Carolyn Walsh 's Reviews > Sea of Tranquility

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel
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it was amazing
Read 2 times. Last read November 25, 2021 to November 27, 2021.

** spoiler alert ** This is a wonderful, perplexing novel of soaring imagination. It draws on speculative physics, metaphysics, and science fiction in an original, thought-provoking manner. What if what we consider our reality is actually a manufactured simulation? The controls carry a glitch (or file corruption) that bleeds or melds together moments from the past, present, and future for an instant over the centuries. The theory is with the advance of holograms and virtual reality; this is a technical possibility far in the future. Perhaps the sounds, smells, the people, and the world we see around us, and what we consider the reality of our lives is only a simulation.

In 1912, Edwin St. Andrew was exiled from his family's estate in England and is now living as a remittance man in the wilderness of British Columbia. He is indolent and spends his time wandering in the forest. He is shocked to hear violin music played in an airship terminal, falls ill, and believes he has suffered hallucinations. He is questioned by a man impersonating a priest.

In 2020, a young girl filming old-growth trees experienced an anomaly, disrupting time and place.

Olive Llewellen lives on Moon Colony 2 in the year 2203. She is on a book tour scheduled to take her through the colonies and Earth to promote her pandemic novel that has become a bestseller. This is the beginning of a deadly pandemic, soon to lead to lengthy lockdowns and death.

In the future, at about 2400, a hotel security guard, Gaspery, is finding his work boring. He has learned that his sister and a boyhood friend are employed in prominent positions at the Time Institute. He manages to get accepted there and is given an assignment after lengthy training. Time travel has already been invented but is mainly outlawed. Problems have arisen from time travellers making mistakes or breaking the rules, altering timelines. The Time Institute works at restoring these changes. Those charged are imprisoned or made to vanish.

Gaspery's assignment is to go back in time to different years and places and interview the man playing the violin and three others who have experienced the anomalies. He must be impartial and resist any urges to better his subjects' futures. Can he overcome his humanity? Can he solve what is causing the glitches or disruptions?

Many thanks to NetGalley, HarperCollins Canada, and Sarah Gregory for this splendid, memorable, mind-boggling book.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading (Audiobook Edition)
November 23, 2021 – Shelved
November 25, 2021 – Started Reading
November 27, 2021 – Finished Reading
January 22, 2024 – Shelved (Audiobook Edition)

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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John Mauro Wow, great review, Carolyn! I love Emily St. John Mandel and can't wait to read this.

Carolyn Walsh Thanks, John. Your comments are deeply appreciated. Hope you enjoy it📚😄!

Martine Great review! This sounds so interesting

Carolyn Walsh Thank you, Martine. It was interesting and challenging. 📚🌺

message 5: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Good review, Carolyn and one I'm glad to see. Mandel does write with imagination, and I'd been wondering recently whether she'd had another book coming. You make it sound satisfying, so I'll add.

Carolyn Walsh Thanks, Ron. Took me awhile to figure where it was heading but came together in a very satisfying manner. 😄📚

message 7: by Beata (new)

Beata Wonderful review, Carolyn! :)) It might take me a little to get into this book but you make it sound truly worth diving into :)

Carolyn Walsh Thank you, Beata! 🥰 At first it was,’what the heck am I reading’. Once I accepted the premise, I enjoyed the writing and presentation. 😷😄

message 9: by L.A. (new) - added it

L.A. I love all the stars! Excellent review😍

Carolyn Walsh Thank you, L.A. What an imaginative book!After the various threads came together, it was a pleasure to read. 🥰

Lisa of Troy Great review, Carolyn! This was my first book by Emily St. John Mandel, and I really enjoyed it.

Carolyn Walsh Thanks, Lisa. It was my favourite of her books. 📚🌻

message 13: by NILTON (new)

NILTON TEIXEIRA Great review! I can’t believe that I missed it.
I have this book scheduled to be read this month of May.

message 14: by Maddy (new)

Maddy Great review Carolyn I was wondering what the story would be like. I will definitely read now.

Carolyn Walsh Thank you, Maddy! Was a difficult, puzzling book at first, but it finally came together for me in a wonderful way. A very different premise. 🥰🌺

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