عبدُ الرَّحمن's Reviews > Mornings in Jenin

Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa
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it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read May 30, 2013 to June 16, 2013.

I'm speechless. For non-Palestinians, it's important to read this novel since it summarizes the story of Palestine - the story of great love and great loss-.
For Palestinians, it's good though painful to see our miseries put into words.

May I can write about some points of this outstanding novel ,later.

The lovely signature of my Palestinian sister Susan Abulhawa on my copy of Mornings in Jenin

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Quotes عبدُ الرَّحمن Liked

Susan Abulhawa
“Love cannot reconcile with deception”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“The land and everything on it can be taken away, but no one can take away your knowledge or the degrees you earn”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“We come from the land, give our love and labor to her, and she nurtures us in return. When we die, we return to the land. In a way, she owns us. Palestine owns us and we belong to her”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“إن لحظة واحدة لَيُمكنُها أن تسحق دماغاً وتُغير مجرى الحياة، مسار التاريخ.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“An instant can crush a brain and change the course of life, the course of history.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“لا أحد يتكلم، وكأن الكلام مجرَّد الكلام سيؤكَّد الحقيقة المُرَّة، وكأن الصمت يحمل احتمال أن يكون كل ذلك مجرَّد كابوس.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“لا أحد يمكنه إستملاك شجرة. يمكنها أن تنتمي إليك، كما يمكنك أن تنتمي إليها. نحن نأتي من أمنا الأرض، نمنحها حبّنا وجهدنا،وهي في المقابل تُغذِّينا، وعندما نموت نعود إلى الأرض. بطريقة ما، الأرض تمتلكنا.. فلسطين تمتلكنا،نحن ننتمي إليها!”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“لو لم أكن أعرف الشهامة الدائمة لدى الناس في المخيم، لخَشيتُ أن أكون هناك وحدي بعد حلول الظلام.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“الأنغام الموسيقية الناعمة للغة العربية رقصت في داخلي حالما سمعت أصوات لغة أمي.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“أيا كان شعورك , اكبتيه في داخلك”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“ما أسرع مرور الوقت عندما يكونان معاً ! ما أبطأه عندما يفترقان!.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin
tags: love

Susan Abulhawa
“استغرب كيف تتحول الأشياء الضعيفة، حتى الكلمات إلى أشياء شريرة، من دون رحمة، من أجل بلوغ السلطة على الرغم من المنطق والتاريخ.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“رابطتُنا كانت فلسطين، وكانت لغة قمنا بتفكيكها لنشيَّد وطناً.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“في محنة تاريخ دُفن حياً, سقط العام 1948 في فلسطين من الرزنامة إلى المنفى متوقفاً عن حساب العد السائر للأيام والشهور والسنوات, ليصبح بدلا من ذلك ضبابياً لا نهاية له! الشهور الاثنا عشر لتلك السنة أعادت ترتيب نفسها، والتفَّت كالدوامة بلا هدف في قلب فلسطين!”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“كيف يمكن ألا يستطيع الإنسان أن يسير إلى ملكه الخاص؟ أن يزور قبر زوجته؟ أن يأكل ثمار أربعين جيلاً من كدح أسلافه من دون أن يعاقب بالموت رمياً بالرصاص؟ على نحو ما، لم يكن هذا السؤال الفجّ القاسي قد نفذ سابقاً إلي وعي اللاجئين الذين شوشتهم أبدية الانتظار، معلقين آمالهم على قرارات دولية نظرية”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“Would words shatter the immensity of life and death so close to one another?”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“هل للكلمات أن تُلغي ضخامة الحياة والموت لتُقرَّبهما، الواحد من نقيضِه إلى هذه الدرجة؟”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“They had bombed and burned,killed and maimed,plundered and looted.Now they had come to claim the land.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

سوزان أبو الهوى
“لقد وُلدتِ لاجئة، ولكن أعدكِ بأني سوف أموت إذا كان لابُد لي من ذلك حتى لا تموتي وأنتِ لاجئة.”
سوزان أبو الهوى, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“I watch life trickle from the bullet wound of a sixteen-year-old "example" and marvel how things weak, even words, will turn vicious and merciless to gain power,despite reason or history”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“For if life had taught her anything, it was that healing and peace can begin only with acknowledgment of wrongs committed.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“Israeli occupation exposes us very young to the extremes of our emotions, until we cannot feel except in the extreme.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“We're all born with the greatest treasures we'll ever have in life. One of those treasures is your mind, another is your heart.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“For I'll keep my humanity, though I did not keep my promises.
... and Love shall not be wrested from my veins.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“love is what we are about, my darling," she says. "Not even in death has our love faded, for I live in your veins.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

سوزان أبو الهوى
“في محنة تاريخ دُفن حيّاً، سقط العام 1948 في فلسطين من الرُزنامة إلى المنفى، متوقفّاً عن حساب العدّ السائر للأيام والشهور والسنوات، ليصبح بدلاً من ذلك ضباباً لا نهاية له!”
سوزان أبو الهوى, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“A persistent breeze lifted the thin curtains, fluttering a few moments of tranquility into the turbulent day.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“Do you know, Mother, that Haj Salem was buried alive in his home? Does he tell you stories in heaven now? I wish I had had a chance to meet him. To see his toothless grin and touch his leathery skin. To beg him, as you did in your youth, for a story from our Palestine. He was over one hundred years old, Mother. To have lived so long, only to be crushed to death by a bulldozer. Is this what it means to be Palestinian?”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“I feel sad for him. Sad for the boy bound to the killer. I am sad for the youth betrayed by their leaders for symbols and flags and war and power.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin
tags: war, youth

Susan Abulhawa
“أنتِ, يا عزيزتي .. لستِ زهرة;فالزهرة شيء يزهر يوماُ ويذبل في اليوم التالي.أنتِ النبض في قلبي”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Susan Abulhawa
“Toughness found fertile soil in the hearts of Palestinians, and the grains of resistance embedded themselves in their skin. Endurance evolved as a hallmark of refugee society. But the price they paid was the subduing of tender vulnerability. They learned to celebrate martyrdom. Only martyrdom offered freedom. Only in death were they at last invulnerable to Israel. Martyrdom became the ultimate defiance of Israeli occupation. "Never let them know they hurt you" was their creed”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

Reading Progress

April 1, 2012 – Shelved
May 7, 2013 – Started Reading (Other Paperback Edition)
May 7, 2013 – Shelved (Other Paperback Edition)
May 10, 2013 – Finished Reading (Other Paperback Edition)
May 30, 2013 – Started Reading
June 11, 2013 –
page 136
40.24% ""The future cant't breathe in refugee camp""
June 12, 2013 –
page 170
50.3% ""Our bond was Palestine . It was a language we dismantled to construct a home." To El Ghurba"
June 16, 2013 – Finished Reading

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