Kristin B. Bodreau's Reviews > Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
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really liked it

There were a lot of things about this book that should have bothered me. The character development was stilted or non-existent thanks to the chopped up nature of the narrative. There was a fair amount of hand wavy science. Characters that really should have had more action and involvement didn’t. The motivations of the villain were wishy washy at best.

I enjoyed reading it anyway. The pacing for me moved quickly, the characters were endearing and the interconnected stories and how they progressed were fun to follow. Because things were told in short chapters and then we moved on to another character I never felt bogged down or like things were dragging. There was a decent mix of humor and heartbreak. The author certainly wasn’t afraid to kill people off, but I felt like they all had a purpose.

It was an entertaining read and if I can find the time in my schedule, I’m likely to pick up the next one.
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Reading Progress

October 22, 2019 – Shelved
October 22, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
December 2, 2019 – Started Reading
December 4, 2019 –
59.0% "I love when a small thing suddenly makes sense.

"You're both bright boys. You want to survive. This isn't a hard choice to make.""
December 4, 2019 –
84.0% "The chapter describing the photograph may be my favorite."
December 5, 2019 –
99.0% "RTC"
December 5, 2019 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Hank (new)

Hank Great review, I have been reluctant to pick this one up even though I see others reading it but your review is encouraging.

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