Reynje's Reviews > Froi of the Exiles

Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta
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it was amazing

(Scroll down if you'd prefer the tl;dr version)

If Finnikin of the Rock was a story about a divided and displaced nation’s journey towards healing their collective psyche, Froi of the Exiles is about a people broken apart by hatred, the wound in their history left to fester, and seep suspicion and fear into the cracks between them. A faceless, malevolent presence in Finnikin of the Rock, this is Charyn’s unveiling as more than simply “the enemy” of Lumatere. It’s an insight into a land burdened by suffering and grief, and the darker side of human nature.

While Finnikin of the Rock covered more ground in one sense of the word, with a quest that lead its characters into the far corners of Skuldenore, Froi of the Exiles is a novel on a vaster scale in several ways. This story is more complex, with an intricate web of a plot, and it unfolds new dimensions to Marchetta’s fantasy world and the resident characters. Froi of the Exiles plumbs depths of the world only hinted at in Finnikin of the Rock: the detail is richer, each small element is vital and serves a larger purpose in the whole. The themes are pushed further, and by extension the characters are more nuanced, forced to develop in often unexpected, yet organic, ways.

Given the serpentine nature of the plot and the level of intrigue present, at times this is a difficult story to keep hold of. It twists sharply, resists being pinned down, turns in surprising directions. Yet it never feels loose or uncontrolled. There was always a sense, as I read, that Marchetta was driving this story exactly where it needed to go, regardless of how difficult a course she charted. The entire story is characterised by a sense of weight and momentum, that it’s being inexorably drawn to some powerful, inevitable conclusion.

This is an extraordinarily strong book, and probably one I’ll have to read again to fully appreciate the intricacies of the plot, but I believe that its greatest power lies (as with Finnikin) in the characterisation and relationships. Marchetta does not go easy on her characters, providing them with convenient justifications for their actions or plot developments that open up handy loopholes. Instead, she forces them to wrestle their inner demons, with all the brutality and desperation that hand to hand combat entails.

Which brings me to Froi. (Froi!) For those who have read Finnikin of the Rock, you’ll be aware of the fact that Froi attempts something abhorrent in the first book. So it speaks to Marchetta’s skill as a writer that she is able to develop this character - his shame, his humanity, his convictions - in such a way that makes him deeply compelling. There are plenty of easy roads Marchetta could have taken in bringing Froi back as a main character, effectively glossing over his backstory. But I think that would have taken away from the thematic power of the novel, and been disingenuous to the character himself. Instead, by exploring the darker side of Froi’s nature, she creates a character so conflicted, and so authentic, it actually makes me ache.

”Although a voice inside had chanted to stop that night, Froi would never know if he would have. And he wanted to know. He wanted to say the words, ‘I would not have gone through with it.’ But he’d never know and that was his punishment.”

That passage punches me in the gut every time, and it’s small moments of crystallised thought such as this that make Froi’s growth throughout the novel, redefining the terms on which he lives his life, so real and heartbreaking.

But it’s not only Froi that Marchetta is unafraid of putting into morally ambiguous and unsympathetic positions, flaws exposed. Almost every character in the novel has to fight for something, has some excruciating internal journey to travel. Lucian, Beatriss, Trevanion, Lirah, Gargarin, amongst others – all carry with them some kind of pain, and have been or must go through something that will alter them irrevocably. While not always (if at all) providing tidy resolutions, there’s something rewarding about accompanying these characters on their journeys. There is a redemptive nature to their growth, and an acknowledgement that people are rarely all good or all evil, and all are capable of both inflicting pain.

And then, Quintana. Oh, Quintana. I’m not sure there is a character I’ve felt so fiercely about recently. She is my spirit animal. Neither clichéd fantasy princess or “kickass heroine” in a physical sense, Quintana is an alloy of contradictions: vulnerability, humour, grief, rage, intelligence, insanity. She’s tenacious and a little bit feral. She’s passionate and cold. And though this is largely Froi’s story, the chemistry of these two characters, the way they crash together on the page, is pretty captivating.

I won’t brush off the fact that this isn’t a light book, in terms of the content. Be warned that there’s all manner of brutality in this story: rape, torture, infanticide – Marchetta takes Froi of the Exiles to some very dark places. Reader thresholds for this type of subject matter will vary, naturally, but I feel it’s worth mentioning that it didn’t read gratuitously to me. The inclusion felt purposeful, important to the story being told.

On the other hand, it would remiss of me not to note that this book worthwhile things to say on the issues of religious tolerance, racism and cultural prejudice. Just as she does not flinch from showing both the repugnant and the admirable in her characters, Marchetta also shows the cruelty humans are capable of, along with their capacity for forgiveness and absolution.

Underpinning this very involved and intense novel, however, is the very human desire to belong somewhere. To have a sense of home, of family, and connection. And that this can sometimes be found in the most unlikely of places.

tl;dr: This book is a beautifully complex, emotional wrecking ball. It’s brilliant.

P.S. Thank goodness I held off from reading this until now. I think a year long wait for Quintana of Charyn might have completely cracked me.

* * * * *
I can't even, people. I just finished and everything hurts.


Readalong with the delightful Emily :)
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Reading Progress

March 8, 2012 – Shelved
September 3, 2012 –
page 86
14.5% "Oh Froi. I'm pretty sure I would appreciate your tight trousers, even if you don't."
September 4, 2012 –
page 121
20.4% "Lucian, I do love you, but right now I'd punch you in the face."
September 4, 2012 –
page 176
29.68% "There's such a strong message/theme (?) about tolerance in these novels. I love it."
September 5, 2012 –
page 270
45.53% "Theories! I haz them!"
September 6, 2012 –
page 336
56.66% "I wish real life would stop interrupting me and just let me read."
September 7, 2012 –
page 400
67.45% "Progress report on Lucian's dickish behaviour: declining. Hurrah! In other news: this book is intense."
Started Reading
September 8, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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message 1: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo yeeeessss.

Reynje Can you believe I haven't read it yet? :/ I'm thinking I should re-read Finnikin first, though..

message 3: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo I actually can't believe you haven't read it yet.


I think Froi is even better than Finnikin.


Reynje I AM RIDICULOUS! *wails*

Imagine doing a marathon read of all three back to back...

message 5: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo ......I might do that before Quintana comes out.

I actually read Froi (which is just over 400 pages) in one day. I don't think I ate.

It was like CW all over again.. o.O

Reynje A day?! Eep, that good, huh? I shall have to clear my calendar when I pick it up. (view spoiler)

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree I loved Froi more than Finnikin. NOW Rey! The time is now!

Reynje Argh! So many books to read!

Wait.. I'm saying that like its a bad thing :)

Aly (Fantasy4eva) It is better that the first. A lot better in my opinion. But it's a chunky one so make sure you have some time when you get to it because you will not be able to put it down! :)

message 10: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo I think we should have a global readalong when Quintana comes out.


Aly (Fantasy4eva) dudde. I'M IN! The cover. arghhh. The cover! Love the crazy hair <3

message 12: by Jo (last edited Mar 08, 2012 04:26AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo I know. She looks so good. I love her eyebrows. She looks so feral and awesome.
It's my desktop picture!

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

I am in! We should all taking selfies lookin fierce. Wait 2 of you are face shy...take a photo of someone else?

Aly (Fantasy4eva) Lmao I'm pretty sure I would scare you away. Cannot make a face to save my life. :D

message 15: by Jessica (last edited Mar 08, 2012 04:55AM) (new)

Jessica Lewenda God, can you believe that I've never even read Finnikin? I am a bad, bad Aussie. :-/

Reynje Yes! Mass global to hell with timezomes readalong!

Trin, perhaps I will wear a fierce mask :)

Jess! You need to rememdy that, soon!

Aly (Fantasy4eva) Trinity wrote: "I am in! We should all taking selfies lookin fierce. Wait 2 of you are face shy...take a photo of someone else?"

dear Trinja

(view spoiler)

Stephanie What are you waiting for? Get on this, lady!

message 19: by Saz (new)

Saz I'm going to be starting finnikin soon and I'm excited, although I've been seeing all these updates from people being like OH GOD! THIS BOOK! IT HURTS! Now I'm scared I get really emotional over books what If I don't survive????

Reynje Haha, well, I'm living proof that you'll survive :) Enjoy!

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Unliking in order to like again!
Beautiful review Rey. *sobs*

message 22: by K. (last edited Sep 12, 2012 05:07AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

K. Amazing review, Reynje, truly. Can you believe I've had this book since March but have been holding it off because I don't want it to be over?

And OMG that passage! Already my heart is does she do that?

message 23: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo Yesyesyesyesyes.

I am picturing you, Quintana and I running through forests howling at things in the near future.

Stephanie Amazing review, Rey. I there was a passage that I thought you pulled from mine for a second, but alas! I have not yet posted it (it's so long, I'm still trying to trim). Your review captured my sentiments exactly, and what I find readers ought to know. Brilliant! Only about two more weeks for Quintana. YAY!

Reynje Thanks ladies! It was a long time coming but oh so worth it :)

K, you really need to read this, I'd love to hear what you think!

@Jo! Yes! Howling frolicks!

Reynje Catie wrote: "Love your review, Reynje. :)

I'm looking forward to all the Quintana reviews!"

Thank you!

(view spoiler)

Maggie (view spoiler)

Reynje Maggie wrote: "[spoilers removed]"

(view spoiler)

message 29: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo (view spoiler)

Also and this is, like, a proper spoiler.

(view spoiler)

Reynje (view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

Actual, real spoiler: (view spoiler)

message 31: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo I blame Maggie for most things.

(view spoiler)

Now, I'm not even kidding... this is a FULL FRONTAL SPOILER: (view spoiler)

Maggie (view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

message 33: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo (view spoiler)

Reynje HAHAHA. Actual dying here :D

Reynje (view spoiler)

message 36: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo Moi? I assure you, butter would not melt.

Stephanie Jo wrote: "[spoilers removed]"

I Can't even with the both of you! "Oi...!"

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Really, Reynje, I honestly don't know why the rest of us even bother. :)

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