Morgan Blackledge's Reviews > The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine

The Big Short by Michael   Lewis
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's review

it was amazing

John Adam’s said:

Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.

If John Adam’s was right.

And I think he was.

Than I think the reverse is also true:

Every opportunity is a problem in disguise.

The people who saw opportunity in the financial Armageddon of 2008, bet against the house, suffered tremendous isolation and ridicule, and ultimately ended up being right and getting rich.

But it was a hollow victory, as millions of innocent people got hopelessly fucked (including me and maybe you too), while the responsible parties got paid billions in American tax dollar bailouts (supplied by you and me).

This is a funny, gripping, tragic and smart book.

A must read.

5/5 ⭐️
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August 28, 2021 – Started Reading
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message 1: by mark (new)

mark Excellent point!

Arya Tabaie I think you mean "hollow" victory

Morgan Blackledge Yes. Good catch 👍

Morgan Blackledge Can you proof read all my reviews 😜

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