and Roses. I loved the first book so much I'm scared to read more. LOL! I don't have any book friends. Everyone looks at me weird w..."

Ohh you definitely have to read on! A Court of Mist and Fury is my favourite book of the trilogy!!! I'm sure you'll love it! And I feel you. In real life I don't really have all too many book friends too. That's why I'm always so glad I found goodreads. XD

message 30: by Jeanette (new) - added it

Jeanette Oh definitely reading every one of the series! I love GoodReads it's like Facebook for book lovers. (:

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ J.J. wrote: "V hurry up and get to my favorite book in the series book 5 Empire of Storms. It's Epic! lol

Jeanette book 3 A Court of Wings and Ruin is the best book in the series. It's Epic! lol so you have to..."

I'm trying my best J.J! ;-P Don't worry, sooner or later I'll come to book 5! *lol*

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Jeanette wrote: "Oh definitely reading every one of the series! I love GoodReads it's like Facebook for book lovers. (:"

YAY! That's awesome! Same! Goodreads is my facebook. ;-)

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

I’m reading this one right now too!!!!! I think it’s my favorite in the series so far!! I’m trying to get all of the books read in time for Kingdom of Ash!!!

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Kyley✨ wrote: "I’m reading this one right now too!!!!! I think it’s my favorite in the series so far!! I’m trying to get all of the books read in time for Kingdom of Ash!!!"

Mine too! They get better and better! =) And yes, I'm working on that too. It comes out in October so we better hurry. *lol*

Vanessa (The Wolf & Her Books) Yeahhh EoS put me in a cathartic state. I read Part 1 one month and Part 2 another month. I regret it. I thought nothing was going to happen. And then.. BAM.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ V.J. wrote: "Yeahhh EoS put me in a cathartic state. I read Part 1 one month and Part 2 another month. I regret it. I thought nothing was going to happen. And then.. BAM."

Thanks for the warning! So it really is the quiet before the storm. >_< Oh boy I'm in for a tough ride.

message 37: by J.J. (new) - rated it 4 stars

J.J. What? People saying they didn't really like EOS? Lol too funny. There's more epic battles in this book than all four put together, ok maybe I'm being a bit hyperbolic but there is more battle scenes, soft porn, I mean come on now who doesn't love Lorcan and Elide scenes in this one!? lol. And Manon is great in this one too! Lysandra is omg awesome in this one. Oh and the ending is Great and Tragic and Heartbreaking! Makes you want to read more of the series but it won't continue till after book 6 since it all about two other favorite characters some people loved in previous books.

message 38: by J.J. (new) - rated it 4 stars

J.J. Ah and btw I'm listening to EOS audiobook again for the 3rd time. Audiobooks are so underestimated. Some audiobooks are awesome. To hear out the characters, it's so good.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ J.J. wrote: "What? People saying they didn't really like EOS? Lol too funny. There's more epic battles in this book than all four put together, ok maybe I'm being a bit hyperbolic but there is more battle scene..."

Sounds like I'll have fun reading EoS! *lol* And I believe you about audiobooks! If they manage to get the characters right it's certainly an experience. =)

Tamar Just one question that puzzle me?
You all blame chaol because he’s afraid of magic, but those zombies (sorry can’t remember there names) aren’t they magic to control the people? Why are they kidnapped only ppl with some kind of magic?
Magic can be good but when is bad - it’s evil!
So I say magic to all or none at all.

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Tamar wrote: "Just one question that puzzle me?
You all blame chaol because he’s afraid of magic, but those zombies (sorry can’t remember there names) aren’t they magic to control the people? Why are they kidnap..."

First of all, I don't blame Chaol for being afraid of magic. I actually wrote that I understand him and that his fear is understandable and justified. ;-) I think with zombies you're refering to the Valg? And yes they are only used on magic wielders because they would kill normal people that don't posses magic abilities. At least that's the way I understand it.
The main problem in the first four books was that only the evil guys were able to use their magic, so yeah it was a dark world and now that also good people can use magic it will finally be a fair fight. As to magic to all or none at all. Well, those who have magic finally got it back and those who don't have it? They didn't have it in the first place. It's like in real life. We all have our talents, we're all different, but we're all valuable and important. =)

Ashley Fantastic review Virginia!! I had similar sentiments about the development of Rowan... and Manon is the bomb! I’m so hetero’d out by alpha dominated males in this series that I keep shipping Dorian and Chaol, and now Lysandra and Aelin. Do a girl a solid and get some queer in there!! 😂

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ ✩ Ashley ✩ wrote: "Fantastic review Virginia!! I had similar sentiments about the development of Rowan... and Manon is the bomb! I’m so hetero’d out by alpha dominated males in this series that I keep shipping Dorian..."

Haha! Thanks and same! I'm kinda tired of the alpha males too, Dorian and Chaol would be such a nice ship! XD And Manon and Asterin! Hell I'd ship Aelin and Lysandra too! 😂

Ashley Omg yes to shipping Manon and Asterin!! I’d love a great bi+ rep! Hehehe

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ ✩ Ashley ✩ wrote: "Omg yes to shipping Manon and Asterin!! I’d love a great bi+ rep! Hehehe"

Oh gosh, yes! Me too! There aren't enough of them! XD

Gem (The Creepy Geek) You have an actual review! You are doing so much better than me hahaha! Ahhhhhhhh this review is awesome! Thank you so much for reading this series with me hun! It's been awesome. I will not hurt you for your comments on Chaol 😉 I think they are very fair. T h they both said terrible things to each other which I hope is I'm the past for them now. I think Chaol's words came from a place of fear. He was brought up in a place that told him magic was dangerous, it's got to be hard to drop all of that. It takes time. I AM NOT OK WITH WHAT HAPPENED TO CHAOL!!! SOMEONE HOLD ME 😭😭😭😭

Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥ Gemma ♕ BunksMcCoy wrote: "You have an actual review! You are doing so much better than me hahaha! Ahhhhhhhh this review is awesome! Thank you so much for reading this series with me hun! It's been awesome. I will not hurt y..."

Haha! Yes I have an actual review! It took me a week to write it because I was so busy with real life, but I was persistent and eventually managed to write it down! YAY!!! I'm so glad you like it! =))) And thank you too! For not hurting me for my Chaol comments AND reading the series with me. *lol* I agree, Chaol is afraid of magic and therefore needs to learn that it's not all evil. He's good at learning though. XD AND I'M NOT OKAY WITH WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM TOO!!! *hugs you and gives you chocolate*

message 48: by Elli (new) - rated it 5 stars

Elli I read this the other week! Every Dorian chapter was like my soul was being ripped apart. I feel your pain. I have also decided I would die for Aedion, Elide and Lysandra. Great Review.

Ari ☾ Manon and Dorian are my BIGGEST SHIP IN THE SEA OF SHIPS

Gem (The Creepy Geek) *takes the offered chocolate and eats it through tears*

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