Wendy Darling's Reviews > Eona: The Last Dragoneye

Eona by Alison Goodman
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How often does the sequel outdo its predecessor? Not often at all. EPICALLY good, in a way that kept me up late at night.

Review to come.

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Reading Progress

January 25, 2012 – Shelved
March 15, 2012 – Started Reading
March 16, 2012 –
page 102
16.01% "Favorite quote so far: Men were always quick to believe in the madness of women."
March 17, 2012 –
page 197
30.93% "Your Majesty. *fans self*"
March 18, 2012 –
page 325
51.02% "The ground heaved under the next wave of soldiers, the cobbles ripped out from under them as they ran toward us. The stones arced in the air, then rained down on their heads with sickening thuds. Vida grabbed my arm and turned her head away as one by one the large oil lamps burst across another rank of troops, setting them alight, the wind whipping the flames across the oil-splattered, screaming men."
March 19, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 80 (80 new)

message 1: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Works for me. 100 pages a day is do-able.

Wendy Darling That's all fine with me, too. I'm really looking forward to this, ladies!

Wendy Darling It's fine with me if you two want to do it here. (view spoiler)

message 4: by AH (last edited Mar 16, 2012 01:54PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH No problem - I don't mind if people jump in either, unless they forget to use that spoiler button.

Note to people reading this thread and haven't read the book yet - If you do jump in and you see a spoiler tag, it will be a spoiler for the book. If you haven't read the book, you've been warned!

Wendy Darling Nope, no issues at all for me. :) Readalong to commence later this week, then!

B.C. Hope no one minds if I follow along. Scouts honor, I will not spoil anything *palm up in Vulcan Boy Scout salute*

Wendy Darling Oh, everybody's welcome, including Vulcans and Boy Scouts. ;)

Btw Brandon, you might like the book I just finished, Taming the Forest King. I am pushing it like crack.

B.C. Fortunately, I am very impressionable. So, if Wendy is pushing it…it should be some good stuff very socially acceptable. (sorry, I’m learning how to do all the html stuff. I’ll quit now...except for spoilers ;)

@ Cillian – I’m flattered. I’m always afraid of being that creepy guy *shutters at memory of high school*

I’m pretty excited. This book was solid.

message 9: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Starting when I get home from work this afternoon!

Wendy Darling YES! I will start it tonight before bedtime. So excited, can't wait to powwow about this.

message 11: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I started and realized how much I didn't remember from the last book. Just finished the preface earlier today.

message 12: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I'll probably be going to bed when you all start reading this. Just finished chapter 1. Thankfully, there's a lot of recapping. I had forgotten so much from the last book. Nice vivid descriptions of the dragons - I would love to see them in a movie.

Wendy Darling That's great to hear, AH. I probably could use some recapping too, even though I obviously read Eon much more recently that you and Cillian did!

I love dragon talk, so I can't wait. :) Look forward to the powwow tomorrow!

message 14: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I got up to the beginning of Chapter 6. I'll wait til you catch up before I post stuff.

Nafiza Kyaaaaaah. Okay, this book isn't perfect but it tickled me pink!

Wendy Darling I stopped at Chapter 6 as well, which is around page 102 or 6% on my Kindle. Wow, what an action-packed beginning! I'll come back and add more detailed reactions in the morning.

I don't expect perfection, Nafiza, but I already like where the book is headed. :) Eona seems to be coming into her own quite a bit already.

message 17: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Eona has a lot of confidence now. I have more, but I'll add after I get my morning stuff done (It'll be your morning, Wendy!)

message 18: by B.C. (new) - rated it 5 stars

B.C. AH wrote: "I started and realized how much I didn't remember from the last book. Just finished the preface earlier today."

Her preface was really good. Instead of being a history lesson, it was a letter from a man's POV. This really helped pull me back into the emotions i had in the first book, which allowed the second book to get right into it. Great use of a preface.

message 19: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I agree. I liked that it gave a background without feeling repetitive. Some authors recap their entire book and it gets tedious. This was well done.

Nafiza Yes. It's sorta momentous. Now I feel like reading it again.

Wendy Darling Agreed, it was the perfect way to recap without a long, boring info dump, with just enough information. Like you, AH, it took me a few pages to adjust being back in this world again, but once I got settled, I loved it all over again.

Okay, here goes. I tend to just post random reactions for readalongs, so please bear with my stream-of-consciousness type of reaction.

Chapters 1

My sight split between earth and heaven: around me were rocks and sea and sky, and at the same time, through her great dragon eyes, the beach surged below in timeless rhythms of growth and decay. Silvery pinpoints of Hua--the energy of life--were scurrying, swimming, burrowing across a swirling rainbow landscape. Deep within me, a sweet greeting unfurled--the wordless touch of her dragon spirit against mine--leaving the warm spice of cinnamon on my tongue.

The description of the energy dragons and Eona's vision of that world superimposed on the real world are gorgeous. They are such strong, striking visual images, and the author sets the mood of the present circumstances straight away with the dragons' sorrow. It's a masterful way to connect the reader back with where Eon broke off.

Dela is the character that is most compelling to me. I'm hoping we get more development of her story in this one.

I'm still a little annoyed (view spoiler) I'm mostly still not sure why it was necessary that that happened.

Oh man, the pins and pearls threaded through everyone's throats still make me wince whenever there's a reference to it, hah. Ouchy to do and ouchy to look at.

One of the things I love about this author is she will write in just a single detail, but it says so much about the character and how she is feeling:

With one last look at the heavy clouds, I gathered up the front of my cumbersome skirt and climbed the path behind Dela, snatching a few moments of muted joy as I stretched into each strong, surefooted step.

In that, not only do you get a hint of her mood, but you can also see how she's still adjusting to both her newfound physicality and having to wear women's clothes. Which of course, are perhaps also symbolic of her unease in her new role. So well done.

I also like the joy that is expressed whenever Eona and her Mirror Dragon greet each other. There's such a glad, welcoming note in their connection with each other.

Poor Ryko. :( Goodness, this healing scene is spectacular. What a burden to deal with afterwards, though.

Chapters 2

It's going to be interesting to see what happens with Ido. I somehow missed that in the last book, (view spoiler).

Wow, Vida's kind of a bitch, hah.

This Moon Lady Waters cart scene was intense! There was a lot of tension in it, and you got a clear sense of what the stakes were.

The mourning robes are so interesting. Are they based on an existing custom? Where's our resident expert on Asian history? The way they are described, and the way Haddo treats her with gentleness when he sees them, was very touching to me. There was restraint and solemness, tinged with just a touch of sadness.

Hm, retching on demand, eh?

Chapters 3

The tavern chapter: so well done. Eona is showing a lot more initiative and quick-thinking than she did in the first book, thank goodness.

Chapters 4

What is going on with Kinra?

Ugh, again with Kygo's pearl. The fact that it's as big as a duck egg freaks me out. I kind of wish she would rip it out of him, just so I don't have to imagine a big lumpy thing on his throat anymore.

These fight sequences are awesome. I got all excited at 2 in the morning as I was reading them, hah.

Ah. This moment when (view spoiler) perfectly illustrates the author's writing skill. A bit of history, a recap of where they are, the acknowledgement that what she is about to do is inappropriate, and then she does it anyway.

His head snapped up, a lifetime of learned distance swamped by sudden need--something we had in common.

SO good.

Aw. (view spoiler) The death count is already pretty high.

Chapters 5

Eona's internal dialogue is great. It has matured so much from the previous book. I really liked that moment when she's dressing and it suddenly occurs to her she might be wearing the clothes of a woman she had killed. It's a very natural thought.

Although I really liked the first book, btw, I had a hard time really connecting with Eona in it. Partly because of my frustration with her, and partly because she seemed a little lacking in compassion and judgment. Not having that problem here at all. It's interesting to see how she has matured so quickly, but it's in a believable way. From sheltered girl to fugitive forced to defend her life and the principles she holds dear--that makes you grow up pretty fast.

Okay, I'll stop now. Look forward to hearing your reactions, AH and Cillian!

message 22: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Wendy, this is so weird. I wrote down almost the exact same notes. Chapter 6 talks more about the pearl in throat thing (view spoiler)
I was also curious about the mourning customs - it sounds plausible -
I'm interested in learning more about Kinra.
Vida was bitchy (view spoiler)
Eona and Kygo - (view spoiler)

Wendy Darling We had a mind meld, AH! Or maybe you were sending out brain waves to me since you read it a few hours earlier than I did.

Okay, the pearl thing now sounds even more painful, and I didn't think that was possible. Should we take bets on whether or not it gets...removed at some point?

Oh, I understood why Vida was bitchy, hah. I know we can't really blame her for her anger, and obviously it's very realistic.

I haven't read the series you referenced, AH, but I want to! But I'm afraid I can't tell if the dynamic is similar.

message 24: by B.C. (new) - rated it 5 stars

B.C. What makes this book good is the consequences. Everything that is done has a consequence that matters (view spoiler) This book is interesting because you are never quite sure what she is going to choose or what her decision will result in. That takes some serious skill as a writer.

message 25: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I made a comment on her writing skills while I was reading - she has this ability to write so vividly. The imagery of the dragons and the hua is beautifully done.

message 26: by B.C. (new) - rated it 5 stars

B.C. AH wrote: "I made a comment on her writing skills while I was reading - she has this ability to write so vividly. The imagery of the dragons and the hua is beautifully done."

I think part of it is the incorperation of all the senses. The dragons have a flavor that goes with their visual descriiption which pulls certain emotions along with them. Incorperating more than just the visual sense adds a lot of depth to the description.

message 27: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH The emperor wears a large pearl at the base of his neck. It is sewn into the neck with 12 stitches, 12 breaths after the previous emperor dies. It is attached to his hua. The other pearl thing were the pearls attached to the folios (black and red folio). The folios were a manual for the dragoneye and they attached to the person's arm.

I am floored by the writing. It is awesome. It is incredible. The world building is so extensive - she has an explanation for everything.

Vida has good reason for being nasty. Keep reading.

I've reached Ch12. I'll update when you guys catch up.

message 28: by Wendy Darling (last edited Mar 17, 2012 12:28AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Wendy Darling I like the point you bring up about consequences, Brandon. And it's true, she doesn't just describe how things look, the sight and sound and smell of things are also worked into the narrative. It's beautiful.

You're right, Cill, the fact that things don't always work out the way Eona expects is very interesting. And a believable part of her mastering this new-found power.

I don't remember reading reviews saying people were upset with Eona not embracing her femininity--are you talking about the first book? Because I think the frustration was that it took her so long (view spoiler) You make raise a good question about whether anyone would want to be female in that world, but I know I felt frustrated that it took Eona so long to realize what the reader pretty much figures out halfway through the book, too.

Okay, stop teasing us with what's to come, AH. ;) Will check in with you ladies in the morning when I've read another 100ish pages.

Wendy Darling I am stopping where AH stopped, with great reluctance. There is so much going on!

Krystle I have to reread this book. I love it so much! *squeals* Once you get to the later parts you won't wanna stop. LoL.

message 31: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH There is much significance to the number 12 in this book. Fascinating. 12 dragons, 12 breaths, 12 stitches among other things. I did get up to Chapter 15 last night. I'm going to grab a coffee before I update. Parts were so exciting that I didn't take many notes.

message 32: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH OK - here goes -
I'm wondering about the Emperor's pearl and why Eona is so transfixed upon it. Later on (view spoiler)
Chapter 7
So now we really know why Vida is bitchy.
What do you guys think about the custom of the death plaques? Is this something that is done in Asian culture? I found it interesting that Eona considered letting it go at one point.
Chapter 8
Dillon, Dillon, Dillon. Has anyone commented on the names in these books? There are a whole bunch of 4 letter names that sound Asian, then there is Dillon, Sethon, Tiron, and others that don't sound Asian.
I liked how his life force was described. Cool.
Chapter 9
Great scene with Yuso and Eona - and Yuso tells her a secret...
We finally get to meet the Resistance - Really cool hiding place.
Eona actually realizes that she is their symbol of hope. "The rank of Naiso brought unexpected responsibilities."
The blood amulet - interesting.
Wow - this chapter - (view spoiler).
Chapter 10
Is it me, or does the bond Eona has with the red dragon read sexually?

"All I could feel was the rich, warm presence of the red dragon pressing against me an irresistible invitation to unite. I eased fully into the energy world, transfixed by the red beast that filled the the eastern corner of the chamber. Her power slid around me like a deep caress, drawing me toward the call. My mouth could taste the cinnamon roundings of our shared name. All I had to do was voice its warmth and we would be one."

Aside from beautiful writing, do you see my point?

message 33: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Chapter 10 cont'd
Loved this quote -"I had spent too many years as a boy to know anything of female arts."

Everything in this book has a cause/effect - Kygo wants to know if Eona healed him.

Chapter 11
Another great quote --

"You two are no longer only Dragoneye and emperor, or even Naiso and emperor. You are also a woman and man." Her smile was wry. "A powerful woman, and a powerful man. It is no wonder you do not trust one another."

Dela decodes the red folio - kind of foreshadowing the rest of the book.
Chapter 12The Pleasure Ward.
Mama Momo
OK Chapters 12 - 14 were pretty exciting and I did not put the book down to write notes....That's it for now.

message 34: by Judy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Judy Really great to follow this read-along. I had a lot of problem with this book because I thought that Eona actually compromised a lot of her beliefs instead of defending them. There were also questionable developments regarding her feminity and sexuality, which I wonder if it will bother you guys as much as it bothered me? no question though about the author's writing, I enjoyed her writing style immensely.

Wendy Darling Oh man, my comments from this morning didn't save! Ugh. Okay, I have to run off for now, but I'll repost this evening.

Such a great book, though...and yes, another 100ish pages? Or AH, since we read to Chapter 12 today, maybe you can just tell us where you've stopped for the evening if you get a chance to? I honestly don't mind reading more, this book is so exciting.

message 36: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I've read to the start of Ch15. I'll wait.

message 37: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Cillian, I'm tending to go the other way. I'm liking Ryko. He is an honorable man. Didn't read much last night, I'm in the middle of Chapter 16.

Wendy Darling Okay, as for what I missed yesterday, I'm just going to respond to what was already written before moving on.

Yes, as far as Vida is concerned, I figured that was the reason she was bitchy.

The non-Asian sounding names are a bit of an unusual choice. Do you think she did this deliberately, perhaps to indicate some western influences? I'm thinking of the television show Firefly and how there were some Chinese references on it, because the creators predicted that China would become more of a world power in the future and many more people would speak the language.

I think death plaques are pretty common in a number of cultures, actually, although I have a hard time getting a sense of how big the ones Eona has are, since she's toting them around all the time. I rather with the Kinra influence weren't quite so strong.

The washing scene...phew! I posted it as a status update and someone asked for the quote. I got all heated up again typing it up, hah.

The bond Eona has with her dragon--maybe not sexual, but highly sensual? I like that it seems to be such an immersive experience. I don't know that she's exactly turned on by it, but certainly all her senses are engaged.

Ryko has been a bit of a disappointment to me too, although I understand why he feels the way he does. I wasn't as rabid of a fan as I know Cillian was, though!

Wendy Darling Side notes to Krystle and Judy: I am only restraining myself from reading this whole thing because I have AH and Cillian to think about, hah! It's hard not to keep going, although it's fun to have people to discuss this with, too. I can see why you loved the book so much.

It's early yet for the issues you're bringing up, Judy, I'm going to try to not think about that until I've formed an opinion on what's going on.

"It is like a thousand lightning strikes through my body, all tipped with pleasure.


Chapter 12

The realization that Moon Orchid knows Kygo: awkward! It's interesting to see Eona look upon herself as a woman for the first time, too.

Yikes, this revelation that (view spoiler). It's hard to believe that someone's character could change so much, even with magic. It's going to require quite a lot of proof for me to be convinced.

Chapter 13

I like the silent interplay between Eona and Vida in this harem scene.

I remember the sympathy in the young man's face was he led me towards his royal master, and felt a leap of grim intuition.

Sethon did no limit himself to Blossom Women. "You will not give us up," I said to the eunuch. "Will you."

He met the knowledge in my eyes. "No."


Chapter 14

The author writes such wince-inducing descriptions of ravaged/injured people. When Vida says she can't pull Ido's feet free of his shackles...

The healing scene in the cell = amazing. I love every scene with the dragons so far. And the fights are so athletic and vivid.

Okay, I stopped at Chapter 15, or 53%, 337 ish pages.

message 40: by Judy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Judy @Cillian: Honestly, I agree with you. I think that to be a woman in that world would be difficult, and I can understand why Eona would make decisions based on being raised as a boy and with having to adjust to the fact that her sex is now known to everyone. However, with the inclusion of the romance / sensuality / sexuality, I think it's the expectations of femininity in this society that plays a big role in how she will change the perception of women for probably generations to come. How she behaves will either confirm or completely flip over those perceptions as people wonder what a woman will do with the power that has always been placed in the hands of men? Maybe I'm over thinking it, but that's what was going through my mind when I was reading this book!

message 41: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH I've read quite a bit ahead. I think I'm on Chapter 23. Lots of stuff to discuss, ladies....

Wendy Darling Okay, Chapter 23 is at 85%, Cillian. I can do that tonight, let us know if you can, too. If not, tomorrow morning we'll just discuss to whatever point you stop.

Also, once we're done, could we agree to discuss the book with each other before posting a review and rating?

message 43: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH OK with me, Wendy. It may be hard to stop at Ch23...

Wendy Darling I'm sure it will be hard to stop at that point, hah. Honestly, I could probably finish tonight too, but I don't want to leave poor Cill in the dust if she's busy. We haven't heard from her too much today, so I suspect she's off having, you know, a real life. ;)

Wendy Darling Okay, we'll post comments up until 85% ish then. I'll do what I can to stop myself from continuing to click to the end. :D

message 46: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH Finished the book. Sorry - it was just too good to stop. Will join you ladies this afternoon (my evening for the discussion)

message 47: by B.C. (last edited Mar 19, 2012 06:54AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

B.C. The bond Eona has with her dragon--maybe not sexual, but highly sensual? I like that it seems to be such an immersive experience. I don't know that she's exactly turned on by it, but certainly all her senses are engaged.

Boy, i take a weekend off and you ladies read the whole book!

I know you have passed this topic already, but i wanted to add my two cents. Wendy, i think this is pretty good. I don't think it is sexual in that she get sexual pleasure from it, but it is very sensual. I did not think of it as sexual at all (though i should have because nearly everything in this book is sexually charged). I thought it of it as more like a religious experience. Religious experiences incorperate all aspects of love (romantic, fatherly, friendly, ect). If a groups deity is male, it is not considered homo-erotic for there to be feelings of romantic love within a male believer. Religous love incorperates all aspects of human love, just as the supernatural dragon incorperates all aspects of her humanity (emotions/senses).

message 48: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH That's an interesting take on the dragons. It's not the first time I've seen dragons portrayed like this - sensually. The Smoke Thief also portrayed its dragons as sensual beings.

Wendy Darling I confess I finished the book too, ladies. It is impossible to stop at 85%, because you're so close to the end! Cillian, let us know how far you've gotten when you get to this thread and we'll discuss until that point.

I like how you describe the dragon bonding as a religious experience, Brandon. And I guess I have to bump Smoke Thief up the TBR list...

message 50: by AH (new) - rated it 5 stars

AH We should do a dragon blog hop....There are so many great books with dragons....

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